I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 242 Airborne surprise? Open the can!

In the Dongfeng Corps command room, Chen Chen pointed to the combat map on the whiteboard and gave a briefing to other members.

The situation was very urgent, but no matter how urgent it was, they couldn't rush over blindly. Instead, they had to take some time to sort out their own combat plan.

Otherwise, blindly flying a helicopter to fight is not much different from sending someone to death.

Looking at all the team members who were ready to go, Chen Chen said:

"Currently, the main fighting area between the Jingdong Burmese Army and the 756 Brigade is in the Wangui area, which is where we ambush Chen Shen and his private soldiers last time."

"This is the nearest intersection of Mengyang and Mengla highways. It can be said to be one of the main transportation routes for Jingdong materials."

"The 756th Brigade was originally deployed near Wangong Village. It had two regiments of troops and built a complex and multi-layered defense line."

"However, due to the imminent change of defense, the 756 Brigade had problems in scheduling. The front-line troops were lax in their defense, and the outgoing reconnaissance posts lost their intelligence control over the Burma Army in Kengtung."

"This detail was seized by the Burmese army. They organized a round of covering artillery bombardment on Wangong Village at an extremely fast speed, causing heavy damage to the local 756 Brigade garrison."

"Subsequently, the 756 Brigade organized a retreat to defend, and their first line of defense was broken through by the armored company of the Burmese Army in Kengtung almost instantly."

"Wait, the Burmese army still has an armored company?"

Hearing Chen Chen's words, the helicopter pilot Cheng Lei couldn't help but raise his hand to interrupt. His eyes were full of confusion, because in his concept, although the Burmese army in Jingdong was large in size, its equipment level was not high. It's too high.

There are armored units, and armored companies can also be formed to carry out assaults.

This seems a bit too exaggerated, right?

If this is the case, how can we possibly stop it with the few troops we have?

After all, compared to others, his understanding of the power of the armored combined force is much deeper.

After seeing his expression, Chen Chen was stunned for a moment, and then realized that this brother must have misunderstood.

So, he quickly explained:

"The armored company I'm talking about is not the kind of armored company you understand."

"Well, it should be said that this cannot be called an armored company, but a 'commando team' temporarily formed from a variety of armored units."

"Kengtung is originally an important town of the Burmese army. Judging from the early intelligence reconnaissance results, they have multiple YW-531H armored transport vehicles, 86A wheeled armored vehicles and ZFB-05 light wheeled armored vehicles."

"These armored vehicles were gradually introduced and deployed gradually. The total number is not too many, but there can be more than ten vehicles in total."

"In addition, they also have two PTL-02 wheeled assault guns and two MBT2000 tanks. This is equipment they have pulled out for military parades and reported publicly."

"So overall, the number of 'armored clusters' they can organize is about 15 to 20 vehicles. If placed in Pubei, especially in northern Shan State, this is already quite powerful firepower."

"These armored vehicles were not widely used in the early stages of the confrontation because, to be honest, their protection was very low. Without systematic equipment support, even a light infantry squad could easily kill an expensive vehicle. armored vehicle."

"So, before they decided to start a large-scale war, the Burmese army hid their armored vehicles very deep."

"But it's obvious that now they have let go - I don't know who is directing them behind the scenes, but their actions are indeed very determined."

"Just from the fact that they pressed a large number of armored units for the assault, it shows that they must be determined to make progress on the northern battlefield."

"We must find a way to block their offensive, at least delay it until the support of the 7th Brigade is in place, and wait until both sides complete the defense change and re-build the defense line."

After listening to Chen Chen's explanation, Cheng Lei nodded thoughtfully.

Of course, he was not completely familiar with the performance of the armored units mentioned by Chen Chen, but at least from the names, he could know what they were.

Therefore, after thinking carefully, he suddenly raised an extremely critical question:

"So, all the armored units you mentioned have no air defense capability at all?"

".Indeed not."

"There are no self-propelled anti-aircraft trucks, SK-1 or the like?"


Chen Mo replied silently.

In fact, this is a natural thing. Although Jingdong is a very big city in Pubei, but looking at the whole of Bagan, is it nothing?

Not to mention the real big cities located in "stable areas" like Yangon and Mandalay, even if we talk about Taunggyi, Lashio, and Kyaukme, their scale is not smaller than Kengtung.

It’s good to be assigned more than a dozen armored vehicles because of its status as the “Gateway to the Golden Triangle.” Air defense, whose air defense is it?

The local military does not have an air force, but Thailand and the north do have air forces. But if either of the two parties targets Jingdong, in fact, Lao Burma does not need to think about how to defend it. The best choice is to surrender obediently.

After hearing Chen Chen's answer, Cheng Lei felt incredible. After thinking about it, he felt that it was expected.

After a slight pause, he continued to ask:

"The armored units don't have air defense capabilities, so do they have portable air defense missiles?"

This question was a tricky one, but Chen Chen answered it effortlessly.

Because he knew that in the entire Pubei region, the only person capable of obtaining "missiles" was Chaisili.

Within the Burmese army, although there must be a small number of individual missiles, it is absolutely impossible to deploy them to Kengtung on a large scale.

So he opened his mouth and replied:

"They don't have missiles like Avantgarde or Stinger, but I suspect they may have a small number of Javelin missiles for targeting self-modified armored vehicles of civilian armed forces."

"The Javelin can attack helicopters flying at low speeds and can pose a certain threat to us."

"It's useless. We attack close to the ground and increase our speed. They can't even touch it."

Cheng Lei shook his head and continued to ask:

"What about the anti-aircraft artillery? Have they deployed anti-aircraft artillery near the battlefield?"

"No, according to feedback from the 756th Brigade, there are a small number of anti-aircraft guns in the center of Jingdong City, but they are close to 15 kilometers away from the current combat area and are completely out of range."


Cheng Lei breathed a long sigh of relief and said:

"Then the situation now is very clear - in a word, the opponent has no air defense capability at all."

"I don't think we need to make it that complicated."

"You stay in Mengka, we will fly over and shoot down the rockets."

"Then we'll come back for dinner."

At the same time, Wan Wai was nearby.

The "Armored Assault Company" of the Myanmar Army's Kengtung Border Defense Brigade has crossed the first line of defense organized by the 756 Brigade. Under the cover of six 155-caliber KH-179 heavy artillery in the rear, the 756 Brigade did not put up any effective resistance at all.

It must be said that the reason why cannon is called the god of war must be justified.

Even if advanced weapons continue to develop, and even if missiles and rockets have longer and longer ranges and become more powerful, simple and reliable artillery is still the best choice for quickly establishing local advantages.

Although the "fire net" fired by the six cannons was somewhat sparse, under the earth-shattering momentum, no team without professional training could resist the overwhelming pressure it exerted.

Coupled with the follow-up armored troops, the border brigade's assault on the 756th brigade position can be described as "unstoppable".

The tanks were still advancing slowly. At this time, their armored force had already escaped the cover of the artillery in Jingdong City - of course, it was not really out of the range of the artillery, but out of the range where the Burmese army could operate the artillery.

This is actually not good news, because after losing artillery cover, light armored units will become quite vulnerable. If the opponent possesses a large number of anti-armor weapons, such as rocket launchers, rocket launchers, or light howitzers, the armored company's offensive will It is likely to be blocked, and the speed of the marching assault will also be forced to reduce.

However, the "battlefield commander" who actually controlled the assault deliberately ignored this risk.

This is certainly not because of his stupidity. In fact, on the contrary, it is due to his keenest and most accurate judgment on the battlefield.

Standing on the edge of the battlefield, a man named Connor, the last remaining member of the IMET team from the Shadow Corps and the commander of the IMET team, held up a telescope and carefully observed the battlefield.

It's hard for him not to lament the team's poor equipment level, weak fighting will, and low technical and tactical level, because he has clearly stated many times that he must maintain the formation during the assault, but after gaining an advantage, those damned The Burmese soldier predictably forgot all his orders.

The light armored units rushed in front of the heavy armored units, and the two tanks that were supposed to be used as shields fell to the end. The light armored vehicles carrying uncontrolled rockets blocked the firing of the entire armored company after firing their ammunition. world.

He had no doubt that if one of his enemies had a commander who knew a little bit about the tactics of modern armored forces, they would immediately launch a counterattack in the face of such a huge vulnerability on their own side, using high-speed advancing anti-armor light infantry teams to Replace all of this "armored assault company" at a very small cost.

But how could such a thing happen?

After all, his enemies are just civilian armed forces, and their combat level is limited to "being able to organize infantrymen with guns to charge upwards."

In this case, it is actually unnecessary to think too much about the risks yourself.

There's only one thing you need to do, and that's fast.

Use the fastest speed to break through all the enemy's defense lines, swallow up all their troops deployed on the north side, take over the Mengyang Highway, and then go all the way north along this main transportation road to capture the northern Shan called "Mengka" An important town.

Only in this way can he help the Burmese army truly regain the initiative and make up for the "gap" caused by their defeat at Mengku Camp.

Only in this way can he have the opportunity to keep Jingdong in the hands of the Burmese army and maintain this important stronghold for "power expansion".

This was a forced choice and the fundamental reason why he intervened in this dispute.

Damn it, Banglong was the ideal base in his mind.

But that mercenary group called "Dongfeng" is really a bit too strong.

5 vs. 6, their own side clearly had the advantage, but they were able to delay until support arrived and the moment they completed the harvest with heavy machine guns.

With such quality, even if you look at the whole of Pubei, you can't find another one.


But, so what?

It's all coming to an end.

When the Burmese army captures Monkha, even if the Dongfeng Corps, which has lost all its foundations, can escape, it will quickly wither like a tree without nutrients, while the Shadow Corps can step on their corpses and grow stronger step by step. .

Thinking of this, Connor let out a long sigh of relief.

He picked up the walkie-talkie again and gave orders to all armored units:

"Be careful to expand your formation and don't get too close!"

"Tanks, hurry up and catch up, don't hide behind, you guys are the most important firepower fulcrum!"

"Butank-tank collaboration! Bu-tank collaboration! Idiot! I told you to hide next to the tank! Aren't you afraid of being killed by a heavy machine gun?!"

"Stand back the infantry company! Obtain vision from the side and rear, attack the opponent's infantry, and don't let them engage in suicide attacks!"

"Bazooka! Back off the rocket launcher! Reload and hit the artillery positions behind the enemy!"

"What do you mean you can't see?! Blind shooting! Blind shooting!"

A series of complex and precise instructions undoubtedly demonstrated Connor's commanding strength and his keen intuition on the battlefield.

There is no doubt that he is a really good commander.


This is not just boasting.

In fact, on today's battlefield, this is the common conclusion reached by participants.

The advantage of the Burmese army is not only achieved by armored company assault, but also achieved by artillery-vehicle coordination and infantry-artillery coordination!

Being able to carry out such a surprise attack under the circumstances of low command efficiency and low personnel quality is definitely unique in the entire Pubei.

The two regiment-level combat units of the 756th Brigade are retreating steadily, and they have lost more than 10% of their troops.

But what surprised Connor was that the force hadn't collapsed yet.

Maybe there is something supporting them.

Maybe it's interests, maybe it's faith, maybe it's news of reinforcements?

But that makes no sense anymore.

Reinforcements are destined to be unable to arrive.

Connor was very confident that he would be able to end the entire battle with only 5 more minutes at most.

After defeating the 756th Brigade, the unit that is still in Dabang is the next target.

It's all coming to an end.

A smile appeared on Connor's lips. He wanted to meet the commander of the Dongfeng Corps and say something to him:

"You didn't expect that I would defeat you in this way, right?"


However, I probably won't have this opportunity.

Because that mercenary group was destined to be overwhelmed by heavy firepower.

Looking at the 756th Brigade's collapsed defense line, Connor was keenly aware of the changes on the battlefield.

So, he ordered without hesitation:

"All-out attack, defeat them!"

In an instant, all the troops on our side were in action.

Their speed suddenly increased and they rushed towards the enemy.

Victory is in the blink of an eye - but really in the blink of an eye, an impossible picture suddenly appears in front of Connor's eyes.

Several tongues of flames rushed toward the tank at the front, and then a violent explosion sounded.

The fragile top armor of the tank was penetrated, and in just a few seconds, dazzling sparks sprayed out.

Is this an anti-tank missile?

Connor was stunned.

But what’s even more confusing is yet to come.

Behind that low mountain, a continuous barrage of rockets was still being fired.

Mixed in among them were traces of tracer bullets piercing the sky.

Connor was too familiar with this scene.

Warthog? ?

His body froze in place, but he quickly reacted.

It couldn't be a warthog.

The sound of the propeller.

It's Mi-8.

No, it's Mi-171sh!

Connor's eyes were splitting, his hand holding the walkie-talkie kept shaking, and his tone became hoarse.

"Retreat!! All armored units retreat!!"

"They've got helicopters! They've got fucking helicopter gunships!!"

"Retreat to the cover of anti-aircraft artillery!! Hurry!!"


However, no matter how much he shouted, it was already too late.

A huge, slightly bulky-looking helicopter turned over the mountain pass with great agility, and then passed over the head of the assaulting armored company at an astonishingly low altitude.

Rockets sprayed out densely, and Connor recognized it as a C-5 unique to a certain country.

Small size and low power.

You can hit lightly armored units and attack them all, but it's just too much.

The ground had turned into a sea of ​​fire, and in an instant, more than 6 armored vehicles exploded into charred wrecks.

The helicopter, after turning around with an unflashy emergency stop, flew towards the ground armor company again.

At this time, Connor only had one thought left in his mind.

It's over.

At this moment, he deeply felt the despair of those armed men on the ground who had been dominated by the Apache.

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