I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 243 Beheading? I can do it too

"The first phase of our mission has been completed. Next, what we have to do is continue to observe the movements of the Shadow Corps while waiting for the next move of the 7th Brigade and the 756th Brigade."

"This helicopter raid was very exciting. According to the forward combat report fed back by the 756th Brigade, we destroyed a total of 11 armored vehicles, including one tank."

"This is a major blow to the strength of the Myanmar Army in Kengtung. Now, they have basically lost the ability to penetrate from the inside."

"Our actions were decisive, resolute, and effective. Of course, this would not have been possible without the heroic fighting of the crew members."

In the command room of the villa, Chen Chen looked at the Mi-171 crew members who had just returned, their faces still smelling of smoke, but their expressions were extremely exciting, even happy, with an indescribable complex expression on their faces.

He really wanted to go through the process normally, praise these pilots, and then give them some value or something.

But the problem is, these people's reactions are completely different from what he thought!

There is nothing righteous and awe-inspiring, and there is no "selfless dedication". Some are just the excitement and even satisfaction after letting go and fighting.

what's the situation?

Co-author: You guys are here to have fun, right?

After more than ten years of retirement, have you finally turned to porn?

No wonder Xiaoyu would single out a few of you to co-write what she said is "very similar to me". Is this what she was referring to?

However, in any case, the role played by this helicopter air strike is indeed huge.

In the absence of theater air defense capabilities, the Treetop Killer is devastating to ground units.

According to Cheng Lei's report, under the guidance of the new fire control radar, they destroyed 4 light armored units in just one pass, and after adjusting their direction, they destroyed 4 more units.

The whole process only takes two minutes.

Two minutes later, Myanmar's "armored cluster" collapsed completely. They only focused on escaping and failed to organize an effective counterattack at all.


Of course, those who carry RPGs and 40 in their hands and fight wildly do not count.

On a real battlefield, if you want to use an RPG to destroy a helicopter, you will probably only have the chance to hover, take off, and land.

So you want to hit a helicopter maneuvering at high speed?

That's no different than if you wanted to spit to stick a fly down.

The RPGs flying all over the sky did not pose any threat to the helicopter at all. At best, they served as an atmosphere group and set off a celebration fireworks for the Mi-171sh harvest.

In the final stage of the raid, the helicopters used precise firepower to take down three armored vehicles. Just as Cheng Lei said at the beginning, after they had used up all the rockets and large-caliber machine guns and were unable to cause substantial damage, they Only then set off to return.

After they returned, the 756th Brigade had begun organizing a counterattack and was preparing to retake the forward position.

This was a great victory - an absolutely overwhelming victory achieved through the advantage of equipment in a dangerous and dangerous situation.

Not only helicopters, but in the final pursuit stage, soldiers from the 756th Brigade wearing heavy body armor broke into the battlefield and drove the defeated soldiers of the Burmese army running all over the mountains.

Not to mention body armor, those soldiers didn't even have carrying gear. After losing the cover of the armored vehicles, in front of the heavily armored soldiers, they were really no different from lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

In one round of counterattack, the Burmese army killed more than 200 people and captured more than 300 people.

This number sounds small, but in fact, it has reached one-tenth of the entire Jingdong garrison!

It can only be said that it is fortunate that the Myanmar Army Border Brigade in Jingtong has this big city as a support. Otherwise, after paying such a price of casualties, if it were a field environment, the entire unit would have collapsed.

The results are great and the credit is great.

Therefore, what needs to be said must still be said.

So, after a slight pause for a few seconds, Chen Chen continued:

"Considering the dangers and difficulties faced by the helicopter crew in this operation, we will also slightly increase the weight of the crew members' share when distributing the spoils as an encouragement."

After hearing his words, Cheng Lei immediately raised his hand and said:

"Comrade Commander - Commander, there is no need. Our battle is actually not very dangerous. It is really just like taking a walk."

"Haha, Burma is weaker than we expected. Not to mention organizing theater air defense, they haven't even had basic training in dealing with air strikes."

"I think if we have enough ammunition, this helicopter can even level the entire northern and southern Shan States."

Cheng Lei's words were somewhat exaggerated. After all, the Burmese army does not really have any air defense or air combat capabilities. They still have many helicopters and jet fighters.

However, judging from the strength and resources they have shown in Kengtung and the northern and southern Shan states, Cheng Lei's judgment is indeed not exaggerated.

So, Chen Chen opened his mouth and said:

"When a new piece of equipment that breaks the battlefield pattern appears on the battlefield for the first time, the damage it can cause must be huge."

"Today's helicopters, future stealth fighters, and later small drones will inevitably achieve a wave of major results when they appear on the scene."

"However, our enemies will also learn. After this time, it may be difficult for us to seize the opportunity to use helicopters to carry out air strikes unscrupulously."

"Yes, that's true."

Cheng Lei nodded slowly. At this moment, he found an extremely familiar feeling in Chen Chen.

What does "strategically despise the enemy and tactically attach importance to the enemy" mean?

Isn't this a typical representative?

No wonder the organization - the company would arrange for a group of its own people to come here, and the co-authors are really their own people.

After a slight pause, he continued:

"So, in fact, our results this time were not big enough - at least five enemy armored vehicles escaped, and we lacked ammunition and could not complete the pursuit."

"There is no need for rewards. We will consider how to optimize ammunition management in the future."

"Of course, the shortcomings in this battle were mainly caused by our misjudgment of the enemy. If we had known how bad they were, we could actually have done it."

"Don't talk about this."

Chen Chen waved his hand to interrupt Cheng Lei's speech and said:

"The situation on the battlefield is ever-changing, and it is impossible to pursue perfection. Our operational philosophy is to be cautious and to preserve our effective strength as much as possible. You must also remember this."


Cheng Lei replied immediately and said no more, while Chen Chen continued to make subsequent arrangements after thinking for a while.

"Right now, the situation we face is clear."

"On the two fronts north of Jingdong and east of Mengxiu, the 7th Brigade has reached a stalemate with the Myanmar side respectively. In the short term, the two sides are likely to not erupt in fierce conflicts again."

"At the same time, the two combat regiments of the 756th Brigade have bypassed Jingdong from the west, merged with the defenders originally located on the west, and began to mobilize to the south of Jingdong."

"They will establish a defense line in the Palau area, block all routes in and out of Jingdong, and formally form a siege on Jingdong."

"Next, the most likely battle will break out in the Palau area."

"Currently, the attitude of the 505th Brigade is not clear, but we have reason to believe that they will come forward to join forces with the Myanmar Army in the short term and jointly put pressure on the 756th Brigade with the Jingdong Border Brigade."

"The 756th Brigade is very likely to be trapped in a situation of being attacked from both sides. Without the possibility of receiving support from other brigades in northern and southern Shan States, the risks they face are extremely high."

"Aren't other brigades coming to support? Isn't the 757th Brigade in Southern Shan State near Mong Ban?"

Bai Gou raised his hand to interrupt and raised his own doubts.

Before Chen Chen could answer, Shi Dakai said first:

"It is impossible for any brigade in southern Shan State to come forward to help any party. They will just wait and see."

"It's very simple - they can't know who is going to win, so they can't take the risk."

"To put it bluntly, they will help whoever wins."

"So to get support, you have to win the battle first."

"As for Northern Shan State, let alone that. Except for the 7th Brigade, the other teams are far away. Even if they want to help, they can't get involved."


Bai Gou nodded slowly, paused briefly and then said thoughtfully:

"In terms of total strength, the 756th Brigade plus the 7th Brigade can barely tie with the Jingdong Border Defense Brigade."

"But if the 505th Brigade turns against us, it will be hard to say."

"Zhao Jialiang is said to have close to 4,000 people under his command. Even if there are only two thousand, it will be a huge pressure."

"What did you say before? Just rely on the 756th Brigade to support it?"

"That's right."

Chen Chen nodded without hesitation and replied:

"They can only do it themselves."

"On the Palau defense line, the 756th Brigade will invest about 2,500 people. These 2,500 people will be supported by artillery and have a small number of motorized troops. Theoretically, the combat effectiveness is quite strong."

"As long as they divide their forces first and kill the reinforcements of the 505th Brigade, and then turn around and hold down the Burmese troops leaving the city in Jingdong, they can basically win."

Chen Chen said it in an understatement, but it sounded incredible to others.

There are 2,500 people. You must leave at least 2,000 people for defense, right?

That is to say, two thousand people have to be used to devour two thousand people, and then the remaining team has to turn around to block the attack of two to three thousand people.

The 756th Brigade is not the Dongfeng Corps, how could they do it?

Everyone had a look of suspicion on their faces - except Cheng Lei's group.

Because in their opinion, isn't this the most basic operation?

They don't even know what other people are worried about.

You can't defeat me even if you have 1:1 strength, so what use can you have?

But when they first arrived, they didn't understand the situation and couldn't ask questions casually, so they could only sit there silently, waiting for Chen Chen's explanation.

Chen Chen also saw everyone's concerns, so he stopped trying to be pretentious and said bluntly:

"The 756 Brigade will have a hard time, so we have to help them."

"We need to complete two decapitations."

"The first time was the beheading of the Burmese army's command center in Kengtung."

"Now we all have serious suspicions that this assault organized by the Burmese army in Wanwei was directed by a third party - to put it bluntly, it was the Shadow Corps."

"Then in the future, such commands and assistance will inevitably continue to appear, and we must cut off this momentum."

"In other words, we have to find a way to knock out the Shadow Corps from the air during the confrontation."

Having said this, Chen Chen paused for a moment. After seeing that no one had any objections, he continued:

"The second time was for the beheading of the 505th Brigade."

"We need to kill Zhao Jialiang and cut off his remote command."

"No one has any objection to these two goals, right?"


All the team members answered together, and Chen Chen nodded with satisfaction.

Naturally, the meeting began to enter the stage of specific deployment.

At the same time, in an inconspicuous but extremely sturdy low-rise building in Jingdong City, Connor was sitting on a chair, using alcohol and iodine to treat his bruised forearm.

There is no doubt that he is lucky.

To be able to survive being chased by a "quasi-armed helicopter" is considered a blessing.

But at the same time, he was also extremely unlucky.

Because the battle situation he finally created and the opportunity he finally managed to solve the problem once and for all were crushed by a helicopter.

It seems that he still underestimated his opponent.

It is impossible for the 7th Brigade to have helicopters, let alone the 756th Brigade.

The only one who can get the helicopter is the Dongfeng Corps - the Dongfeng Corps with an unknown but extremely conspicuous background.

Connor didn't think about where the helicopter came from, because he knew that there was no point in tracking down such a thing.

If someone can use it on the battlefield, it means that this piece of equipment must be clean.

In this case, what is the use of arguing and questioning around this kind of thing? It is better to think carefully about how to restrain the helicopter's suppression of one's own side in the future combat effectiveness.

The importance of anti-aircraft firepower has risen to a new level, and one's own anti-aircraft guns must be modified, at least into mobile anti-aircraft vehicles with certain maneuverability.

In addition, tactical choices must be made more carefully. It is no longer possible to attempt a surprise attack because the enemy's support will be faster.

Then we can only play steadily or win by surprise.

Connor's brows furrowed.

There is really too little power at his disposal. Although the Shadow Corps is still a special operations force, it is really impossible to rely on them to reverse the situation.

Because your own enemies are not weak.


Putting this team in the city is not the case, it is a huge waste of resources.

Perhaps, we should try to at least find a way to solve the problem of the 756th Brigade?

According to early intelligence, the command center of the 756 Brigade is still deployed in Mengbin, and Mengbin is only a few dozen kilometers away from Jingdong.

Although the roads out of the city have been blocked, that is only for vehicles and large-scale combat troops.

If a small force infiltrates and sneaks out of the city, it won't be a big problem.

Thinking of this, Connor waved to the waiting adjutant and then said:

"Call everyone here for me. I want to conduct a tactical discussion."

"I want to destroy the command center of the 756th Brigade."

"The main force must cooperate with my actions."

"If this beheading can be successful, our chances of winning will be greatly improved."

There are still two chapters left today, but you can read them tomorrow morning.

The update time was a chaotic last day, and the update will resume at 8 o'clock tomorrow.

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