I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 245 Another general cleaning

6 hours later, Wan Wei.

Chen Chen stood behind three KH179 155mm howitzers and directed He Bangxiong's "artillery" to set up the firing points of the three cannons. He carefully confirmed the data over and over again, trying to ensure that the cannons were fired at the same time. In this case, the three shells to be fired can hit the target first.

He Bangxiong, who was standing aside, watched his movements with curiosity and awe. His current thoughts were no different from those of He Bupa before. It could even be said that they were stronger than He Bupa's previous feelings. .

Because, he completely saw Chen Chen's entire process from arranging gun positions, to confirming targets before gun reconnaissance, to feeding back various data, and back-calculating to arrive at the gun position to shoot Zhu Yuan.

This is simply like a miracle to him - or it cannot be called a miracle, it should be said that it is some kind of supreme "war technology" that is beyond his reach anyway.

He can understand the principles of this technology and better understand the value of this technology, and it is precisely because of this that he understands the preciousness of technology more and more.

Seeing that Chen Chen had adjusted all the artillery, he quickly stepped forward and asked Chen Chen respectfully:

"Sir Chen, are these three cannons set up? Can we guarantee that the first shot will hit?"

Hearing his words, Chen Chen shook his head and replied;

“If it’s set up, it’s set up, but whether it can hit in the starting lineup is another matter.”

"Wind, humidity, air pressure. Every slight change in the data may affect the ballistics. Therefore, without weather reconnaissance, no one can guarantee that the fired cannon can accurately hit the target."

"However, our current shelling distance is not that far, only 17 kilometers. In theory, it is still possible to maintain an accuracy within 5 meters."

"Anyway, what we are pursuing is not a one-hit kill, but more of a deterrent. In this case, this accuracy is barely usable."

He Bangxiong opened his mouth in shock. He actually couldn't understand what Chen Chen meant by "barely available".

At a distance of 17 kilometers, the impact point of the artillery shell is accurately controlled within 5 meters. Then you tell me, is this barely usable?

Sure enough, the gap between people is wider than that between humans and dogs.

The gap between artillery and artillery is even greater than it can be understood.

There is no need to ask further. If there is still a chance after this battle, maybe I can ask this officer for advice.

If you can learn even a little bit, it will be enough for your artillery to dominate this land, right?

Thinking of this, He Bangxiong immediately put away his slightly "out of bounds" curiosity and asked instead:

"Sir Chen, there are a total of 11 targets we want to eliminate this time. Are you sure you don't need us to organize a feint attack to cover the operation?"

"After all, it is quite difficult to kill so many targets at the same time. If the situation changes, it will easily lead to omissions."

Seeing his cautious expression, Chen Chen smiled and shook his head.

Of course he could understand He Bangxiong's thoughts. To put it simply, he misunderstood this "anti-rape" operation as an "annihilation" operation.

He probably really felt that Chen Chenwan was planning to avenge himself, or to carry out "reciprocal revenge" on the Shadow Corps, and since it was revenge, he must ensure killing and wounding.

But in fact, Chen Chen's thoughts were completely different from what he expected.

After thinking for a moment, Chen Chen asked:

"Do you know why the United States dare not attack North Korea?"

He Bangxiong was stunned and replied:

"Aren't you afraid of being beaten by these guys? If I were the commander of the old Americans, I wouldn't dare to fight them either."

"There is no other example in the world of using light infantry to kill or even annihilate heavy firepower and armored groups. That was decades ago."

"If you do it now, won't you die yourself?"

What he said was expected by Chen Chen, but that was not what he really wanted to say.

So, Chen Chen opened his mouth and said:

"This is one reason - it's not about fear of war. Simply put, it's about checks and balances between big powers."

"But that's not what I'm talking about."

"What I want to say is North Korea's own methods."

"The only thing they rely on to restrict the United States is: If you hit me, I will hit South Korea."

"And now, we're thinking the same way."

"The survival of the Shadow Corps in Jingdong must depend on the political and economic soil here. Without these resources, they will die and rot quickly."

"It's impossible for us to uproot them because their roots are so deep that we can't pull them out."

“Then we might as well stop digging – we’ll just dig in the dirt.”

"If the Shadow Corps attacks you, then you should attack his sponsors and partners."

"If it doesn't hurt once, then hit it a few more times until you can't bear it."

"Isn't it obvious that if things go on like this, the results will be obvious?"

"I don't believe those businessmen and politicians can hold on for long. The reason why they cooperated before was simply because of the benefits promised by the Shadow Corps, MPRI, CIA, and the United States."

"Then, as long as the losses we can cause them exceed the benefits they may gain, won't everything be settled naturally?"

He Bangxiong's eyes widened in surprise, but soon he nodded in realization.

"I see."

"It doesn't matter who we beat, and whether we beat them to death or not doesn't matter, but our attitude towards beating them is important."

"Yes, very understanding!"

Chen Chen nodded with satisfaction, then raised his arm and looked at the hands of the watch.

There are still 80 minutes left, and the "anti-rape" operation in Jingdong City is about to begin.

Until this time, those people who were about to face the disaster still knew nothing about their fate.

In Jingdong City.

Bao Qi assembled the last IED and carefully packed it into the suitcase. Then he zipped the suitcase and flipped the simple firing safety to the "open" position.

Then, he handed the IED to Sang Ye, who had been waiting for a long time, and said to him:

"The IED must be deployed as concealed as possible so that no one can see anything unusual."

"For example, if this one uses a suitcase to cover it, then you have to make sure that you don't leave the suitcase until the last moment, otherwise it will arouse suspicion."

"You can just throw this garbage bag bomb at the door of the target."

"Also, you are responsible for detonating the explosion. You must pay attention to the surrounding situation and never hurt innocent people."

“It is certainly true that the people we want to kill are heinous, but if we cause civilian casualties in the process, then this operation will be greatly reduced in terms of significance and deterrence. "

"Remember, what we want to do is not a terrorist attack, but a rape campaign."

"If there is no good chance, we would rather not explode this time!"


Sang Ye nodded decisively and then asked:

"What about you? Have you arranged your own entry and exit routes?"


Yang Shu on the side took over the conversation and replied:

"The goal is relatively simple, and the defense is very lax."

"Both targets have less than four defenders each, and there are no body armors."

"Both Banty and I are responsible for one. We can shoot at close range and then throw smoke grenades to escape."

"Where's the smoke bomb?"

Sang Ye continued to ask.


Bao Qi took out four plastic bottles from his backpack and introduced them:

"Everything that can be added, including potassium nitrate, sugar, coffee powder, paraffin, and black powder for fireworks, is added. Theoretically, the smoke will be produced very quickly, but there is no place to test it, so each person can only throw one more to allow for mistakes."

"Be careful and bring a windproof lighter. Don't fail to make a fire at the critical moment. That would be nonsense."


Yang Shu nodded solemnly, then asked again:

"What about yourself? Is it risky to lead a helicopter attack?"

"Theoretically, it's not high. I'm just responsible for setting off fireworks. The main reason is that the range of the fireworks is relatively short and the evacuation speed is fast enough."

"The real risk lies in the helicopters themselves. There are two anti-aircraft guns in the city that have been converted into mobile ones. It is difficult to avoid them."

"If there is no chance by then, I will just have the helicopter withdraw."

Having said this, Bao Qi paused for a few seconds, and then warned:

"You must keep the issue of evacuation in mind."

"After the operation is completed, all weapons and equipment should be discarded immediately and hidden."

"Jingdong is very big. We can't find the Shadow Corps, and it's also impossible for them to find us."

"Having no weapons and pretending to be a civilian is the safest option."

"Don't worry about the equipment, and don't take chances."

"Just hide and wait for the follow-up response from the 756th Brigade."


Everyone nodded together, and then Bao Qi also raised his hand and looked at his watch.

"70 minutes, let's go."

"Be safe, see you in two hours!"

To the west of Jingdong, in a valley near the hot water pond, Cheng Lei was driving a Mi-171sh hovering above the treetops.

Under the influence of ground effect, it became extremely difficult to control the helicopter, but Cheng Lei relied on his superb skills to steadily control the aircraft at a height of less than five meters from the ground.

The not too high mountain peaks blocked the helicopter's radar signal, and the dense trees also absorbed the noise of the rotating blades.

They were quietly waiting for the opportunity, waiting to use the remaining single-digit C-5 rockets and 12.7mm heavy machine guns on the helicopter to accurately kill the most important and critical target.

Cheng Lei knew that his operation might not be successful this time, and he also knew that his first task was to protect the helicopter, but in his heart, he never gave up the idea of ​​"making a difference with one strike".

Difficulties are certainly difficult, but not that difficult.

Flying at a low altitude along the valley, they rushed to the vicinity of Jingdong City, then fired a round of rocket launchers according to the instructions of the fireworks, then bypassed the firing range of the opponent's anti-aircraft guns, and returned to Palau from the south.

The key to the entire mission is not actually the driving skills or weapons and equipment, but the time difference.

And it just so happened that, judging from past battle examples, the team he followed was extremely good at seizing time differences.

It will work.

Cheng Lei took a deep breath, and after seeing the time clearly, he made an "OK" gesture to the co-pilot.

Then, without any pause, he gently pulled the joystick, and the helicopter raised its head at an extremely gentle angle and pounced along the valley toward Jingdong City in the distance.

The battle started when everyone was caught off guard, and all the raids happened almost at the same time.

In the south of Jingdong City, the Myanmar Border Defense Brigade camp near the suburbs was hit by six consecutive 155mm artillery shells. Even though they had dispersed the camp extremely carefully, these six rounds were fired with an accuracy that was even less than two meters. The shells still killed more than four senior officers.

Smoke and air waves swept through the entire camp, and everyone was running away in a hurry. The situation was exactly the same as the original Menku camp.

Immediately afterwards, explosions occurred one after another at the entrances of two trading houses in Jingdong City.

The blasting power of the home-made IED mixed with broken steel fragments was not great, but due to the extremely close distance of the bomb deployment, after the explosion, all three bosses who had just finished a certain "collaboration meeting" and had just rushed back to the trading company were Was put down to the ground.

The fragments passed through their bodies, bringing out puffs of blood. Before they could even groan, they fainted due to the instinctive protection mechanism triggered by the severe pain.

They may not necessarily die, but they will definitely no longer be able to live "satisfactorily".

At the same time, after the explosion, two local administrative officials subconsciously began to flee towards their safe house, but what they did not expect was that just when they were far away from the crowd and away from the attacker who might emerge from the crowd, Two figures holding MP5-K and MICRO UZI suddenly blocked their evacuation route.

After a round of shooting, the two men immediately abandoned their guns, drew out their pistols, and fired again at the security guards who had fallen to the ground.

Only after confirming that everyone was no longer moving did they coldly and decisively pour all their last bullets on the target's head.

There are no unnecessary movements and no chance for the target to survive.

After doing all this, the two gunmen threw smoke bombs and then disappeared completely in the smoke.

In the direction they left, colorful pink fireworks exploded one after another in the slightly gloomy sky. Following the direction of the fireworks, a helicopter flew almost close to the roof of the building and fired several rockets. The bullets rained down on the inconspicuous building window pointed out by the fireworks.

The people who were evacuating inside were blown to pieces. He had just put on his body armor. He had no idea that what was attacking him was not a heavily armed special forces force, but a fire-breathing helicopter.

The helicopter finished its ammunition, then completed the turn at an astonishingly sharp angle, almost effortlessly seizing the blind spots of several anti-aircraft guns, and circling around the anti-aircraft guns that were urgently turning their muzzles. .

When the muzzle finally pointed in the direction of the helicopter, it had already flown out of the city and turned into a small black dot.

As the hum of the propeller faded away, Jingdong City fell into silence once again.

And in this silence, a full 10 targets have been eliminated.

The only target that failed to complete the attack was because the roadside bomb was taken away as garbage.

There is no doubt that this goal is lucky.

But, he is also unfortunate.

Because in the future, he, like everyone connected with the Shadow Corps, will fall into never-ending and boundless fear.

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