The Shadow Corps collapsed.

In fact, from beginning to end, there was no direct conflict between the Dongfeng Corps and the main force of the Shadow Corps in Jingdong, but the Shadow Corps still collapsed.

Because, after the Dongfeng Corps' decisive and terrifying "anti-rape" operation, the entire Jingdong immediately fell into an atmosphere of panic.

Those who side with the Burmese Army and have no contact with the Shadow Corps from the beginning to the end are okay, because the Northern and Southern Shan State Coalition Army has given an obvious signal that it will not pursue such personnel who are only involved in issues of stance.

However, if anyone had contact with the Shadow Corps in the early stage, they would really be out of luck for eight lifetimes.

They didn't know if they would be targeted, because the coalition did not give a clear implementation standard at all.


Of course, this is actually a little trick of Chen Chen.

When selecting the eleven targets for rape in the early stage, he did not strictly base his judgment on the "closeness" of his connection with the Shadow Corps. Instead, he selected those with high, medium and low contacts and based on the size of the crime. A mix of high school and low.

Some of the officers killed by KH-179 did not have strong connections with the Shadow Corps. Their deaths were recorded on the head of the 756th Brigade as a normal "loss" in a state of war.

At the same time, one of the three trading house owners who had relatively close ties with the Shadow Corps had a relatively minor crime. He just got a little blood on his hands in the process of competing for customers - in Pubei, this It's really not a big deal.

However, these two types of representative people died, which plunged the "relevant personnel" in Jingdong City into panic.

They couldn't figure out the rules at all, so they could only guess.

But how can the guessed result be accurate? One person said it was like this, and everyone thought it made sense. They just felt relieved and thought it had nothing to do with them. But soon, another person came out and said it was like that.

The heart that had just been let go was hanging again, one after another, and finally fell into a vicious circle, and even evolved into a large-scale mental illness and mass hysteria like "Baidu Medical Treatment".

According to the information sent back by Bao Qi and the others, the entire "upper class" in Jingdong was in complete chaos. The topic they discussed most now was not where to make money, but how to survive from the coalition forces.

The second most discussed topic is

Can you find the people from the Shadow Corps and let them take responsibility for their own crimes?

For a time, all the undercurrents of Jingdong's underground and above-ground order surged. Under the weight of the "war", the already extremely unstable social structure became more turbulent and fragile. Two days after the Dongfeng Corps' "mass beheading" operation ended, The bloody conflicts within Jingdong became more and more intensive, even forcing the Jingdong defenders to increase martial law management again and again.

Originally, even if an attack occurred, the military only required martial law after 6 p.m. After this attack, the activity time was directly compressed to only four hours from 11 noon to 3 p.m.

The border brigade directly cooperates with the police battalion to patrol the streets, and anyone who does not comply with martial law rules will be shot without mercy.

This is no joke, in fact, the police camp really killed a lot of people.

The iron-blooded wrists quickly brought order within the city, but it was already too late.

The tougher they are, the more they appear to pay more attention to the coalition.

And obviously, the more you pay attention to it, the smaller your side's chances of winning will be.

The capitulation faction began to appear in Kengtung City. Some "business people" were looking for connections everywhere, and they united to send messages to express their willingness to "need peace talks." Some people knew that there was no point in pushing the Burmese side, so they simply secretly asked for the phone number. Bangxiong, come this way.

They were even willing to give up half of their family property in the hope that He Bangxiong could take them out. However, He Bangxiong also answered this request with one sentence:

"The Shadow Corps is immortal and the coalition is unwilling to accept any negotiations."

Of course, this skill was also taught by Chen Chen.

In He Bangxiong's view, since some people are willing to defect, wouldn't it be best to take them over quickly, strengthen one's own strength, and weaken the enemy's strength?

But in fact, what he saw was only the first layer.

The most important layer is that if these people stay in Jingdong, they will mess up Jingdong and infect everyone else like a virus.

Because in their hearts, a "ideological stamp" has been laid.

That is, the coalition does not want us, but because of the existence of the Shadow Corps and the existence of the forces behind the Shadow Corps, they do not dare to want us.

What is this called?

This is called transfer of contradiction.

The conflict between the Burmese army and the coalition forces suddenly turned into a "brotherly feud". Fighting can be fought, but fighting and talking are even more important. We have fought so many times and talked so many times before, but in the end it didn't all end peacefully. Has it been resolved?

When have we ever fought such a big war, and when have we left no room for it to this extent?

Who is behind it?

Without a doubt, the Shadow Corps.

In this way, a consensus was established. Therefore, due to the deliberate spread of the coalition forces, the reputation of the Shadow Corps dropped to the lowest point, even to the point where the military, which had a close relationship with them, could not suppress it and was forced to deal with it coldly.

The IMET project, which had not officially started yet but was only on a trial basis, was terminated. The combat command rights - or the staff rights - were taken back. Even the already empty building of the Shadow Corps was symbolically sealed. once.

The situation can be said to be very good, and in this very good situation, Chen Chen released his last trump card.

He used the coalition forces to disclose certain "edited truths" and exposed the crimes of the Shadow Corps in corrupting Burmese military officers and interfering in Pubei's political situation in the name of a "mercenary group."

In particular, the "Banglong Conflict" that had attracted much attention before was also said to be the Shadow Corps' interference in the Kokang issue and blatant support for Bai Socheng's coup army to seize power, which ultimately led to the revenge of the Allied Forces.


That's right, Peng Deren personally came out to stand.

He was worried that he had nowhere to throw the blame. After all, in the eyes of many people, Bai Suocheng was one of their own. Although the internal fight between the Allied forces and him was won, it was not so glorious.

And now, just after dozing off, the pillow is placed under my head. There is really nothing more comfortable than this.

As soon as this explosive news was made public, the Shadow Corps was in a dead end.

They probably wanted to be chess players, but in the end they became bargaining chips in everyone's mind.

Everyone is weighing how much force they need to use to kill this corps so that they can at least not lose money in the subsequent peace negotiations.

The result of this measurement is

If everyone wants to kill the Shadow Corps, everyone in Jingdong will not lose.

At this point, the first wave of real "rebellion" finally appeared.

The manifestation is that for the first time, the Dongfeng Corps obtained exact information about the Shadow Corps' hiding place.

Mengka, in the command room of the Dongfeng Corps villa, Chen Chen posted a thick stack of photos on the whiteboard and introduced:

"The intelligence we got this time is quite detailed, including not only photos and maps, but also monitoring reports on the opponent's movement patterns and speculation on possible evacuation routes."

"It can be said that the work we did in the early stage was quite effective."

"No matter what the current attitude of Myanmar officials towards the Shadow Corps, at least for now, they have lost the support of the people."

"This shows that most of the time, the public is short-sighted, or should be called 'pragmatic'."

"They can't see very far, but they know very well what they can do to die and what they can do to survive."

"As I said before, Jingdong is too far from the United States and too close to Mengka."

"The series of plans that the Shadow Corps tried to implement relying on Jingdong undoubtedly failed, and they failed miserably."

"They are likely to be quickly abandoned by Myanmar in the coming period."

"However, giving up does not mean hostility - the Burmese army will not assist us in dealing with the Shadow Corps. The limit they can do is to 'hands off'."

"So it's actually pretty clear what we need to do."

"We need to find them, capture them, and kill them all before they leave Pubei."

"Now, we already have a 'mass base'. Although it is negative, it is better than nothing."

"The difficulty of finding them is already very low. What's left is how to fight them."

Hearing Chen Chen's words, all the members of the core group involuntarily showed a smile on their faces.


Of course, it's not because of the current predicament of the Shadow Corps, but in Chen Chen's description, the term "negative mass base" is really a bit funny.

People do mass work to get money, food, and territory. What about you?

Good guy, come up and kill a group of people first, and then tell others that if you don't cooperate, we will kill you all together. Isn't this "negative for the mass base"?

That is to say, in Pubei, if it had been anywhere else, Gao Luo would have been criticized as a negative example by some peace-loving organizations without borders.

However, despite saying that, everyone had to admit that Chen Chen's set of boxing combinations was really useful.

The problem that originally seemed to them to be almost unsolvable has now been dealt with in such a "simple" situation. No matter from which angle you look at it, you have to accept it.

What's the matter, the torrent of people's war can only be based on common beliefs and mutual comrades?

Not necessarily, even if we have a common enemy!

Otherwise, how can we call it "uniting all forces that can be united"?

Good guy, in the final analysis, the group leader still plays the same trick as the one in the north.

Shi Dakai looked at the photos on the whiteboard thoughtfully, and he had some new insights into "how to run a business strategy."

But of course, now we still have to focus on the issue at hand.

So, he carefully read the photos and information, then raised his hand and said:

"Judging from the current intelligence, the hiding spots of the Shadow Corps are very scattered. There are only two or even one person in one spot."

"The intelligence mentioned a total of 20 people, but they were actually divided into 15 points. This is a huge difficulty for us."

"We cannot launch attacks on so many targets at the same time, and once we alert the enemy, the opponent may move into deeper concealment."

"As a result, our front will be stretched quite long, which does not meet our usual standards of short, flat and fast."

"So I'm thinking, do we have to find a way to get them together?"

"At least, we must drive most of them together. Only in this way can our actions be basically feasible."

"not good."

As soon as Shi Dakai finished speaking, Cheng Lei, who was sitting beside him, raised his hand to refute.

"Hurting them together is indeed conducive to annihilation in one go, but we have to think about a problem. When they are dispersed, everything can be attributed to accidents. But if they are concentrated, the Burmese army will not be able to explain to MPRI and the United States. ”

"So I think if the other party is moving towards concentration, it must mean that they have reached an agreement with Myanmar and obtained their asylum."

"This situation is more troublesome than if they were scattered."

"We can still fight when they are scattered, but if they are concentrated and they retreat into the barracks, what can we do?"

".This is indeed a problem."

Shi Dakai nodded in conviction and was unable to put forward any more opinions for a while.

He couldn't help but have a thought flashing through his mind:

Are all people from the north like this?

You are just a helicopter pilot, but you understand such subtle tactics and the macro situation so clearly?

Or is this your basic requirement?

There was confusion and admiration in his eyes, but what he didn't know was that the reason why Cheng Lei was able to talk about things and see the key to the problem was actually "discussed" in tactical seminars again and again.

This thing usually seems useless, but once the lower-level officers and combatants learn to think in this way.

The combined effect is quite astonishing.

The reason why Chen Chen wants to encourage players to participate in tactical discussions is actually for this purpose.

After Shi Dakai fell silent, Bai Gou followed closely and put forward his own opinion.

This time, he mentioned a very critical issue.

It's so important that no one else would have thought of it.

He said:

"The Shadow Corps cannot continue to remain dispersed and concealed."

"The pressure faced by the Burmese army is too great. Believe me, they will definitely send the Shadow Corps away."

"Moreover, they will definitely send the Shadow Corps away in the shortest possible time through 'pressure'."

"Because they cannot bear the consequences of the Shadow Corps continuing to stay in Jingdong - I don't mean the tactical or strategic consequences, but the political consequences."

It was a revelation, it could even be said to be a wake-up call.

At this moment, everyone realized a key issue:

Everyone thinks the Burmese army is too powerful.

This is the border defense brigade of the Burmese army, a border defense brigade abandoned in Kengtung and standing on the front line!

They are not the kind of warriors who guard the frontier in the traditional sense, they are real cannon fodder!

What strategic and tactical ideas can such a unit have?

Victory on the battlefield, or stability, is more important than victory on the battlefield!

Therefore, the situation described by Bai Gou is the most likely situation.

In the final analysis, it is Chen Chen, Cheng Lei and his group whose understanding of the Burmese army cannot reach the level of "localization"

Chen Chen glanced at Bai Gou approvingly and said in praise:

"very good!"

"What you said is the key, very key!"

"Then our plan of action is clear."

"Keep an eye on them, and as soon as they reunite, kill them in one wave!"

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