The first serious interview of the Dongfeng Corps ended successfully. Chen Chen was very satisfied, but also a little regretful.

Satisfied, the people Lao Zhu found were pretty good.

Unfortunately, he didn't find the person he wanted, which was a military doctor.

In the villa command room, Chen Chen took everyone's resumes and began to discuss the choices of these newcomers.

"So all in all, these two brothers are definitely going to stay. Their overall personalities are very stable and their obedience is relatively high. At the same time, their business capabilities are relatively strong, especially their good physical fitness, which is very noteworthy."

"The more energetic they are, the more capable they are of doing great things. They are not young, they are all 26 years old. They can still maintain this physical strength, which shows that their natural talents are good."

Hearing Chen Chen's words, Cheng Lei nodded convincingly and replied:

"I think it's okay. They didn't make any fatal mistakes."

"But this one called Chaipa, I suggest we eliminate it."

"It's not because of his identity, it's because he has too many bad habits in his technique. Aiming depends entirely on feeling, and he even shoots at an angle."

"It's completely impossible to cultivate him. It's a pity that his upper limit is right here. He's such a good seedling."

Chen Chen hummed but did not answer.

He was actually struggling, because as Cheng Lei said, Chaipa was really a good prospect who was delayed by Pubei's backward military education and training.

His gun sense is astonishingly good, even catching up with his current self.

However, his basic movements are also shockingly poor, and are completely wild.

Chen Chen knew that some pheasant military novels and the King of Soldiers TV series always liked to describe Ye Luzi defeating the regular army. He admitted that there would be such cases in reality, but the advantages of this kind of Ye Luzi were only in the "entry stage" .

A very simple example is what Cheng Lei said about "tilting the gun body". Many talented players will find it more comfortable and more accurate to shoot at an angle, but this is really a fatal flaw.

When shooting at a long distance, even if your gun is tilted just a little, the impact point of the final bullet will be thousands of miles away.

When Chen Chen first started practicing gun training, he had to endure many rounds from the squad leader's armed belt because of this problem, and it was not easy for him to adjust.

As for this guess, it has indeed been finalized and there is no way to change it.

"How about being a commando? I think it's still usable, right?"

Bai Gou interrupted while Cheng Lei continued to shake his head and said:

"No, this is just a typical problem, but actually, he has more problems."

"For example, when shooting from behind a bunker, you subconsciously poke your head to observe before raising the gun, for example, you are cautious while crawling forward, for example, you do not trust your teammates during combat cooperation and always turn around to observe."

"I admit that this can all be practiced and corrected."

"But if there are better choices, why do you want him? In addition to him, we have 8 people, which is enough for the first expansion of recruitment, right?"

It is indeed enough.

This time, even Shi Dakai nodded.

"Don't let this person go. We didn't have a choice before, but now we have a choice. It's definitely no problem to choose."

Hearing his words, Bai Gou couldn't help but sigh.

He cherishes talent and has actually seen how the soldiers of the Lion Corps fought and practiced, so he felt that it was a pity to guess handicap.

But at the same time, he also knew that the situation of the Dongfeng Corps had changed, and it was really difficult to keep this person.

"Then don't do it."

The opinions were finally unified. Except for Chaipa, other candidates were discussed one by one and finally all were approved.

Chen Chen informed Lao Zhu of the result, and the latter was naturally beaming.

This period of time has not been in vain. The goal of 30 people has been achieved, isn't it just half of it?

Rounding it off equals completion.

So, he immediately applied to Chen Chen to join the team - he really couldn't wait to make money.

But Chen Chen did not agree.

What a joke, if you go to war, who will help me recruit people?

Of course, Chen Chen didn't want to dampen his enthusiasm, so he directly gave Lao Zhu a large bonus at the level of 3,000 US dollars per person. The latter smiled happily and went back to his recruitment work happily.

In a sense, he and the action team were doing the same thing.

They are all headhunters.

Thus, the first round of enrollment expansion ended.

After the enrollment expansion was completed, Chen Chen did something quite radical.

That is, all members will switch to HK416.

After several consecutive battles, the number of HK416 guns they captured has reached 28, which is enough for each person to share one.

This is a critical watershed - not a watershed for firearm upgrades, but a watershed for sight upgrades!

With and without light sights, these are two absolute concepts in modern light infantry combat. This is a basic principle that anyone who has truly experienced actual combat will not question.

Of course, you can say that the demand for infantry and individual soldier capabilities in modern warfare is declining, but Chen Chen believes that if there is the ability to equip infantry with more powerful individual weapons and more powerful sighting equipment, there will be no such thing in the world. Any team would say no.

As for the issues of adaptive training and ammunition supply?

That can all be overcome.

Compared to the improvement in combat effectiveness, these difficulties are nothing at all.

Therefore, the recruits who had just joined the Dongfeng Corps caught up with this good opportunity. Looking at the brand-new guns and sights they had never seen before, they even had an "extremely unreal" feeling.

Damn it, changing a boss, why does it feel like a different world?

How could the team I was in before afford such a gun? !

As the saying goes, people are more irritating than others.

In the following time, the Dongfeng Corps all entered into the rhythm of adaptive training.

Veterans have to adapt to the new guns, while recruits have to adapt to the tactical rhythm of the entire team.

This is not a process that can be completed quickly, but it is necessary to work hard.


At the same time, while they were carrying out training in an intense and orderly manner, their enemies on the other side had also begun to sharpen their claws.

Tachileik, 505th Brigade Headquarters.

Zhao Jialiang listened to the adjutant's report with a serious expression, and confirmed the news that all members of the Shadow Corps were killed in action, and that his cousin, Zhao Xiansheng, was also killed in action.

His heart was filled with anger, but there was no trace of it on his face.

He regrets it.

It's not that he regrets being an enemy of the Dongfeng Corps, but that he didn't decisively kill them in Tachilei.

After all, I was still frightened by their "power" and the "shadow" behind them.

But now that I think about it, who doesn’t have some background?

After all, they are just mercenaries.

You guys can kill the Shadow Corps, but I can't kill you?

Unfortunately, it's too late.

It's too late for me to understand this.

If you miss a good opportunity, it will be even more difficult to make up for it.

Zhao Jialiang let out a long sigh, looked at the adjutant and asked:

"When will our Mi-8 arrive?"

"It can be prepared in two days, at most two days."

Hearing this answer, Zhao Jialiang nodded slowly, and then said:

"Don't wait until the helicopter arrives."

"Pull up the aerial bomb, fly over, and blow them all to death!"

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