I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 259 About future transactions

The training of the Dongfeng Corps can actually be said to be "step-by-step". Even after practicing for a few days, Chen Chen inexplicably felt like "the years are quiet and peaceful".

The reason is simple. After Cheng Lei and his team arrived, the entire training system became more scientific and regular. He even wanted to restore the tradition of singing before meals and focus on improving his ideological style.

But Chen Chen persuaded him. After all, the Dongfeng Corps is a mercenary group, and a colorless state is the best state.

If you forcefully dye it, you'll be in big trouble.

As the saying goes, business is business.

Naturally, Cheng Lei just acted on a whim. After listening to Chen Chen's explanation, he agreed in a good-natured manner. After that, he was only responsible for some technical issues in training and no longer involved too much in deeper matters.

As a result, the Dongfeng Corps entered a period of stable development.

However, while Mengka has stabilized, the situation near Jingdong and Mengxiu has become tense.

After He Bangxiong, He Bupa also found Chen Chen and consulted him on specific "defensive strategies."

However, he visited and inquired in person.

In order to avoid the suspicion of "acting alone", he naturally wanted to take Bao Xiaomei with him, and the three met in the combat command room of the Dongfeng Corps.

Bao Xiaomei was as gorgeously dressed as ever, and Chen Chen couldn't help but feel confused looking at her overly exquisite makeup and style.

this woman

You say she is a vase, but she is really not. After all, relying on the relationship between the Bao family, she has indeed accomplished many things in both directions.

But if you say that she is a strong woman and a hero, that is pure nonsense.

Because when doing some things, her way of handling them is very rough, which is just enough to meet the "can work" standard.

If she puts the time and energy that focuses on her "female advantages" in more useful places, will the position she can ultimately reach be higher?

Chen Chen is not Bao Xiaomei, and he can't answer this question.

But no matter what, everyone has their own path, and this is not his place to comment.

Therefore, no matter what kind of "naturally charming" Bao Xiaomei displayed in front of Chen Chen, Chen Chen always maintained a calm attitude.

When Bao Xiaomei said, half in annoyance and half in approval, "Mr. Chen has neglected his old friends when he did great things," Chen Chen just replied in an extremely official manner:

"Business matters are quite busy during this period. I hope Miss Bao and Brigadier He can understand."

Hearing his words, Hebupa wisely said:

"The situation at Jingdong is indeed tense. I have also communicated with He Bangxiong. He is adjusting the defense line according to the guidance of Chief Chen."

"According to He Bangxiong, this adjustment was quite effective. There were several small-scale frictions between the Burmese army in Jingtong and the Palau 756 Brigade defenders, but the result was a complete victory for the 756 Brigade."

"If this trend continues, even if the 505th Brigade joins the war later, the 756th Brigade will be able to stop it and buy us enough time."

Having said this, He Bupa paused for a few seconds.

Chen Chen realized that he was about to say "but".

So, he didn't interrupt, just looked at He Bupa quietly, and sure enough, his next sentence was a "but".

".However, it is not just the 756th Brigade that is under pressure at the moment."

"On our side, Mengxiu's defense is also under pressure."

"Sir Chen, you know, we only have 600 troops deployed on the Mengxiu defense line, and we don't have enough heavy weapons."

"However, this line of defense has to bear the pressure of nearly 2,000 people from two regiments of the Kenglong Burmese Army."

"If they can't hold on, or can't be delayed, the Burmese army will cross the Nu River and head east, threatening Mengkha, forcing our team near Wanpai on the north side of Jingdong to return to defense and break the deadlock in Jingdong."

"By that time, the situation will be quite bad."

Hearing He Bupa's words, Chen Chen nodded slowly.

This judgment is indeed without any water, and it is indeed the most important difficulty currently facing the coalition forces.

Yes, the 7th Brigade is indeed negotiating with the Burmese Army, but the "talk" is just to buy time for "fighting". It is impossible for the Burmese Army to give in to the 7th Brigade without a head-on confrontation.

But once a head-on battle breaks out, whether the 7th Brigade defenders on the Mengxiu Defense Line can hold on is another question.

"So, what's your plan?"

Chen Chen asked.

With so much foreshadowing, He Bupa could not simply come to complain to him, nor could he be satisfied with his own "suggestions". So in this case, it would be better to be more direct and put everyone's demands on the table for discussion.

In this regard, He Bupa did not hesitate at all.

He sat up straight, looked at Chen Chen and said:

"Sir Chen, we need a big victory."

"A proactive victory near Mengxiu."

"We do not have the ability to achieve such a big victory, so we need the assistance of the Dongfeng Corps."

"I hope you can command the 2nd Regiment of the 7th Brigade - the Mengxiu garrison. I also hope that the Dongfeng Corps can participate in the battle."

Let me take charge? !

Chen Chen's brows wrinkled slightly, and he felt a little dazed for a moment.

Damn, when I was chatting with He Bangxiong before, I had a hunch that maybe the command of the coalition forces would eventually fall into my hands.

Now, only a few days have passed, and this has actually happened.

He subconsciously wanted to refuse, because according to the original plan, he really didn't intend to get too involved in such a large-scale battle.

But then I thought about it, if I didn't intervene, Mengxiu might not be able to hold on.

Not to mention the 2,000 people on the Burma Army side, even if they were reduced by half, the militiamen of the 7th Brigade would not be able to compete in frontal combat.

It really needs to be fought.

However, this time it is a direct battle against the Burmese army, and the Dongfeng Corps must not participate.

We can only rely on command and tactics to win.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen asked:

"What's the status of the Burmese army's garrison near Mengxiu?"

As soon as these words came out, He Bupa's eyes immediately lit up.

He knew that as long as Chen Chen asked, there would be hope.

So, he quickly replied:

"At present, the main force of the Burmese army is mainly concentrated near a village called Pagoda to the west of Mengxiu. It is a hilly area with a terrain slightly higher than Mengxiu. It is across the river from Mengxiu, about 6 kilometers away."

"According to the preliminary investigation results, the Burmese army has deployed a total of three lines of defense there, and has also occupied two key points, the Blacksmith Monastery and the Friends and Family Museum."

"These two points form a triangle with Pagoda Village, with the Relatives and Friends Museum as the top corner pointing to Mengxiu."

"If they want to launch an attack, they will most likely use the garrison at the Family and Friends Museum as their vanguard. What we want to do is to destroy their deployment here first."

Chen Chen looked at the map hanging on the wall and roughly marked the location of the Burmese army according to He Bupa's guidance. At this glance, he discovered that the combat effectiveness of the Burmese army was poor, but their middle and high-level officers were... All of them have received a certain degree of military theoretical education.

The three points are not a simple wedge-shaped layout, but the Friends and Family Museum is in front, which is Position 1, the Blacksmith Monastery is on the northwest side, which is Position 2, and the main force of Pagoda is connected with the Friends and Family Museum to form an isosceles triangle. top corner.

Under such an arrangement, it is extremely convenient for the main force to support no matter which direction it goes. When using long-range artillery fire, the position scheduling is also more flexible.

On the other hand, the position of the 2nd Regiment of the 7th Brigade was very simple. They set up camp at an abandoned golf course on the west side of Mengxiu City. They simply dispersed their forces to defend several suburban strongholds. Not to mention mutual support between the various strongholds. It's probably impossible to communicate with each other.

Compared with the Burmese army, it is really a judgment call.

In this case, the Burmese army did not push forward, fearing that they were really frightened by the two cannons and the private soldiers of He Bupa wearing level 4 armor.

Depend on.

Hit it with a hammer.

The person who co-authored the current stalemate is not the 7th Brigade, but our own Dongfeng Corps.

Chen Chen couldn't help but sigh. In his opinion, Meng Xiu really couldn't be beaten.

Unless the 7th Brigade is determined to rely on this small town to fight urban street battles with the Burmese army, with the main goal of attacking the opponent's logistics, it is difficult to say whether the 7th Brigade can last for half an hour in positional warfare.

Thinking of this, he shook his head and said:

"There's no way to fight."

"It's no longer useful for you to find me. At this time, Miss Bao must take action."

"People, equipment, everything that should be provided should be provided. Otherwise, if the show is lost, the situation that has been managed with great difficulty will really be given away."

After hearing his words, Bao Xiaomei's face immediately became solemn.

She hesitated for a few seconds and then asked:

"Is there no other way?"

"It is too early for the Wa State to join the war, and it will easily have a negative impact on our later negotiations."

"What we need is to proceed step by step and cut the flesh with a blunt knife. After some things are made into established facts, the Wa State will make the final decision."

"If the Wa State enters the scene now, it means that we have revealed our final trump card, and I am afraid that the Myanmar side will not remain indifferent."


Chen Chen had to admit that Bao Xiaomei's judgment was correct, because once the Wa State entered the country, it meant that most areas in Pubei had entered a "rebellion" rhythm, and all previous agreements had been torn up, creating a "limited peace" situation. Also broken.

Myanmar will be forced into a corner, and they will have to organize a large-scale counterattack, and the consequences of this are really not something that a few local armed forces can bear.

Therefore, even if the Wa State wants to participate, they can only "take off their clothes" before participating, which means that they are likely to face uncontrollable risks and losses.

Tsk tsk, Miss Bao, are you also walking on thin ice?

Chen Chen said nothing, and the discussion among the three reached a deadlock.

It seems that the only solution is to let the Dongfeng Corps directly participate in the battle, and then use the advantages of firepower and tactics to carry out a precise attack on the Mengxiu Burmese Army to achieve the corresponding strategic purpose.

But the question is, if you, the Wa State, don’t want to do something, why should we, the Dongfeng Corps, do it?

The cooperation and game among the three parties fell into a rather delicate situation. No one wanted Mengxiu to fall, but the losses caused by Mengxiu's fall were slightly less than the cost of the Wa and Dongfeng Corps' efforts to defend Mengxiu.

Someone has to compromise.

Chen Chen turned to Bao Xiaomei and said:

"Ms. Bao, I've done everything I can. I think it's time for you to do something, right?"

Bao Xiaomei smiled warmly, but her attitude did not give in at all.

"Mr. Chen, a good man should do his best to the end."

"I can provide help in many aspects, including equipment, supplies, and logistics."

"But, humans, it really can't be done."

"At least, not now."

Hearing her answer, Chen Chen let out a long sigh.

"In that case, let's negotiate terms."

"We can do what you don't want to do, but what compensation can you give us?"

"Clear it."

Bao Xiaomei answered without hesitation. It was obvious that she had already thought about the real terms she wanted to negotiate before coming.

"Mr. Chen, I said a long time ago that I can use my connections to turn Dongfeng Corps into a real PMC company."

"You don't want to participate in a direct battle with the Burmese army because you care about your identity."

"Now, I can provide you with this way to help you and the people behind you do what you don't want to do."

"Indonesia, remember?"

Chen Chen nodded slowly.

Indeed, Bao Xiaomei had put forward this condition a long time ago. At that time, the Dongfeng Corps had not yet developed to the point where "it must have an identity", so he rejected her without hesitation.

but now.

This has indeed become a step that he has to take, and if he can use the mature relationship of the Bao family to complete this step, it will definitely be a win-win situation for the Dongfeng Corps, Chen Chen himself, and Xiaoyu. a good thing.

Very tempting.

Chen Shenshen thought for a moment, then finally nodded and said:

"Yes, but not enough."

"I can figure out your identity. You can be an Indonesian citizen, the kind with an ID."

"From now on, you no longer have to be limited to Pubei, you can go anywhere you want - even the United States."

"The business of the Dongfeng Corps can be expanded outwards. If necessary, you can even leave Pubei with your own people."

"So, is this condition enough?"

Bao Xiaomei's eyes became unusually serious. Chen Chen was silent for a few seconds and then said:

"It's not enough. I have to be an Indonesian citizen first, and then I have the Dongfeng Corps."

"It's more difficult, but it's doable."

Bao Xiaomei breathed a sigh of relief. This three-party game finally came to an end in the form of a "transaction".

For herself, this was a major concession.

Because this means that the Wa State has completely lost the opportunity to control the Dongfeng Corps.

But, in order to accomplish the goal she was trying to accomplish now, she felt it was worth it.

Then, there was a smile on her face again.

"Mr. Chen, let's have a happy cooperation, right?"

"What a pity. I have always hoped to open a company with Mr. Chen. Maybe I can also be the boss's wife."

"But now it looks like there's no chance."

"There are still some."

Chen Chen said politely:

"However, it is possible to form a partnership, but the boss lady is afraid that it is not possible."

Upon hearing this, Bao Xiaomei's eyes changed slightly, but in the end, she just laughed it off.

"In that case, the matter of Mengxiu will be left to Mr. Chen."

"Brigadier He, please hand over as soon as possible."

"The situation waits for no one. On the battlefield, every minute and second is precious."

"Mr. Chen, from now on, you will be the real commander."

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