I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 265 Rain-increasing Rockets

Chen Chen didn't know that Zhao Jialiang had prepared for the "meeting" with the provocative general, but of course, he couldn't put all his eggs in one basket.

After careful consideration, he finally decided to transfer Jiang He to Dachili. Even if he could not determine the specific location of Zhao Jialiang, he could at least grasp the general movements of the 505th Brigade.

In addition, he also sent a small team to Tachileik for pre-war reconnaissance. Lao Zhu led the team, and Jackal contacted Chaisili to cooperate with Jiang He's actions.

These two actions put the Dongfeng Corps, which had just added 8 people, into the dilemma of a sharp reduction in manpower again. However, it has to be said that there are advantages to having fewer people, that is, one helicopter can fit 4 teams. If air assault operations are to be carried out in the future, it will have a huge advantage in terms of mobility and combat effectiveness.

All reconnaissance forces have been dispatched, and Chen Chen is sitting in the middle of Mengka, waiting for the latest information.

But what he didn't expect was that the new information arrived at an alarming speed.

Just on the afternoon of the next day, news came from Peng Xucheng that the "deal was settled."

The delivery of C-RAM is scheduled for two days later, and will be located at the military camp near the airport on the north side of Tachileik.

The most important thing is that Zhao Jialiang revealed the signal that he will participate in the handover.

He revealed to Wanfeng Group that the 505th Brigade will organize a military parade in two days. After the military parade, the delivery and testing of C-RAM can be carried out.

Peng Xucheng immediately informed Chen Chen of the details of the handover plan, but Chen Chen felt something was wrong the more he listened.


It's not that there's anything suspicious about this plan. To a certain extent, Zhao Jialiang's choice is very correct and reasonable.

He was originally going to organize the 505th Brigade to launch an attack on the 756th Brigade. It was reasonable to organize a pre-war military parade at this time;

He has understood the power of indirect artillery fire from the coalition forces, so he needs C-RAM very much. In order to obtain this equipment, he is willing to take risks, which is reasonable;

It is reasonable to put oneself under heavy protection, even if someone wants to use this as an opportunity to harm him.

But the problem is

This plan went really well.

Every link makes perfect sense, and every party's actions are completely logical.

But Pubei is an illogical world. What is logical is the most illogical!

Chen Chen became more and more vigilant. After confirming that Peng Xucheng was not lying, he immediately issued a new order to the investigation team heading to Tachileik, that is, to find out the specific troop deployment of the 505th Brigade, mainly to observe the distribution between several barracks. Transition transfer.

This is not a particularly difficult matter. Even if you squat down on the street, you can get a rough idea.

And with this look, Jiang He, who was under the command of Dachilei, indeed discovered a problem!

Zhao Jialiang kept saying that he would organize an army-wide military parade, and teams from several camps were indeed mobilizing to the exercise venue. But the problem was that Zhao Jialiang's armored company never moved once from beginning to end!

All the armored vehicles were hidden, and even the patrol cars that used to be active at Locke Pier were nowhere to be seen.

No one knows where they went, but there is no doubt that the disappearance of this key equipment before the war must mean that they have a bigger conspiracy.

Based on this judgment, Chen Chen decisively gave up his plan to carry out beheading operations relying on the arrangements of Wanfeng Group, and his reason was also very simple:

The core element of the decapitation operation was originally "the enemy made a mistake." So now, since the enemy can no longer make a mistake, it is naturally impossible for our side to succeed.

As a result, the plan that had just been finalized was completely overturned.

In the combat command room, facing Chen Chen's decisive and unquestionable attitude, Peng Xucheng was confused and even a little angry.

".We have obviously just finalized the plan, and we have already arranged everything."

"One day, one day later, Zhao Jialiang will appear, as we agreed."

"Yes, I know it's difficult to behead someone in their military camp. But you haven't done this before, right?"

"I believe you can do it. There is nothing you can't do."

"So that's the problem."

Chen Chen interrupted Peng Xucheng and continued:

"You believe we can do it, so why doesn't Zhao Jialiang believe it?"

"Is he stupider than you? Arrogant than you? Or arrogant than you?"

"Don't be ridiculous. If he was really a mindless ordinary warlord, he would have attacked us when I was still in Tachilei."

"He thinks very deeply and very far, so it's incredible that he takes the bait so easily."

"Actually, I did have expectations for your plan from the beginning. My bet was not that Zhao Jialiang would be stupid, but that he would make a mistake."

"For example, if he accepted C-RAM's contract but resolutely refused to trade, that would be reasonable."

"If this is his first reaction, then we can follow up with a series of steps to gradually relax his vigilance and lure him out."

“But now, he’s saying yes, like he’s confident in how confident he really is.”

"This is nonsense. Zhao Jialiang is not that kind of person at all."

"So, there's no need to try, it's impossible to succeed."

".But we have made so many preparations and spent so many resources."

Peng Xucheng was still a little unwilling. In his opinion, this should be the best opportunity to kill Zhao Jialiang.

"So what? This is war!"

Chen Chen shook his head indifferently and continued:

"When two armies confront each other, the commander will formulate countless strategies and consider countless tactics before the official war begins."

"Some of these strategies and tactics will be implemented, and several will even be advanced to the point where they can be completed immediately."

"But in the end, only one, not even one, will be completed."

"Because we are pursuing victory, not success!"

"The smoothness of failure can never be as good as the twists and turns of victory, understand?"

Hearing Chen Chen's words, Peng Xucheng opened his mouth, but finally said nothing.

After a long time, he asked:

"What about our C-RAM? Should we still give it to them?"

"Of course not. Give it to us."

"I'm afraid you can't afford it. The price of this system is at least 15 million US dollars. The one in the hands of the 7th Brigade was taken from the Kurds in the Middle East, but we sold it to them for 11 million US dollars. .”

"The current set is genuine military surplus materials, which came from the Baghdad Airport after the withdrawal of the United States. Our quotation for the 505th Brigade is US$19 million."

"No matter the 7th Brigade or the 756th Brigade, it is impossible to spend so much money to purchase this equipment, because they are not as wealthy as the 505th Brigade."

"I didn't say buy it, I said take it."

Chen Chen chuckled and said kindly:

"In the entire Pubei, you can find only a few forces that can use the C-RAM system. Your market is extremely narrow."

"Don't talk about $19 million. If you can't sell it to the 505th Brigade, you will basically lose this equipment."

"So, what you need is to stop losses, not profits."

"Perhaps I can wait a few years and this thing can be sold, but the price is definitely not today's price."

"So, I'm willing to bid based on the depreciation amount - we rent, not buy."

"How about it, is it reasonable?"


Peng Xucheng finally nodded, and the plan after renegotiation between the two parties was finalized.

He will give C-RAM to Chen Chen, but Chen Chen must pay the advance payment.

Moreover, it is an advance payment of the full rent, two million US dollars.

Chen Chen paid the money without hesitation, because he knew that no matter how he got this rare equipment in his hands, he would never lose money in the future.

Equipment is evolving, warfare is evolving, and the warlords in Pubei are also evolving.

It won't be long - especially under his own promotion, Pubei will quickly enter a modern combat environment.

You are that catfish, and if the catfish among the fish wants to survive, it is best to always stay active and always maintain the suppression of "generation difference"

The money was in place and the goods were shipped quickly.

On the third day, Chen Chen received the set of C-RAM equipment that he had seen before but was later damaged by a fire in the 7th Brigade barracks.

With almost no hesitation, Chen Chen immediately sent the equipment to the Jingdong front line and let the 7th Brigade soldiers who were already familiar with the operation of this equipment take over the operation.

Everything seemed to be going very smoothly.

However, the sequelae of this operation were immediately apparent.

The day after the equipment arrived, the 505th Brigade began blocking land freight routes.

The Tachileik-Kengtung highway is completely blocked. Not to mention arms, even daily necessities can no longer be transported to the interior of northern Myanmar.

This is a major blow. You must know that the freight traffic of the Tachile Defense Line accounts for more than 20% of the entire Pubei. Now that it is blocked, only the Mengla, Daluo, and Nanxian ports are left accessible.

The price of daily necessities rose in response. Although such a price increase was quickly curbed due to the strong supply capacity of a large country in the north, on the other hand, the price of bullets remained high.

A very simple principle is that if the supply of a necessity product drops by 20%, then its price will not increase by 20%, but will rise until 20% of people can no longer afford this necessity product!

Bullets are a necessity in Pubei.

This was a major test for the entire Shan State. He Bangxiong and He Bupa called Chen Chen almost at the same time, asking him if there was any way to make up for this huge gap with the help of connections in the north. But Chen Chen's answer was only It can disappoint them.

"The situation is very serious. Zhao Jialiang plans to give up all his conspiracies and officially take action against us."

In the lobby of the villa, Shi Dakai spoke to Chen Chen.

After hearing his words, Chen Chen nodded solemnly and replied:

"This should have been the correct development trend of the matter. Blocking logistics and cutting off the supply chain. The next step should be to impose sanctions."


It was obviously the first time Shi Dakai heard this word from Chen Chen, so he had no idea what it meant.

".To put it simply, it means prohibiting others from transacting with us."

"For example, they can join forces with Myanmar to issue a statement that all groups or individuals who have connections or transactions with us will be held accountable and punished."

"Now more than 40% of the building materials in northern Shan State rely on imports from Mongla Port, and these imports are in the hands of a few trading houses."

"Myanmar can definitely give them a warning and settle accounts with them if they continue to provide building materials to the areas controlled by the coalition forces."

"In this way, some people will be forced to compromise under Myanmar's power, because they don't know which direction the final outcome of the matter will go."

"Our situation will become increasingly difficult and increasingly stretched."

Shi Dakai's brows furrowed tightly. After thinking for a moment, he asked:

"What about the Wa and Kokang side?"

"Then there's no need to think about it."

Chen Chen sighed and explained:

"First of all, the current Wa state has too much time to take care of itself. Although they can stir up many things, in fact, this force's ability to self-sustain is very poor. Their dependence on the Mongla Port is far beyond your imagination."

"Once sanctions occur, they will be the most affected."

"Because the Mengah Port in Bangkang alone cannot sustain their huge expenditure."

"As for Guogang, that's pure bullshit. The entire economy there relies on casinos and the illegal entertainment industry. The real economy and real trade are terrible."

"Industry and construction are not agriculture. It is impossible to adjust quickly in the short term. As long as it takes a month or two, the coalition's sphere of influence will collapse."

"Indeed. Even if the natural gas is cut off, it is enough for us."

Shi Dakai nodded thoughtfully and continued to ask:

"So, we really have no other option?"

"No, we can only actively seek a breakthrough."

"And our only breakthrough is to break the strategic stalemate and let others see hope."

"There's going to be a war."

Shi Dakai added.

"Yes, there will be a war, and a big one."

Chen Chen replied firmly.

"It's difficult. We are already facing problems of insufficient arms inflow and logistical supply difficulties. It is almost an impossible task to gain an advantage in a short period of time despite a numerical disadvantage, right?"

"There's only one route we can take."

"Mongla route?"

"That's right."

"But the Mongla route cannot provide us with arms, and civilian products are useless, right?"

"With body armor alone, we can easily gain an advantage on local battlefields, but how do we fight against a large-scale enemy?"

Shi Dakai's tone was full of worry, but Chen Chen was full of confidence.

He opened his mouth and said:

"What we need is nothing more than heavy firepower that can be deployed on a large scale."

"It's impossible to get the cannon, and there's nothing you can do about the cannonballs now."

"However, there is another thing that is 100% obtainable. Because this thing is an important export category for listed companies."

"What is it?"

Shi Dakai asked curiously.

"BL-1A 56mm armor-increasing rain-proof and hail-proof rocket."

"??? Rockets? Can this thing be exported??"

Chen Chen smiled mysteriously and replied:

"Why can't it be exported? HS CODE 3604900000, there are a lot of export examples, but it can't be exported?"

"If they can't be exported, where do you think the annual production of nearly 600,000 rain-increasing rockets in the north will go?"

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