I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 266 Overestimating your capabilities?

As Chen Chen expected, the "sanctions" initiated by the 505th Brigade and the Myanmar Army were quickly implemented, and the entire Shan State fell into an unprecedented dilemma.

There are no guns, no bullets, and even the raw materials needed for industry are greatly restricted. Several home-made weapons arsenals in Shan State are unable to maintain production, and the coalition is almost in a situation of no supply.

Of course, they would not say that they had run out of ammunition and food. After all, the previous situation was still dominated by "confrontation", and the consumption of ammunition was not large.

But the problem is, if this situation continues, the entire coalition army will "suffocate to death" in less than a month!

He Bangxiong and He Bupa were already crazy with anxiety, but the Bao family calmed down at this time.

As the last trump card, they are overwhelming to other forces in terms of the number of troops and the amount of weapons and ammunition reserves. For them, the worst case scenario is that in the end, the 7th Brigade and the 756th Brigade will all withdraw from the battle and surrender, and they will treat it as Nothing happened, I just made a joke to everyone.

However, Chen Chen will definitely not let such a thing happen. The situation he has worked so hard to manage must not be destroyed by such absurd and powerless "sanctions."

Therefore, after the situation became clear, he immediately summoned all the core members of the Dongfeng Corps and began to formulate a combat plan for the next period of time.


Or to be more precise, a battle readiness plan.

Because the focus of this meeting is not how to fight, how many troops to use, and what tactics to use, but about the equipment.

Everyone gathered together in the Dongfeng Corps' combat command room.

Chen Chen frowned as he looked at the increasingly complex battle map.

"The situation we are facing now is very clear. The entire battlefield is divided into four lines."

"The first line is the Mengxiu line responsible for the second regiment of the 7th Brigade."

"The second line is the Jingdong North and Wanpai lines jointly responsible for the 7th Brigade and the 756th Brigade."

"The third line is the Jingdong South and Palau lines that the 756th Brigade is responsible for."

"The fourth line is the Jingdong West and Mengbin lines responsible for the 756th Brigade Mobile Group."

"These four fronts complement each other and affect the whole body. As long as one line starts fighting, all the other fronts will inevitably break out at the same time."

"In addition, we also face the threat from the 505th Brigade of Tachileik, and the Palau line will be under significant pressure."

"So, in order to stabilize the situation and create opportunities for peace negotiations, our most important thing is to help the Palau Line block the 505th Brigade's attack."

"In terms of military strength, we don't have it. All we can do is strengthen our equipment."

"Xu You, how are you preparing the second batch of body armor?"

Hearing Chen Chen's question, Xu You immediately stood up and replied:

"The second batch of 2,000 pieces of body armor has arrived in Mengla and is undergoing customs clearance. It is expected to arrive in Mengyang tomorrow and be transported to Jingdong for delivery the day after tomorrow."

"According to the plan, 500 pieces of this batch of body armor will be delivered to the 7th Brigade, and 1,500 pieces will be delivered to the 756th Brigade. Neither party can pay with cash. We have already negotiated a barter trade contract. , the 7th Brigade was paid in ore, and the 756th Brigade was paid in timber.”

"The payment period is 12 months, the total purchase contract price is US$12 million, and the barter contract price is US$16 million, discounted"

"No need to report so much!"

Chen Chen interrupted Xu You and continued to ask:

"In addition to body armor, can all types of carrying equipment, clothing, shoes, hats, and helmets be in place?"

"It's already in place. Currently, 6,000 units are being cleared in Mongla, and 3,000 units have been shipped to Jingdong."

"Where's the combat rations? Where's the food for individual soldiers?"

"It has been shipped and is currently under the unified management of the 756th Brigade."

Hearing this, Chen Chen nodded slightly.

Everything that Xu You was asked to do has basically been completed, and the "soft power construction" of the entire coalition has reached its peak.

Theoretically, the lower limit of this team's combat effectiveness has been locked, and there will basically be no disintegrating consequences of a complete defeat in the first confrontation due to insufficient protective equipment and insufficient supplies.

This allows the Dongfeng Corps to have a relatively safe combat environment - at least, Chen Chen doesn't have to worry about his home being stolen if he goes out.

Even if the 756th Brigade were to be defeated, they would definitely be able to hold on for a while.

So during this period of time, the Dongfeng Corps had room to maneuver whether it was helping or withdrawing.

But this alone is not enough, because what Chen Chen needs is to completely defeat the 505th Brigade.

So, after thinking for a moment, he immediately put forward his new order.

"You did a good job in the past, but now the situation has changed. Under severe sanctions, we cannot continue to delay the war."

"We have to fight in the shortest possible time, and by the shortest possible time, I mean two weeks."

"In these two weeks, we must complete a new round of equipment replenishment plan."

"So, here's what you need to do."

"First, based on the information I provided you, send an inquiry letter to a company in the north called Xinyu Guoke and purchase a batch of civilian rain-increasing rockets from them."

"Don't worry too much about the price. As long as they ship the goods, we will accept the order."

"The climate in the north is humid this year, and there are heavy rains everywhere. The sales of rain-increasing equipment are seriously unsalable. They urgently need to absorb excess production capacity and get rid of the backlog of products."

"This is our opportunity, we must seize it."

"According to preliminary research results, the price of a rain-increasing rocket is approximately between 2,000 and 3,000 RMB, which is equivalent to 300 to 400 US dollars when converted into US dollars."

"Let's place an order for 10,000 rounds first - they should have it, because their annual production capacity is close to 100,000 rounds. It's impossible that they can't get this."

"Of course, if they are not enough, there are two companies called Zhongtian Rockets and Xi'an Qinghua, which also sell similar products."

"However, the latter two have no export records, so it may be a little more difficult to negotiate. You will have to find a way to solve it."


Xu You nodded immediately, while Chen Chen continued.

"After getting the rockets, we still need to modify the rocket warheads."

"In fact, it is not difficult. Just replace the silver iodide in the shells with ANFO, RDX or picric acid."

"The 7th Brigade and the 756th Brigade should have a lot of RDX in stock. If it is not enough, you can find a way to bring me a batch of concentrated sulfuric acid and concentrated nitric acid, and we will arrange for people to rub it by hand."

"Of course, this is a final plan, and the feasibility must be evaluated before taking action."

"If you really can't do it, get two compression granulators back and make compressed black powder!"

"How's it going? Are you having any difficulties?"

"No, everything can be solved."

Xu You shook his head and continued:

"Not to mention the two brigades, there are quite a few of RDX in the warehouse of our Huamei Company - I had expected that once the war started, explosives would be in urgent demand, so I stocked up a large number of them."

"Including picric acid, RDX, various nitrating propellants, and a small amount of CL-20."

Chen Chen looked at Xu You in surprise and asked in disbelief:

"You have CL-20? Where did you get it?"

"It's very rare. I don't know where it came from. I just saw it in the market by chance and bought it."

".The market you are talking about is not the open market, right?"

"Of course not, it's the internal market."

"That's okay."

Chen Chen nodded slightly and looked at Xu You with a bit of approval in his eyes.

"I'll leave all the equipment purchasing to you. Do you have any other difficulties?"

After hearing this, Xu You pondered for a moment, and then replied:

"We need a lot of capacity, but Wanfeng Group refuses to provide additional capacity."

"Their reasons are very good - not because of illusory sanctions, but because they have a considerable base in Tachileik."

"If you cooperate with us here, you will be beaten over there."

"I don't know how to deal with it. If we look for other transportation capacity, the cost and efficiency cannot be completely guaranteed."

After the words fell, Chen Chen frowned.

He never expected that Wanfeng Group would take action at this juncture.

Indeed, their reasons are sound and reasonable.

However, when it's time to take sides, you shouldn't think about whether the reasons are reasonable or not!

Loyalty is not absolute, it is absolutely disloyal.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen said:

"I'll go talk to him. What about the other questions?"

"No more questions, I promise to have all the equipment ready before the war begins."

"But for the transformation, the 7th Brigade and the 756th Brigade must cooperate."

"They will cooperate."

Chen Chen said leisurely.

Then he announced the end of the meeting, stood up and walked out the door.

Half an hour later, he met Peng Xucheng in the reception room on the sixth floor of Wanfeng Hotel. The latter looked slightly uneasy, but he still maintained his basic composure.

"Why do you refuse to provide us with logistics services? Don't you even do business if we come to our door?"

Chen Chen spoke directly, while Peng Xucheng paused for several seconds before finally answering:

"Shipwreck, I have already explained this problem to Xu You."

"Our base is in Tachile. If it were the previous confrontation, it would be okay, but now the 505th Brigade has actually declared war on the coalition forces."

"We can't take the risk of providing help to you anymore, because that may put Wanfeng Group into an irreversible predicament."

"In business, you should understand us."

"In fact, we are now regretting handing over C-RAM to you, because we did not expect that the 505th Brigade would have such a big response - if we were not on your side, we would even consider handing over that set of equipment. Want to come back."

"But did you see that we spoke? This is our sincerity!"

"Your sincerity is to refuse to provide us with services after monopolizing the logistics of most of Shan State?"

"We're not saying no, we just can't do it."

Peng Xucheng's tone was a little helpless. After sighing, he continued:

"Do you think we are not afraid of death? To be honest, under the current circumstances, even if you lead the Dongfeng Corps to defeat the Wanfeng Group, I wouldn't be surprised."

"You have the strength, and you also have the motivation."

"But we still have to cut off contact with you, because Tachileik's basic base is more important than Mengka."

"Shipwreck, I hope you can understand me. This is a forced choice."

"you are lying."

Chen Chen interrupted him without hesitation, and then said:

"As long as you fully cooperate with us, after Tachileik is captured, you can get back everything you lost, and even earn more."

"You are a business group, and what you pursue is profit. I don't believe you can't even understand this most basic truth."

".What you said makes sense."

Peng Xucheng raised his head, looked directly at Chen Chen and said:

"But the premise of all this is that you can really kill the 505th Brigade and Zhao Jialiang."

"But you gave up your best opportunity, didn't you? After that, is there any other way you can kill him?"

"I really can't think of any other feasible method besides decapitation. Maybe it's because I don't understand military matters."

"But, I don't understand. It's impossible that all the high-level officials don't understand. They were also beaten out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood."

"No need to talk nonsense. So there is no need to discuss?"

Chen Chen interrupted again.

"There's really no need to discuss it."

"You want us to take risks to cooperate with you, but at least let us see the value."

"And now, tell me, where is the value?"

"Then there's nothing more to say."

Chen Chen stopped talking nonsense and turned around to leave.

From this moment on, he knew that Wanfeng Group was no longer a friend.

Looking at Chen Chen's back, Peng Xucheng felt mixed.

He sat alone in the drawing room for half an hour without saying a word or making any move.

Of course he can think of things that Chen Chen can think of.

But, this is really not something he can decide, to put it bluntly.

He is just a messenger.

Peng Xucheng sighed heavily, and at this moment, someone walked out of the room behind the reception room.

The man patted him on the shoulder and said:

"You did a great job and expressed yourself firmly."

"It's all over, they have been cut off from all support, and the Wa will not take direct action."

"This chaos, or farce, ends here."

Hearing this, Peng Xucheng nodded slightly.

He seemed to agree, but after a few seconds of silence, he asked again:

"Can it really be over?"

"Boss, do you really think the Dongfeng Corps can't handle it?"

"They can't bear it."

There was a sarcastic smile on the man's face, and then he continued:

"You all overestimate this so-called Dongfeng Corps and this sunken ship."

"We have found out that they have no official background at all - yes, they have some cooperation with the north, but that is purely commercial cooperation."

"No one will stand up for them, and no one will provide them with 'outside the rules' support."

"So, they will definitely lose this time."

"With so few people and so little equipment, they want to attack the 505th Brigade and challenge Pubei's order. What are they thinking?"

"If there are less than 4,000 people, we are going to take Jingdong. Are you kidding me? Who does he think he is?"

"Don't worry, he can't do it."

"We just need to bet in the direction that is most likely to win, because it must be impossible."


A loud noise suddenly exploded, and what the man had not finished speaking was suddenly interrupted.

He clearly felt a vibration under his feet, and then, intensive gunshots rang out.

The man's eyes were about to burst.

He had guessed what was happening.

Dongfeng Corps shipwreck

fuck you

audacious in the extreme! !

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