I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 267: Conquering the outside world and keeping the inside at bay

At the same time, the first floor of Wanfeng Hotel.

All members of the Dongfeng Corps had completed their preparation and assembly within the previous half hour. Now, a Warrior and a Predator were blocking the main entrance of the hotel, and the entire street had been blocked by machine gun pickups and F150s.

What's even more exaggerated is that the Mi-171sh has also taken off. The rocket nests that have just been replenished are pointed at the street below. It seems that as long as there is any abnormality, the rockets inside will pour out, destroying all moving targets. .

On this small street, near this not-so-tall building, the firepower deployed by the Dongfeng Corps was so abundant that it not only overflowed, but even exploded.

Really no one dared to offer any resistance in this situation. Under the continuous shouting offensive, all the wooden ghost mercenaries on the periphery had put down their weapons and evacuated from the streets, while the only remaining core elites withdrew into the building. , seems to want to make one last attempt.

Chen Chen stood at the gate of Wanfeng Hotel with HK416 in hand, patiently waiting for the evacuation of individual tourists in the casino lobby on the first floor.

Gang Li stood beside him, holding an MM-1 in his hand, and fired smoke grenades into the hall from the side of the door in a standard corner-cutting motion.

In just 30 seconds, the entire first floor of the hotel was completely enveloped in smoke.

Then, he directly dropped the MM-1 and put on the AA-12 he was carrying behind him. He made a forward gesture to Chen Chen and stepped into the hotel.

Behind him, the assault team all put on gas masks and switched their four-eye night vision devices to thermal imaging mode.

With the blessing of "Perspective", all moving targets could be seen at a glance. According to Chen Chen's order, all targets who did not lie down as required were knocked down and then shot again. After just ten seconds, the entire first floor hall had fallen. It fell into the control of Dongfeng Corps.

After a week of inspection, Chen Chen led the team towards the elevator on the side of the hotel and the stairs connecting the first and second floors. With just a look, Li Gang immediately threw shock bombs and smoke bombs at the stairs, and then used his own Using his body as a shield, he stepped onto the stairs without hesitation.

Chen Chen followed closely behind him and climbed up with the other members of the commando team holding their guns.

They still didn't encounter any resistance, but the elevator descended from the upper floor before they could cut off the power supply. Then, amid a series of scoldings, orders, and violent gunfire, they were suppressed on the first floor by the control team.

The attack went smoothly. After reaching the second floor, the Li gang's shotguns swept across the entire corridor and knocked down the two wooden ghost mercenaries who were setting up guns in the corner. Then, he immediately turned the muzzle of his gun and walked towards Chen Chen, back to back. Search the corridor forward.

Other teams that had already undergone CQB training also followed the standard actions of Chen Chen and Li Gang to search. Half a minute later, the second floor was cleared again.

There was no one in Peng Xucheng's office, and Chen Chen was not surprised by the result.

He still maintained the rhythm of the attack. He just took a short rest at the corner of the stairs and then continued to direct the team to attack.

This time, the team serving as the vanguard was replaced by two groups, while he and the Li Gang retreated to the end.

The third floor is still simple, as are the fourth and fifth floors.

Although not deserted, there was little resistance.

This is definitely not in line with Chen Chen's previous judgment on the number of personnel. It is obvious that Peng Xucheng - or the real commander has arranged most of the manpower above the fifth floor.

Starting from the fifth floor, the entire floor is filled with conference rooms, entertainment rooms, and gyms. The terrain is more open, and the difficulty of CQB operations rises sharply.

This scene is almost exactly the same as the CQB defense organized by Chen Chongsheng when he was born, except that the offensive and defensive sides changed positions.

Chen Chen was keenly aware that his own team was already showing signs of slacking off, so he decisively ordered the assault team to stop the attack. All team members only did one thing, that is, to block all downward and outward exits.

Immediately afterwards, it was time for the helicopter to appear.

There's absolutely no reason why it's taking off.

Starting from the eighth floor, the 12.7mm machine gun swept through all three floors of the top floor. At the same time, rockets fired one after another rhythmically and accurately penetrated through the windows.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Shocking explosions continued to sound, and the glass in the entire hotel began to collapse.

Chen Chen had no intention of breaking into the upstairs at all. He just wanted to block these people upstairs and then blow them up one by one!

CQB? C shit!

Peng Xucheng is still inside.

Chen Chen didn't know whether he could survive.

it is a pity.

Chen Chen knew that he couldn't help himself, but he chose the wrong boss and was on the wrong team.

He actually had a chance, but he didn't dare to choose.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen couldn't help but sigh, and at this moment, he suddenly heard a loud but calm shout.

"Surrender! We surrender! Stop fighting! We surrender! We all put down our weapons!"

Chen Chen perked up.

This is definitely not Peng Xucheng's voice, but someone who can surrender at this time and who is obviously in control of the situation.

It can only be a bigger boss and a bigger fish!


Chen Chen calmly issued the order, and the Mi-171sh immediately began to pull up, away from the dangerous area without fire cover.

"Put down your weapons, take off your clothes, and come out one by one!"

Chen Chen shouted loudly, and a moment later, the first naked man appeared in front of everyone on the stairs from the 6th floor to the 5th floor.

His face was covered with blood and dust, and even his hair had been messed up by the shock wave of the explosion, and his expression was even more depressed.

Obviously, the wave of air strikes just now had completely destroyed his will to resist.

Chen Chen did not shoot, he let the man go as agreed.

Immediately afterwards, figures one after another came out of the stairs.

Chen Chen saw Peng Xucheng. Behind him was a man still wearing a suit and ties.

His clothes were a little wrinkled, but he had an extraordinary bearing.

Even though all the guns were pointed at him, he still remained calm.

"Wreck, you can't kill me."

"We can trade, it's just a misunderstanding."

"We have no choice, we..."


Chen Chen pulled the trigger.

The 5.56mm bullet passed through the man's head without any hindrance. Like most of Chen Chen's enemies, he never finished what he wanted to say until his death.

Peng Xucheng on the side was stunned. He looked at Chen Chen and asked with a trembling voice:

"Why did you kill him?!"

"Do you know who he is? You know that once he dies, the entire Wanfeng Group will..."

Peng Xucheng suddenly paused.

Because he just figured out something.

What will happen to Wanfeng Group? Is it related to this sunken ship? !

Originally, it was impossible for the two parties to cooperate, and Wanfeng Group would no longer provide any help to the Dongfeng Corps!

He's just here to kill people, so what else is there to say?

So Peng Xucheng really shut up.

However, Chen Chen walked to his side and then said:

"No matter how you explain it, you provided the aircraft to the 505th Brigade."

"Then it is obvious that our specific location information was also provided by you."

"The 505th Brigade has informants in Mengka, and they are right here with you."

"Find him out and you can become the boss of Wanfeng Group. If anyone opposes you, I will help you kill them one by one."

"But if you can't find it, you will die too."

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