In fact, Chen Chen really began to suspect that there was something behind Mengka or Wanfeng Group very early on, because several times, Chen Chen felt that his actions were guessed.

From the spread of news about going to Kokang in the past, to Banglong's attack on the Shadow Corps being predicted in advance, to the recent helicopter raid.

Chen Chen found it hard to believe that without accurate information, Zhao Jialiang dared to send a helicopter to fly directly over, desperate to blow him up.

Think about it, is this reasonable?

The Dongfeng Corps operates in Mengka, but the Dongfeng Corps' villa, office, and training base are in three different locations. If you only have two aerial bombs, how can you ensure that you can kill the key target?

Aerial bombs are not nuclear bombs. They cannot be thrown away and then ignored!

He has almost determined that someone is monitoring the Dongfeng Corps, and may even be monitoring in real time, constantly providing information support to the 505th Brigade.

Therefore, during this period, his plans highlighted a complex and changeable aspect and an elusive aspect.

The development of the matter also verified his idea. The response speed of the 505th Brigade was too fast, as if they were monitoring every move of the Eastern Corps with a monitor.

Later, the news that Wanfeng Group had "terminated cooperation" set off alarm bells in Chen Chen's heart.

When did this happen? Are you doing this little trick for me?

Don't talk about considering it from the perspective of commercial interests. If you really consider it from the perspective of commercial interests, you should at least not help each other!

Therefore, Chen Chen launched an attack on Wanfeng Group without hesitation.

In fact, after he finished talking to Peng Xucheng, the moment he turned around, the entire plan had been formulated.

In the next half hour, he didn't waste a second at all. He spent all of it organizing his forces and arranging battle plans.

In this way, the tactics of overwhelming the mountain and fighting the rabbit also achieved amazing results. The Dongfeng Corps did not suffer any casualties, and even the consumption of ammunition was not large.

The rockets only fired a mere 9 rounds. If we had to talk about "big cost", it was probably the smoke bombs that were thrown more.

However, the smoke caused by the smoke bomb quickly dissipated, and what was left behind was the Wanfeng Hotel building in a mess.

Sitting back in Peng Xucheng's office, the positions of Chen Chen and Peng Xucheng had changed.

Chen Chen was sitting on the sofa, while Peng Xucheng was kneeling on the ground.


This is of course not because Chen Chen likes to have people "kneel down" to him, but because Peng Xucheng's hands are tied behind his back and kneeling is his most comfortable position.

Looking at Peng Xucheng, who was full of dejection but with a bit of expectation in his eyes, Chen Chen asked:

"Who was that man just now? What is his status in Wanfeng Group?"

Peng Xucheng did not hesitate and answered directly:

"It turns out that the senior officer of the Thai Allied Forces, I don't know the specific military rank, but at least he is a regimental commander."

"His name is Zaren. He is one of the three bosses of Wanfeng Group and the largest boss."

"He was originally in charge of the Wood Ghost Mercenary Group and the arms trade. He only recently took over the logistics. His first decision was to terminate the logistics cooperation with the Dongfeng Corps. Unexpectedly."

Unexpectedly, I was killed by you before the execution officially started.

Peng Xucheng didn't finish what he said, but Chen Chen had already guessed what he wanted to say.

He nodded slightly, expressing his satisfaction with Peng Xucheng's cooperative attitude.

Then, he continued to ask:

"You just said that this person's death will have a major impact on Wanfeng Group."

"What is the specific impact? Does he have any irreplaceable relationship with you?"

".A lot, mainly the network with him as the core."

Peng Xucheng slightly twisted his arms that were tied behind his back. Chen Chen noticed his movements and asked Li Gang to untie him.

The latter breathed a sigh of relief. After moving his sore and numb arms, he still knelt on the ground and replied:

"You also know that the Thai Allied Forces were originally Kun Sha's team. Just like Nuokang before and Xuan Ruanlong now, even if you are a drug lord, if you want to stay in Pubei for a long time, there are many things that need to be managed. .”

"After Khun Sa died, Zaren took over his relationship - although part of it was lost, it was basically still intact."

"This network of relationships spreads throughout the Golden Triangle and even reaches many overseas countries, such as the Middle East, Africa, and South America."

"It can be said that Wanfeng Group was built on this relationship network, and the core of the network is Zaren."

"Most people only recognize him. It's impossible for me to replace him in the short term."

"It doesn't matter."

Chen Chen shook his head and replied:

"Stand with us. After killing Zhao Jialiang, everyone will recognize you."


"How are you doing?"

"Do it, of course."

Peng Xucheng answered quickly, but then said:

"However, if I want to replace him, it means that the original order will be completely broken. This process will not be fast or smooth, you guys."

"It doesn't matter."

Chen Chen shook his head again.

"You always have to go step by step."

"We have force, we have background, we have trade routes."

"Now, all we have is logistics."

"As long as you can take over the logistics part, I guarantee that our development speed will be much faster than you expect."

"Have you been planning this day for a long time?"

Peng Xucheng looked at Chen Chen with admiration, but also fear.

He felt that he really couldn't see through the man in front of him.

When did he start planning to swallow up the Wanfeng Group?

Was it when he incorporated Huamei Trading Company? Was it when he bought the Paramount Predator? Or was it the first time the two met, when he walked through the lobby of Wanfeng Hotel and Casino with three men and four guns without fear?

At that time, they only had a few tattered guns in their hands, and no one would take a second look when walking on the streets of Mengka.

Who would have thought that in two years, they would grow into a behemoth that would scare everyone?

Looking at Peng Xucheng's expression, Chen Chen shook his head and replied:

"In fact, I have never thought about swallowing up Wanfeng Group. All I have always thought about is cooperation."

"You forced me to do it yourself, and there's nothing I can do about it."

".you're right."

Peng Xucheng nodded slowly and then asked:

"Then what's next? Submit a certificate of recognition?"

"That's right, submit your name."

"Zaren controls the Mugui mercenary group. It's impossible for him to have no trusted followers, right? There should be quite a few even in Mengka."

"Kill these people."

"I won't provide you with any help, and I won't care how big a mess you make. I just want to see the final result."

"By the way, after this is done, your hands will be stained with blood."

"I see."

Peng Xucheng replied solemnly.

Chen Chen stood up, pointed to the seat next to him and said:

"sit down."

"This is still your place."

After giving the order to Peng Xucheng, Chen Chen stopped caring about him.

However, Peng Xucheng's actions did not disappoint Chen Chen at all.

After Chen Chen left, Peng Xucheng immediately started his own actions. With the help of the power of the Dongfeng Corps, he organized a group of private soldiers in a very short period of time, using methods that Chen Chen didn't understand and was too lazy to understand. After gaining the allegiance of these people, the purge of the entire Wanfeng Group began.

The Mugui mercenary group was the first target of the purge. Several elite teams on Zalen's side were dealt with first. Anyone who showed any intention of resisting was directly killed by Peng Xucheng.

Only a dozen of the team of more than 40 people died, and these dozen people were really mercenaries without any position.

Immediately afterwards, the scope of the purge began to expand. The nearly 400 mercenaries stationed by Mugui in Mengka were all screened, and even some small mercenary groups registered outsourced were not spared.

However, at this stage, the number of dead began to decrease.

Among the 400 people, only 6 die-hards were killed, and the rest all stood by Peng Xucheng's side.

The bloody storm in Mengka ended soon. Compared with what Chen Yimin did before, Peng Xucheng was more efficient and his methods were more precise and graceful.

However, this is not the final result. At this point, Peng Xucheng only controls the Wood Ghost Corps.

In the entire Wanfeng Group, he has already mastered relatively powerful armed forces, but if the scope is further expanded, there are still many "leaders" with real power in various departments of the Wanfeng Group who have not made a clear stance.

There is no way, Wanfeng Group's stall is too big.

Hotels, casinos, businesses, logistics, chicken shops, restaurants, and even construction companies

After a round of sorting out, there are 19 "leaders" of various sizes in Mengka and surrounding areas alone.

These people have a large amount of resources in their hands and also control scattered armed forces.

The biggest one among them is Bahan, who is in charge of casinos and hotels.

This person is in Mengka, in the Wanfeng Hotel.

In the first round of raids, he was not killed by the Dongfeng Corps, but quickly hid in the Vientiane Hotel, trying to find shelter from the 7th Brigade.


But the question is, how could the 7th Brigade give him shelter?

So, he was handed over again, and after "asking for instructions" from Chen Chen, He Bupa's soldiers personally escorted him to Peng Xucheng.

Peng Xucheng did not use brutal means of killing, but untied him and set up a table at the Vientiane Hotel to entertain Bahan.

He walked into the private room with Bahan, and after guiding Bahan to his seat, the first words he spoke made Bahan's hair stand on end.

He said:

"Bahan, where you are sitting now is where Chen Shenhe used to sit."

Upon hearing this, Bahan bounced up like a spring, while Peng Xucheng waved his hand and continued:

"Don't be so nervous, I don't mean anything else."

"The seat I'm sitting in now is Chen Yimin's seat."

"I just want to tell you that Chen Yimin and Chen Shenhe are both dead, but we are still alive."

"If you don't want to follow their old path, don't do their stupid things."

"Do you understand what I mean?"

Bahan looked at Peng Xucheng with a distorted face. After a long time, he finally answered:

"I see."

"But the Dongfeng Corps has done so well. It's hard for us to surrender to them now."

"They did it perfectly?"

Peng Xucheng smiled.

"When Zaren planned to kill the sunken ship, we didn't say that Zaren did it perfectly."

"There is no difference between the two of them, except that one uses conspiracy and conspiracy, and the other uses machine guns and cannons."

"Just tell me directly, do you prefer to use guns or do you prefer to use conspiracy?"

Bahan did not answer immediately, but in fact, his silence already showed his attitude.

Peng Xucheng nodded with satisfaction, knowing that his threat had taken effect.

So next, if you want to cooperate, you can't go all the way.

So, he said in a persuasive manner:

"Bahan, it's not easy for you to achieve this position, and I also know that you are actually a smart person."

"If you weren't smart, you wouldn't have stayed out of it."

"Zaren has looked for you many times, right? He has also looked for me many times."

"Our choices are the same. I couldn't help it. There were some things I had to do, but I definitely didn't take the initiative to side with Zaren."

"What about you? You only care about making money, and you won't agree to anyone asking you to do it."

"That's why I'm still alive, and that's why you're still alive."

"In this case, why don't we implement this principle to the end?"

"The Dongfeng Corps is very ferocious and evil, but they are very reasonable."

"With a reasonable brother, we have a chance to make money, right?"

These words finally moved Bahan. After a long silence, he suddenly said:

"Jiulong Club and Changfeng Trading Company, these two must be destroyed."

"Ni Chun, Guo Changfeng, they must die."

"Lao Peng, you have to think clearly about how to do it - taking over the Mugui Corps is not about disturbing everyone's foundation. You can play with yourself and fight for yourself. No one will care."

"But if you want to kill other seniors in the company, that's a different story."

"It's going to be very troublesome, and it's going to be very turbulent."

"It doesn't matter."

Peng Xu grew up and breathed a sigh of relief, and then said:

"Not everyone is going to die. On the other hand, I'm not robbing everyone."

"Did you see that I took your things? The casino and hotel still belong to you."

"All I want is an attitude."

"For example, you mentioned Ni Chun and Guo Changfeng. This is a very good attitude."

"But it's not enough."

"There is no need to retain the security personnel under your command. From now on, the Wood Ghost Corps will be responsible for the security affairs. Is it reasonable?"

".Do I have a choice?"

"Yes, I have."

Peng Xucheng smiled.

"Go and kill the two people you mentioned, and I'll leave it to you to submit the petition."

"Then, I will go to the Dongfeng Corps to prepare a case for you. From now on, you will have the shared use rights of the Mugui Corps. How about that?"

".You want to tear down the wooden ghost?"

Bahan was stunned.

"That's right."

"There's no need for this to exist anymore."

"From today on, there can only be one top mercenary group in Mengka, and that is the Dongfeng Corps."

In the next few days, Peng Xucheng set off a real bloody storm.

Not only in Mongkha, but also within the control of the entire Wanfeng Group in Northern Shan State, I don’t know how many “highly powerful” people have been purged, and I don’t know how many people have handed over their voting certificates.

The most serious internal fight in the history of Wanfeng Group occurred. In such a fierce conflict, most of the effective strength of the Wood Ghost Corps was consumed.

Gunfights broke out everywhere on the streets of Mengkha, people were strictly prohibited from going out, and the entire town almost came to a standstill.

Three days later, the affairs in Mengka City were basically settled, and life returned to order.

Ordinary people who were imprisoned for three days didn't actually notice many changes - except for a few collapsed buildings, this small town was actually the same as before.

But in fact, everything has changed.

The Wood Ghost Corps' team of more than 400 people was beaten down to less than 150 people.

These 150 people were regrouped by Peng Xucheng and formed a "execution squad."

The only two remaining executives who were unwilling to take sides were killed by Peng Xucheng. He personally led the team to Bangkang and completed the final "cleaning up" with Bao Xiaomei's permission.

Afterwards, he rushed back to Mengka without stopping.

In the villa of the Dongfeng Corps, Chen Chen saw Peng Xucheng, who was dusty, covered in blood and smoke.

The latter took out the pistol from his waist, placed it in front of Chen Chen, and then said:

"From today on, there are no more wooden ghosts."

"I gave it a new name."

"Huamei Commercial Bank, Security Department."

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