I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 271 Preemptive Strike

"We have to be preemptive."

At 8 o'clock at night, Jingdongnan, in the Palau camp.

Chen Chen arrived here just two hours ago, and at the same time, all members of the Dongfeng Corps were ready to go.

Instead of taking a helicopter, they arranged for all motor vehicles to leave the city secretly.

Standing behind him were 24 fully armed mercenaries, wearing 4-eye night vision goggles, gas masks, heavy body armor, and holding various cash firearms with optical sights. Standing in front of him was He. Bangxiong, and Zhu Qisheng, the commander-in-chief of the Palau defense line.

Chen Chen and Zhu Qisheng were already familiar with each other. After all, he was the middleman when they first met with the 756 Brigade.

There was some "unhappiness" between the two at that time, but of course, such unhappiness disappeared soon after.

Now Zhu Qisheng is just like He Bangxiong, his attitude towards Chen Chen is warm and respectful, as if he has completely forgotten his decisiveness when he threw the apple into the trash can.

Looking at Chen Chen and the two dozen mercenaries behind him who were quiet, solemn, murderous but extremely restrained, Zhu Qisheng's heartbeat even beat a few minutes faster.

However, in front of Chen Chen, he still maintained his basic composure.

He personally spread out the battle map on the table in front of him, then pointed to the signs on the battle map and said:

"Sir Chen, this is the current situation."

"The 505th Brigade has completed its assembly. There are a total of 5 regiment-level combat units with about 5,000 people."

"Now, these 5,000 people are stationed in three camps in northern Tachileik."

"Tachilek Airport Camp, Vasa Camp, Shoma Camp."

"Among them, the Tachilek Airport Camp is located due north, controlling the Tachileik Highway. The other two camps are located on both sides of the Tachileik Airport Camp, forming a defensive force."

"There are about two thousand people stationed in the Tachilek Airport camp. There are a lot of heavy weapons, and there should be armored vehicles, but we are not sure."

"If the 505th Brigade launches an attack on us later, this will be their forward starting position, and the location is very critical."

"If we want to block their attack, we must seize the key points where they can prevent their maneuver."

"Can't catch it."

Chen Chen interrupted Zhu Qisheng and then said:

"Now the connection between the two sides has been completely cut off. After the road is closed, it will be even more difficult for us to grasp the movements in their military camp."

"Now you don't even know the specific staffing of each of their camps. When the situation worsens, it's likely that you won't even be able to reach the edge of the camp."

"When did they set off, what route did they take, where was their destination, what vehicles they used, and what weapons they had. This information is inaccessible to us."

"Once they exert great force, we will be completely passive."

"So, we have to be preemptive."

"We must take the initiative to attack Tachileik and kill them while they are still in the barracks!"

"What did you say?!"

After the words fell, Zhu Qisheng and He Bangxiong's eyes widened at the same time.

What the hell?

Our own troops are already at a disadvantage, so why should we take the initiative to attack?

What kind of tactic is this?

Isn't this going to die?

Even He Bangxiong, who had the strongest confidence in Chen Chen, fell into doubt at this time.

In his initial expectation, Chen Chen's tactics would still be quite radical, but not to this extent.

It is completely understandable to secure a solid defense and use fortifications and tactics to wear down the enemy's strength;

It is basically feasible to find out the enemy's route of action and take the initiative to fight an ambush;

Although it is very difficult to use the advantages of firepower and mobility to fight guerrillas and harass, it is not impossible to try.

But go directly to the enemy's lair?

Isn't this crazy?

Looking at the serious Chen Chen, He Bangxiong coughed and said:

"Brother Chen, our number on the Palau defense line is not large to begin with, only less than 2,000 people."

"These two thousand people not only have to hold back Jingdong's defenders, but also face the threat of the 505th Brigade. They are already stretched thin."

"You said we were going to fight Tachileik, what should we do with it?"

"In case the opponent attacks from both sides"

"If we kill the 505th Brigade, won't there be no risk of attack from both sides?"

When Chen Chen finished speaking, He Bangxiong's unfinished words were choked in his throat.

Yes, there is no risk if you kill them.


But the question is, can it really be done?

With He Bangxiong's little wealth, he really didn't dare to take risks.

But when I turned around and thought about it, if I couldn't take the risk myself, it wouldn't be impossible to let this sunken ship take the risk?

Take a gamble!

Thinking of this, his expression immediately changed.

"Okay, let's fight!"

"But how to fight?"

Chen Chen nodded with satisfaction, and then said:

"The fact that you can make this decision shows that you really want to win."

"Staying in Palau to set up defenses will lead to defeat in the end."

"They have many people and guns, and they will wear us down to death."

“Only by taking the initiative will you have a chance.”

After a moment of pause, Chen Chen continued:

"Our advantage lies in mobility and heavy firepower, so there are only a few things we have to do next."

"First, mobilize the left and right mobile vehicles, transport all the rocket launchers, including BL-1A and 63 guns, and drag all the heavy artillery. Under my command, we will go to Tachileik."

"Second, select 600 veterans and hand over all your private soldiers to me. Then select 50 elites to attack along with me and clear the roadblocks on the Tachileik Highway."

"Third, the Palau position simultaneously launched a harassing attack on Jingdong, creating opportunities for me."

"All actions must be done quickly. It will be ready within two hours. We will set off within three hours. How about it? Are there any difficulties?"

"No difficulty, but is this too hasty?"

"Moreover, as a result, our combat effectiveness in Palau has been reduced by at least 60%."

He Bupa's tone was hesitant, not just because Chen Chen wanted to take away a large number of heavy weapons.

As a "veteran" who has been on the battlefield for a long time, he knows all too well the dangers of hastily breaking camp.

After all, what is being mobilized this time is not a few people or dozens of people, but hundreds of people!

How to deal with logistics? How to arrange the vehicles? How to formulate tactical direction?

If you don't think about anything and just attack in a mess, wouldn't it be exposing your own weaknesses to the enemy?

However, facing his hesitation, Chen Chen firmly shook his head.

"I know what you are worried about. In fact, this is also my concern."

"I don't have the ability to command hundreds of people to fight, nor do I have the ability to do any micro-management."

"So, I can only choose this option."

"That is, bring people and equipment, go up without hesitation, and win or lose in one wave!"

"Don't worry, we are not organized enough, and the enemy is even less organized."

"You may not think it sounds complicated, but there is actually only one thing we have to do, and that is to set up the rockets and cannons, and then scatter all the cannonballs on the enemy's heads!"


He Bangxiong nodded slightly and then said:

"But it takes time to deploy the position. The range of our rockets is only two kilometers at most, and at our current level, we can only conduct direct-aiming shooting on high ground."

"In this way, the entire large force will be in danger, and the opponent's heavy firepower can completely cover us."

"I have arranged for a helicopter to pick up people in Mengxiu."

Chen Chen continued:

"Anti-artillery radar will follow the deployment. We will set up two positions. The first position is a decoy. As long as the enemy's artillery group fires the first shot, our heavy artillery will accurately kill them."

"Okay! What about the infantry? What if the opponent launches an infantry attack?"

"We will stop them. Your 50 elites, plus 20 of us, are enough."

"70 people, you want to hold back nearly 2,000 people?!"

He Bangxiong was stunned.

"It can't be two thousand people. They can only organize a few hundred people at most to advance the assault. We have two armored vehicles, two F150s, and a bunch of machine gun pickups. Isn't it easy to defeat hundreds of light infantry?"

"Besides, we are fighting a night battle."

"Our helicopter can fly above his head."

"Hurry up, the fighter plane is fleeting and we don't have time to hesitate!"

"Understood! Zhu Qisheng, make arrangements immediately!"


Two minutes later, the entire camp was in motion.

One by one, the military vehicles extinguished their lights and stopped at the entrance of the camp. The heavy artillery pieces were mounted on trailers one by one. The rocket launchers that had not yet been unloaded were pulled out directly, and 40 launchers were scattered around. on 3 trucks.

600 people sounds like a lot.

But in fact, Chen Chen had no intention of using these 600 people to organize an "infantry charge".

Their only job is to operate 40 rocket launchers, and then fire out all 3,000 rockets, dumping them all on top of the Tachilek Airport camp!

Only 70 people actually wanted to enter the camp and launch an attack.

and 8 vehicles.

Perhaps, and a helicopter.

After the entire camp is disrupted and the "camp bombing" occurs, the "Rocket Army" one kilometer away will enter the camp as quickly as possible and "plunder" the camp as quickly as possible.

Take away everything you can and blow up everything you can't.

Immediately afterwards, they must face the attack from the other two camps.

But it doesn't matter, because Chen Chen doesn't intend to defend it.

After all this is done, run away immediately.

Do you want to chase?

That's exactly what you want.

If a unit's route of action has been determined, wouldn't it be easy to ambush it?

Therefore, in summary, when Chen Chen clearly knew that he was not capable of commanding an unfamiliar team to conduct a large-scale battle, he chose the most straightforward method.

A goes up, fights in, grabs items, and then runs!

No matter how low-quality a mercenary is, they can't even do this well.

Because all the work that requires tactics and organization is concentrated on those 70 people.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen let out a long sigh of relief.

He walked up to the mercenaries of the Dongfeng Corps and said:

"We are likely to face a tough fight next."

"But because it is a night battle, with the leading equipment, our advantage is infinite."

"I don't ask you to cause too much damage, nor do you need to pursue any 'big results'."

"I have two demands for you."

"First, try not to die; second, lead He Bangxiong's private soldiers well."

"From now on, each of you is an officer, do you understand?"


Everyone answered together, and at this moment, He Bangxiong's private soldiers also arrived.

Their equipment is also pretty good. All members have heavy-duty body armor, and many machine guns, even the Bayi Bar, are brand new.

However, in front of the Dongfeng Corps, they were still like rustics.

After all, the M240 of the Dongfeng Corps is already equipped with a 4x thermal imaging sight.

The private soldier's eyes were filled with envy, but at the same time he was also excited.

Because they know that this battle will be difficult to fight, but they will definitely fight heartily.

As long as you take it, everyone can get promoted and make a fortune!

Without the blessing of faith, military morale sometimes has to rely on these tangible things.

After a brief familiarity, Chen Chen quickly integrated the two teams.

This time, the teams were allocated according to the configuration of a 10-man combat group. Since the number of private soldiers was slightly larger, there were a total of 8 combat groups with a total of 84 people.

There will be at least two members of the Dongfeng Corps in each group, who will serve as command and fire center, and reconnaissance roles.

The personnel were ready, and soon, all the equipment was in place.

It has to be said that the 600 veterans selected by He Bangxiong are quite reliable.

They have all understood their tasks and their current situation.

Everyone has boarded, and the total number of vehicles has reached 80.

A lot, not because there are so many people to sit down, but because He Bangxiong spent all his money to arrange enough margin for this team.

Even if vehicles are damaged in subsequent operations, as long as the entire army is not wiped out, this team cannot be held back by the 505th Brigade.

Very cautious, but also very bold.

Chen Chen cast an approving look at He Bangxiong, who nodded solemnly and said:

"Brother, you are ready. Do you want to have a glass of Zhuangxing wine?"

"No need to do all the bells and whistles."

Chen Chen shook his head and continued:

"We are 130 kilometers away from Tachileik in a straight line and 160 kilometers in road travel."

"It's 11:10 now. We have to arrive at the scheduled combat location within 4 hours, and then spend another hour to deploy the team."

"At 4 o'clock, we must launch the attack on time."

"Time is very tight and cannot be delayed."

"Everyone, set off immediately!"

The command has been handed over to Chen Chen. He Bangxiong does not need to confirm again, and all vehicles are launched immediately.

The lights came on, and a long, winding dragon began to stretch south along the Tachileik Highway.

The speed of the long dragon gradually increased, and before them, there were several armed vehicles driving the road.

According to the early intelligence, Zhao Jialiang made a major mistake.

He probably never thought that the coalition forces would mobilize troops to attack Tachileik, so his control of the Tachileik Highway, the main traffic road, was completely exposed.

He set up several checkpoints, each with dozens or even hundreds of "heavy troops" deployed.

Of course, he also set up secret sentries for reconnaissance and built an intelligence network.

However, he didn't even arrange an ambush camp.

This turned the assault into a pure "racing match."

The core point of contention is Meiyan Village on the north side of the Tachileik Airport Camp.

As long as the Dongfeng Corps captures this place first, all subsequent plans can proceed smoothly.

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