The convoy has been advancing for more than two hours and is only 10 minutes away from the first checkpoint.

Chen Chen picked up the walkie-talkie and began to issue detailed combat orders.

"We have a total of five checkpoints to break through, all of which are settlements along the Tachileik Highway."

“Yaxin, Kamu, Banjiao Village, Xiaopeng Village, and finally Meiyan.”

"The distance between each checkpoint is about 3 to 5 kilometers, and the total length of the defensive zone is 12 kilometers."

"Among them, Meiyan is the most critical checkpoint. The 505th Brigade has deployed heavy troops there, about 100 people, as well as heavy weapons."

"We must reach Meiyan Village before the Tachilek Airport camp reacts, and deploy artillery and rocket positions on two flat highlands to the west of Meiyan."

"The enemy's support will be very fast. They can organize a defense in half an hour at most."

"So this also means that the time we spend to clear each checkpoint cannot exceed three minutes at most."

"The first three are okay. Starting from Xiao Peng, the difficulty will rise sharply."

"Based on the situation, our plan is very simple."

"The assault team has a total of 12 vehicles. Every time a checkpoint is destroyed, we will leave two vehicles to defend and clean up, waiting for the subsequent large forces to pass."

"Then, after the large force passed, the assault group vehicles pursued forward, merged with other assault group vehicles, and gathered all firepower to launch a quick strike after arriving at Xiaopeng."

"After defeating Meiyan, we must continue to advance forward, blocking the only way between the Tachileik Airport Camp and Meiyan Village, delaying the enemies who come to support, and buying time for the follow-up troops to launch."

"We must hold on for at least 20 minutes. No matter how difficult it is, we must bite them hard."

"That's what combat missions are, is it clear?"


Responses from various groups came over the radio, and Chen Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the vanguard vehicle of the assault team, the Warrior that Chen Chen was riding in, had arrived at the edge of Yaxin Village. Chen Chen saw the lights lighting up in the distance, so he immediately ordered all vehicles to stop and shorten the time between vehicles. distance between them, ready to launch a surprise attack.

The helicopter heading to Mengxiu to pick up people had already arrived above the convoy. Bao Qi on the helicopter activated the listening radio and occupied all the enemy's communication channels with high-power communications.


However, this action is actually a bit redundant, because the 505th Brigade made no movement at all along the way.

Obviously, the sentry posts arranged by Zhao Jialiang did not play their due role. They still knew nothing about the assault launched by the coalition forces.

This is good news, but this advantage will not last long.

As long as the first checkpoint is attacked, no matter what, Zhao Jialiang will immediately obtain information and make preparations.

It had to be fast, so fast that even if he noticed something, he wouldn't have time to react.

Chen Chen confirmed the preparedness of the entire assault team for the last time. Then, the drone was released and began to drive towards Yaxin Village.

The real-time picture immediately appeared on the screen. With the support of active infrared imaging, the enemy's personnel and firepower layout were clearly visible.

They were still patrolling and guarding leisurely and step by step, but at this time, Chen Chen had already got in the car again and was preparing to launch a surprise attack.

The roar of the engine suddenly sounded, and 12 armed vehicles moved forward at full speed.

In just two minutes, the convoy had already crossed a distance of two kilometers and suddenly appeared in front of the Yaxin checkpoint.

Following the guidance of the drone, Chen Chen quickly made deployment.

"Move the machine gun truck forward, change the formation, and suppress the firepower points near the checkpoint!"

"F-150, fire a round of 12 rounds to kill the enemy in the bunker!"

"Get out of vehicles 11 and 12, set up cloudburst rocket launchers, and destroy the enemies in the bunker!"

"Eight groups of members knocked down the bunkers and then rushed in to clean up enemy skirmishers and clear roadblocks for the convoy."

"White Dog, monitor the drone footage and provide real-time information to Group 8!"


Everyone replied again, and with the unique advantage of aerial reconnaissance, this assault went extremely smoothly.

With just one round of fire suppression, more than 30 enemies at the checkpoint were already defeated. Immediately afterwards, the assault team rushed past and began to clean up the enemies who tried to resist along the line.

The Warrior did not fire at all, only the 12.7mm machine gun on the Paramount Predator kept firing.

The fleeing enemies were knocked down one by one, and they were unable to even make the most basic counterattack.

After entering the checkpoint, Paramount and Warrior swapped positions. As a mine-protected and anti-ambush vehicle, it once again played a role.

The weak mine array was rushed through, and explosions were heard everywhere, but the vehicle did not suffer any damage at all.

The only moment it slowed down was when it was waiting for the eight members of the group to clear the roadblock.

Only one minute had passed, and the assault team had completely passed through the Yaxin checkpoint.

Behind them, the two machine gun pickup trucks left behind had already cooperated with the infantry advancing on foot and began to clean up this small village.

All the enemies had nowhere to hide. They didn't even have time to run into the building before they were picked out one by one and named.

The resistance collapsed quickly, and people kept throwing down their weapons and kneeling down to surrender, but they relentlessly put bullets into the bodies of every combatant who had "ever taken up arms."

It was a surprise attack, but more like a one-sided massacre.

The battle has just begun, but the rhythm has already been stretched to the limit in an instant.

Everyone's hands became hot, and the effect of the adrenaline rush surpassed all other drugs!

Four minutes later, the entire Yaxin camp was completely cleared, and at this time, the 10 vehicles of the assault team had arrived at the second checkpoint.

The drone began to rush to the next battlefield. The 9-kilometer remote control distance completely covered the entire front. The exact same plot happened again, suppressing, blasting, opening roads, and cleaning.

The number of personnel at the checkpoint in Kam Village was greater than that of Biaxin Village, but the Dongfeng Corps spent less time!

The instructions on the radio became more and more intensive, but amidst this high-intensity command, Chen Chen remained as calm as if he was strolling in a garden.

"Groups 9 and 10 leave the cover, and groups 11 and 12 catch up with the forwards!"

"Understood, moving forward."

"Group 6 reported that they found a small group of enemy support troops and requested to actively intercept them on the flanks."

"Interception allowed, 30 seconds!"

"Understood, thirty seconds!"

"Group 7 discovered the enemy's retreat and is dealing with it."

"Don't waste too much time and don't pursue."

"Understood, return to the team immediately."

"Group 1 discovered enemy support troops from Checkpoint 3, numbering about 50."

"Groups 4 come forward to support, kill them!"

A series of orders were issued, and in just two minutes, the remaining eight vehicles in the convoy had already passed through Camp Kam and made a surprise attack on Shortfoot Village.

After knocking out the support from Shortfoot Village at Checkpoint No. 3, the team's progress finally encountered its first obstacle.

It’s not that you can’t beat it, it’s because of the roadblocks!

The defenders of Shortfoot Village finally learned the lesson. Instead of intercepting the assault convoy head-on, they tried to completely block the entire road with a large number of vehicles!

If they want to pass, the Dongfeng Corps must either enter the residential area and go around the path, or they must drive into the farmland on both sides of Banjiao Village.

No matter which plan is adopted, the speed of the assault will be seriously slowed down, and the risk will also increase significantly.

However, Chen Chen has already been prepared for the situation of "large-scale roadblocks".

Nonsense, the 505th Brigade are not fools. No matter how stupid they are, it's impossible for them not to be able to figure out the trick of "blocking the road with scrap cars", right?

If I don’t fight you, I will throw the roadblock in front of you. What can you do?

Detour? Just go around.

The farther around you go, the more time the troops behind you have to prepare.


This kind of strategy is really rogue and invincible, but the problem is that Chen Chen has no intention of taking a detour at all.

What are helicopters used for?

Just for suppression!

Taking advantage of the roadblock before it was fully formed, Chen Chen decisively issued the order.

"Firebird, rockets blast over!"

"Coordinate artillery fire and clear the way for me!"


Cheng Lei's calm voice rang in Chen Chen's ears, and then, the helicopter on standby finally launched a surprise attack!

Airborne rockets washed away the ground, and the entire Tachileik Highway instantly burst into flames!

And in this sea of ​​​​fire, 8 assault vehicles rushed through!

In front of them were fires formed by continuous explosions.

Behind them were the charred remains.

The clever defenders of Shortfoot Village paid the price. The time they blocked the Dongfeng Corps was even shorter than the first two checkpoints.

10 minutes have passed since the attack was launched.

The Dongfeng Corps' assault group had already crossed a distance of 8 kilometers.

This speed, even in ordinary convoy maneuvers, is already astonishingly fast, and they fought all the way!

The fourth checkpoint was right in front of him, and the enemy was waiting. Chen Chen no longer pursued speed, but waited for the drone to fly back and conduct high-altitude reconnaissance ahead.

The enemy's firepower deployment can be seen at a glance, including recoilless rifles, M56 mountain cannons, rocket launchers, and heavy machine guns.

This is an almost impenetrable line of defense, but

The premise is that they have to see people.

Chen Chen took a deep breath and issued a new order.

"The convoy stops and adjusts its position to join me."

"The distance is 1 kilometer, guided by drones, heavy machine guns carry out overtaking shooting, and all automatic grenades fire to carry out coverage strikes."

"Using the visible billboard as the direction parameter, adjust the high and low density to 1100 meters, and fire with all your strength!"


Chen Chen used the simplest and most direct reference shooting method. Considering the current battle situation and the level of his team, this is undoubtedly the simplest and most effective solution.

All vehicles opened fire, and grenades and 12.7mm bullets fell like hail.

From the perspective of the drone, sparks exploded one after another on the enemy's defense line. According to the grenade impact point information returned by the drone, Chen Chen continuously reported parameters and accurately determined the shooting angle. Adjustment.

The enemy troops hiding behind civilian bunkers suffered, and they did not even know from which direction the attack came.

In just 30 seconds, more than two hundred rounds of grenades fell, and the two anti-aircraft guns on the roof were also destroyed. Subsequently, the Mi-171sh made a low-altitude raid and carried out a final cleanup of the enemies at the No. 4 Xiaopeng Village Checkpoint.

The resistance had completely collapsed. At this time, the four machine gun pickup trucks that were originally left at checkpoints 1 and 2 had completed their mission of receiving the passage of the large force and rejoined the forward, bringing the number of the convoy back to 10 vehicles.

The firepower was replenished again, and Chen Chen led the team through Xiaopeng Village without hesitation. After leaving two pickup trucks to clean up, the entire team rushed towards Meiyan Village 3 kilometers away.

This is the last stronghold and the most critical stronghold.

It is more difficult to capture than the previous four strongholds combined!

However, Chen Chen is no longer anxious.

Because, 11 kilometers away, the heavy artillery company has completed its station.

Six heavy guns have been set up.

Under the command of Bao Qi, who had already taken the time to complete the rappel, all the heavy artillery muzzles had locked onto the enemies in Meiyan Village!

"Prioritize destroying anti-aircraft firepower and create opportunities for helicopters to drop bombs."

"Understood, scale 80, base shooting direction, secret position 45 to the left, reload with one salvo, release!"


The roar of the salvo spread throughout the Tachilei sky. A moment later, several artillery shells fell, "not accurately" landing on the first air defense position in Meiyan Village.

Obviously, Bao Qi did not have high hopes for the accuracy of artillery fire, so he did not play with multiple cannons and shoot in multiple directions. Instead, he directly used salvo coverage strikes to destroy the enemy's targets to the greatest extent. Firepower!

His choice was very effective. After the first round of firing, the first anti-aircraft position misfired before it could fire.

The enemy reacted instantly and began to try to move several anti-aircraft guns.

But, it's too late.

The second round of bombardment came as expected, another complete destruction.

At this time, the helicopter had already rushed to a distance of less than one kilometer under the cover of ground artillery fire.

For an experienced and skilled pilot like Cheng Lei, this distance is the distance between life and death.

"The Firebird has reached the target airspace, visually discovered the enemy fortress, and can drop bombs."

"Bomb drop allowed!"

With an order, the simple padlock designed by Cheng Lei was immediately released.

Subsequently, the captured 250kg aerial bomb fell and hit the tallest commercial building in Meiyan Village.

This was supposed to be a level that no one could open, with its perfect orientation, numerous bunkers, wide shooting range, and extremely solid steel-concrete structure, but...

It cannot carry a 250kg aerial bomb.

After the violent explosion, the 6-story building collapsed instantly.

And this also means that there are only a few minutes left before the Meiyan Village checkpoint is completely destroyed.

"No. 1, direct the artillery fire to extend and cut off the enemy's retreat."

"Firebird, establish air superiority and find the remaining air defense forces to destroy."

"White Dog, indicate the key targets, direct the howitzers to shoot, and destroy large-scale enemies."

"Other members of the assault team were cleaning up along the highway and throwing smoke grenades on both sides of the highway to block the enemy's firing range."

"Groups 1, 2, 3, and 4 continue to attack with me and head to the Tachilek Airport camp. Others, follow quickly after completing the current mission!"


Gunfire broke out.

Ten minutes later, the entire Meiyan armed force was almost wiped out.

Resistance was almost non-existent, heavy artillery, aerial bombs, and rockets dropped from the sky.

The grenades are falling densely, the heavy machine guns are sweeping everywhere, and the "Iron Warriors" wearing heavy armor cannot be killed even if they are hit by bullets.

Where have these 505 Brigade militiamen, who have been at peace for a long time, seen such a scene?

They didn't dare to think about the enemy they were facing, there was only one thought left in their minds.


Chaos, complete chaos.

All the people who originally lived here were fleeing in a hurry, or in other words, they were actually forced away by the Dongfeng Corps with guns and cannons.

This is cruel, even a little inhumane.

However, Chen Chen can't control that much.

Because he knew that any hesitation on the battlefield could lead to disaster.

Drive all the people away and they still have a chance to survive.

Can they be allowed to stay in Meiyan?

The artillery fire of the 505th Brigade has no regard for the life and death of civilians like you!

Run, run out, and you'll live.

25 minutes had passed, and the "Rocket Army" troops arrived in Meiyan and began to open rocket launchers.

Anti-artillery radar was deployed, lights flashed on position No. 1 as a false target, and more than a dozen empty vehicles gathered there.

They will be destroyed, but that's what it's worth.

Chen Chen didn't have time to care about things at the rear.

In the direction of Tachilei, the first support force of the 505th Brigade is already gathering.

The distance is less than two kilometers, and it only takes five minutes at most for them to drive to the rocket position of the Dongfeng Corps.

But, they can't leave.

Because in the 20th minute after the battle started, the vanguard of the Dongfeng Corps' assault group had already arrived near the Tachilek Airport camp.

Fast, extremely fast.

They don't care about anything, everything they do is just for this opportunity.

Opportunity to disrupt the enemy's build-up process.

The assault team's ammunition has been destroyed by three-quarters, and they will use the last quarter of the ammunition to completely disrupt the enemy's rhythm and buy 15 minutes for the 40 rockets.

80, against two thousand.

Can't beat it.

So Chen Chen didn't fight at all.

What he wants to do now and what he will do in 15 minutes are actually the same.

That is, throwing explosive things on the enemy's head.

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