I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 273 Battle of Tachiligrad

In fact, Chen Chen's choice was neither impulsive nor reckless. On the contrary, it was the only and most effective method.

Returning to the current situation, how can 80 people hold down a team of nearly 2,000 people, a large number of heavy weapons, a large number of vehicles, even more than a dozen armored vehicles, and sufficient anti-aircraft artillery?

This is an almost unsolvable problem, because no matter what tactics you use to fight, the opponent can find ways to restrain it.

Armored vehicle assault?

The armored vehicles on the opposite side are stronger than you. They even have self-propelled artillery and wheeled assault guns.

Helicopter air raid?

Their anti-aircraft artillery and portable anti-aircraft missiles are not decorations.

Positional blocking?

There are more people on the opposite side than you, and the area you can control with firepower is only so large. Even if they don't care about you and just go around, there's nothing you can do.

After all, after arriving around Tachileik, there is more than one road.

Engage in skirmish line containment in the Battle of Cheorwon?

After all, the Dongfeng Corps is not that team, and there is no chance of this tactic being realized.

What's more, Chen Chen doesn't want these people to die. After all, they are all trained by him. Even if one of them dies, he will be heartbroken.

Therefore, from a third-party perspective, it is actually completely impossible for Chen Chen to hold back these hundreds of people.


But, since he wants to do this, he must have thought about how to do it.

And the answer is what he is doing now.

That is, don't let the battle happen at all.

Sitting on the warrior's car, Chen Chen kept giving his orders.

"Attention all vehicles, the automatic howitzer fires all ammunition."

"No. 1, guide the artillery group to bombard the key targets of the Tachileik camp, non-stop bombardment! The 63rd fire also fires simultaneously!"

"At the same time, it is enough to invade the other party's communication channel and find a way to interfere with the instructions. Even if it can only be delayed for one minute."

"Firebird, get out of the air defense fire range of the airport camp. Don't worry about accuracy. Use the cover of mountains and buildings near Meiyan to shoot out all your rockets."

"We don't need to kill them, we just want to mess with them!"

"No. 3, contact He Bupa and ask him to launch an attack in Mengxiu as planned."

"Contact He Bangxiong, Palau will start to attack. By the way, ask him to call the Burmese army and inform them!"

"We need to occupy all emergency resources and make Zhao Jialiang confused about the situation."

"Even if Lao Mian just calls him and delays him for 30 seconds, we all make money!"


Everyone responded immediately, and the entire convoy of 12 armed vehicles regrouped and immediately began action.

The Warriors and F150s attacked first, and the automatic howitzers opened fire wildly, bombarding the camp close to the extreme range of 1,500 meters.

They really don't care about any accuracy. As long as they can shoot out the shells, it is already a victory!

At the same time, Cheng Lei also started taking action driving the Mi-171sh.

In fact, this helicopter can carry a total of 108 rockets, and so far, it has fired only about 40 rockets.

Cheng Lei planned to dump all the remaining 68 rockets into the camp.

Compared with the automatic howitzer's range of more than 1,000 meters, although the C-5 rocket is small and pitiful, it can still hit about 4,000 meters.

With the support of the fire control radar, Cheng Lei fought with ease.

He kept changing positions to avoid the anti-aircraft fire fired from the camp - although in fact, such fire was not dense at all.

Immediately afterwards, the rear artillery group commanded by Bao Qi also began to fire. The earth-shattering sound of the 155mm howitzer even silenced the entire battlefield for a moment, and the unique scream of the Type 63 rocket launcher also suddenly sounded like the interlude of a symphony. sounded.


The enemy also began to counterattack, and their artillery shells were fired at the false targets that had been laid out.

This did not bring them any achievements, but instead exposed the location of their deeply hidden artillery array under the monitoring of anti-battery radar.

After Zhu Yuan's calculations were completed, Bao Qi immediately directed the artillery to adjust the secret positions.

Only two minutes later - or in fact, it should be said that it was a full two minutes later, our counterattack was completed.

However, for Pubei, this speed is already astonishingly fast.

Fires lit up in the camp and small explosions occurred.

This round of bombardment didn't do much damage, but it did cause enough confusion.

The soldiers of the 505th Brigade who were originally gathered at the entrance of the camp and were ready to set off all dispersed. If they want to organize themselves again, maybe they have to wait another ten minutes, right?

Chen Chen breathed a long sigh of relief.

He knew that at this point, everything was over.

Meanwhile, in the Tachilek Airport camp.

The adjutant Zhao Quanquan stationed here stood by the phone, checking the battle map and calmly reporting to Zhao Jialiang on the other end of the phone.

"Yes, yes, we were attacked."

"It's not a big problem. We have completed the preliminary investigation and there are only a few hundred people on the other side."

"Yes, they defeated our checkpoints with a quick assault, and now all the outer checkpoints have been lost."

"Yes, we were too careless before. But it doesn't matter. Their number is too small and they can't make any trouble."

"We have completed our assembly - are we ready to attack?"

Zhao Quanquan looked at the adjutant and asked about this, and the adjutant shook his head and pointed out the number "5".

".It still takes five minutes. We had already completed the assembly, but we were harassed."

"What? What harassment? What weapons?"

Zhao Quan was inexplicable. He didn't know why Zhao Jialiang asked this.

What weapons make a difference?

Isn’t that all there is to it anyway?

Time was tight, and he didn't want to argue with Zhao Jialiang, so he quickly replied:

"Howitzers, heavy artillery, a small number of rockets fired from helicopters, and a small number of Type 63 rockets."

"The number is not very large. They are just here to make people sick. They want to buy time for the large forces behind them. They want to camp in the Meiyan area to fight a positional battle with us."

"We have launched a round of artillery attacks on their camp, which has been very effective, with a large number of vehicles on fire."

"Don't worry, don't worry, the fight will be fierce, it will be a fierce fight."

"But our losses are not big--it should be said that the losses are very small."

"They were just fighting indiscriminately. They were fighting at random from a distance of more than a thousand meters. Except for the heavy artillery, which was accurate, the other shells didn't land in the right place at all."

"Okay, I'm ready to start organizing the attack, that's it!"

Zhao Quan hung up the phone with a bang. He knew that when this kind of opportunity was fleeting, he didn't need to talk too much to the commander-in-chief Zhao Jialiang.

He raised his watch and glanced at the time. Only 15 minutes had passed since his camp was harassed.

The enemy's harassment has stopped for a while, and his team has completed preparations for departure.

Moreover, the support troops coming from the two camps on the side are already on the way. Together with the 1st and 2nd regiments of the airport camp, they will launch a counterattack against the enemy in the manner of a lion fighting a rabbit.

And this counterattack will crush all those enemies who overestimate their capabilities.

Yes, you are very good at assault, and your special operations capabilities are even more amazing.

You have advanced equipment and more advanced technology.

However, your ammunition will eventually run out.

After your grenades are used up, what else can you do?

You can't really think that with a few advanced rifles, night vision goggles, and body armor, you can defeat us without any armor, right?

This is war, not playing house.

In a real war, a real confrontation between the two armies, how can you special forces be of any use?

"The artillery company carried out a covering strike, targeting: Meiyan Village and Meiyan Village local positions."

"The armored company will encircle and outflank them, leaving the infantry alone. Let me take advantage of my mobility to attack from the flanks."

"The infantry dispersed and broke out, advancing step by step in units of squads and platoons."

"Be careful not to hit their commando team. That is the main force of the Dongfeng Corps. It will be useless even if the light infantry goes up."

"Just go around them, they will chase you and then fight!"

Zhao Quan issued the order to his adjutant, who replied loudly:

"Understood, you can leave, please leave!"

"Permission to go!"

Zhao Quan answered vigorously. Then, he strode out of the command post and looked at the fire on the mountain in the distance.

That's where the enemy is.

But soon, they will be gone.


However, at this moment, Zhao Quan suddenly discovered that there were sparks rising one by one on the top of the mountain.

At first he thought they were sparks from the explosion, but he soon discovered that those sparks had grown larger.

That's not Mars, it's a rocket.

"Fuck, here we go again!"

Zhao Quan immediately returned to the command post, intending to escape this round of rocket attacks first.

He is not worried about the damage caused by rocket saturation strikes, because the scope of the airport camp is very large.

No matter how awesome your Dongfeng Corps is, how many rockets can you produce?

one hundred? two hundred? More, how about 500?

With 500 rounds of rockets, you can shoot something, but that's about it.



The first rocket landed in the camp, and the first wave of intensive explosions occurred.

Zhao Quan took a deep breath and issued the order again.

"All units look for bunkers to hide. Armored units move out first to reduce explosion damage."


The adjutant answered again.

At this time, he and Zhao Quan had the same idea.

Isn't it just a rocket saturation strike?

Just get through it.


However, they all got it wrong.

Because the Dongfeng Corps does not have hundreds of rockets in its hands.

It's 3,000 rounds, 3,200 rounds to be precise.

40 launchers, echelon launch, 10 launchers each time, 80 rounds.

15 seconds to launch, 1 minute to reload.

This time the rockets washed the ground and lasted for a full 600 seconds.

10 minutes.

Coupled with the continuous bombardment of heavy artillery, plus other scattered mortars, 63 fire.

Almost every inch of the ground in the entire airport camp was covered by artillery fire.

Picric acid, white phosphorus, and even thermite.

The camp was burning like crazy, and explosions were happening everywhere. When Zhao Quan wanted to escape, it was already too late.

How can there be a boat to cross the sea of ​​fire? !

The whole camp was in complete disarray.

The other two teams that came to support also stayed in the distance in fear.

They want to save, but for what purpose? !

Who knows when the rain of fire caused by rockets will stop? !

It can last for 10 minutes, but what if it lasts for an hour? ?

For a moment, the battlefield fell into an eerie silence.

Apart from the continuous sound of explosions, all that was left was the roar of burning flames and the wails of wounded soldiers.

In the darkness, the scene was like purgatory.

Standing at the highest point of the position, Chen watched this scene silently.

He opened his mouth and said:

"I thought it was going to be the Battle of Tachiligrad."

“I didn’t expect this to be Pubei’s version of the siege of Fallujah.”

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