A round of rockets exploded, and the Tachileik Airport camp completely collapsed.

Chen Chen didn't know who the commander of this camp was, but he knew that after the breakup, it would be very difficult for the entire camp to be reestablished.

The fire burned so much and the damage was so complete that Chen Chen's original plan of rushing into the camp to fight the autumn wind could not be carried out.

The two teams that came to support were also in front of them. They were frightened by the two rounds of rockets falling in their direction, and their advance was slowed down. But as the dust settled, they finally started to advance again.

"It's too late. There's nothing we can grab. Just withdraw."

Chen Chen spoke decisively.

Yes, he is very greedy, so greedy that a goose would pluck its hair and a dog would have two of its teeth ripped out just by looking at him.

However, he knows better when to be greedy and when to be cowardly.

The purpose of this raid was to destroy the effective forces of the 505th Brigade, weaken their strength, and delay their attack on the Palau defense line.

But now, the goal has been fully achieved, even better than expected.

So why do I have to pursue trophies and icing on the cake?

Armored vehicles are tempting, heavy artillery is tempting, unburned shells and supplies are tempting, but no matter how tempting these things are, they are not more important than life!

Running away immediately is the best and only option.

Therefore, there is only one problem left before Chen Chen.

That is, how to run.

After all, retreat is the riskiest type of all battles. Once it is not handled well, the so-called "evacuation" can easily turn into a "rout", and the consequences of a rout are definitely something that no team can bear.

The enemy is right in front of us. We have almost run out of ammunition. Even the heavy artillery shells have been exhausted. If we want to stop the enemy's pursuit, we can only rely on light weapons.

It was another "desperate situation". Chen Chen didn't know how many times he had faced desperate situations in this attack.

However, finding a way out of desperate situations is exactly what he is good at.

After thinking for a moment, he gave the order.

"Everyone abandon all luggage and equipment, don't worry about anything, get in the car and run back!"

"There will be no obstacles and no battles along the way, so run with confidence!"

"No. 1, lead the artillery to go first, Firebird will cover, and evacuate at full speed."

"Stop trying to block the attack from the large forces. Run away while they are still confused!"

"After the assault group is broken up, lay mines along the way, blow up buildings and bridges, and stop the enemy's pursuit at all costs!"


Everyone's response came over the radio, and immediately after, all 600 mercenaries in the rocket launcher position started to move.

The vehicle had already been launched and the personnel had already assembled. Chen Chen gave the order and everyone started boarding the vehicle according to their "instinct".

There is no need for any organization at all, because Chen Chen always gives them the simplest orders.

Fight is fight, run is run, no need for any bells and whistles!

In just 3 minutes, 600 people had already gotten into 60 vehicles, and as the first vehicle started to set off, the speed of the convoy immediately increased.

"Don't worry about the formation, just step on the accelerator as hard as you can and you'll die!"

"The road is so wide, just don't drive into the ditch!"

After that, Chen Chen got into the Warrior car himself, turned around and drove in the direction of Meiyan.

At this time, the 505 brigade militiamen from the two camps on the side of Tachileik Airport also began to speed up. Several armored vehicles that were not lost in the rocket bombing took a circuitous route in the direction of Chen Chen, seeming to want to intercept and intercept the large troops. The out-of-touch Dongfeng Corps commandos.

But their armored units are mainly wheeled assault guns. No matter how fast you are, can you still be faster than my Warrior, faster than the Running Rhino Predator, and faster than my Hilux pick-up truck?

Before the armored vehicles of the 505th Brigade were even close, the commandos of the Dongfeng Corps had already rushed past and disappeared.

The enemy fired several shots, but they really didn't even touch a hair on the Dongfeng Corps.

Looking at the armored vehicles still pursuing him, Chen Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

Now he has no means to stop the enemy's attack, because all the heavy firepower has been used up.

So you can't stop. Once you stop and get bitten, you'll die!

In just a few minutes, the offensive and defensive positions had changed.

This night, the speed of transition between offense and defense was too fast.

It took the Dongfeng Corps less than an hour to penetrate all the checkpoints in Tachile and use unreasonable rocket bombing to kill a camp of 2,000 people. Then, when the soldiers of the 505th Brigade thought they were receiving When it was going to be a tough battle, they actually turned around and ran away!

Are you kidding me?

Is this how a war is fought?

Are you still being reasonable?

Just run away after ejaculating without giving any explanation?

In this case, the command of the entire 505th Brigade fell into chaos.

Zhao Jialiang, who was at a higher perspective, already knew about the battles near Jingdong and Mengxiu. Of course, he knew that the commando led by the Dongfeng Corps could not have more trump cards, so he decisively ordered a full-speed pursuit.

But the problem is that the front-line commanders are really frightened by the high-intensity firepower.

They have been fighting all their lives, but they have only seen scenes like fire and rain that were densely packed, covering the entire sky, in movies and on TV programs in the north!

It is impossible for them not to worry about the enemy's next move. After all, in their view, if they can explode once, they can explode a second time.

Therefore, they must observe and wait. Even if they cannot disobey the commander-in-chief's order, it is okay to delay for a few minutes, right?

Even if it's just five minutes? The enemy has to pack up their equipment anyway, so there is no shortage of time!

If you figure out the enemy's true purpose and pursue him along the route, it will be too late no matter what, right?

However, just these five minutes are enough to decide everything.

Because it only took 4 minutes for the large force of 600 people to withdraw from Meiyan. At this time, the pursuers of the 505th Brigade were still close to 1 kilometer away from them.

While maneuvering at high speed, they were unable to produce any fire suppression, and a multi-vehicle rally along the Tachileik Highway began.


Logically speaking, the pursuers of the 505th Brigade have an advantage, because they still have half an armored company to cover them. As long as they can get within 500 meters, they can effectively hinder the evacuating troops.

But the problem is, Chen Chen is not stupid.

Isn't the reason why the commando team cuts off the rear is to buy a few minutes, or even just a few dozen seconds, for the larger force?

They bombed all the way, and the C4 that had been prepared for a long time came into effect.

As the last part of the team, they blew up bridges and destroyed roads. They even took the time to carry out several directional blasts on roadside billboards, big trees and flimsy high-rise buildings, using the debris to block the enemy's pursuit.

Every explosion caused by the commando team would put tens of seconds between the main force and the pursuers. When the team left the last checkpoint, the Yaxin checkpoint, the original one kilometer distance between the enemy and ourselves was It has grown to nearly three kilometers.

The enemy is still cleaning up the billboards that were blown down by the commandos on the roadside in Kam, and our large forces have already moved onto the highway.

At this point, there is actually no need to chase anymore.

However, Zhao Jialiang was obviously crazy. He still ordered the team to continue the pursuit, and even issued a death order, requiring the third and fourth regiments to follow up at all costs. Even if they could not defeat the main force, they should at least kill the assault group. stay.

This extremely stupid order was not adopted by the front-line commanders at all, because they felt the danger of this pursuit more than Zhao Jialiang.

The two commanders tacitly commanded the troops to stop at the Yaxin checkpoint, relying on the favorable terrain to launch defenses to guard against possible counterattacks from the Dongfeng Corps.

In this case, Zhao Jialiang fell into madness.


He bypassed the two front-line commanders and gave orders directly to the armored company.

The four armored vehicles continued to move forward despite the orders of the two regiment commanders and continued to move forward at their top speed of 60 kilometers.

Two wheeled assault guns, two MT-LB tracked personnel carriers.

No infantry support.

What is he doing if he doesn't deliver food? !

Under the snowball effect, the consequences of the chaotic command of the 505th Brigade have gradually amplified. Now, it has finally caused irreparable consequences once again.

Looking back on the entire battle, in fact, this consequence is completely avoidable.

First, Zhao Jialiang was questioned by the Myanmar side and made a "harassing call" to the Tachilek Airport camp, which to a certain extent slowed down the response time of the front-line camp and maximized the losses from the rocket attack;

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Jialiang misjudged the morale of the frontline troops and issued orders that were not completely accurate, resulting in "hesitation" in frontline execution and letting go of the main force of the 756th Brigade.

Then, the trust between the front line and the rear collapsed.

After the pursuit was hopeless and the front-line commander made the right decision, Zhao Jialiang took over the command regardless, trying to recover the losses as much as possible with limited troops.

But the front-line commander had no intention of wading into the muddy waters, and actually allowed four armored vehicles to die.

This is the difference between a militia and a regular army.

A team standing on a hilltop cannot withstand the test of a real war. Once a decision-making problem arises, as long as it is handled slightly improperly, the command system will collapse like an avalanche.

When he received the footage from the drone and saw the four armored vehicles infiltrating alone, Chen Chen went crazy with joy.

Good guy, just now I was thinking that this battle lacked icing on the cake, and now it’s actually delivered? ?

The distance between the two sides has widened to 4 kilometers. In front of them is Menglin, the last town within Tachile's sphere of influence. After passing Menglin, no matter how stupid Zhao Jialiang is, it is impossible to pursue him.

And this means

If you want to get these cars, Menglin is your last chance.

In fact, Menglin is really suitable for action, because this place is just a small town located in the gap area. There is no large-scale armed force at all, and there are no reinforcements from the 505th Brigade.

Moreover, this small city is built on a tributary of the Mekong River and a bend of the Se River. It has complex waterways, numerous bridges, and relatively narrow roads.

There is a blockage in front and behind, and unless you abandon the car, it is a dead end.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen immediately ordered:

"Everyone is hiding, ambush them on the Saihe Bridge, and block them on the bridge!"

"We need to use smoke bombs to block the local sight line, use helicopters to carry out air suppression, and try to capture the enemy vehicles without damaging them!"

"Group 1, follow No. 2 to ambush under the bridge and throw smoke bombs."

"Two groups and three groups, driving machine gun pickup trucks, drive onto the bridge after the opponent gets on the bridge and block their retreat."

"Four groups organized explosions to blow up the road ahead, don't let them pass!"


Everyone answered immediately, and Chen Chen couldn't help but smile.

These four armored vehicles are really easy to fight, as if the opponent is really here to surrender.——

But what he didn't expect was that just when the enemy entered Menglin and was about to drive onto the Saihe Bridge, this "armored commando" suddenly came to their senses.

They did not move forward, but stopped at the edge of Menglin City.

After a brief hesitation, they actually turned around and ran away.

And with this run, the Dongfeng Corps really had no chance to capture them.

Damn, it turns out that the enemies are not stupid.

It was stupid enough to pursue him here, how could he really give him more chances? It’s not like they don’t know the situation in Menglin!

Chen Chen sighed somewhat reluctantly. He wanted to order a helicopter to fly over and intercept these armored vehicles, but after thinking about it again and again, he decided to give up.

The reason is simple. At this time, disengagement is the safest solution. Anyone who wants to pursue is a fool.

After all, the surveillance range of the drone is limited. What if the opponent has an ambush behind? What if they had anti-aircraft firepower?

The price of losing a helicopter was definitely not something Chen Chen could bear.

Let me keep it for you first, it will be mine sooner or later.

So, he decisively ordered the evacuation to continue, completely ignoring the armored vehicles.


I have to say that he really overestimated Zhao Jialiang.

The other party wasn't using the armored vehicle as bait to pull at him, he just made a perfectly stupid move.

If the helicopter really hits it, even if the probability of capture is low due to the terrain, at least there is still a chance.

Chen Chen didn't know this. He just followed his intuition and made the wisest choice.

As a result, during the subsequent 100 kilometers of evacuation, the team never encountered any setbacks.

It took less than 3 hours for all the troops to withdraw to the Palau defense line.

At this time, He Bangxiong was commanding the remaining troops in his hand to fight against the Burmese army in Jingdong. Gunfire broke out on the position, and the fighting was quite fierce.

This intensity does not stay on the surface.

In order to confuse the Burmese army and the 505th Brigade, He Bangxiong definitely couldn't do any "feint attack" operation. He really used all the remaining power in his hands to launch a round of attacks on the Burmese army in the Kengdung South position. Another round of attack!

His manpower and firepower are both at a disadvantage. In the four hours since the start of the battle, he has relied entirely on advanced protective equipment and a small amount of night vision equipment.

Now, the Burmese army has pushed to the doorstep, and it is likely to take this opportunity to break Palau's defense line in one fell swoop!

More than 200 of He Bangxiong's remaining more than 1,000 people on the Palau defense line have been killed. Proportionally speaking, this team is on the verge of collapse.

But at this time, the Dongfeng Corps finally came back.

Divine soldiers descend from heaven.

Along with the rising sun from the east, the Mi-171sh first destroyed the last rocket and completed the air strike suppression of the Myanmar position.

Subsequently, the heavy artillery that Bao Qila returned set up again. After replenishing ammunition, he launched a wave of precise shelling on the Burmese army's positions.

Immediately afterwards, the Dongfeng Corps entered the battle, and 600 veterans entered the battlefield. Precision shooters filled the void in the defense line. All the Burmese troops who had reached less than 50 meters in front of the position were pushed back.

The situation was reversed in an instant. The Burmese army, which had been invincible just now, soon collapsed and retreated.

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