The conflict on the Palau defense line continued until noon. After heavy firepower was supplemented, the 756th Brigade regained the initiative.

However, they did not have the ability to capture Jingdong in one fell swoop. After all, the complexity of urban combat was exponentially higher than that of positional warfare.

Once the bargaining chips were in hand, He Bangxiong made the decision that best suited his current interests.

And this decision actually coincides with Chen Chen's choice.

The gunfire gradually stopped, and the Dongfeng Corps withdrew from the front line. When He Bangxiong saw Chen Chen holding HK416 in his hand and looking relaxed, he could hardly hold back.

"Brother! Fortunately, you came back in time! Brother and I are almost dead!"

After hearing his words, Chen Chen shook his head helplessly and replied:

"Your fighting ability is really enough."

"Fortunately, we didn't go to grab Tachilei as originally planned. If we were delayed for another hour, your defense line would really collapse."

"What the hell? Although there aren't many of you, we can't fight that badly, right? Can't you hold on for 5 hours?"

After Chen Chen finished speaking, He Bangxiong also looked ashamed.

For a moment, he didn't know how to answer Chen Chen's question.

You can complain, it was much more difficult for the Dongfeng Corps to fight Tachilei. It took several hours to travel long distances, break through the enemy's heavy defenses, break up the organization of the opponent's two regiments, and then successfully withdraw. , helped himself to defend his line of defense.

In addition to the relatively high consumption of equipment throughout the process, there were less than 10 casualties. This kind of achievement can be regarded as rare even in the world, let alone in Pubei.

In comparison, he just fought a positional battle with Lao Burma. In the end, not only did he fail to suppress him, but he almost lost his position in a counterattack. How could he have the face to complain about such a result?

Okay, instead of complaining, let’s talk about the actual difficulties.

Insufficient manpower, insufficient equipment, and insufficient heavy firepower.

But the problem is, Lao Burma on the other side doesn’t have body armor!

Among the more than a thousand people, the equipment rate of heavy body armor is almost 100%. Under such circumstances, they are still beaten by the opponent's unarmored and lightly armored infantry?

Not enough equipment? What else needs to be done to ensure that the equipment is enough? Shall I bring you a few more tanks?

There's really no answer.

Fortunately, I didn't show any "distrust" before, otherwise, wouldn't it be equivalent to giving myself a slap in the face now?

He Bangxiong was silent for a long time, and finally said:

"Brother, our combat effectiveness is indeed low."

"The main reason is that the military is not mentally aligned and has a weak will to fight."

"Even if they are wearing body armor, these soldiers are still afraid of bullets and dare not shoot."

"When there is a problem in one position and there is a gap in firepower, the entire front collapses."

"It looks like there are more than a thousand people fighting against two thousand people on the other side, but in fact, it's just my more than two hundred private soldiers fighting on the other side. It's fine if the others don't cause trouble."

"Fortunately, the 7th Brigade is also attacking simultaneously, which distracts the Burmese army's attention and makes them confused about the situation."

"Otherwise, if they concentrate their efforts to attack Palau, I guess we won't be able to hold on for two hours, not to mention four hours."

"To tell you the truth, we really showed our cowardice this time. If you hadn't led the team back to defend the defense and fight them back, I guess it would be difficult to maintain a stalemate in the future."

He Bangxiong's words were very sincere, and Chen Chen also believed them deeply.

He himself indeed overestimated the battle of the 756th Brigade. He believed that even if some veterans and heavy equipment were removed, relying on the early layout of the Palau defense line, it would still be no problem to achieve a balance of power and stalemate.

But in the end, he was slapped hard in the face and taught him a hard lesson.

Never think that the enemy is weak and you are strong just because you can easily kill the enemy.

The only one that is strong is the Dongfeng Corps. Any other civilian armed forces in Pubei are just noobs pecking each other!

Thinking of this, Chen Chen nodded slightly and said half in relief and half in compliment:

"It doesn't matter, I managed to survive it."

"After this battle, we have a feel for the strength of our team. We will have a good idea when we make combat deployments in the future."

"Moreover, our operation was very successful. You should have received the report. The 505th Brigade's airport camp is basically finished. The first and second regiments have dispersed. It will be impossible for them to organize an effective attack in a short period of time."

"This is good news. Our strategic choice space has increased significantly. Whether we go to attack Tachileik again or concentrate on dealing with the Burmese army in Kengtung, the initiative lies with us!"


Hearing this, He Bangxiong stood up excitedly and then said:

"The situation has become completely clear. This battle has given us momentum. After that, the entire southern Shan State will fall to us."

"I have started contacting other brigades and they will respond soon."

"At the same time, I just confirmed with He Bupa that Mengxiu's offense has come to an end. They suffered a lot, but they still stabilized Mengxiu's defense in the end."

"So fast?"

Chen Chen looked at He Bangxiong in surprise and asked in disbelief.

"That's right, it took 4 hours."

"The strategy is to follow the strategy you formulated before, brother, bombing with heavy artillery, and forming an elite force of private soldiers to raid."

"The layout of the Burmese army's camp has been thoroughly figured out. They basically didn't waste much effort in entering. On the contrary, the defensive battle was fierce. More than 100 people died in the team of more than 700 people."

In fact, in Chen Chen's opinion, this number is not "tragic", but on second thought, in Pubei, it can be regarded as a certain degree of "massive casualties".

The 7th Brigade can withstand such casualties. In a sense, their combat effectiveness is indeed acceptable.

The three battlefields are in full bloom.

The situation can be said to be unprecedentedly good. If nothing unexpected happens, all the armed forces in Shan State will soon fall to the coalition forces.

And once the "broader alliance" is formed, what chance will the Burmese army here and the Burmese army's dog-legged 505th Brigade have to resist?

Chen Chen's heartstrings that had been tense all night finally relaxed. At this moment, he felt tired and relieved.

What was tiring was that high-intensity command really consumed more energy and brainpower than direct participation in the battle. After this night of fighting, he even felt more tired than he had been in the previous half month of fighting in Kokang.

What is relieved is that this battle verified the future combat method of the Dongfeng Corps.

Three-dimensional reconnaissance, multi-arms coordination, high-mobility combat, and heavy firepower to win.

With this set of combos in hand, who in Pubei would dare not follow it?

More importantly, only the Dongfeng Corps can fight this combination of punches!

This is a unique advantage and the "ultimate weapon" that cannot be taken away by others.

With it, Dongfeng Corps is safe at any time!

Thinking of this, Chen Chen let out a long sigh of relief.

Then, he spoke:

"We have only fought the first battle now. Then, the small-scale conflicts will become more and more intensive, and the 505th Brigade will not give up."

"Be prepared, we have lit the fuse, and the whole of Pubei is going to explode."

"Stop moving and beating randomly, and let the gunpowder explode on its own."

"Hide it. After the explosion is over, we will go out and clean up the mess."


At the same time, Mengka.

Jackal was sitting in Chaisili's combat command room, watching the latest battle report, and said with emotion to the intelligence officer in front of him:

"You really can never imagine what the Dongfeng Corps can do, nor can you imagine what the sunken ship can do."

"I originally thought that he left Monkha to lead a team to attack the Myanmar Army in Mongolia, and his helicopter also flew there, but I didn't expect that he actually went to Palau, to Tachileik!"

"You said it's okay for him to go to Palau. How could a normal person come up with a plan to send hundreds of people to attack Tachileik?"

"Stabilize Palau's defense line, survive the first round of the 505th Brigade's attack, achieve a balance of power, and then use the bargaining chip to negotiate with the Burmese army at the expense of both sides. This is the best solution I can think of."

"But he didn't even want such a result. From beginning to end, he probably never thought about compromising with Myanmar."

"He really intends to kill all the Burmese soldiers in Shan State, and he really has the ability!"

"It's horrible. All I can say is, luckily we are not his enemies."

After hearing Jackal's words, the intelligence officer nodded with deep understanding, and then said:

"This blitzkrieg can definitely be recorded in textbooks. With limited resources, insufficient intelligence, and extremely poor organization, choose the simplest and most direct plan with the highest fault tolerance rate to deal with it."

"If the people are not good enough, we will not engage in complicated tactics to avoid affecting the execution effect; if the intelligence is insufficient, we will not set complicated goals and use the elimination of the establishment as the benchmark; if the equipment is not good, we will use civilian equipment to improve it."

"Actually, the core of their operation is still those thousands of rockets. I guess the whole Pubei didn't expect that they could hide these weapons so well."

“That’s the smart thing about Wreck.”

Jackal sighed and continued:

"Have you forgotten what happened before? Before the rockets were transported and the modifications started, the shipwreck turned the Wanfeng Group upside down and brought a bloody storm to the entire Shan State."

"Everyone's attention was attracted. Everyone felt that they would definitely continue to make a fuss along this route. The focus was all on Wanfeng Group, but they ignored Huamei Trading Company, which was engaged in imports at the Mongla Port. "

"To be honest, even I was deceived by him - I thought they really brought in another batch of body armor. Who knew that what came was not body armor, but rockets."

"There is a saying over there that they made dumplings just for a sip of vinegar. Now I am a little suspicious that Wanfeng Group is just dumplings made by a sinking ship."

Jackal's words made the intelligence officer in front of him laugh. From his perspective, this proverb was indeed funnier than all the pun jokes Jackal had said before.

However, after laughing, his expression became serious again.

He opened his mouth and said:

"Then again, when the fight reaches this point, we can't stay out of it."

"The 505th Brigade will fall. The domestic investment in them, especially the Pamang Battalion, has been completely reduced. This is a very heavy blow."

"The strength waxes and wanes. I think that one is probably going to die."

Jackal frowned, nodded, and replied:

"This is also my judgment."

"In this case, we should take action."

"Report to the company and prepare to intervene."

"Now is the best time to show our loyalty and we cannot miss this opportunity."

"Understood. How to fight?"

The intelligence officer stood up straight, waiting for the jackal's answer.

Jackal hesitated for a few seconds and then said decisively:

"I don't know how to fight. Contact Sunken Ship and ask him."

"Ask him what help he needs, just say. No matter who the Dongfeng Corps wants to fight, we Chaisili will definitely help!"

On the other side, Tachilei.

Zhao Jialiang stood in the room with a serious face, and the adjutant beside him was reporting the battle damage to him with a trembling voice.

".The first and second regiments identified 470 casualties, including 210 killed and 260 seriously injured."

"There is no statistics on the number of minor injuries, but it is conservatively estimated to be around 500."

"Compared to the casualties, the loss of equipment was more serious. The entire camp was almost completely destroyed. The fire was so big that we had no way to put out the fire."

"All the ammunition stored in the camp has been lost, and the equipment has been severely damaged. We haven't had time to count, but the situation is not optimistic."

"In addition, the leader of the group was seriously injured and has been sent to the hospital for treatment. His condition is basically stable."

"We have reorganized the scattered teams, but..."

The adjutant did not continue, because he knew that all the news mentioned above were just foreshadowing, and what was really fatal was the content behind this "but".

However, it is impossible for these two combat groups to have combat effectiveness.

The middle and lower-level commanders have suffered too many losses, and the morale of the military has been severely damaged.

These soldiers have been demoted from soldiers to "broken troops."

Want to break up the troops and fight? Aren't you just talking nonsense?

Therefore, these two combat groups are actually gone.

Not many people died, but the establishment.

It’s gone.

Thinking of this, the adjutant secretly raised his head and looked at Zhao Jialiang, and the other person's cold eyes instantly frightened him.

I also said before that the Dongfeng Corps only has one or two hundred rockets at most, but now

He lowered his head again, preparing to face Zhao Jialiang's storm.

But unexpectedly, the other party didn't speak for a long time.

When the adjutant couldn't bear it anymore and looked at him again, he found that Zhao Jialiang had already sat back on the sofa.

The latter silently waved to the adjutant and motioned for him to come over and sit down.

Then, Zhao Jialiang said:

"This is no one's fault."

"Victory and defeat are common matters in military affairs. Just because we are defeated this time, we cannot dare to fight."

"Now, we still have the upper hand in terms of strength and equipment - according to the latest intelligence, the Burmese army in Keng Tung almost took over the Palau defense line."

"As long as they hold off their reinforcements for a few minutes, the result might be different."

"This is why I tried to hold them back but you didn't believe it."

As he finished speaking, the adjutant had a rare and disrespectful thought in his mind.

Isn't this an afterthought?

Of course, it was impossible for him to say this. He just echoed:

"We should indeed pursue them, but the situation at that time was too complicated, and we can't blame the frontline leaders."

"So I don't blame them."

Zhao Jialiang sighed and continued with a sharp look:

"But this kind of thing must never happen again."

"If anyone disobeys orders again, I"

"Jingle Bell--"

The ringing phone on the table interrupted Zhao Jialiang's words. He glanced at the adjutant, who picked up the phone.

And soon, the adjutant's expression became extremely solemn.


It can even be said to be painful.

He handed the phone receiver to Zhao Jialiang's hand, and the moment the other party took the receiver, his hand touched the pistol at his waist.

Ke Zhao Jialiang's movements were faster than his.

The fruit knife on the table appeared in his hand at some point, and was inserted into the adjutant's throat.

At this time, the man on the phone continued to talk, completely unaware of anything unusual here.

"Commander, we really can't wait any longer."

"We must negotiate with other brigades immediately and bring them to our side."

"The impact of this defeat is too great for us"

"He's dead, stop acting."

Zhao Jialiang spoke coldly, interrupting the man opposite.

There was silence in the receiver. After a long time, the man continued:

"Then I won't act."

"Zhao Jialiang, you are no longer worthy to be the commander of the 505th Brigade."

"We rebelled."

"There's no future with you."

"You hold the stinky feet of Pamang camp in your hands every day. Do you think they can really benefit you?"

"I've wanted to say it for a long time. How many lives do you have if you go against the North?"

"You are willing to fight, but I am not!"

"I'm telling you, I don't want to do this anymore, I'm just waiting to die!"

With a bang, the phone was hung up.

Outside the window, Tachilei's gunfire rang out again.

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