"War dog, Warlord, or LORD OF WAR?" (Mercenary, Warlord, or Lord of War)

This is a real New York Times headline.

It has to be said that in terms of attracting attention, they are so much better than the pornographic news that Chen Chen saw in his previous life.

The three highly impactful "Wars" not only echo the current situation in Pubei, but also fully fit the theme of this report.

Especially the last two words, although the words are almost the same, the meanings expressed are completely different.

Not to mention those people who don't know the truth, even Chen Chen himself felt the urge to read it quickly when he saw it.

However, the first thing he did was still find the author's name - fortunately, it was not Jiya.

After searching, he found that the signed author of this article was a relatively well-known journalist. He had always paid attention to the situation in Pubei in the past, so it was reasonable to write such a report.

Of course, it is impossible for this person not to have a CIA background. The most important thing is to see what he wrote.

Chen Chen clicked on the Toutiao page. He had no choice but to look at his face again. Fortunately, the Dongfeng Corps paid great attention to the confidentiality of their identities in most public operations. They basically wore masks. This secretly taken photo was quite blurry. , that is, to the extent that Asian characteristics can barely be seen.

All the members of the core group came together curiously. Chen Chen didn't bother to hide it and simply projected the picture on the screen. After seeing Chen Chen's big face photo, even Shi Dakai couldn't help but complain. .

"This photo is terrible. To be honest, if they want to publish news, they can actually contact us and ask for photos."

"You think the matter is not big enough, right?"

Chen Chen gave him a roll of his eyes, and the latter spread his hands indifferently and replied:

"Actually, I have already been mentally prepared for this situation. Things are getting bigger and bigger, and we will be targeted sooner or later."

"This is just the beginning. Maybe we will all be in the newspapers in the future."

".It makes sense."

Chen Chen shook his head helplessly, then scrolled the mouse to the text page.

The first sentence of the text made Chen Chen nervous.

["There is absolutely no enemy in this world that cannot be defeated. If there is, it must be because the fire is not burning brightly enough" - Shipwreck. 】

"When did I say this?"

Chen Chen looked around in confusion, while others shook their heads.

"Although he didn't say it, it seems that the sentence he made up is really something you would say."

Bao Qi nodded thoughtfully, seeming to agree with this evaluation.

But Shi Dakai shook his head and added:

"Actually, this sentence is not appropriate enough. We should add another sentence, 'If the fire is not strong enough, it must be because the wind is not strong enough', which will make it more reasonable."

"But stop talking about it now"

Chen Chen chuckled and said nothing more.

At this time, he felt relieved a lot.

He was really afraid that this thing was a serious in-depth report, the kind that could reveal all the foundations of the Dongfeng Corps.

But now, it's clear from the fact that the author opens with a quote that's clearly made up as a gimmick that he's probably just trying to make big news.

Therefore, Chen Chen decisively stretched out his hand to signal everyone to shut up, then scrolled the mouse and began to carefully read this "news story" that made the headlines.

[How long does it take to go from a broken soldier to the strongest special forces in the region? The answer given by this mercenary group named "Dongfeng" is, two years. 】

[In two years, this mercenary group has grown from 4 people and 4 guns to the most advanced rifles, heavy artillery, armored vehicles, and even helicopters. Countless enemies have fallen in front of them, and among these enemies, Many have even appeared in our headlines. 】

[They are veritable "headline killers" and inhumane battlefield butchers. 】

[According to preliminary statistics from sources, in the past two years, this team has caused direct casualties of up to 3,000 people, with a large number of casualties coming from their unscrupulous use of fire attack tactics]

[In many battles, they even used thermite and white phosphorus bombs, flagrantly violating the Geneva Convention and disregarding the lives of civilians]

[The most typical case is the attack launched by the Dongfeng Corps on the Henry Hotel in Kokang Old Street. During this offensive, the Dongfeng Corps used homemade thermite to set fire and destroyed a large hotel that could accommodate thousands of people. According to people familiar with the situation, the burning fire could even be seen hundreds of kilometers away in YN Province. arrive】

[In addition, the Dongfeng Corps also uses a large number of anti-humanitarian weapons and even uses large oil tankers to make explosives. Last October, this armed group created a large explosion along the Mekong River, blowing up dozens of ships and causing hundreds of casualties. After the explosion, they set fire to the mountains, burning tens of thousands of square meters of forest, and the resulting black Smoking lasted for more than a week]

[And this is only a small part of their crazy tactics. According to people familiar with the matter, the Dongfeng Corps never accepts any prisoners on the battlefield nor returns the bodies of the fallen.]

[As of now, the bodies of some international security company employees are still detained by the Dongfeng Corps, or have been "processed" by the Corps]

[Their methods are cruel and their fighting power is extremely strong, and they have become one of the most serious sources of instability in the local area]

[But the true purpose of this corps is far from being truly exposed]

The report came to an end here. The author paired his article with many news pictures. When he saw those pictures that he had actually been to the scene in person, Chen Chen couldn't help but frown.

Damn it.

I didn’t feel anything during the beating. Looking back now, I wonder if what I did was really that crazy.

The burned-to-black hotel stood out in the bustling city; the wreckage of the ship floating on the Mekong River, its twisted keel showing the power of the shocking explosion; I don’t know from which angle the fire truck was shooting fire, It is simply a postmodern science fiction style oil painting; and it was obviously shot after the war, and the scattered wounded in the Burmese Army wounded soldier camp pushed the atmosphere created by the author to a climax.

Damn it, Chen Chen, damn it!

Chen Chen scratched his head, and he suddenly realized that if he were really an ordinary person, after reading this report, he would probably only be shocked by the brutality of this corps.

After all, these words and pictures are so impactful

All fake new is just childish. This kind of half-sentence selective reporting is the real master!

Damn it, you only said that I burned down the hotel, why didn't you say that the Henry Hotel was the home of illegal gambling, drug dealing, and human trafficking?

You said I blew up boats on the Mekong River, but what I blew up was Nuo Kang’s boat, okay?

Also, who the hell are the employees of the International Security Company and the mercenaries of the Shadow Corps? How can they be more noble than us?

Public opinion, if you don’t occupy the high ground of public opinion, it will really be occupied by the enemy.

Chen Chen clenched his fists and secretly remembered the author's name.

He wished he could find an opportunity to go to the United States to let this man feel the iron fist of the Dongfeng Corps, but of course he also knew that this might not be possible in the short term.

However, the company is getting bigger and bigger, and it seems that it is indeed time to engage in a public opinion war.

It's not enough to hide your head and tail all the time. Since people are already standing at the front stage, it's better to start the performance openly.

After Jingdong wins, let's get started on this matter.

Chen Chen let out a breath and scrolled the mouse again to read.

[If they are just war dogs fighting for money, perhaps what this regiment does will not attract much attention]

[In fact, in the early days of the establishment of this corps, what they did was not much different from other mercenary groups active in Pubei]

[According to reliable information, the well-documented first mission of this mercenary group was to assist the Thai side in the escort mission. They rescued a European journalist from the kidnappers and sent him to a safe area. Like all other mercenary groups and security companies, they have completed their missions]

[But after that, the Dongfeng Corps began to contact higher-level forces, and their ambitions were exposed]

[Just a few days after the escort mission was completed, this mercenary group assisted the local warlord in Monkha to launch an armed coup, overthrowing the originally stable management order and fostering a new puppet warlord to come to power]

[In this coup, there is evidence that they used cloud explosive bombs and white phosphorus bombs to attack, and brutally killed the former local military and administrative chief without any negotiation]

[After that, the Dongfeng Corps acted more and more crazily]

[With the help of the new puppet warlords, they obtained a large amount of heavy equipment, went deep into the Golden Triangle area, eliminated a large number of potential enemies, and robbed a large amount of equipment and property]

[Subsequently, with the dual support of equipment and property, they entered the Kokang area and assisted the Allied Forces in launching a bloody suppression of the local democratic resistance forces. The Henry Hotel fire mentioned earlier occurred during this period]

[It is understood that all peaceful and democratic forces in Kokang were destroyed in this crackdown. The Allied Forces returned to power and colluded with senior officials of the Myanmar military government to continue to implement its high-pressure rule in Kokang]

[It is worth mentioning that during the Kokang incident, the Dongfeng Corps also carried out a brutal and vicious attack on the Kachin democratic forces. A legal trading company was affected, and more than a hundred Kachin people were massacred]

[Immediately afterwards, the Dongfeng Corps pointed its finger at local third-party forces, trying to eliminate all external observation forces]

[Members of the Shadow International Security Company affiliated with MPRI were attacked and all employees were killed]

[In response to this matter, MPRI has responded and will use more force to investigate to the end]

[Blatantly attacking third-party neutral forces is already the craziest limit we can think of, but it is not the limit of Dongfeng Soldiers]

[After eliminating the observers, the Dongfeng Corps directly participated in the rebel attack on the important town of Pubei, broke the peace reorganization agreement, continued to provoke the government troops, and caused heavy casualties]

[Under their influence, the already stable situation in Pubei became unstable again, and the largest armed conflict in decades broke out]

[Regional peace faces serious challenges and geopolitical stability is under major threat]

[But the person who started all this never spoke up for the victims from the beginning to the end]

Here, the second part of the report ends.

This time, the author's accompanying pictures still exploded.

What civilians are bleeding and being pointed at gunpoint, what corpses are being executed at close range, what teddy bears are stained with smoke and blood, what children are being carried into the hospital by their tearful fathers

Damn it, do these photos have anything to do with me?

Chen Chen could pat his chest and say that his previous actions may have indeed caused some impact on civilians, but the direct casualties - no, even the indirect injuries due to their actions could never exceed 10 .

Which of the people I killed didn't deserve it? ?

Moreover, the four major families have actually become a democratic resistance force? What the hell kind of joke is this? !

Can a company that buys and sells arms to carry out terrorist acts be considered a legal trading company? Ami, just because you did it yourself, you can’t say it’s legal for others to do it, right?

There is really no way to deny the matter of breaking the peaceful reorganization agreement, but the problem is, this is Pubei's internal affairs, does it have a JB relationship with you? !

Chen Chen's hair is about to explode. The writing style of this report is really strong.

He suppressed the feeling of nausea and continued to read, but as he looked at it, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.


what happened?

Although every word I say is attacking and belittling, but look at it, you actually think I’m pretty awesome.

On the screen, the text of the report continued to flash across, and this long report was coming to an end.

[The origin of this mercenary group is mysterious, and its amazing combat power is even more mysterious. After the author has verified it in many ways, he has not yet obtained evidence about the real background of the mercenary group]

[But the undeniable fact is that the emergence of this mercenary group has not brought any improvement to the already turbulent Pubei situation]

[On the contrary, their brutal expansion methods have caused serious adverse consequences]

[And its leader, the mercenary nicknamed "Wreck", has also become a disgusting warmonger]

[Every time he appears, it means a new war and the loss of one life after another]

[Perhaps, neither mercenary, warlord nor war lord is enough to adequately and accurately summarize him]

[He is a ruthless mercenary, a cruel warlord, a cold criminal, an anti-human killing machine, a crazy chaos maker, and the eye of the storm that destroys all peace and order]

[To solve Pubei’s problem, perhaps, we should first solve his problem]

At this point, the full text of the report ends.

Chen Chen breathed a long sigh of relief and closed the computer with a snap.

Then, he gritted his teeth and said:

"Damn it, sooner or later I'm going to hang all these stupid Western media on my wall."

"I want to see how many words they can write with their faces spread out!"

Hearing his words, Shi Dakai on the side couldn't help laughing.

"They don't care whether they have the nerve or not, let alone write a few words."

"Actually, it's okay. This report is too exaggerated and will not be officially accepted."

"I was worried at first, but after reading the whole story, I thought it wasn't a big deal."

It’s really not a big deal. This report is too exaggerated in terms of wording and facts. It does not touch the core of the problem at all. It even makes many common sense mistakes that even the United States itself will not recognize.

For example, the article's vague attitude towards Laos and Myanmar is completely inconsistent with the current grand strategy of Laos and the United States. For example, it is claimed that the Shadow Corps belongs to MPRI. Isn't this just a slap in the face of the Ministry of National Defense?

Obviously, this report does not represent the official views of the United States.


Maybe it has some connection with the CIA, but it shouldn't be strong.

Because if the CIA really wanted to kill the Dongfeng Corps in a public opinion war, it would actually not say anything against humanity or massacre, because it is too easy to refute.

They will only focus on one point of attack, that is, interfering with the regional democratic process.

A large number of warlords in Africa were beaten to death for this reason. Who cares whether they massacre or not?

Thinking of this, Chen Chen finally felt relieved.

This report exposed the Dongfeng Corps to everyone and established an extremely negative image, which will indeed cause considerable trouble.

But fortunately, it’s not “that” troublesome.

So, he opened his mouth and said:

"It's just a small episode, don't worry about it."

"An Xin, just do whatever you have to do, we."

"Jingle Bell--"

Before he finished speaking, the phone on the table rang again.

After picking up the phone, Jackal's iconic passionate voice immediately rang.

"The shipwreck - no, it's the 'Pubei's Death Angel', hello!"

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