".Why do you give me such a nickname?"

Chen Chen asked helplessly.

"Haven't you seen it yet? The New York Times headline, War Lord Shipwreck, the eye of the storm in Pubei!"

"But these nicknames are boring, and now everyone has started giving you new nicknames."

"The war commander of the Allied Forces, the Pubei Death Angel, the Pubei Punisher, the dark knight with a gun, etc. In short, you have become famous this time."

"Not only within the industry, your name is now known to ordinary people."

"A lot of accounts about you have popped up on Facebook, and videos about you on YouTube have also gone viral. Someone uploaded a video of the Henry Hotel fire that they shot before, and the number of clicks was super high."

".Has it reached this level?"

Hearing Jackal's words, Chen Chen frowned.

In fact, he had already been prepared for the "identity exposure" matter.

Because after causing so many big things, it is basically impossible for you to leave no trace in this world and not be noticed by anyone.

However, even after seeing the New York Times report, he still felt that the influence of this "public report" would only be limited to a relatively controllable range, but he never thought that this thing could actually be released. lock up

Yes, at this point in time in 2010, although Internet social media was not very developed, some influential websites had indeed been born.

Be it Facebook or Twitter, the number of users has reached tens of millions or even over 100 million.

But the problem is, isn't this kind of website just used by bored netizens to rate girls, share sexy pictures and short videos, and then attack the northern government by the way?

I'm a mercenary from Pubei, how can I compete with a naked girl for traffic?

Why are you paying attention to me when you have nothing to do? This little time is enough for you to face the screen as many times as you want.

Why did you give me such an outrageous nickname? Do you really think I won't die soon enough?

Chen Chen felt a deep sense of powerlessness. He knew very well that being famous at this time would never be a good thing for him.

The reason is simple. What he is doing is a life-threatening business. What he sells is "private force", not Thai fragrant rice or Burmese jade.

Those who work in this industry are most afraid of being famous, and Blackwater Company is a lesson learned from the past.

At that time, they also enjoyed the benefits of a wave of "Internet celebrities" and thought they had found the right development path, so they began to promote it.

But what's the result?

The harder you publicize, the more people will pay attention to you. As long as you do even one wrong thing, it will be magnified infinitely and people will pester you endlessly. In the end, whether it is formal or informal, The attack will only stop if it kills you and disbands you.

This is a very real risk, and it is also the trouble that Chen Chen must deal with next.


But looking back at Jackal, he really didn't seem to have any awareness of such risks. After hearing Chen Chen's question, he not only didn't think there was anything wrong, but answered happily:

"Yes! It ferments very quickly!"

"And I estimate that your popularity will be even higher in the future."

"By the way, you don't have to worry about negative image."

"Because some people have already started to publish articles to refute the New York Times. They almost refuted the New York Times's arguments point by point, sorted out the situation in Pubei, and then marked the identities of the people you killed."

"What about Nuokang, Bai Suocheng, Banglong's Laofajia Trading Company, etc."

"Otherwise, why do you think you are called the Dark Knight with a gun? Because many people think you are the Batman of Pubei."

Abstract, too abstract.

Jackal's words made Chen Chen feel extremely unreal, but when he thought about it, the Western world had a natural heroic filter for so-called vigilantes and so-called "vigilantes."

And it just so happened that the things he did were really like a vigilante.

Fighting drug dealers, destroying warlords, and resisting the Burmese government have always played the role of villains in the propaganda of the United States and the United States in the past few years.

What is this if not a vigilante?

Good guy, I didn’t expect that I would reap the benefits of the policy change in the United States.

"So who's arguing?"

Chen Chen asked curiously.

His words had no special meaning. He just wanted to know who else in the Western media could "seek truth from facts." But then, Jackal's words made him feel relaxed and tense again. stand up.

"Haven't you guessed who it is? Why should I call you specifically?"


Chen Chen asked subconsciously:

"No, she is still alive?"

"Wait, even if she is still alive, how can she still be 'living freely'??"

Upon hearing his words, Jackal's tone became serious.

He replied:

"The main counter-argument is actually a tweet from the same Twitter account. The account is called 'Sun News'. It is a fake account of The Sun, but the content it published before is indeed serious news."

"You can read that tweet yourself. There are some details that only people who have really been in contact with you will know."

"For example, the tweet said that the death of Chen Yimin's family in the 7th Brigade was caused by the Burmese army. Remember, this excuse was made by us before, but it has definitely not spread."

"So, I judge that this report is likely to come from Jiya, but I really don't know where she is now."

"Didn't she go to Thailand?"

Chen Chen asked.

"She went to Thailand, but after arriving in Chiang Mai, she had completely separated from Chai Sri."

"Jurisdiction over her has been handed over to the authorities and we have no authority to intervene - or indeed, we do not want to intervene at all."

"So, now I am as curious as you. I really want to know how this woman survived."

"As you said, if she not only survived, but even lived freely, then the story behind it would be quite amazing."

"Really amazing."

Chen Chen became more and more confused, but apart from confusion, he had no more worries.

Because if it is determined to be Jiya, then combined with the report itself mentioned by Jackal, at least one basic judgment can be made, that is:

Jiya didn't really join the CIA.

Otherwise, at this time, she would not be able to jump out and speak for herself.


Of course, to be realistic, she is not necessarily speaking for herself.

Maybe she is only interested in this hot topic because of a "gun-wielding Batman" who was born in a place of chaos. Such a story is more attractive and more creative for her than the so-called "Pubei War Lord" concocted by the New York Times. Just profit.

But no matter what, what she did did not bring trouble to Chen Chen himself, but instead helped Chen Chen solve part of the trouble.

Thinking about it this way, this is indeed Jiya's style.

He has a deep mind, calculates and uses everyone around him, and seizes every opportunity, but he basically does not benefit himself at the expense of others, but pursues a win-win situation.

This woman is probably a representative of chaotic kindness - not far different from Chen Chen's own camp.

One uses a gun, the other uses conspiracy.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen stopped asking any more questions and instead spoke to Jackal:

"Please help me pay more attention to this matter - I don't have time to care about the media and public opinion, but you are quite free."

"Especially pay attention to the dynamics of that account. If possible, find Jiya and contact her."

Hearing Chen Chen's words, the Jackal across from him said "Oh" with some dissatisfaction, and then said:

"I'm not idle, I just have nothing to do."

"Last time I asked you if you needed our help, but you said no yourself."

"Stop worrying about this. How can you help?"

Chen Chen pursed his lips speechlessly and continued:

"I asked you to capture Tachile and kill Zhao Jialiang, can you do it? I asked you to besiege Jingdong and incite public opinion, can you do it? The supply of arms is insufficient, and I asked you to purchase goods, can you get in? There is chaos in Pubei, Go and hold it down, can you handle it?"

"Stop talking nonsense. Now is not the time when you can help. When the situation stabilizes, you will have plenty of work to do."

"Now, just help me deal with these things that others can't handle."

After Chen Chen finished speaking, Jackal immediately barked.

"Wreck, what you said is so hurtful. I ask you to apologize to me immediately! Hurry up!"

"You kid, you won't play with me if you don't apologize, right?"

"Forget it. There is one more thing, internal news, King Thailand is going to live, just in these few days."

This is the most important news. Probably the real purpose of Jackal's call is to talk about this matter.

"Approximately how long will it take?"

"I don't know, but within a week for sure."

"You must solve Jingdong's problem as soon as possible, and then be prepared to take down Tachileik."

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You will get a vacuum window, and the geopolitical situation of Tachilei will become extremely clean. If you don't take advantage of this time to capture Tachilei, it will be difficult to find opportunities again."

This is a real declaration of submission. If Jackal can tell himself this news in advance, it means that he has already planned to officially board the ship.

"I understand, I'll handle it."

Chen Chen opened his mouth and replied.

No need for too many words, the tacit understanding between the two has actually been reached.

"Okay, that's it."

Jackal hung up the phone, and just when Chen Chen wanted to do some business and arrange the specific battle plan for the Jingdong strategy, his phone rang endlessly.

This time, it was a small fish.

"Have you finished reading the report?"

Xiaoyu asked in a serious tone.

"I've finished reading it. It's not a big deal - but I have a question. This report has been out for almost 6 hours. It has already been fermented on social media. Is your response speed too slow?"

Chen Chen asked rhetorically.

"You filed a complaint first? What, you want to give us some constructive suggestions for our work?"

"That's right! You should have paid attention to the trends of public opinion in a timely manner!"

Chen said solemnly.

He was not making trouble unreasonably, but was really giving advice to Xiaoyu.

In fact, at this time, the control of the so-called "international public opinion" in the north was really very weak. Such an important news was only discovered after a delay of several hours, so it cannot be said that there was something wrong with the intelligence department.

It can only be said that the work mentality has not changed yet, and the information dissemination method has not yet adapted to the Internet era.

Therefore, if through this opportunity, I can slightly change their working methods, it will also be a useful help to the subsequent cooperation between the two parties.

After hearing Chen Chen's words, Xiaoyu on the opposite side did not speak harshly, but said "hmm" and replied:

"Our response speed was indeed slow this time, and there will definitely be improvements in the future, but this is not the focus of our discussion now."

"The problem we face now is that the first wave of offensive launched by the enemy has already begun. If you don't respond well, you will be cut off and abandoned."

"I want to know, what are your plans now?"

"Change your appearance, or carry on to the end?"

"Carry it to the end."

Chen Chen replied without hesitation:

"There is no point in changing one's appearance. Isn't the example of Blackwater Group right before our eyes?"

"No matter what name we change, no matter how we disband and reorganize, as long as I am alive, they will never give up."

“Instead of being reactive, it’s better to be proactive.”

"Anyway, our bodies are not afraid of the shadows being distorted. The people I beat are all deserved in the universal sense. What should I be afraid of?"

"Have you not read the comments on social platforms? But now, the image of the Dongfeng Corps is still positive. The New York Times report, apart from raising the profile, did not arouse too many 'biased opinions' .”

"After all, the facts are too clear. No matter how unreasonable the old American is, it's impossible to say that Nuokang shouldn't die, right?"

".Indeed. But where is Tachilei? Where is Jingdong?"

Xiaoyu then asked:

"They will attack you from countless angles that you don't expect, and you will be under unparalleled tremendous pressure. These pressures are definitely not as simple as a few indifferent insults on the news, but"

"No but."

Chen Chen interrupted Xiaoyu and then continued:

"They do have countless reasons to attack me, but as long as we do one big thing right, no one can point fingers at us anymore."

".What are you going to do?"

"Don't you know what I'm going to do?"

Chen Chen had a riddle with Xiaoyu. It wasn't that he didn't want to tell, but he really couldn't.

Nonsense, if he really said the word "one !

There is no such term yet. What is mentioned most now is "a radiating center for South Asia."

Therefore, he could only let Xiaoyu guess.

And obviously, Xiaoyu definitely knew the answer to his riddle.

Because, the reason why she appeared in Pubei and the Golden Triangle before was actually the outpost of this super macro-strategy.

The two of them were silent for a long time, so silent that even Chen Chen began to reflect on whether what he said was too explicit, then Xiaoyu finally said:

"Remember, this is the Wa State's own idea, not ours."

"It was originally the Wa State's own idea - to eliminate regional barriers under the rule of warlords, open up transportation lines in Pubei, promote external economic circulation, promote alternative economies, eliminate drugs and other illegal trade, introduce advanced production capacity, and build Pubei's economic artery , achieve healthy economic development, and promote regional peace and stability. That’s what Bao Xiaomei told me.”

".You better be."

"Yes, from the beginning."

"Okay, let's do it."

The little fish on the other end of the phone sighed, and then said:

"We've reached this point, and it's no longer possible to say anything to keep you out of it."

"You can only go one way until the end. If you can work it down, everything will be fine; if you can't work it down, everything will stop."

"The key lies in Jingdong and Tachilei. The King of Thailand is going to live, and you don't have much time."

"Understood, it's just a matter of these few days."

Chen Chen replied.

"So confident?"

Xiaoyu's tone became relaxed - as relaxed as breaking a jar.

"Oh, it's just a Jingdong."

"In three days, bring Maotai with you and prepare to come to Mengka. Remember, I want to drink Feitian!"

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