I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 279 Internal Collapse

If you want to capture Jingdong, it is impossible to succeed by relying on external offensive.

If you really want to fight, and they retreat to the city and start a street fight with you, do you think you can get in?

Go in, anyone can drag you to death. Without the confrontation caused by the peripheral traffic blockade, Lao Burma can still find every opportunity to arrange support troops. With the internal and external cooperation, the coalition forces collapsed without any need to fight.

If you want to say no, the turmoil in Pubei cannot be sustained for a long time. When the situation settles down again, the pressure on the coalition forces will increase.

Therefore, Chen Chen's strategy is very simple, which is to take advantage of this unrest and arrange a "soft offensive" to disintegrate the Jingdong defenders from within.

He arranged a series of actions and used all the means he could think of, with the purpose of completely eliminating the Burmese army's will to resist within a few days.

All actions are targeted.

First of all, in response to the increasingly strong resistance against the "strict martial law policy" in Jingdong City, Chen Chen created reasons for the people to take to the streets.

After he completed detailed reconnaissance with drones and determined the few remaining air defense points in Jingdong, he used heavy artillery to kill all the anti-aircraft guns. Since then, the entire Jingdong has fallen into an extremely disadvantageous situation with no air superiority at all. .

However, he did not launch an air strike. Instead, he made helicopters fly seven or eight times a day to drop a large amount of supplies into Jingdong City.

At this time, due to severe obstruction of internal and external transportation, although the coalition forces did not commit the "evil act" of "cutting off food and grass", the supplies in the city were still not sufficient.

That would be easy.

If the city lacked anything, he would throw it in.

Insufficient supply of vegetables? Throwing 4 tons of messy vegetables at a time and not caring if they break; is there a shortage of meat? Throw in the best pork; are daily necessities scarce? Do you want towels and clothes?

All for you.

As for the timing of placement, it is also very particular.

Just choose to vote when there is martial law, and vote on the main street.

If you don't come out, you will watch helplessly as all the supplies are taken away by the defenders, and you will continue to eat rice soaked in water that is clear and watery.

The effect of this strategy can be said to be immediate. The people were already complaining about martial law, and the Burmese army was almost unable to suppress it. So Chen Chen just gave a small push, and the martial law system collapsed immediately.

In the afternoon of that day, large-scale chaos broke out in Kengtung. A large number of people took to the streets. Seeing that they could no longer suppress it, the Burmese army simply lifted martial law.

And this is only the first step of Chen Chen's "internal offensive".

In the second step, he launched non-stop rocket attacks on the Tatmadaw barracks.

The 6,000 rockets being modified in the factory will be used as soon as they come out. They are not expected to cause too much damage, but only to increase the psychological pressure and reduce the sanity value.

Non-stop from morning to night, one shot every ten minutes and a half an hour, I ask you whether you are afraid or not?


The Burmese army must be afraid, and the people are even more afraid to death.

Because under Chen Chen's arrangement, there were always one or two disobedient rockets that "accidentally" flew to the edge of the residential area.

Although it did not cause any civilian casualties, who knows if there will be any in the future?

Such continuous sexual harassment has dealt a major blow to the morale of the entire Burmese army, who have all heard about the "war situation" on the Tachileik side.

Shooting rockets like this for free, how much inventory do the people on the other side have?

They dared not think about it and could only pray that the rockets would stop.

But it was impossible to stop. On the first day of the offensive, the fire in the Burmese army camp never stopped.

They were exhausted trying to extinguish the fire. The commander ordered several attacks, but without air superiority, they were pushed back almost instantly.

The Burmese side fell into complete passivity. They completely lost the ability to break through defenses, but if they stayed here, they would die slowly.

The morale of the military was further shaken, and then, Chen Chen arranged a third plan.

This is nothing fancy, it's just spreading leaflets to publicize the current situation in Pubei.

Flyers like flying snow fell on the streets. It was only then that the Burmese army defending the city realized the serious consequences of relaxing martial law.

But it was already too late. Residents in the city had already seen the flyers and learned about the current situation outside.

This time, not only the morale of the military was shaken, but also the morale of the people began to waver.

If the residents of Kengtung would still side with the Burmese army because of "historical inertia" before, then now.

Facing a situation of inevitable defeat, they really had no point in resisting.

However, knowing that there is no point and being sure to give up resistance are two different things.

They also need someone to give them a final push and give them a reason to rebel.

And the reason is very simple, it’s just one word:

street fighting.

Chen Chen asked the coalition forces to launch a comprehensive offensive, but during this offensive, the Dongfeng Corps took off their clothes and participated. As a sharp knife, or a heavy hammer, they forced a small Burmese army team into the city. .

He did nothing more and gave no chase.

He just fired two cloud explosive bombs into a breeding farm on the outskirts of the city that he had scouted earlier.

And this is enough.

When the offensive receded and the Burmese army team advanced to the defense line again, the residents of the city saw dead pigs all over the place.

Good news: Pork prices plummeted that night.

Bad news: this time it was a pig, next time it might be me.

Word of mouth spread, and the mentality of Jingdong residents finally collapsed.

They finally foresaw the consequences of this "war" continuing to drag on, and they finally recognized a fact:

If the fight continues, civilians like yourself will be the ultimate victims!

The illusion is shattered, the mind is opened, and the situation suddenly reverses.

That night, a large-scale conflict broke out at Jingdong's checkpoint outside the city. Gunmen killed a large number of defenders, but were eventually pushed back by heavy machine guns.

Only two days have passed.

too fast.

The next plan that Chen Chen had prepared was useless. He originally thought that he would lead a team to sneak into Jingdong and then take the initiative to create some commotion.

But he didn't expect that Jingdong's commander was smarter than he expected.

Two hours after the riot broke out, He Bangxiong received a peace call from the Burmese army.

Three hours later, the Myanmar government officially set the date for a new round of in-depth negotiations.

This means that during this period of time, the strategy of "making it an established fact" that Bao Xiaomei, Chen Chen and others have been emphasizing before the war has finally come to fruition.

Since we are sure to talk, there is no need to fight.

Jingdong could be from the coalition.

At least, for now.

As for who will belong to it in the future, that is a political matter, not necessarily a military matter.

So, 46 ​​hours after Chen Chen threw the first carrot to Jingdong, the Jingdong defenders put down their weapons.

At this point, Jingdong, which had been besieged by the 756 Brigade for more than nine months and blocked for two months, has been completely reopened.

Seeing the Burmese army walking out from the direction of Jingdong with their hands raised, Chen Chen let out a long sigh of relief.

There will be no blood without sword.

The next one is Tachilei.

And the battle of great strength must be a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Because there is absolutely nothing to talk about between himself, the coalition forces and Zhao Jialiang.

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