I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 289 Cleaning up the mess

Zhao Jialiang's death seemed a little hasty, but in fact, many leaders on the battlefield died in haste. Chen Chen did not get the opportunity to face him head-on. This has to be said to be a historical regret.

But no matter what, once Zhao Jialiang died, the whole situation of Tachilei suddenly opened up.

Chen Chen directly threw Zhao Jialiang's body from the helicopter into the private soldier's position in the fighting area. After seeing his body - to be precise, the body parts, the battle ended quickly in an incredible way.

Yes, the reason why they are willing to fight is actually out of the expectation of "getting something in return", but now, the boss who should pay is dead, why are you still fighting?

The entire 505th Brigade quickly ceased fire and surrendered, and Chen Chen finally returned to the core of the fiercest battlefield to check the situation of his team.

There were 21 Dongfeng Corps mercenaries staying here, and when Chen Chen saw them, only 10 of the 21 were standing.

Two-thirds of the new blood that Lao Zhu had just added were down. Although their basic abilities were not bad, the battles they had fought before were too simple and too brainless.

It is impossible for them to learn how to balance survival and counterattack under high-intensity fire suppression, and it is impossible for them to know much about the attack methods of armored vehicles, because this really needs to be operated and faced by themselves before they can learn it. thing.

At this point, the veterans of the Dongfeng Corps are much better.

In every battle they fought before, the difficulty and complexity increased step by step. Coupled with sufficient theoretical study, their battlefield awareness has been developed.

And it is reflected in the final result, which is the gap-like difference in the death rate.

There were 9 new soldiers plus Laozhu, 3 were killed, two were seriously injured, and two were slightly injured.

There were 12 veterans, three others from Yang Shu, Ban Tiao, Mulberry Ye and others were seriously injured and five were slightly injured, but no one was killed.

Overall, this battle caused heavy losses to the Dongfeng Corps. In a short period of time, the loss of combat effectiveness exceeded 60%.

But when Chen Chen returned to the battlefield and saw these soldiers sitting, lying or standing, but never putting down the guns in their hands, he seemed to see himself back then.

Energy and spirit have always been a rather "metaphysical" concept in team building.

But it is obvious that after this battle, the Dongfeng Corps' spirit has really come out.

Chen Chen did not regret leaving them behind to lead the team to carry out the beheading mission alone. If given another chance, he would still make the same choice.

Because there is no "absolutely correct" strategy for you to choose on the battlefield. What you can choose is the strategy with the highest expected return after "probability" and "consequences" are superimposed.

A very simple example, there is a 10% probability of getting 10,000 yuan, and a 50% probability of getting 1,000 yuan. Although most people may choose 1,000 yuan, an excellent commander, no matter what No matter how many times he chooses, he will definitely choose 10,000.

Because the expected return of this choice is 1,000, while the expected return of the latter is only 500.

Just because you didn't get 1,000 yuan in the end, you can't deny the rationality of your choice.

The victory or defeat on the battlefield is ultimately determined by the "probability" superimposed by such choices one by one.

Chen Chen looked at the wounded one by one, and arranged for others to return to deal with the seriously injured. The helicopter also quickly began to evacuate the wounded. Sang Ye, who was lying in the helicopter cabin with a big gash in his throat from the shrapnel rebounded from the body armor, struggled. He stood up, babbling and wanted to say something, but he was choked by the blood oozing from the wound and coughed. This cough aggravated the tearing of the wound, and Chen Chen was so scared that he quickly pressed him down.

"Don't talk. If you have something to do, talk about it when you get back. Don't delay others!"

Sang Ye was stunned for a moment, then nodded and lay down honestly. The helicopter took off again, and Chen Chen finally felt relieved.

Now, the only ones left in place are the lightly wounded and the dead.

Chen Chen looked at the fallen soldiers one by one and helped them close their eyes one by one.

All the lightly injured people were watching his movements, and Chen Chen couldn't guess what they were thinking.


But for a mercenary, the most important thing is money.

Fortunately, this time, everyone will get rich.

So, Chen Chen opened his mouth and said:

"The casualties this time were heavy, but our gains were also huge."

"The majority of the power belongs to us. Although we don't have a rule against sealing swords when entering the city, I guarantee that the benefits we will get this time will make all of you not need to touch guns again for the rest of your life!"

"Now, pack your equipment and cheer up, the battle is not over yet."

"We have to clean up the mess, and the remaining people have to hold it together and ensure that what should be ours will not be taken away by others, do you understand?"


Everyone who could still stand stood up. Chen Chen nodded slightly and turned to look at the battlefield that was already riddled with holes.

Almost all the vehicles coming from the Dongfeng Corps were gone. The light armor was no match for the 69 tanks. On the entire street, only the Predators who had not been hit from the front were still able to move.

Several houses were destroyed by artillery shells, and large and small craters were blasted on the streets. Bodies were everywhere on the ground, less than 500 meters away. At a glance, there were at least as many bodies lying on the street. There are more than 50.

Chen Chen himself could not imagine how they defeated them - if they really surrendered and got into the building, the situation after the battle would definitely not be like this.

If they just passively let go with the help of fortifications and relied solely on air power, the damage to the enemy would not be so staggering.

Then, there is only one answer.

They really killed Zhao Jialiang's armored company.

Just rely on 20 people and light vehicles without much armor-piercing capabilities.

But what about the tank?

Thinking of this, Chen Chen walked towards the end of the street, and among the ruins, he finally saw the 69.

It has been burned to ashes.

There is no way, Mi-171sh is paired with C-5 rockets. No tank in the world can withstand the top armor.

It's a pity, but not a pity.

It is a pity that this tank could not be captured, but if it was not destroyed in time, the losses of the Eastern Corps would only be greater.

Chen Chen shook his head gently and turned around to leave without any hesitation. Behind him, support troops from the 756th Brigade and the 7th Brigade had blocked the entire street and began to eliminate any remaining die-hard elements that might exist.

"It's finally over very quickly."

Chen Chen said with emotion.

Shi Dakai, who was following him, nodded slightly and replied:

"To capture a city of this size within 20 hours is incredibly efficient."

"We should all be safe in the next few days. We must take advantage of this window to quickly restore order in the city."

"That's not something we have to consider. Let the Bao family do it."

"What about the other people who want a piece of the pie? I mean, the other brigades in northern and southern Shan State?"

Upon hearing this, Chen Chen sneered and said:

"Let's see who doesn't have the guts to touch porcelain."

"Although we suffered heavy losses, the helicopters are still there."

"If you want to fight, you can come and try!"

"It took no more than three days from the time the troops mobilized to the capture of Tachileik."

"This is definitely not the credit of the 7th Brigade, let alone the 756th Brigade. In the final analysis, it is the credit of the Dongfeng Corps."

"Now, they have added another incredible thing to their record. Sometimes I really can't figure it out. How did they sink the ship?"

Mengka, in Chaisili's camp, looking at the battle report in front of him, Jackal said emotionally to the adjutant on the side.

The look on the adjutant's face was exactly the same as that of Jackal. He nodded slowly and then said:

"I thought they would be in a stalemate for at least two weeks, and then rely on heavy firepower to advance step by step and slowly break in."

"Unexpectedly, they continued their usual style of fast in and fast out, winning quickly."

"However, I heard that the Dongfeng Corps suffered heavy losses this time. Their battle reduction was as high as 50%, and most of the wounded have been evacuated to Jingdong."

"Now is when they are at their weakest. I'm afraid there will be many people who are ready to take action. Do we want to help them?"

The jackal sneered and replied:

"Help them? Make no mistake, an injured tiger is still a tiger. They don't need our help at all."

"Do you believe it or not, even if the current Dongfeng Corps is reduced by more than half, it can still lift up all the armed forces in Pubei and fight?"

"You only saw the reduction of their combat personnel, but you did not see that their logistics, equipment support, and core team were not damaged."

"If necessary, doesn't Mugui still have more than a hundred people left? With these more than a hundred people gathered together, the Dongfeng Corps can still sweep across the entire Pubei."

"So don't be too careful. If you really want to help, you might as well be honest."

"Mobilize our forces in Jingdong and go stand guard for them."

"They currently lack strong, credible security. They will appreciate it if we go over now."


The adjutant answered immediately, but after a moment of pause, he explained awkwardly:

"Actually, when I say I'm helping them, I really mean I'm helping them. I'm not trying to pick fruit. Boss, I understand what you mean. I won't mess around."

"As long as you understand."

Jackal nodded with satisfaction and continued:

"The Dongfeng Corps is no longer what it used to be."

"In the eyes of many people, the Wa State's success in taking down Jingdong and Tachili this time is due to the Wa State. However, only those who are involved in it know how big a thing the Dongfeng Corps has done."

"The Wa State is just a fox, while the Dongfeng Corps is a tiger."

"Of course, there is another one standing behind this tiger. Forget it."

"Anyway, we have to think about it carefully in the future."

"The situation in Pubei is about to change dramatically, and we must seize this opportunity."

As he spoke, Jackal picked up the phone and dialed Chen Chen's number.

After a short wait, the call was connected.

Jackal immediately changed into a "jumping" tone and said:

"Shipwreck, have you captured the powerful force? Congratulations, congratulations!"

"By the way, can I see you if I go there now? OK? Okay, I'll go there right away."

"Are your armored vehicles okay? It's okay. I have two more here. I'll take them over."

"Nonsense, of course I haven't forgotten it. I told you a long time ago that if you need armored vehicles, you can use us."

Two days later, Tachileik officially changed hands.

This change of hands is no longer the so-called "forced control", but a serious change of hands that is recognized by all forces and has a certain degree of "legal significance."

Of course, this is definitely not something that He Bangxiong and He Bupa can do, but the result of the Bao family in Wa State having been in business for a long time.

After the people on the battlefield achieved victory, the people behind the scenes also completed their complicated battle as promised.


But obviously, the final word for that battle was the roar of Tachilei's 155-meter heavy artillery.

The news spread quickly, and the profound meaning of the change of control of Tachilei penetrated into the hearts of everyone who paid attention to the matter.

Not only Pubei, but the entire Southeast Asia began to be shaken.

Everyone realized that a stream of underground water that had been flowing for a long time was about to break out of the ground.

Across the river in Chiang Rai Province, the Phamang camp entered a state of total contraction, and they began to cut off all historical ties with Zhao Jialiang.

A large number of factories were destroyed, a large number of workers were laid off, and even dozens of "informed persons" were silenced.

Obviously, the reason why they were silenced was "the anti-drug operation carried out by the National Police Agency."

In addition, the trade routes originally connected to Tachileik were completely cut off. The owners of the trading houses involved were all in danger and wanted to immediately find Tachileik's newsmen to visit the dock.

Of course, all their efforts were in vain, because at this time, the entire Tachileik had not yet ushered in its true owner.

Similarly, the performance of Laos is equally intriguing.

The entire route of the Sanfu section of the Mekong River was blocked, a large number of freight activities were suspended, the Golden Triangle Park port was closed, and exchanges between Myanmar and Laos were completely frozen.

Perhaps they want to wait until the situation in Tachilei is completely stabilized before restarting trade "the way parents want".

On a wider scale, the change of hands of Tachilek has also attracted considerable international attention. After all, this place has been stable for too long. Although conflicts often occur due to the complexity of the geographical location, there has never been one, absolutely no Anyone could have imagined that it would be uprooted in this manner.

The world is about to change.

A force opposed to the Myanmar government has taken over the most important border town in the entire Pubei region. So where will Pubei, or Bagan, go?

No one knows the answer to this question.


However, just when everyone was worried about the uncertain future, the arrival of a "special delegation" made the already complicated situation even more unpredictable.

Those who came were representatives of the Myanmar government and military.

And their arrival actually only means one thing:

It's time to divide the money.

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