I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 290 Before the hurricane

Dachili was in Zhao Jialiang's villa.

The four giants of the coalition sat together again, and this time, each of them had a pleasant smile on their face.

Yes, in this not-so-long period of time, they can almost be said to have done something that has never been done before. Whether it is from the perspective of the overall situation or personal interests, they have achieved unprecedented results. income.

The most critical person who contributed to all these gains is undoubtedly Chen Chen, who sits in the middle.

It is precisely because of this that the status of the four people has fundamentally changed in this meeting.

If the respect of Chen Chen from the other three-person team before was more from the shadow behind him, then now, even if there is no one behind him, it is enough to make the three people who represent the largest forces in this land fear him. , fearful and respectful.

Looking at Chen Chen, who still looked calm, Bao Xiaomei, who was closest to him, had undisguised admiration written all over her face. Even from the moment she entered the door, her eyes never moved away from Chen Chen's body.

Yes, for a scheming woman like her, perhaps an extremely violent killing machine like Chen Chen would naturally have an irresistible attraction.

It's like some good girls are always attracted to little yellow hair.

People who have no ability to break the rules and are forced to dance in a cage will always envy those who break free of their chains and even have their cells explode.


Of course, for her, the premise of such attraction is that the person who blew up the cell was not the one she built.

And coincidentally, judging from the current situation, it is indeed not the case.

But of course, Chen Chen always turned a blind eye to her admiration. He just drank the last sip of tea in the cup, and then said:

"The negotiations between you and Lao Burma have come to an end. Basically, the things we have to share with them have been negotiated."

"What they want to divide is nothing more than local administrative power. I don't care how to deal with it specifically."

"It has nothing to do with me who owns the police, who owns the taxes, who owns the ports and customs, and who owns the basic services."

"The only things I care about are real things. To put it bluntly, it's what I want and whether I can get it."

"Now, let's set up all the stalls and take a look."

"What exactly is there and how to divide it? Let's set the tone today."

Hearing his words, the other three nodded together. Then, Bao Xiaomei took out a list in quadruplicate, handed it to everyone, and said:

"Mr. Chen is right. In fact, you don't have to worry about how to separate yourself from Lao Mian."

"Because our basic strategy is to continue the cooperation between the two parties during the 505th Brigade period."

"Of course, taking into account the interests of the Rakhine, Karen and other parties, we will make certain concessions in order to gain wider support, but the proportion of these concessions is not large and basically does not need to be taken into consideration."

"So, on our own side, what we want to divide is actually very clear, which is the big stall in Zhaojialiang."

"His family has been operating in Tachilei for decades. He can be regarded as the emperor of Tachilei. He has accumulated countless wealth. The things in this villa alone can be said to be priceless."

"Everyone who has been working here in the past few days has probably seen it - the one who plays with jade, and the one who uses jade to see the villa. I'm afraid we haven't seen it, right?"

"The rough stones he used are now worth hundreds of millions of dollars when put on the market. If they are packaged and sold, the value will be even higher."

"That's a bit far."

"But what I mean by saying this is that Zhao Jialiang has a lot of properties and assets. If they are really copied one by one, I don't know how long it will take."

"So, if there is any uneven distribution later, and you find that you have more and I have less, don't look for fault."

"Let's make a one-and-done deal, whatever it is, do you agree?"



He Bupa and He Bangxiong answered in turn, and Chen Chen also nodded slightly, indicating that he had no objection.

In fact, the principle mentioned by Bao Xiaomei is still very important. Although the verbal commitment does not mean anything, the attitude is here and everyone has listened to it. If there is any conflict later, it cannot be used as an excuse. .

This also means that after this distribution is completed, the interest alliance formed by the four parties due to this operation will be completely disintegrated.

If there is further cooperation in the future, it will be a later matter and will no longer have any connection with this time.

This is a very cautious and stable plan, and to some extent, it also illustrates Bao Xiaomei's political wisdom.

After getting everyone's confirmation, Bao Xiaomei finally got to the point.

She began to introduce Zhao Jialiang's properties that had been basically sorted out one by one. According to him, most of them were obtained from Myanmar, and their authenticity can be completely guaranteed.

After a round of introductions, Chen Chen realized that he had underestimated Zhao Jialiang.

He is really not an ordinary warlord, nor an ordinary drug dealer.

His industry covers all aspects of Tachilei and even Pubei.

From mining to logistics, from foreign trade to tourism, from gambling to drug trafficking, it can be said that he does it all and makes money in it.

Just a rough estimate, his annual net income can reach 5 billion US dollars - and this figure was not reached even by Kunsha, who was known as the Golden Triangle Emperor at his peak.

Of course, he has to share most of this income with other people under his command, but according to the figures on his account, his personal income per year is more than 300 million US dollars.

What is this concept?

In the entire Wa State, the fiscal revenue that can be put on the books is only about 1 billion RMB.

You know, the current environment has actually changed.

The drug trade is not that easy to do. In Zhao Jialiang's entire territory of strength, the income from drug trafficking only accounts for less than 20% of his total income. He can be regarded as a genius to manage his own industry to this scale.

But such a person died so simply.

It can be seen from this that the issue of moral mismatch is extremely risky in any place.

If only Zhao Jialiang had a higher vision and chose the right partners to cooperate with, he wouldn't have to be so high-ranking, even if he just spent more money to upgrade his team and improve the treatment of his soldiers. By the way, I'm afraid it won't be that simple for the coalition forces to kill him.

But thinking about it from another angle, perhaps it is his "morality and mismatch" style that is the key to his survival to this day.

Either die in the hands of Lao Burma, or die in the hands of external forces like the coalition forces.

Between the two, he chose the latter.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen couldn't help but shook his head.

He could vaguely feel that it might not be an easy task to implement those more macro-level plans.

It seems that even after getting it, he will have to spend more time to slowly digest these benefits.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen asked:

"How do we divide it?"

"Divided by industry."

Bao Xiaomei replied:

"There are six major areas in total, including foreign trade, logistics, mining, entertainment, agriculture, forestry, fishery, animal husbandry, and black products."

"Of course, the last one, our principle is that we cannot continue to do this. We are only allowed to receive the cash assets that have been accumulated so far."

"But it's not a small sum - the upside is getting a lot of cash quickly, the downside is it's a one-and-done deal."

"Now, let's see what everyone thinks about how to divide it."

"I'll say it first."

Chen Chen raised his hand first and then said:

"I want logistics and foreign trade, and the rest is yours."

Hearing his words, He Bupa and He Bangxiong had confused looks on their faces at the same time. They turned to Chen Chen subconsciously, and He Bangxiong asked:

"Brother Chen, why did you choose the least valuable one?"

Chen Chen smiled slightly and did not answer immediately.

In fact, among all the industries in Zhaojialiang, foreign trade and logistics are indeed the smallest. There are three companies in total, and the total annual revenue is only about 400 to 500 million US dollars.

Of course, this is an asset-heavy industry, and the shipping company also has several hundred-ton inland waterway transport ships.

Although this thing is valuable, it's not worth much.

To put it bluntly, if you add up to ten ships, can one casino and hotel be worth anything?

In essence, these two industries are just supplements. What everyone really wants to divide is the three industries of mining, entertainment, agriculture, forestry, fishery and animal husbandry, plus the current income from black products.

How can anyone come up and not grab the meat, but take the bones into his arms first?


But this is exactly the difference between Chen Chen's vision and others.

The entertainment industry is very profitable, but what he wants is more than just money. As Bao Xiaomei said from the beginning, the most important thing in building a powerful business is the business route.

As long as this road is opened, as the broader situation continues to develop, the benefits that can be obtained are definitely not comparable to those of a few small hotels and casinos.

As for agriculture, forestry, fishery and animal husbandry?

Yes, this aspect is very large, but the problem is that industrialization is an inevitable trend in Pubei. In the future, the money that can be earned will be less and less.

Obviously, the two Brigadiers He did not see these trends - or maybe they saw them, but were just unwilling to act on them.

Therefore, Chen Chen did not intend to fool them, but said directly:

"You pursue short-term interests, and I pursue long-term interests. It's your own choice to give or take."

"Of course, in addition to these two industries, I have other requirements."

"First, I want cash. You took away his most profitable property, but you have to give me the bulk of the cash. I want 40%."

"Second, I want exclusivity. I want to do logistics and trade, and you can't do it anymore - at least within five years, you can't do it anymore."

"Third, I want security rights. Our cooperation will definitely strengthen in the future. You have to provide shelter for my business. This is actually protecting your own interests."

"How about it, is it reasonable?"


He Bangxiong nodded first.

In his opinion, Chen Chen had indeed made huge concessions in the distribution of interests - just like in a war, he took over the most difficult part.

Although it is possible to gain the greatest profit, it also requires risk.

Again, if you don’t have diamonds, don’t take the porcelain job. Now that people with diamonds are willing to take the job, what else can you say?

He Bupa had the same idea as him, so the benefit distribution link that should have been the easiest to form a collapsing conflict was completed easily.

Chen Chen didn't want to care about how they allocated other industries, because he knew that in the final analysis, those industries would be eliminated.

Just like He Bangxiong and He Bupa, if they cannot take advantage of this east wind and use the primitive accumulation completed by this big operation to quickly transform, one day they will be disintegrated by the Wa State in various forms.

This process may be slow or even gentle.

But its trend is absolutely unstoppable.

After confirming what he wanted, Chen Chen simply withdrew from the negotiation.

He quickly compiled the information provided by Bao Xiaomei and immediately notified Peng Xucheng and Xu You to prepare for their departure to Tachileik to organize the reception work.

This kind of "acceptance" is destined to not be peaceful. It is no exaggeration to say that Tachileik City will definitely usher in a new round of bloodshed.

However, Peng Xucheng should have become perfect at doing this kind of thing.

There are more than a hundred members of the "Security Department" under him. They are all loyalists whose hands are already stained with blood. It may not be possible to let them fight, but a purge?

That's a perfect fit

Give him two months and he can turn the entire Tachileik upside down.

Of course, the Wanfeng Group's own affairs must also be resolved.

Tachilei is the real headquarters of Wanfeng Group. There are also three hotels under Wanfeng Group here. They are also engaged in gambling and "entertainment" business. Taking this opportunity, we can completely remove the cancer from our body.

Standing on the balcony of the villa, Chen silently looked at the street scene of Tachileik in the distance. He didn't know how long it had passed before the discussion in the living room had ended, and Bao Xiaomei walked to him with light steps.

"Mr. Chen, what are you going to do next?"

"The Tachileix matter will be over soon, and all the remaining finishing work can be done by myself and Mr. Chen's other subordinates."

"But you won't stop, right? From what I know about Mr. Chen, there should be more big things to do."

"I wonder if I will be lucky enough to cooperate with Mr. Chen again?"

Hearing this, Chen Chen nodded slightly.

Then, he answered:

"What we have to do next, we really need to cooperate with Miss Bao."

"I plan to go to Indonesia, Miss Bao. Are you ready for what you said before?"


Bao Xiaomei was stunned for a moment.

"So fast?"

"That's right."

"Most of his strength was burned to death by Zhao Jialiang. I have to go out and hide."

"In addition, many things need to be solved, and they cannot be limited to Pubei."

Having said this, Chen Chen turned to Bao Xiaomei, looked at her seriously for the first time and said:

"Ms. Bao, our cooperation has reached this point, and I also want to say a word to you."

“We need to take a longer-term view, and be more long-term.”

"With Tachilei, your starting point is no longer the same. I hope you are no longer limited to the small money in front of you."

"Now can you tell me how you separated from them?"

Hearing Chen Chen's words, a strong smile instantly appeared on Bao Xiaomei's face.

Then, she spoke:

"Mr. Chen, I shouldn't have let you down."

"Our Bao family doesn't want anything."

"No, it should be said that we still want it."

"We gave Lao Mian what was supposed to be given to the Bao family, and got another thing from their hands."

Chen Chen's heart skipped a beat, and he subconsciously asked:


".That's not that radical."

"It's Taunggyi."

"Taunggyi?! Are you kidding? Can they give it?"

Bao Xiaomei shook her head and replied:

“We don’t want Taunggyi, we just want free passage from Muang Bin to Taunggyi.”


At this moment, Chen Chen sincerely looked at the woman in front of him, or the Bao family, with admiration.

What is the ultimate goal of opening up the road to Nanjingdong and Mengbin, suppressing Mongla to the east, and suppressing Tachilei outward?

Is it Tachilei?


In the final analysis, most of his strength is still a bargaining chip.

What the Wa State wants is the right of passage deep into the south.

And this kind of right of way can bring them extremely huge strategic space-the strategic space that truly opens up the transportation line.

It's not road transport, it's railway!

In the previous life, the Bagan Railway had been proposed in 2006, but construction had not started until I crossed it.

The core reasons are the unstable situation in Kokang and Lashio on the original route, and the opposition of the local military.

In today's world of 2010 and soon to be 2011, the difficulties faced by this railway are the same.

In this case, why can’t Wa State seize the opportunity?

The railway can go through Muse and Qingshui River, but it can't go through Daluo and Mangxin? !

I have opened up the road network here for you. From Mongla to Jingtong to Mengbin and then to Taunggyi, the convenience of road transportation is no different from the Lashio line!

Furthermore, Mandalay can reach Kyaukpyu Port, but I can’t reach Taunggyi?

Theoretically, this route is closer

Good guy.

If this step can be negotiated, then the whole world will change.

Chen Chen looked at Bao Xiaomei again. At this moment, he felt very clearly that he was that butterfly.

The wind that I fanned out was amplified time and time again, and now

Hurricanes are really coming across Southeast Asia!

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