Just as Chen Chen expected, Tachileik soon set off waves of bloodshed after the war.

However, these wind and rain cannot touch him, let alone those big soldiers who fight with less than 2,000 yuan as salary.

So overall, the situation in Tachilei is quite stable.

At best, it was just a few hotels that were unwilling to hand over power and they were killed. It was just throwing dozens of big drug dealers into the Mekong River. It was just hanging up the senior officers of the 505th Brigade who used white phosphorous bombs to set fire to houses. Just street lights.

Killing and appeasing at the same time.

Zhao Jialiang used the large amount of cash he had accumulated before and launched a vigorous "War Damage Liquidation and Compensation". Then Bao Xiaomei convened a meeting of the main forces in the city to express the attitude of the coalition forces by relying on the Lao-Burma platform.

The situation quickly stabilized, because as long as there was any instability, the coalition forces would immediately suppress it.

The order of Tachilei began to return to normal, and at this critical moment, two key figures also arrived in Tachilei.

One is Jackal, who brought Chen Chen a new armored vehicle, Chaisili's professional team, and also brought new news.

Armored vehicles and Chaisili are really of little use. Today, any veteran of the Dongfeng Corps can compete with the members of Chaisili in terms of individual soldier quality, and together they can even defeat those who have not experienced war for a long time. Chaisili was hung up and beaten.

But, his message is important.

The Thai king is indeed alive and has regained control of the situation as the junta's control continues to diminish.

The Pamang Camp has entered an unprecedented low and vulnerable situation, and Tachilek's security has been further improved.

"Fortunately, you captured Tachilei in time. If it had been a little later, the Pamang camp might have had to make a desperate attempt to break the pot."

These are Jackal's original words. He may not have felt it yet. Now he has completely broken away from Thailand's position and started to speak on the side of the Dongfeng Corps.

Chen Chen was quite grateful for his arrival, but he didn't have time to receive Jackal because Xiaoyu also came.

Chen Chen spent almost all his time with Xiaoyu, because there were too many complicated things that needed to be sorted out with her, and there was too much information and future plans that she needed to confirm.

There's no way around it, it's just like that at Bai Pier.

You can have full freedom of action, but it would be foolish not to let your elder brother know about important matters.

And now, the Wa State is beginning to rush for the opportunity to repair the railway. If you don't report it quickly, do you still want to mess around in the future?

Therefore, Chen Chen can be said to be very nervous these days.

There are many things he wants to say, but not many things he can say. Therefore, it takes him the most energy to sort out what can be said and what cannot be said.

And Xiaoyu happened to be an expert in the field of intelligence and interrogation. Chen Chen was literally sweating when he sat in front of her.

In Zhao Jialiang's villa, which should now be said to be the Tachileik branch of the Dongfeng Corps, Xiaoyu, who had just finished a round of "discussions", huddled up and sat on the sofa with his bare feet, his posture more relaxed than ever.

In her hand, she was playing with a Benchmade HK folding knife that Chen Chen had specially collected from the trophies. She seemed to want to peel the apples in the basket, but she didn't know how to start.

Seeing this scene, Chen Chen shook his head and stood up, stepped forward and took away the knife in her hand and threw it aside. Then he picked up the apple and said:

"This knife is not for you to use as a fruit knife. Who knows what it has been used to cut before."

"Eat an apple?"

Xiaoyu nodded and replied:

"Eat one, I'm thirsty."

"So the current situation is really just as you said. The Bao family used most of their interests to obtain the transportation line from Meng Bin to Taunggyi, and then they are preparing to win the right to participate in the Bagan Railway?"

Chen Chen nodded slightly and replied:

"This is indeed the case so far. Bao Xiaomei will not lie to me about this."

"Why? Are you so sure she won't lie to you? Wa Bang has not told us about this matter yet."

Xiaoyu's eyes were a little playful. Chen Chen rolled his eyes and replied while peeling the apple:

"Don't talk to me about anything here. I have nothing to do with her."

"I mean, this is the choice that best suits the interests of the Bao family and the Wa State, but they need to take a lot of risks and invest a huge amount of costs."

"If there really is such a thing as 'luck' in this world, they are probably planning to take advantage of the Wa State's luck in the next few decades or even hundreds of years to bet that it can happen this time."

"To be honest, I'm surprised too, but if you think about it carefully, it's actually quite reasonable, isn't it?"

"It's very reasonable - but it's not very reasonable for her to tell you such a plan."

Xiaoyu sat up straight, took the apple handed over by Chen Chen, took a hard bite, and said in a vague voice:

"Theoretically, the Dongfeng Corps' basic base is still in Mengka, and Mengka is the nail between Mengbin and Daluo."

"Not only are you not in a cooperative relationship with her, but there may even be a strong competitive relationship after the subsequent grand strategy is launched."

"There is no need for her to reveal all her plans to you at this time. Instead, she should use the chips in her hand to draw you into the game after everything is done."

"When the time comes, you can neither refuse nor hinder her plan."

"But now that they have you as an insider, if they want to do something, they won't be able to avoid you."

"Hmm I can't figure out why they would do that. Love brain?"

"Wreck, you are so charming~"

"If you can't keep your mouth shut, put another banana in your mouth - I'm telling you something serious, are you gossiping with me?"

"Didn't we just finish talking about the business? I understand the situation, and the short-term trends are also clear. I am telling you this now, isn't it to explore the possibility of explaining this strange situation."

Xiaoyu's face was full of innocence, as if she was really discussing work seriously.

But Chen Chen could clearly see that she just wanted to make herself sick.

Hey, woman.

Chen Chen knew that Xiaoyu had always been suspicious of Bao Xiaomei - in fact, she was suspicious of the entire Bao family.

But now, the Bao family's connection with the Dongfeng Corps is getting deeper and deeper, and she has some doubts in her heart, which is actually normal.

However, I really have no intention of getting too involved with the Bao family.

So, Chen Chen sighed and said:

"Bao Xiaomei is not the kind of woman who loves love. I can tell that she has a crush on me. This is a fact."

"But you don't have to doubt her decision - a family that can do this in Pubei will never let personal feelings affect the overall decision-making."

"I am still friends with them now, so there is room for error and maneuverability in many things."

"If one day our interests conflict, I'm sure Bao Xiaomei won't even say a single unnecessary word before she kills me."

"Seriously, aren't you guys pretty much the same?"

"no the same."

Xiaoyu retorted without hesitation:

"Your conflict with them may be based on interests, but if you have a conflict with us, it can only be based on position."

"If such a day comes, it will definitely mean that there is a big problem in all aspects of our work."

"When the time comes, I will definitely interrogate you personally and dig out all the reasons behind it."

"Stop saying a word. I'm afraid you won't be able to finish it if I ask you to talk for three days and three nights."

"Tell me, which method do you prefer? Electricity, knife, or rope?"

".Don't act like a yandere drama, I don't want any of it."

Chen Chen waved his hand, straightened his expression and said:

"I'm serious. The Wa State's decision this time should have been made on the spur of the moment. I don't know what happened internally, but the reasons why those things happened are worth your time to investigate."

"I see."

Xiaoyu put away his joking attitude, thought for a moment and replied:

“Essentially, the Wa State’s decision was influenced by the general election.”

"The series of things you caused in Pubei have made the general election, which was just a show, uncontrollable. The support rate of the Gongfa Party is constantly declining, while the participation of local and ethnic minorities continues to increase."

"Predictions have now shown that the ethnic minority parties in Wa and Shan States are likely to win more than 25% of the local seats in this general election. This means that the Wa and Shan States truly have the ability to "administratively" and Myanmar's ability to fight, instead of relying solely on military confrontation."

"This is a major change. After noticing this change, it is understandable for the Wa State to take more radical actions."

"But I can't figure out why I want to drag you into this."

Chen Chen frowned for a moment and then asked:

"Perhaps you want Dongfeng Corps to continue to be your agent?"

"No, this is essentially a cutting."

At this point, Xiaoyu and Chen Chen raised their heads at the same time.

They finally grasped that key point, and once that key point was broken, everything became logical.

Yes, the Wa State is indeed trying to bring the Dongfeng Corps into the game.

Because they want the benefits but don't want to surrender their names.

Therefore, they had no choice but to trick the Dongfeng Corps into handing over—in their view, the Dongfeng Corps was originally from the north.

"The abacus is pretty good - what am I saying, the Bao family is not that simple, right?"

Hearing Xiaoyu's words, Chen Chen chuckled and replied:

"I never said they were easy either."

"But it doesn't matter. I believe you can solve this matter."

"I'm going to Indonesia for a while. During this time, you should be able to settle things with them, right?"

"no problem."

Xiaoyu nodded solemnly and said:

"You really should leave for a while. Only when you're not here can we talk."

"But, you are going to Indonesia, what should I do?"

"???What should you do?"

Chen Chen asked blankly.

"Nonsense, you are cooperating with Bao Xiaomei on the Indonesian matter."

"If you go to Indonesia, I won't be able to control you at all."

"This will make me feel very insecure. If your line is broken, wouldn't my hard work be in vain?"

Xiaoyu ate the last bite of the apple. After thinking for a moment, she said:

"How about this? I'll find you a job in Indonesia first."

"If you want to be an international PMC, you must have a business - how about I find a business for you?"

"It's not that good. I have plenty of money now, but I'm short of people and equipment. You might as well give me some equipment."

"You have even taken over logistics and foreign trade. Are you still worried about not having equipment in the future?"

Xiaoyu rolled his eyes at Chen Chen, and then said:

"Seriously. I have something I can leave to you to do."

"Don't do small things."

Chen Chen answered without hesitation.

"What's small about what I have here? In a word, do you want to do it or not?"

".Please tell me how big it is."

"Qingshan Group."

"??? Qingshan Group?"

Chen Chen was stunned.

After a long silence, he asked:

"No, am I able to participate in this kind of thing now?"

Xiaoyu did not answer immediately, but stood up and looked around for the trash can to throw the apple core. Chen Chen anxiously snatched the apple core back from her hand and continued to ask:

"Is it the Qingshan Group I thought about?"

His expression seemed a little excited, but in fact, he couldn't help but be excited.

Because behind this name, there are too many things.

South China Sea, fishing boats, rare earths, tariffs

The name of this group is not secret, but some of its subsidiaries are definitely on the front line.

In 2010, this was the starting point of the counterattack in the rare earth war.

Sulawesi and Kalimantan in Indonesia are important backup positions for this war.

If the Dongfeng Corps can really participate, let alone any nonsense, just from the perspective of the development of a mercenary group, it will be an unprecedented and huge opportunity.

Pu Bei, Zhao Jialiang, Chen Shenhe, they are not even considered younger brothers in the face of this matter.

Seeing Chen Chen's expression, Xiaoyu smiled playfully.

She reached out and wiped Chen Chen's clothes, and then said:

"It's the Qingshan Group you think of."

"But... do you want to tell me first, where did you get the idea?"


Chen Chen was stunned.

But soon, he calmed down again.

"Don't lie to me. Everyone can see the international news, and it's not difficult to deduce it."

"Tell me, what are we going to do if we go there?"

"Look at you, you're in a hurry again."

Xiaoyu pursed his lips and then said:

"We need an armed security force."

"A legal, powerful security force that really dares to fight anyone without any scruples."

"money is not a problem."

"Someone will provide the equipment."

"When you get over here, just fight."

"How about it? Do you want to do it?"

"Who to hit?"

Chen Chen asked cautiously.


"Why is MPRI in Indonesia?"

"They didn't leave after the Eagle Shield military exercise started last year."


Chen Chen breathed a long sigh of relief, and Xiaoyu asked again:

"How about it? Do you want to do it?"

Chen Chen smiled slightly and replied:

"Nonsense, if you don't do it, forget it, fuck it!"

This is from yesterday

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