Labota, Qingshan Industrial Park.

In the general manager's office, Chen Chen sat leisurely on the sofa, drinking the genuine West Lake Longjing that the female secretary of Qingshan Indonesia General Manager Zhang Yang had just poured for him, and listening to what Zhang Yang said on the opposite side. work arrangements.


Of course, there is actually no need to listen to this stuff at all.

Because his real employer is not Qingshan Group, but Xiaoyu, the organization that Xiaoyu represents.

Everyone here knows that this is just a formal and compliant process that must be followed, so no one cares about Chen Chen's casual attitude. Even Zhang Yang just wants to finish reading the document in his hand as soon as possible, and then "enter" as soon as possible. Right on topic."

In fact, it took less than 20 minutes for Chen Chen to arrive at Qingshan Park.

But in just these 20 minutes, Zhang Yang had received several messages that made his head explode.

And each of these news is related to the leader of the Dongfeng Corps, the nightmare of Pubei drug dealers, the executioners of the four major families, the real powerful enemy of the Burmese army, the uncrowned king of the Golden Triangle, the counter-insurgency pioneer without a position, and the carbon nanotubes of the Yankees. Gloves - that is, related to the man in front of you.

The first news was that the Dongfeng Corps killed four members of the armed JD organization in downtown Jakarta and were successfully arrested by Task Force 88.

The second news is that the "suspected leader of the extremist organization" in Kri Vaughn has disappeared, and 6 members of the JD organization have been killed or injured.

The third one is the latest news related to the flight that the Dongfeng Corps originally planned to take.

The news said that a timed explosive was found on the plane that was originally scheduled to fly from Sudan Hassandin International Airport to Rabota. If the Dongfeng Corps had not temporarily changed the flight plan, it is very likely that the explosive would have been released as scheduled. The explosion, together with the plane, blew all 12 members of their team to pieces.

But thankfully, the people who wanted to cause this explosion quickly weighed the pros and cons after confirming that the Dongfeng Corps would not fly on this plane. Perhaps taking into account the possible international impact and the cost that did not match the benefits, They eventually reported the incident to the local police station as informants, and with the cooperation of the bomb disposal unit, they defused the bomb on the plane.

This has also led to the complete suspension of flights at Sultan Hasanuddin Airport. Up to now, more than 10 flights have been delayed and thousands of passengers have been stranded.

What is the concept?

The passenger flow of Sultan Hasanuddin Airport itself is actually not large. Once this incident came out, it was already national news.

Coupled with the two previous incidents, within just 3 days of the Dongfeng Corps arriving in Indonesia, they have already made three very large-scale big news.

What kind of team can achieve such efficiency and have such courage?

Zhang Yang didn't dare to think too much - in fact, he didn't want to get involved too much.

Yes, Qingshan Group is indeed the frontline force of some "big battles", but in fact, such big battles are often limited to the commercial field. No matter how hard it is, no one will die.

But when your Dongfeng Corps comes, not to mention Indonesian people are dying, the speed of 10 in 3 days is too fast, right? !

I'm scared, Zhang Yang is really scared.

However, he knew that it was useless to be afraid. If the Dongfeng Corps was not used, his safety would not be guaranteed.

After all, there is no turning back. Once you get on this ship, you will no longer be able to jump off the ship midway. You can only hope that the captain and sailors can take you through the wind and waves all the way to the other shore.

With this in mind, Zhang Yang quickly read through the useless work schedule and fulfilled his duties. Then, he waved to his secretary and Wang Qi to go out. After confirming that the door was closed, he stood up respectfully and walked to Chen Chen. He stretched out his hand to shake his hand and said:

"Thank you, Chief Chen!"

Chen Chen was frightened by his title. He quickly stood up and answered:

"Brother, please stop talking nonsense. I'm not a leader, I'm just a PMC mercenary."

"I understand, I understand, I understand everything!"

Zhang Yang thought he had let something slip, so he apologized repeatedly with a look of shame on his face, and then quickly explained:

"That's right. We have a certain cooperative relationship with the higher-level departments, so I also have the corresponding classification level here."

"It involves some necessary intelligence, and the superior department will inform us."

"For example, although the background of the Dongfeng Corps is not a secret, only me and a few other people in the group know about it."

“When it comes to Sulawesi specifically, I’m the only one.”

"You can say that I am your front-line contact here. If you have some low-confidence work, you can communicate with me directly."

"I really don't, not at all."

Chen Chen firmly denied it, but his attitude made Zhang Yang more sure of his judgment.


Are you talking nonsense?

If you want to say no, how did you get your guns?

Zhang Yang didn't even dare to guess who could do it by sending the gun directly to Jakarta.

The reason why I said no in front of me is not because my level is not high enough.

I understand, I understand completely.

Don't let me get involved in things that I shouldn't get involved in. That's my protection!

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang immediately changed his tone and said to Chen Chen:

"I understand, I made a mistake."

"But again, Boss Chen. If you need anything, you can tell me directly!"

"I will do my best to mobilize all resources to meet your needs. If I can't do it, I will also find a way to ask my superiors for help."

"Of course, the problems faced by Qingshan Group are still quite serious now. Should we have a general chat first?"

Hearing his words, Chen Chen nodded slightly.

Afterwards, the two of them sat down on the sofa at the same time, and Chen Chen said:

"Let's start with the previous attacks - your power plant was attacked? What's the specific situation? Can you tell us more about it?"

"no problem!"

Zhang Yang answered immediately and then continued:

"The attack on the power plant was actually not an accidental incident. If we want to know the cause of this incident clearly, we have to start with the land occupation issue in Qingshan Industrial Park."

"When it comes to land occupation issues, we have to start with what happened in 2006."

Soon after, just as Chen Chen arrived at Qingshan Industrial Park and began to settle down and prepare for the follow-up plan, on the other side, in the suburbs of Krivon, a group of pickup trucks had followed the trajectory of the Dongfeng Group and arrived at the previous interrogation location.

The leader was a man wearing a white robe and a big beard. He had a stern expression and obvious anger in his eyes.

Standing next to him was a security guard with a gun. Judging from the "unscrupulous" actions of these people, their identities could never be as simple as ordinary Muslims.

And this is indeed the case.

In fact, all of these people are members of JIS. After learning that the Riyadh mosque was attacked and Bazren's whereabouts were unknown, the "brothers" in the organization almost went crazy.

Anger filled the hearts of each of them, and they could not wait to launch immediate action to carry out large-scale revenge to avenge their "spiritual leader" Bazlen.


However, amid this radical mood, Ahmed Danis, the second in command, finally remained calm.

He knew that at times like this, he couldn't act blindly.

Because the flaws exposed by blind actions may plunge the entire organization into an irreversible situation.

Therefore, he tried his best to suppress the calls for revenge within the organization and turned his focus to the investigation of the "truth".

And soon, they did make progress.

Through a series of transactions, bribes, investigations, and even bounties, they found the traces of the Dongfeng Corps within two days and tracked them everywhere they passed.

Eventually, they determined the location where the mysterious team disappeared.

Just on the outskirts of Cleveorn, right where they are now.

".The ruts converge here, and there are still blood stains on the ground that have not been cleaned up."

"They should have conducted an interrogation here. It is very likely that our brother has gone to heaven."

Hearing this, Danis nodded slowly and then said:

"Look for any other traces. They can't be running around with Bazlen. If Bazlen has died, his body is probably nearby -"

"found it!"

Before Danis finished speaking, someone shouted loudly not far away.

Danis cheered up and walked over quickly.

He had expected to see a dying Bazlen, or more pessimistically, his corpse.

But in reality, all he saw was a small mound - one that apparently contained a body.

"Dig it up."

Danis said in a deep voice.

Soon, everyone took action. They dug into the soft floating soil with their bare hands. As the stench came one after another, the situation inside this small "grave" was finally exposed to everyone.

Danis's eyes were splitting.

There was indeed Bazlen's body lying in the pit.

Because of the high temperature and humidity, his naked body had long lost its "human" shape.

The surrounding land was soaked with putrid corpse liquid, and maggots burrowed in the soil.

This horrific scene even made those in the team who were not so firm in their faith shaken, and a thought flashed through their minds at the same time.

Can such a death really lead to heaven?

But what made them tremble even more was another thing.

The second body in the pit.

The carcass of a pig.

Same corruption, same stench.

The carrion has been fused together, and maggots seeking protein and nutrients are crawling back and forth between the two corpses - they have no religious beliefs!

This is the ultimate insult.

Danis's anger reached its peak. He pointed at Bazlen's body tremblingly and said:

"Dig him out."

"Find out who did it"

"Kill them. Kill them!!!"

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