Qingshan Group, Dongfeng Corps command room.

Chen Chen frowned while drinking tea and looking at the compiled information.

From Zhang Yang's words, Chen Chen finally understood the situation facing Qingshan Industrial Park.

In fact, this industrial park is still in the "construction stage" so far. Although most of the infrastructure has been improved, it is far from being ready for production.

The reason why the progress is so slow is that the land occupation is an important issue.

In the eyes of local people, the construction of Qingshan Industrial Park in Sulawesi is of symbolic significance.

Although the land here is sparsely populated and there are no birds to poop; although if it were not for Tsingshan Group, La Bota might not be able to develop for hundreds of years; although Tsingshan has long signed an agreement with the Indonesian government and will hire local employees and create job opportunity.

But, who cares?

For these people, all they see is one fact, and that is:

You northerners have occupied our land and taken away the benefits that should be ours.

As it happened, the Qingshan Industrial Park project was officially launched in 2006. At that time, a world-famous "text message incident" happened across Indonesia, which put the project on the forefront from the beginning.

Until now, the protests and demonstrations by local opposition forces have not stopped.

Even on the basis of the continuous changes in the overall situation, there has been an intensifying trend.

Among the opposition forces, there are three typical groups of people.

The first category is the "mining practitioners" who are mainly local indigenous people and are led by the Sulawesi Mining Federation. Their demand is very simple, that is, to let the Qingshan Group withdraw from Sulawesi and use the mineral resources originally mined by them. Minerals returned.

This kind of thing is basically no different from what happened in the coal mining process in the north. After all, money is very attractive, and for higher profits, let alone relatively peaceful "destruction", they can commit murder and arson.

The second category is based on the local normal religious forces, which advocates opposing the "unharmonious" foreign capital invasion and demanding that the local religious environment be kept "original."

Although this part sounds the scariest, it is actually the easiest to deal with, because they often just ask for money in the name of religion. Paying them some protection fees is just a drop in the bucket for the Qingshan Group.

The third category of truly dangerous things is armed robbers led by multiple illegal armed gangs and JD elements active in Sulawesi.

Their purpose is very complicated. On the one hand, they want to continue their opposition to the north. On the other hand, they are trying to obtain excess benefits from the Qingshan Group.

Their methods are the most extreme, including kidnapping, extortion, and sabotage. They may even incite workers to "uprising" and create mass incidents.

From the official start of construction of Qingshan Industrial Park in 2008 to now, many similar incidents have occurred here, all of which were ultimately confirmed to be the work of JD elements.

As Tsingshan Group resists the pressure and insists on launching the park, the frequency of such incidents has become increasingly high, and there has been a trend towards "violent confrontation"

After sorting through this, Chen Chen couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

He drank the last sip of tea in the cup, and Shi Dakai, who was sitting opposite, refilled the water for him, and then asked:

"How are you, are you having trouble?"

Chen Chen nodded when he heard this and replied:

"The main problem is that it is too complicated and confusing. The enemies we face are mixed and good and bad. When faced with an impact, it is difficult for us to figure out their camp in the first place."

"And if we don't know the camp clearly, we won't be able to decide how we should fight and to what extent we should fight."

"This will tie our hands and affect the efficiency of operations and the accuracy of decision-making. In short, it will be very difficult to do."

"What is the specific situation?"

Shi Dakai continued to ask.

Chen Chen briefly introduced the situation to him, then pushed the paper document to him and said:

"You can take a look and think about it for yourself, if there is any useful method."

"Isn't this quite simple?"

Shi Dakai interrupted Chen Chen and then said:

"Of the three forces, the only one we can kill is the last one, which is the extremist group."

"We don't need to hold back when dealing with them, let alone have any concerns - because as long as it is proven that they are indeed extremists, then even if we beat them to ashes, no one will cause us trouble."

"This is what happened in Jakarta, and it's the same in Krivon - until now, no one has made trouble for us, right?"

"What is that word called political correctness? As long as we are politically correct, we don't have to be timid."

"That's what it is said, but the most difficult thing is how to distinguish it. After all, once an incident occurs, we have a very short reaction time."

Chen Chen frowned and shook his head, but then Shi Dakai spoke again:

"We don't have to wait for things to happen before we can distinguish them."

"Why don't we take the initiative? If we defeat all the third forces, wouldn't there be only the first two forces left?"


A series of question marks popped up in Chen Chen's head. He had to admit that Shi Dakai's thinking was really as "conservative" and direct as ever.

Yes, if we could directly find the people and kill them all, wouldn't the entire Sulawesi be completely clean?

However, the difference from Pubei is that in Sulawesi, the JD elements do not have a fixed camp.

They may appear to be just ordinary businessmen, farmers, fishermen, and boatmen. Only when "God needs them" will they turn into suicide bombers.

In this case, you have no way to take the initiative to carry out the clearance task. After all, they are not rebels, and the Dongfeng Corps has no law enforcement power.

This is actually the biggest common problem in counter-terrorism missions, and looking around the world, no one can actually come up with a perfect solution to this problem.

So, Chen Chen denied it again:

"It's not possible to do this. Not being able to find it is one problem. How to implement it after finding it is another problem."

"We can't convict JD elements on the basis of 'things that didn't happen,' at least not here."

"The core paradox is that counterattacks are lagging."

"If you want to achieve your goal, you must break this paradox - but since the beginning of global counter-terrorism operations, no one has successfully broken this paradox, not even the United States."


Shi Dakai nodded thoughtfully and finally gave up his somewhat unrealistic idea.

But of course, he was just "giving up temporarily".

In fact, his mind was already thinking about ways to catch all these JD elements.

Such thinking will definitely not bear fruit in a short period of time, but he himself is very sure that there will be a perfect solution.

After all, his captain has come up with the perverted method of sewing skin for interrogation, so he can't fall behind.

After determining the basic tasks, the Dongfeng Corps quickly entered into the rhythm of work.

The first thing they did was meet with the original security force of Qingshan Industrial Park.

In fact, the security of Qingshan Industrial Park is divided into two parts. The first part is the exclusive law enforcement team dispatched by the local police station, which is equivalent to the "street police station" in the north. These people are only responsible for solving the most basic problems, such as handling Villagers who commit petty theft, maintain basic night patrols, deal with fights in the area, etc.

In several previous accidents, the police station did not play a role at all. In the end, it was the Qingshan Group that used its own connections, official pressure, and complex and covert channels to finally solve the problem.

Therefore, the meaning of their existence is just to "declare jurisdiction", but when there is something that really needs their attention, they will turn into a coward.

There is no way. It is a bit too much to expect them to risk their lives with a monthly salary equivalent to less than 200 US dollars in Indonesian rupiah.

Chen Chen saw that they had only completed the formal registration and filing as a PMC and completed the necessary procedures.

In the future work, both parties will inevitably maintain a harmonious relationship.

After the registration was completed, Chen Chen summoned all members of the "Security Department" of Qingshan Industrial Park through Wang Qi to conduct a thorough investigation of this force.

It has to be said that any department that can be called the "Security Department" basically has a few brushes. There are 10 people in the entire Security Department, 8 of whom are retired personnel and two are technical security experts. Under the operation of Qingshan Group, everyone has a gun license and can use different types of weapons.

Theoretically, such a team can be directly pulled out to fight, but the problem is that their actions are limited by two factors.

On the one hand, there is authority. Due to the particularity of the team, their authority is limited to the factory area and the Qingshan Group’s own area. Within this range, they have unlimited right to counterattack, but once they go out of this range, they are equivalent to Civilians cannot use guns at will and have no law enforcement power.

On the other hand, there is the issue of personnel attributes. After all, they are not professional PMCs, and their duties are not "forced operations", but "security tasks."

Therefore, most of the time the methods they are willing to use tend to deter and stop, rather than single-mindedly eradicating the weeds like the Dongfeng Corps.

And it is precisely because of this attribute that it is impossible for them to fight side by side with the Dongfeng Corps.

They can only be used as the last line of defense and as a trump card to help the Qingshan Group gain mediation time and wait for Indonesian official rescue after the Dongfeng Corps is completely defeated.

To be honest, Chen Chen is quite disappointed with this attribute.

He originally thought that the security department of the Qingshan Group would be a team with a relatively high degree of freedom. If there was a chance, he even wanted to absorb these people into the Dongfeng Corps after the incident was over.

Unfortunately, after the first round of communication, he found that everyone in the security department generally did not have this idea.


In their view, even if they leave the army and enter the security office of a company, it is still an "establishment" in a certain sense.

As for establishment, no matter how much money or benefits there is, there is no way to exchange it for equal value.

Chen Chen had no way to refute their ideas. After all, the end of the universe was the public examination system. Even before he was reborn, he was still thinking about how to enter the system.

Therefore, based on this situation, he had no choice but to make corresponding arrangements according to the characteristics of the team.

Although some people in the security office showed some "dissatisfaction" during the process, Chen Chen didn't care.

Because he knows that prestige is built through hard work, and after two real tough battles, the Dongfeng Corps will be able to fully establish itself here.

A few minutes later, in the square of the factory, looking at the security team members who were undergoing basic training, Li Bang, standing next to Chen Chen, couldn't help but said with emotion:

"It's a little different from what I thought. I thought they were a team similar to mercenaries."

Chen Chen nodded slightly and replied:

"Actually, I thought so at first, but I have to say that Qingshan Group is still quite conservative."

"I just talked to Wang Qi. These people will not even shoot unless it is extremely necessary. Even if they shoot, they will not kill them directly."

"All I can say is that this is a very typical law enforcement habit in the north. I don't know who trained them."

"This kind of habit is completely unsuitable for the situation in Indonesia, let alone the situation in Sulawesi."

"No wonder Xiaoyu found us as outsourcers. We have much more room for action."

"Indeed. But there is also a problem. We are currently seriously short of manpower."

"With 12 people, we can't rely on the original security force. How can we possibly defend such a large park?"

"It depends on the old pig."

As he spoke, Chen Chen walked towards the office.

"The deadline I set for him is only that long. It's been several days now. It's time for him to give me some good news."

At the same time, in the square.

Among the people in the security department who were still training, some looked in the direction Chen Chen left.

Then, he turned to his colleague who was doing push-ups and asked:

"Lao Xu, what do you think of this new group of people?"

"How about what?"

The man named Lao Xu took a few breaths and stood up, wiping his sweat and asking.

"Just...combat ability, professionalism and so on."

"I heard that they came here to take over the overall security tasks of our company. They will be directly responsible for all subsequent security matters."

"We must cooperate with their actions and follow their orders."

"That's it. I think it's quite outrageous."

"They are a mercenary company. In the final analysis, they are just a security service provider. As Party B, if they don't listen to us, we still have to listen to them?"

After finishing his words, Lao Xu let out a disdainful "ha" and replied:

"So I said, a two-year conscript like you didn't learn the essence in the army at all. You just went through the motions."

"If you stayed in the army for twelve years like me, you would know the roles of these people."

"I won't talk about any background or professionalism. Just looking at the leader named Chen Chen, his body is full of blood."

"You still want to compete with people like this? If you have big legs, just hug them tightly. If you have any dissatisfaction or doubts about them, I think your brain has been eaten by a dog."

Hearing this, the two-year conscript had a surprised expression on his face, and then he continued to ask:

"You think so highly of them? Why are you so passionate? Why do I think what you say is so mysterious?"

Lao Xu shook his head and replied:

"This is not a mysterious question. If you haven't seen it, you definitely don't know."

"Before I retired in 2007, I went to Yunnan once with the team. At that time, there was a model team that had just retreated from the border and organized an exchange with us."

"Those people are full of serious blood."

"I don't know how to describe this feeling to you. All in all, you are a soldier and you haven't fully mastered it yet."

"If you are a good soldier, you will know who to call the boss at a glance."

"Also, now that I've mentioned this, I would like to remind you that you will be less generous to me in front of them in the future. I don't have the luxury to talk to you today."

"But if there is a next time, Director Wang doesn't need to take action, I will beat you with my big mouth myself!"

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