I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 330 Isn’t it? Bomb an aircraft carrier?

"What you did this time was a bit too big."

In the office, Chen Chen held the phone in his hand and listened to the other little fish's lesson with a resigned expression.

"Actually, you have a better way to deal with it. You don't need to wait for the riot to actually break out. When you monitor the riot, you can call the police immediately. After obtaining the authorization from the police, you can jointly operate with the police and go directly to the mosque to arrest The leader suppressed the riot."

"This is the best solution. It can not only achieve the same goal, but also reduce the impact of the incident."

"But that's not to blame. I can probably understand your thinking."

"The constraints on law enforcement power are indeed very strong. But you have to understand that Indonesia is not a country with a sound legal system."

"There are a lot of things that can be done."

"A very simple statistic shows that the number of people who die in Sulawesi every year due to various violent incidents is about 1,500, but only less than one tenth of them will actually be investigated."

"And of these one-tenth cases, nearly two-thirds will eventually go unsolved, even in a big city like Makassar."

"Their detection rate is frighteningly low. The lower the detection rate, the lower the case filing rate."

"So, as long as there is a legitimate reason, you don't have to worry about the Dongfeng Corps being settled by Qiu Hou. We can handle the shooting in Jakarta, let alone Sulawesi."

"In this regard, we still need to align our strategies to avoid subsequent problems caused by cognitive biases."


Chen Chen nodded slightly, and then said:

"But no matter what, this is already an afterthought."

"This matter has become serious this time. How to finish it and deal with it later still depends on you."

"How about it? Should you share your ideas with me in advance to avoid further problems with your cooperation?"

"Why else do you think I'm calling you?"

Xiaoyu sighed and continued:

"You have only been in Indonesia for more than a week, and you have already made four big news stories."

"This Sulawesi terrorist attack has made international headlines. According to preliminary information, the number of civilians killed in this attack should be more than 10. Coupled with the casualties of the JD elements themselves, the death toll is certain. It will exceed 20 people.”

"The number of 20 people is considered a major event wherever it is placed."

"Indonesian officials will definitely make big moves. The conflict between the civilian government and the military government will intensify in a short period of time. And the reaction at the grassroots level, which is most relevant to you, is that the antagonism between ordinary police and Task Force 88 will rise."

"We'll find a way to clean your ass, but you have to take advantage of this opportunity."

"How to use it?"

Chen Chen asked.

In fact, he already had a rough plan in mind. Because of this "turmoil", Indonesia's grassroots law enforcement forces will obviously quickly enter the "civil strife" stage, and all he has to do is choose a side to stand on.

As for which side to choose.

Obviously it can't be Task Force 88.

Because their relationship with the United States is quite ambiguous, it is easy to say at the grassroots level, but there must be some collusion at the top level.

Then, there is only one choice left for you.

Help the police.

Find a way to gain recognition from the police station, find a way to get their authorization, and use your powerful combat power far beyond that of the grassroots police station to gain leverage and help them fight against Task Force 88.

No matter from a macro perspective or from the perspective of the mission of the Dongfeng Corps, this is the best choice.

However, whether or not to make this choice depends on Xiaoyu’s opinion.

Xiaoyu's answer was indeed within Chen Chen's expectation. She said:

"Join the police."

“The Indonesian police have rich experience in international cooperation and also have precedents of using ‘outsourced police force’.”

"The most typical one is the SMP organization (Sencom National Police Partnership). The personnel they provide are an important part of the Indonesian police force."

"You don't need to replace SMP's position, but you can supplement SMP's deficiencies."

"Because the SMP can provide mainly junior security personnel, their combat effectiveness is quite weak."

"In the future, the situation will continue to develop, the anti-terrorism situation will be severe, and the confrontation will become more intense. The Indonesian police will inevitably need a powerful force to consolidate their grassroots dominance, and just in time, this is your opportunity."

"I see."

Chen Chen nodded suddenly.

In fact, he had heard about the SMP organization in his previous life.

At that time, the north was in the stage of large-scale discussions, or debates, on the necessity of the existence of "private armed forces." Some people suggested that we could refer to the experience of Maozi's Cossacks and Indonesia's SMP organization to set up an outsourced, independent, "Private armed forces" with certain law enforcement powers but not tied to police organizations serve as the pioneer force in anti-terrorism operations.

Of course, such a suggestion was ultimately rejected due to various reasons, but Chen Chen still remembered the name.

However, the SMP actually does not have any amazing achievements. Most of the time, their status is no different from that of the "association police" in the north.

The only difference is probably that the number of gun licenses within the SMP is quite widespread - in fact, this is one of the sources of the huge loophole in Indonesia's gun control.

Chen Chen still remembers that in 2022, a major police corruption incident broke out in Indonesia, involving hundreds of millions of dollars and multiple shooting deaths. That case was related to SMP.


Putting aside these issues that did not require his concern, Xiaoyu's idea was indeed feasible.

It can not only solve the problem of the Dongfeng Corps' lack of law enforcement power, but also achieve precise strikes and weaken the infiltration power of "certain forces". It can be said that it kills multiple birds with one stone.

So, Chen Chen continued to speak:

"If we can cooperate with the police, it will be much easier to carry out subsequent tasks."

"But there is still a question. How long will our mission be carried out?"

"I mean, the nature of the mission is security, but we can't be allowed to stay here forever."

"You have to give me a clear target and tell me how to accomplish it."

After hearing Chen Chen's words, Xiaoyu on the opposite side was silent for a few seconds, and then said:

"This issue should have been made clear a long time ago."

"But I won't lie to you. The impact of the events you participated in is too great, so it is impossible to share all the information with you."

"But if I have to give you an indicator, it's very simple. Qingshan Group is negotiating for sea ports, and they will find a way to win a port in South Sulawesi."

"What you have to do is to ensure that Tsingshan Group's campus in La Bota is not captured by others before this port is captured."

"This is very important, I mean, the park must maintain stable operations and be profitable."


"Just wait a moment."

Chen Chen suddenly interrupted Xiaoyu, because he keenly caught a familiar keyword from the few words she just said.

Port in South Sulawesi? !

Could it be.

"You're not talking about Bari Bari, are you?"


Xiaoyu on the other end of the phone fell silent for a moment. After a long time, she suddenly asked in a serious tone:

"How did you guess that?"

How did I guess that?

Chen Chen was speechless.

He really couldn't explain how he guessed this thing, because this port was actually not famous.

Even compared to Kyaukpyu Port, it is not famous!

But the problem is that for a person who pays attention to military affairs and maritime situations, this name is too familiar.

No, it is not an important resource port or trading port.

It is a world-famous maritime force and an important "transit supply port" after 2012!

Chen Chen remembered very clearly that in the last life, after the confrontation became more and more intense, the other party carried out large-scale exploration in the nearby waters, established a wealth of routes, and even formed a stable "departure position."

The strait between Sulawesi and Kalimantan is one of their most important passages!

Countless times, the formation named "Reagan" entered the Timor Sea from the South Pacific, entered the Celebes Sea through the Makassar Strait, and then continued to move northwest, entering the area where they stirred up countless winds and rains. .

This has actually become their attack position, and their bombers have even flown over the Sulawesi Sea countless times.

It's really a big deal.

But when I think about it, what I am doing is really in line with the usual routine of a certain long-eared creature.

First use business strategies to establish a presence in the local area, then find ways to deepen cooperation, introduce in-depth strategies, and finally win the local "foreign legal rights" - bah, what foreign legal rights!

That's called joint development!

Xiaoyu opposite was still waiting for his answer. After hesitating for a few seconds, Chen Chen said:

"It's a long story. Anyway, I heard some key words from Bazlen's confession before. I didn't take it seriously at that time. If you say this."

"Wait a minute, Comrade Xiaoyu, you won't want us to blow up the aircraft carrier in the future, will you?"

".Can you have a door to your mouth?! Do you dare to say anything??"

Xiaoyu on the opposite side cursed angrily, and Chen Chen realized that he had said the wrong thing, so he could only smile awkwardly without making any rebuttal.

Xiaoyu was so hung up that she couldn't catch her breath. After a long time, she continued:

"Anyway, that's about it. Your mission is very clear."

"In the future, we anticipate that you may face two main pressures."

"On the one hand, it is the pressure from jd organizations controlled by certain forces; on the other hand, it is the direct pressure brought by MPRI."

"MPRI will definitely launch an attack on you. You must be prepared."

"I see."

Chen Chen nodded quickly and seized the opportunity to complain to his "boss".

"If that's the case, then the equipment we have on hand is completely inadequate."

"We need more heavy equipment, we need riot control weapons, we need highly mobile vehicles. I mean, can we get more helicopters?"

"If possible, we also need fixed-wing aircraft as a means of delivery within the island."

".I will purchase it for you through Qingshan Group."

This time, Xiaoyu didn't push or block at all.

"As for heavy equipment and heavy weapons, I can only say that any explosives are very sensitive in Indonesia, let alone artillery."

"However, I have a way to get you something else first - something better to use."


Chen Chen perked up and quickly asked.


"Dog? What dog? Mechanical dog?"

"No, just ordinary military dogs, EOD dogs, and guard dogs."

"Are you kidding me? Are you really spending a lot of money?!"

Chen Chen could be said to be shocked. He never thought that Xiaoyu would want to send military dogs directly to him!

Contrary to many people's impressions, military dogs in reality are not the kind of things in Red Alert that can be mass-produced for 200 yuan each. The training cost of a military dog ​​that truly reaches combat level is at least 50,000 US dollars.

Moreover, after a military dog ​​is trained, it will cost at least several thousand dollars in "maintenance costs" every month. The average monthly consumption of military dogs in the United States is more than a thousand dollars.

This thing is a complete "luxury product" because no country has the ability to mass-produce qualified military dogs! ——

However, its uses are huge.

In anti-terrorism operations, especially in anti-terrorism and anti-riot operations in densely populated areas, there is a huge difference between having dogs and not having dogs.

For the next mission that the Dongfeng Corps will perform, there is indeed no more suitable "equipment" than a group of excellent military dogs.

During the beheading operation of IS leader Baghdadi, after he was forced into a desperate situation, the United States relied on a Belgian horse dog to complete the final kill.

During Operation Poseidon Spear, the commando team that killed bin Laden also brought a military dog ​​with them.

This is enough to illustrate the role of military dogs in small-scale anti-terrorism operations.

Its value cannot be simply measured by "technical level" and "manufacturing cost"!

After hearing Chen Chen's words, Xiaoyu on the opposite side also smiled slightly "smugly", and then replied:

"You didn't expect that, did you?"

"We expect that a group of military dogs will be in place within two days."

"There are also matching dog trainers who are in sync, but there are only two of them, and they are not at your disposal."

"Of course, if you can recruit them into the team based on your ability, then it has nothing to do with us."

"I understand! I understand!"

Chen Chen answered immediately, and then asked:

"How many are there in total?"


Twelve military dogs!

One for each person!

These are stable.

Chen Chen even felt that with the assistance of these 12 military dogs, it would not be difficult for the Dongfeng Corps to sweep across the entire Sulawesi.


“It’s not enough to have a dog!”

"I also want protective gear! Special protective gear! Special bulletproof vest!"

"If there is no ready-made one, ask Jihua to make one!"

"Also, do you know that there is a kind of titanium alloy dental crown? Find a way to customize a batch. I want to put them on all my dogs."

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