The news that he was about to get a military dog ​​made Chen Chen feel happy. However, his happy state did not last long. An expected but unexpected news made his heart heavy again.

Task Force 88 has arrived at La Bota and completed first contact with the supporting police force from Kendari stationed here.

They seemed to have reached a certain consensus. In short, after meeting, Task Force 88 began to get deeply involved in the investigation of the terrorist attack, while the police turned to behind-the-scenes and stability maintenance work.

Chen Chen was still prepared for this result.

What he didn't expect was that the efficiency of Task Force 88 could be so high, completely exceeding the average level of the Indonesian police.

In the office, Chen Chen, Shi Dakai, and Zhang Yang sat together and discussed the latest situation.

"From the information I have received, the Indonesian official has issued an order for Kendari Police Chief Gunawan to take over the investigation of the incident."

"However, you have also seen that Task Force 88 is much tougher than Gunawan. They can almost be said to have directly taken over the authority, completely excluding the police from the front line."

"The police are still quite dissatisfied with this situation."

"I went to visit the police officers who were in our hospital, and I heard something in their words."

"They generally believe that they were in the front when charging into battle, and they even paid the price of heavy casualties."

"Now that the matter has been dealt with, Task Force 88 has come out to take the credit."

"Especially La Bota's Sheriff Agus, he even said in front of me that 'the contribution of Task Force 88 is not as great as that of EW Company', which meant clearly."

"I think if you want to find a breakthrough, he is a good place to start."

"But the problem is that the profit distribution rules of the Indonesian police are quite complicated. The higher you go to the top, the closer the relationship with Task Force 88 becomes."

"Just one Agus has no way of influencing Gunawan's decision, and Gunawan has no way of influencing the decision of a higher-level superintendent, and the superintendent has no way of influencing the decision of the president."

"So, we may need a strong argument to convince Gunawan."

"Isn't our record enough?"

Hearing this, Shi Dakai asked doubtfully.

"Of course it's not enough. This incident can only outweigh the merits and demerits for the police."

"They performed very bravely, suppressed a riot that might have escalated, and also killed the instigator."

"But the problem is, the damage that has been done is real, and there is no doubt that this will become a bargaining chip for political opponents to attack them."

"So, if we want to convince Gunawan, we have to make him see the greater good."

"And I haven't found the entry point for this benefit yet."

After finishing his words, Chen Chen nodded slightly.

After all, Zhang Yang is not a professional intelligence officer. Being able to do this is actually quite good.

So, he opened his mouth and said:

"This kind of closed-source intelligence cannot be obtained through non-contact means, so don't worry too much."

"Now that things have developed, I should also meet the person you told me about, Argus."

"Perhaps, we can get something out of his mouth."

A few minutes later, Chen Chen arrived at the clinic in Qingshan Park.

Although it is called a clinic, it is actually quite large, with two ICUs and hundreds of wards.

This thing is actually a deformed product of the compromise between Qingshan Group and local officials. It can be regarded as part of the "infrastructure for minerals" deal.

Sergeant Argus of the Labota Police Station lived in the VIP ward on the seventh floor. Chen Chen met him very smoothly and talked to him very smoothly.

He still remembered Chen Chen, because when he fell to the ground, it was Chen Chen who led the team to break up the crowd and pulled him up from the ground.

If Chen Chen hadn't been fast enough, his injuries wouldn't have been as simple as "multiple fractures."

Therefore, his attitude towards Chen Chen was also quite enthusiastic. The opening of the two of them was not awkward at all. After a while of greetings, Chen Chen had a rough idea of ​​Argus's temper and said to him straightforwardly:

"We want to obtain the law enforcement powers granted by the police to more effectively combat the JD forces in Sulawesi."

"We need Gunawan's permission, and of course, your assistance."

"Mr. Argus, I believe you can understand what I mean, so I would like to hear your suggestions."

Hearing Chen Chen's words, Argus' originally smiling face instantly changed to a serious look. He waved his hand to signal other attendants to leave. After closing the door of the ward, he spoke to Chen Chen. :

"It's a risk, but we're all smart people, so let's be direct."

Argus's English is not very good, so his whole expression is extremely concise, revealing a sense of leanness.

And judging from his attitude when facing the riot, his ability is indeed not weak.

The fact that such people live in a small place like La Bota shows how corrupt the Indonesian police system has become.

Of course, it is precisely this kind of people who need the "adventure" opportunities provided by Chen Chen.

So, Chen Chen opened his mouth and said:

"I understand. What do we need to do?"

"You need to do meritorious service, we need to do meritorious service."

Argus continued:

"Rahman is a bad guy, but killing him is not enough."

"I think he is from JIS."

"But the biggest problem in Sulawesi is not JIS, but EIM."

"I know there is a place that is the stronghold of EIM."

"I wish you could go...find."

Argus used "find". Chen Chen was stunned for a moment and asked:

"Maybe you wanted to say 'investigate'?"

"No, you have to find something."

"What did you find?"

Chen Chen realized that the situation was a little different from what he expected, so he stopped asking questions and waited for Argus' answer.

"A month ago, someone imported a large quantity of makeup remover and nail polish remover to Sulawesi."

"I don't know why Sulawesi needs so much nail polish remover, but it's weird, right?"

"This is a mining island and we have a lot of nitric acid, sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid."

"Do you know what the main ingredient in nail polish remover is?"

Chen Chen was shocked, then nodded and said:

"I know. How many?"

Argus sighed and replied:

"We don't know how many."

"The customs declaration says 50 kilograms, but maybe the total amount will be more than one ton."

"Even tons."

"And now, all this nail polish remover has been lost and can't be found."

"You have to find it."

"If you find it, neither I nor Gunawan will cooperate with you."

"I understand, give me a week."

"No, you only have three days at most."

"JIS has lost Rahman and EIM will be nervous."

"They will do it, you have to be faster than them!"


Chen Chen nodded decisively.

An ominous premonition arose in his heart.

Several tons of nail polish remover. What is the concept?

Tons of acetone!

If you calculate these nail polish removers according to their ingredients, it is enough to produce TAPT in tons!

This thing is a must-have explosive for IS members to travel home. It also has a name, "Mother of Satan."

If they really made it

Not to mention Qingshan Park, I am afraid that even Makassar will be hit hard!

Yes, time is indeed tight.

Rahman's death has lit the fuse, and the barrel of explosives that has been stored in Sulawesi for a long time is about to explode.

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