After determining the target, Chen Chen did not hesitate or waste time. Instead, he quickly led the team to set off after packing up the equipment.

After running all the way without much success, everyone arrived in Kendali City three hours later and found the Indo Wholesale Supermarket located at the center of the storm.

This supermarket is located on the south side of Madhusla Street, 500 meters to the north is Kendari Bay. The diesel processing workshop is just a few dozen meters next to the Indo Supermarket. It is surrounded by dense woods and there are only a few private houses nearby. Because it is close to the bay, there are several seafood processing plants nearby.

This was a deserted area in the bustling Kendali City. Chen Chen was even amazed that the extremists could accurately find such a base.

The Toyota Land Cruiser of Qingshan Group was parked next to a coffee shop on the street of Madhusla. The four people without any equipment were drinking coffee while observing the situation in the supermarket.

".The warehouse and cold storage are adjacent, just like all large supermarkets."

"The cold storage should mainly contain meat products such as seafood. Previously, Argus said that they tried to search with police dogs, but no traces of nail polish remover were found. The police dogs just circled around the warehouse."

"They probably looked quite weird at first. It was like the nail polish remover just disappeared out of thin air."

"But now it seems like that."

"Sure enough, something went wrong. This batch of nail polish remover probably never left the supermarket and has been stored in the cold storage."

"The smell of seafood is too strong, which masks the pungent sweetness of acetone. It makes the police dog lose its way and it is normal to find it."

"In that case, the operation of those JD elements is very simple."

"They don't have to get involved in the process, they just wait for the opportunity."

"This thing will definitely be shipped to the warehouse of Indo Supermarket. Even if you don't have the chance to buy it the first time, you can still buy it in time when returning it."

"Perhaps the only problem is how they can convince Indo Supermarket and the big customer to import acetone at the same time. This is the key to the problem."

After hearing Chen Chen's analysis, Shi Dakai nodded thoughtfully, and then asked:

"So if we want to catch the person behind it, we should go talk to that big customer?"

Chen Chen shook his head and denied:

"It's completely unnecessary. The other party can't leave any loopholes."

"Perhaps the other party just left some information in a very covert way, or even used psychological suggestion to lure big customers into the trap."

“They don’t need to choose a supermarket, because once a big customer is identified, the supermarket is actually identified – the cooperative relationship is fixed, just like when we used to buy guns and equipment in Pubei, we basically went to Wanfeng Group. "

"These people are really smart. EIM is indeed not comparable to those mud-legged warlords in Pubei."

At this point, Chen Chen had already finished the last sip of coffee in the cup.

At this time, the time had reached 6 pm, which was the time to get off work. Indo Supermarket began to become busy. Looking at the scene of people coming and going, Chen Chen realized that the time was ripe, so he stood up decisively and said:

"Let's go over and take a look."

"Now is the time when warehouse management is at its most lax, and it is basically the time when all supermarket cold storages are opened for ventilation and stocking. We have to find a way to sneak into their cold storages and find that batch of acetone."

"We don't need to do much, just make sure the goods are inside and call the police directly."

"They didn't have time to move. We can let the police do the next thing."


Everyone immediately followed Chen Chen. They got back in the car, hung up their holsters and set off again.

This time, they parked the car directly in the parking lot of Indo Supermarket, then walked directly into the supermarket and picked two folding ladders and a household tool box from the shelves.

Li Bang didn't understand what this was going to do at first, but Chen Chen quickly answered his questions.

"If you want to sneak into a place where no non-staff members should be able to enter at the lowest cost, a ladder is your best passport."

"Now, if one isn't enough, we'll bring two."

"Just wait and see. When we enter the cold storage later, there is absolutely no way anyone will stop us."

"real or fake."

Li Bang asked in disbelief, but Chen Chen didn't answer. He left the supermarket door, found a place to tear off the labels on the ladder and tool box, threw the things on the ground and rubbed them hard a few times. After making them old with soil, he became confident Di carried the ladder and walked ahead, heading towards the cold storage.

Along the way they met several groups of staff, but everyone turned a blind eye to them.

When they walked to the door of the cold storage, a large amount of seafood had just arrived. The workers were busy unloading and moving the goods, and they almost didn't even look at Chen Chen.

On the contrary, Chen Chen took the initiative to walk up and asked in the Indonesian language he had learned temporarily, "Where is the light broken?" The other person didn't even raise his head and answered something that Chen Chen didn't understand. Chen Chen also shook his head. He walked straight into the cold storage.

He observed the lights above his head all the way, pretending that he was really a professional plumber, but in fact, his peripheral vision had been scanning the guidance signs of the cold storage, and it didn't take him much time to find the target cold storage. district.

The temperature of this partition is generally between -5 and 0 degrees. Although it cannot fully meet the temperature requirements of 4-10 degrees before TATP manufacturing, considering the temperature increase during raw material transportation and waiting, this is the most suitable partition for storage. .

At the same time, this is also the place with the most chilled fish, and the smell is quite strong, which is very suitable as a distraction.

The four of them walked around the fresh-keeping area and had a clear look at the layout of this area, but then a problem arose - the goods here were the most in the entire cold storage, and there were densely packed cartons and plastic boxes. If you wanted to get rid of them, It would be extremely difficult to find any possible acetone in this shipment.

If something is pressed deepest

But this seems impossible, because it does not comply with the principle of easy access for those jd elements.

In other words, they should hide the nail polish remover in the pile of goods with the lowest turnover rate and stockout rate, and where no one pays attention.

Most of the entire medium-temperature zone is fresh food, with only a few types of products that must be stored at low temperatures, but the turnover rate is not too high.

Ice cream, bulk frozen cream, a small amount of medicine, special types of drinks, and of course the bagged crushed ice that is bound to be used in the fresh food section

Chen Chen searched around among these goods, but he could not find any trace of large quantities of nail polish remover.

Logically speaking, this thing should be quite large.

Chen Chen couldn't help but frown, and he even wondered if he had guessed wrong.

But at this moment, he suddenly realized that something was wrong with the crushed ice in his hand.

It's not like ice cubes because it doesn't feel that cold.

His heart skipped a beat, and then he immediately raised his head.

The dangerous intuition instantly enveloped him, and without any hesitation, he took out the pistol from his waist and raised it, looking around.

At this moment, the two workers who had been in charge of transporting the frozen food section had stopped what they were doing. They reached under the shelves, as if they wanted to take out something.

Chen Chen was one second faster than them.

It was this second that allowed him to aim at the opponent in advance.

When the other party just raised the gun in his hand, Chen Chen's crosshairs were already locked on their heads.



Two consecutive gunshots were fired, it was Chen Chen and Li Bang who fired one after another.

The two corpses fell immediately. However, at this time, the Li Gang did not know what happened.

"what happened!?"

he asked in surprise.

Chen Chen literally took a breath, and then replied:

"Damn, we made a mistake."

"This cold storage is not used to store acetone, it is used to store TATP!"

"They have already built TATP! There is a mole in the cold storage management!"

"Dakai, call the police immediately!"

"It's full of explosives, this is a powder keg!"

"If we let them explode, the whole supermarket will fly away!"

"Check if there are any detonating devices around and clear out everyone in the entire cold storage!"

"We have to wait until the police come!"

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