I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 334 The real God of Pistol War

Chen Chen knew that he was really dancing on the tip of the knife this time.

What is the concept of TATP?

The shock wave overpressure it generates can reach 70% of TNT. Just 1 kilogram of TATP can easily blow a house into pieces!

And here, behind Chen Chen, those special ice bags weigh at least hundreds of kilograms!

If it were detonated, not to mention the four Dongfeng Corps members who were only a few meters away from the explosives, at least half of the civilians shopping in the supermarket would be torn into powder by the shock wave!

EIM really wanted to do something big and they almost succeeded!

Shi Dakai had already called the police, and he was still nervously looking for traces of possible wireless detonators.

And every second he spent silently rummaging around added more pressure to Chen Chen's heart.

At this moment, Chen Chen was really fed up with the group of telecommunications companies represented by Huawei and ZTE.

What do you think you think?

If the subway has no signal, you have to install base stations for others; if the elevators have no signal, you have to install base stations for others; now that the cold storage has no signal, you have to install base stations for others? !

Is this really necessary?

If you are worried about security issues, wouldn’t it be enough to contact you directly using limited communication methods? Why put cellular networks in places like this? !

Now, I'm standing in front of a pile of explosives. It doesn't matter if I run or not.

And there is a group of JD elements who are watching eagerly. They may just press a few buttons to blow me up!

It’s really enough!

Chen Chen subconsciously moved a few steps forward, crossing the rows of shelves to get a better view for himself.

The Li Gang and Lin He had already begun to clean up other civilians in the cold storage. Under their constant shouts and warning shots, the surrounding space was instantly cleared.

One minute has passed, the signal must have been passed on, and those JD elements must have known what happened here.

If they have an explosive device in their hands, they may detonate it at any second.

But Chen Shen couldn't leave. He had to ensure that there were no longer any living people in the area behind them.

Because as long as there are living people, it is possible that they are insiders of the JD elements.

And as long as there is an internal response, he may directly detonate his body when the foursome are halfway through, burying all four of them in the cold storage.

That's right, Chen Chen is not a Wei Guangzheng character who doesn't care about his name in order to save others. All his decisions are ultimately to keep himself alive.

The current situation is like a gamble, or in other words, like the drumming and passing the flowers game that Chen Chen played when he first entered the special war.

The blasting cord in your hand is about to explode, but you can't be afraid or nervous.

You can only do all the right things under great pressure, and then you can escape smoothly and save your life!

Now, there are only three right things.

Call the police, clear out personnel, and destroy possible explosive devices.

The atmosphere was extremely depressing, but Chen Chen's heartbeat became calmer.

It wasn't that he wasn't nervous, but the more nervous he was mentally, the more morbidly relaxed his body felt.

This sense of relaxation made him feel dizzy and dazed, and at this moment, Shi Dakai behind him finally brought the first good news.

"No detonating device was found. They probably haven't had time to install it yet!"

"That's good, retreat! Li, help Lin He, control the door of the cold storage, don't let anyone in!"



Everyone answered in turn, and then Chen Chen and Shi Dakai took turns taking cover and quickly evacuated towards the door.

At this time, the security guards of the shopping mall had learned of the situation and came over. When Chen Chen walked to the door, he saw Lin He and Li Gang behind the bunker confronting the security guards with guns, shouting loudly and using a "crude" The scene where English identifies himself to the other party.

Chen Chen hurriedly hid behind the bunker and then shouted loudly:

"We are SMP members, we have police authorization, we found explosives in the cold storage and have called the police!"

"We have called the police! Put down the gun, we are not enemies!"

These two sentences are very effective. Compared with posing as a police officer, posing as an SMP seems to be more trustworthy by security personnel.

Li Bang and Lin He had lowered their guns, and the mall security also lowered their guns and tentatively approached.

He opened his mouth and shouted:

"I need your identification!"

"No need to prove it! Set up a defense line! The police will be here soon!"

"EIM is nearby, we need-"


Before Chen Chen finished speaking, suddenly, a gunshot rang out outside the cold storage.

Everyone froze subconsciously. The security guard lowered his head in surprise and looked at his chest.

Then, he turned and looked back, and what greeted him was a continuous round of fire.

"Bang bang bang bang bang -"


Chen Chen immediately issued the order. In fact, as soon as the gunshots were fired, everyone had already shrunk behind the bunker.

After the security guard fell, a violent rain of bullets immediately hit the door of the cold storage, completely blocking the four people's evacuation route.

"Close the door! Close the door!"

Li Bang shouted while subconsciously trying to get up, but Chen Chen beside him pushed him down violently.

"Are you fucking crazy? You're not wearing body armor!"

"Why close the door? Can they still be able to break in?"

"Don't fight back, retreat inside, block the door and let them come in to fight!"

As he spoke, Chen Chen withdrew to both sides of the gate, and then quickly retreated with alternating cover in a bilateral formation.

There are basically no shelves in the transition area of ​​the cold storage. Although they seriously lack bunkers, their movement speed has also been greatly improved.

The gunshots outside the door continued to ring out, and the security personnel of the supermarket could no longer withstand the situation.

A full five minutes have passed since Shi Dakai called the police. Chen Chen knows that Shi Dakai has made the information very clear, but until now, police support has not come yet! ——


A large number of Kendari's police forces have been transferred to La Bota. These days, it is the time when the city's defense is most empty!

What are you doing? !

Is there a connection between the two attacks? Was this a premeditated coordinated attack? ?

No, it can't be.

Because according to the translation, the attack launched by JIS in La Bota was temporarily organized and they did not reach an agreement with EIM.

But now, Kendari's EIM acted so decisively that they even organized armed attacks directly in the city center after the warehouse was discovered, which means

Their information is very accurate and timely!

Someone must be helping them behind the scenes.



No matter who it is, Chen Chen has already made a note on his list.

The gunshots outside the door were still ringing, but what was even more ear-piercing were the cries of fear and chaotic footsteps.

Something strange has happened to the people shopping in the supermarket. They were running away like crazy, and they just happened to hit the muzzle of the JD elements who were coming over!

The gunshots of those JD elements were extremely regular and steady, as if they were not carrying out a massacre, but just shooting targets.

Yes, they were actually shooting.

They just fired a few shots as they approached the cold storage and drove people back into the supermarket so that a later explosion could take away more innocent lives!

Chen Chen took a deep breath and looked around trying to find the "equipment" available in the cold storage. Unfortunately, this was a cold storage, not a warehouse. All he could rely on was the pistol in his hand!

The gunshots outside the door were getting closer, and the pressure of the automatic weapons was fully revealed at this moment.

How can I fight with at least 6 rifles if I have no body armor and only a pistol? !

CQB can’t even beat it!

Chen Chenping held up his pistol. At this time, he was less than 30 meters away from the cold storage door.

A figure flashed at the door for a moment, and Chen Chen immediately fired. But at such a distance, even if you turned on the self-aim and locked the head, it was impossible to hit the enemy peeking outside the wall in the blink of an eye. !

Stop making trouble, the limit speed of the human body's reaction is 100 milliseconds, the transmission time from the trigger pull to the bullet firing of the pistol is another 100 milliseconds, and the flight time of the pistol bullet in an indoor environment is about 50 milliseconds. It's already two days of going back and forth. It’s been over a hundred milliseconds. Are you telling me that you can beat CQB with just a pistol? !


Without any suspense, the bullet fired by Chen Chen hit the empty space, and soon, he was greeted by a fierce round of faith shooting.

The scattered rain of bullets pinned Chen Chen behind the bunker. The Li Gang behind him immediately leaned forward to suppress him. But how do you suppress an enemy who has not shown up?

Bullets began to fly randomly in the cold storage, and Chen Chen seemed to be dreaming back to the scene when he attacked Wan Henai.

Everyone was pressed behind the bunker, unable to raise their heads, and could only wait for slow death.

OODA was not interrupted, but directly shattered

what to do?

Without the equipment advantage, is it really that difficult?


But at this moment, an idea suddenly flashed in Chen Chen's mind.

"Lin He! Retreat!"

"We'll hold on, you go and bring back a few bags of TATP!"

"Control the weight! Go! 30 seconds!"


Lin He replied loudly, and then, a vigorous figure walked out of the hail of bullets.

Regardless of the risk of being hit, Chen Chen quickly stood up and fired continuously at the door, severely pushing back the enemy who had leaned into the cold storage door.

This was the first time he saw his enemy clearly.

The other party was actually wearing a body armor!

No wonder they attack the front so brazenly, they are really confident!

Damn, should I say are you afraid of death or not? !

Chen Chen didn't have time to think too much. His position had been exposed. Just one precise shot could penetrate the shelves in front of him.

"Lee Gang, cover!"

He leapt forward and hid behind another cover.

As soon as he stabilized his body, he immediately raised his gun and pulled the trigger, creating transfer conditions for the Li Gang.


After firing 20 rounds of bullets, Shi Dakai, who had never been exposed, finally filled the firepower gap.

The enemy at the door was suppressed again. After a round of seamless cooperation, the trio actually took back the initiative of OODA from the enemy!

"Pay attention to ammo management!"

Chen Chen ordered again.

Each of them only carried three magazines with them, and by now, they were no longer enough.

This is an oversight, but in fact, it is an oversight that is impossible to avoid.

Because Chen Chen couldn't have imagined that these people had actually completed the production of TATP and hid such dangerous explosives in the cold storage.

If there was only nail polish remover in the cold storage, how could those JD elements resist so fiercely! ?

Of course, it's too late to say anything now.

Chen Chen had already replaced the third magazine, and the enemy at the door finally decided to start the assault.

Chen Chen shot down the man at the front, but his three accomplices were already aiming their guns in Chen Chen's direction.

There was no time to fire a second shot, Chen Chen could only fall to the side, Li Gang and Shi Dakai raised their guns to cover, but they were quickly suppressed.

Until now, both sides have only suffered one casualty.

However, this is the normal state of real CQB.

In the early stage, both sides were just testing, and then the real high-intensity attack was about to begin.

The foursome will not have any room for resistance. Even if they exchange their lives for lives, they cannot replace the enemy on the opposite side.


However, at this moment, Lin He's voice came from Chen Chen's headphones.

"Twelve o'clock, throw a bag of explosives!"

Chen Chen did not turn around because of "subconsciousness", his eyes were still fixed on the front.

A second later, he saw a bag of white powder falling from the air and towards the door of the cold storage.

The world seemed to slow down at this moment.

Chen Chen heard his own breathing.

The FN57's crosshair "slowly" moved to the lower edge of the bag of powder. Then, when the powder was still two meters above the floor, the trigger was pulled and the bullet was fired.

Chen Chen suddenly felt that "everything is exhausted".

At the same time, a ridiculous idea came to his mind.


If this bag was really crushed ice, it would be funny.

However, his absurd idea did not become reality.

The moment the bullet passed through the bag of powder, a violent explosion suddenly occurred.


The shock wave swept through the entire cold storage, and Chen Chen was pushed directly to the ground by the huge force.

He could feel blood oozing out of his nose instantly, but he did not stop for a moment, but quickly ordered:

"Change speed! Replace the shot!"

In fact, there was no need for him to give orders at all.

At the moment of the explosion, Li Gang stood up almost against the shock wave.

When everyone, including Chen Chen, fell into a brief stagnation, he grabbed the time difference of less than one second.

In this second, he killed the enemy closest to him who was overturned by the shock wave.

Then, he rushed forward and picked up the 56 punch that he was very familiar with that fell on the ground.

"Bang bang bang bang bang -"

Gunshots rang out again, and this time, flesh and blood flew everywhere under the bullets.

"Get the gun! Quick!"

Chen Chen actually couldn't hear what he was shouting at all, and he didn't know if others could hear it.

He just threw himself in front of the enemy knocked down by the Li Gang, grabbed his rifle and lay down to resist the gunfire, and quickly fired a short burst of fire, suppressing the enemy outside the door who was lucky enough to escape the shock wave.

The situation suddenly reversed. Shi Dakai completed harvesting the other two people in the sudden cold storage. Lin He had also decisively put down the other TATPs and stepped forward with a pistol to take over Chen Chen's suppression.

In just a few seconds, three long guns were obtained. Lin He squatted in front of Chen Chen and fired continuously with the pistol to cover, allowing Chen Chen to complete the most critical reloading.

Afterwards, the four people took turns to cover the front, and the bullets hit the cold storage door and caused sparks to fly.

The four people who were pushed back into the cold storage finally regained their position 10 meters in front of the door.

The enemy began to flee.

They seemed to have given up on the cold storage, because sirens finally began to sound in the distance.

Chen Chen did not order a pursuit because he knew that the current police did not distinguish between ourselves and the enemy. As long as he went out, he would still be treated as a JD element, and he might be shot with bullets.


He spoke again, and the four of them spread out to dangerous corners on both sides of the cold storage door, aiming their guns at the door.

Gunfire continued outside the door, and a moment later, a shout suddenly came.

"Allah Hubak -"


There were huge explosions, the sound of broken glass, and the horrified screams of the crowd.

Inside the cold storage, apart from the vibrations, there was only silence.

A few minutes later, the heavily armed Task Force 88 found the four members of the Dongfeng Corps covered in blood.

No misunderstanding.

Obviously, they have figured out the situation.

Looking at this team that relied on 4 pistols to repel the crazy attack of 8 armed men, there was only awe in their eyes.

"You guys are crazy. You only have a pistol, but thank you."

"You saved thousands of lives."

Hearing the words of the leading man, Chen Chen shook his head and replied:

"It's no use talking nonsense."

"There may still be people at the refinery, and there may be explosives."

"Give me some money and come with us."

"Kill all these people!"

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