The rebellion was put down much faster than Chen Chen expected, probably because the so-called "deal" had been reached, or because the president staged a modern version of "Cao Cao's Letter Burning". In short, except for part of the raider camp, In addition to the officers and soldiers who committed the massacre, the rebels who gathered near La Bota were quickly demobilized. The real "modern army" under the control of the president took over La Bota and planned to start a large-scale liquidation campaign.

All the JD elements entrenched in Sulawesi became frightened. Some fought to the death in an attempt to fight against the enemy, while the vast majority fell completely silent.

However, all this has nothing to do with Chen Chen.

After completing the final handover with the military and confirming Bashir's death, he directly disengaged from the military.


Except, of course, Buck.

His current situation is extremely special. No one will really send him to a military court for "murder", but what he did is really not acceptable to the existing order in Indonesia.

Therefore, he cannot return to Task Force 88, nor can he continue to have contact with the police.

Before the incident was finally identified, he became a "free man" that no one wanted.

So, with nothing to do, he went directly to Chen Chen and wanted to seek some "advice" from Chen Chen.

Sitting in the office of the Dongfeng Corps, Buck carefully took off the hat given to him by Hirakawa to protect the gauze on his head, and said in a polite but equal tone:

".So the situation is what I told you."

"After this incident, my situation may become quite embarrassing."

"I'm probably going to have nothing to do for a long time to come."

"Can you imagine? No one is even willing to investigate me now."

"I proactively approached the military and police, but they just told me to rest."

"This situation makes me feel very uneasy, so I wanted to ask you - you are probably the only person I can contact who knows the whole story. Maybe you can give me some advice."

"Of course, if my request seems presumptuous to you, I'm sorry to bother you."

Hearing his words, Chen Chen nodded slightly and did not answer immediately.

In fact, he had already had some communication with Buck before, and learned from him about his previous "secret interaction" with the Dongfeng Corps.

Objectively speaking, Buck spared the Dongfeng Corps twice, and the last time, when they had all taken out their stingers, he was still able to press the action.

In a sense, this person's position is indeed extremely firm.


Of course, it does not represent the position of Task Force 88, the military, or a certain interest group, but the position of the real "Indonesian people."

The choices he made were in the interests of the country.

Or at least, from his perspective, it is in the interests of the country.

Therefore, in Chen Chen's view, he is indeed a relatively "pure" person, especially in an environment like Indonesia. Although he is stained with a lot of mud on the surface, he is still quite pure at the core.

It is not said that we can cooperate with such people, but there is really no harm in getting in touch with them.

As long as your authority permits and it doesn't affect the overall situation, what's wrong with giving him some useful suggestions?

Thinking of this, Chen Chen said:

"The situation in Indonesia is much more complicated than you think. I can give you two basic pieces of information."

"First, no one will hold you responsible for Wiranto's death. He most likely committed suicide by swallowing the gun."

"Second, you will no longer be able to work in the military and police system. You must show enough 'sincerity' to convince your superiors. Otherwise, the situation you will face in the future is likely to be controlled use."

"Controlled use?"

Buck asked doubtfully.

Obviously, he didn't quite understand the true meaning of this literal translation from the north.


From this perspective, linguistically speaking, he is indeed inferior to Jackal.

If it were Jackal, he would probably know what this pun-like word means as soon as he hears it.

Chen Chen coughed and said:

"That is, on the surface it is use, but in fact it is control."

"They will monitor you as a sensitive target, arrange a leisurely position for you, and use a sum of money to exchange for your stability for the rest of your life."

"That's not bad."

Buck smiled and nodded, and continued:

"This turned out better than I expected at least. I thought I might be killed after it was over."

"Such as dying from the sequelae of a concussion or something like that."


Chen Chen shook his head and replied:

"If that's the case, I should be the one to do it."


"Anyway, thank you."

Buck's expression was sincere, but after a brief silence, he suddenly spoke again:

"But there is still some distance before the time when 'things are completely over' as you said."

"What should I do in the meantime?"

"Nothing to do. Wait."

Chen Chen spread his hands and answered.

".All right."

Buck nodded helplessly, and looking at his expression, Chen Chen couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

He is actually destined to be buried.

No matter how much ideals and ambitions he has in his heart, after this incident, he will inevitably become a victim of some power games.


But maybe, I can give him a chance?

To be honest, Buck's dilemma can't be solved internally.

But "external forces" like myself, especially those who have made great contributions to this turmoil, can indeed do something.

After all, he is just a small character.

The official purpose of controlling him is to ensure that some truths that should be buried are not uncovered.

That being the case.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen said:

"There is another option."

"Join the Dongfeng Corps?"

Buck immediately answered, then shook his head and replied:

"I'm sorry that I have to refuse your offer."

"My family is all here. This is my country, my land. It is impossible for me to be a mercenary and wander around."


Chen Chen interrupted Buck and continued:

"You don't need to join the Dongfeng Corps, you just need to cooperate with us."

"We need someone who can make connections in Indonesia."

"Do you understand what I mean? Relying on the power of the Dongfeng Corps, you can quickly increase your influence."

"And as long as your influence breaks through a limit, you can break the fate of being controlled."

"This is a win-win choice, do you understand?"

Buck nodded suddenly and replied:

"You want me to be the broker of the Dongfeng Corps."

"That's right."

"Are you willing to give me this chance?"

"You need to hand me a petition."

Chen Chen spoke decisively and put forward his own conditions:

"Our mission is not over yet. Next, we need to control a cargo ship traveling at sea."

"There are civilians on this cargo ship, there are militants, and maybe other forces that we don't know about."

"We need to control all members on the ship as much as possible, and there is only one chance to attack, and we must ensure an absolute success rate."

"I heard that you served in Mahrash before joining Task Force 88. You should be very professional in this area."

"Help us complete this task and I will give you a chance."

Buck nodded slightly and replied:

"I did retire from Mahrash."

"So you are going to conduct a VBSS mission?"

"That's right."

"You need me to train your team?"

"No, we don't need training, what we need is actual combat exercises."


Hearing this, Buck nodded solemnly.

"I'm in. But I won't do anything for you that's detrimental to the interests of this country."


A smile appeared on Chen Chen's face.

"We are not the United States and we don't do this kind of thing."

“Believe me, after a while, you will truly know what ‘win-win’ means.”

Cooperation with Buck was not originally part of Chen Chen's plan, but after communication, he did find that this was the most suitable "foreign aid" he could find.

The reason is simple. He is about to lead a team to conduct an anti-hijacking mission at sea against a cargo ship. However, the members of the Dongfeng Corps are actually not familiar with this type of mission, including Chen Chen himself, who does not have much practical experience.

How could they have played this in their last life?

When the force was weak in the early stage, ships were basically not checked, and the focus was on tracking, monitoring, and attacking ground dens.

In the later stage, when the power is sufficient, ship inspection is not so complicated.

A 22mm caliber anti-aircraft gun is pressed against your head. How dare you tell me that you won’t stop the ship? Then I really dare to give you a shot.

After the ship stops, the ship controlled at the dock will not immediately carry out the search. In many cases, it will wait for a few days, waiting for the net closing operation on the ground to end, and then turn the ship upside down.

Even though there were hidden militants on the ship, they surrendered within a few days.

Therefore, in this aspect, Chen Chen is really not very professional.

His original plan was to ask Xiaoyu for help and transfer a few instructors from the police or Mahrash troops to conduct emergency training.

But now, wouldn't it be easier to find Buck if he had been a Mahrash ex-serviceman?

So, the matter was finalized, and just two hours later, all 12 people from the Dongfeng Corps, except the wounded, gathered to start their first round of theoretical lessons.

In fact, VBSS tactics and CQB tactics are very similar to some extent.

Both tactics require fighting in narrow terrain, and both require controlling or "clearing" all enemies in the target area in the shortest possible time to achieve the purpose of rescuing hostages and clearing the area.

However, what is different from urban tactics such as CQB is that all processes of VBSS tactics are extremely dangerous.

The so-called VBSS refers to the four parts of approach, boarding, search, and seizure. In the "approach" step alone, there are three different ways of air, sea, and underwater, and in each way, there are derived come up with many different ways of taking action.

For example, a helicopter can approach at a low altitude and board a ship quickly with a rope; for example, a small boat can follow the approach and use a gangway or ladder to climb onto the ship; for example, if you can approach underwater by diving, use a rope to board the ship.

Each mode of action requires very high professionalism from the team, which is determined by the particularity of the offshore platform.

If special operations forces without professional training act haphazardly, the mission will usually end tragically.

The most typical case is the 1975 Mayaguez freighter hijacking case.

At that time, a Cambodian force hijacked the Mayaguez cargo ship and held 39 crew members as hostages. After preliminary reconnaissance, the U.S. Marine Corps decided to launch the operation in person. However, they had comprehensive advantages in equipment and intelligence and used two full Although there were hundreds of Marines, they still paid a heavy price of 41 lives, and the operation ultimately ended in failure.

It is precisely because of the tragic lessons of this incident that after 1978, the US special forces began to conduct special training on anti-hijacking and anti-hijacking at sea, and gradually developed it into a set of mature and systematic tactics.

Since then, this set of tactics has been rapidly promoted, and special forces of various countries, especially naval special forces, have learned from it.

Chen Chen still remembered that a certain movie he had watched in his previous life contained a typical description of the VBSS tactic, which also proved that the popularity of this tactic was actually not low.

However, the high popularity does not mean that everyone can play it.

Even when the intelligence is very detailed and the equipment is extremely well prepared, no one can guarantee 100% success of the operation.

Objectively speaking, this assault on the freighter was even as dangerous as when they directly faced the regular army.

Therefore, after completing a round of theoretical classes and confirming the basic capabilities of the Dongfeng Corps, Buck, as an instructor, frowned.

He found Chen Chen alone and said:

"This mission is very difficult."

"I have a basic understanding of your situation. Your personal abilities are very strong, your cooperation is tacit, and you have rich experience in CQB operations."

"If it is on the ground, if it is a pure CQB operation, you will not suffer much loss against any elite special forces in the world."

"But the problem is that VBSS is not CQB after all. In terms of the complexity of the terrain alone, VBSS and CQB are not on the same level."

"Without professional training, you simply cannot complete the task smoothly."

"A very simple example. In an extremely narrow cabin, your team members are basically unable to use smoke grenades and shock grenades on a large scale."

"This alone is enough to reduce your combat effectiveness by a large margin."

"What's more, you have to ensure the survival of the enemy as much as possible - how can it be so simple to capture them alive?"

"So, my suggestion is actually don't go for standardized VBSS."

Hearing Buck's words, Chen Chen nodded in agreement.

Then, he spoke:

"This is why I'm looking for you."

"We can't win this with normal means."

"We need you to customize a set of tactics based on the characteristics of our team."

"I see."

Buck nodded slowly, and then said:

"The target is the cargo ship and the enemy is the JD elements."

"There are still close to 40 hours before the operation starts, so there is plenty of time to prepare."

"Then during this period, we will first complete basic VBSS skills training."

"Wait until more detailed information is available, then consider the specific strategy."

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