I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 375 Efficiently Catching Rats

After the situation had stabilized, the deal had been reached, and the abandoned son had been chosen, the information about the cargo ship was quickly delivered to Chen Chen, and in terms of detail, it actually far exceeded his. imagination.

There are not only structural diagrams, performance, and heading information of the cargo ship, but also crew lists, "passenger" lists, and even the weapons and communication equipment carried by the passengers are also clearly marked.

Obviously, someone has decided to completely separate themselves from another force. They provided all the information they could provide and sold the "partner" above.

Chen Chen even suspected that if possible, they would even arrest people personally, bring all those JD elements back to Indonesia, and kill them in front of everyone, as a "witness" to the peace talks between the parties.

The reason why they did not take action was of course not because of the untenable reason of "no law enforcement power on the high seas". It was more because in their status, it was not convenient for them to do such a biased thing. Obvious things.

Therefore, even if the two parties have reached a settlement, the task has not ended.

But what was different from what Chen Chen expected was that the nature of the mission had changed.

From the initial need to "control" the ship and capture the JD elements on board as much as possible, now it has become "killing the armed men and rescuing the hostages on the cargo ship."

It seems like there hasn't been much change, but in fact, it's completely different.

On the phone, listening to Xiaoyu's explanation of the latest information, Chen Chen asked with confusion and helplessness:

"So we really don't want to continue investigating? If we kill these JD elements, our mission will be over?"

"For such a large-scale conspiracy, just pull out such a small number of Karami to take the blame?"

"What about dragging the United States into the water? What about blowing up the aircraft carrier?"

Hearing Chen Chen's words, Xiaoyu laughed and asked:

"Who told you? How dare you say such nonsense?"

"Don't make trouble. The matter is over to a large extent. Everyone has got what they want, and we have also solved the problems that urgently need to be solved."

"Confrontations and checks and balances between countries often depend on the degree of heat."

“When the heat is up, it’s time to stop.”

"If it's overheated, it won't be beautiful."

"Haven't you heard? Managing a big country is like cooking small dishes. Our foreign affairs work is actually the same."

"But we still have a choice. I'll find a way to capture the people above and not send them back to Indonesia, but directly to the north. What do you think?"

".I regard you as my brother, and you regard me as your cousin? If you really do this, all the efforts we have made before will be in vain."

"Don't think blindly, just follow the plan and get things done."

"The equipment you need will be delivered in 4 hours. If there are additional needs, no matter what, it will arrive within 20 hours."

"Any other questions?"

Hearing Xiaoyu's words, Chen Chen shook his head subconsciously.

But soon, he suddenly asked again:

"Since IS-K is meant to die, whoever kills them will kill them the same way, so why not just leave it to the Americans to kill them?"

"Logically speaking, they are the force that wants to silence all these people the most. Even if we don't do anything, it's impossible for these IS-K members to leave alive, right?"

"In this case, why do we have to get involved?"

Xiaoyu on the other end of the phone was speechless by Chen Chen's words. After a long time, she finally said:

"IS-K is a dog, but it is not a domestic dog, it is just a wild dog that has not been tamed."

"Their base is not in Indonesia, but in Syria. Do you think the United States wants them to live?"

"It's just that after their death, the loss that the United States may face is greater than the cost of preserving them."

"It's all about weighing interests. Don't think too stupid of the CIA."

"Okay, stop complaining."

"The previous mission was for you to snatch people from them. Now it's just for you to kill people under their noses. The difficulty has been reduced by more than an order of magnitude. What else is there to complain about?"

This time it was Chen Chen's turn to have nothing to say. He opened his mouth several times and finally swallowed the curse words.

What do you mean by "just killing someone under their noses"?

Although the route of this cargo ship is more than a thousand kilometers away from the aircraft carrier formation, can you guarantee that there are no other forces in the nearby waters?

If there were any mistakes in the intelligence, then he would have to confront the navy of the world's most powerful country.

Well, a mercenary group of more than a dozen people, holding rifles and riding in small boats.

Then in front of this mercenary group, there are FA-18s and MH-60Ss in the air, Arleigh Burke and Ticonderoga on the water, and maybe even Ohio under the water.

Just thinking about this scene makes my head hurt, but Xiaoyu actually said it so lightly.

But there is no way.

What can be done? Is it possible to fall out?

Therefore, Chen Chen could only swallow his resentment and continued to confirm:

"Are you sure that the other party will not directly provide accompanying protection for the freighter? I mean, if they directly send warships to escort, what will we do?"

After hearing his words, Xiaoyu solemnly replied:


"They will not do such a sensitive thing - of course, I do not rule out the possibility that they will go to the rescue after receiving a distress signal from the cargo ship, but rescue will also take time."

"So, you must move quickly."

"We must clear out all JD elements on the cargo ship before they arrive, and then evacuate quickly."

"For specific arrangements, you can make decisions based on detailed information."

"If we think it can't be done, we can try to find another way."

"This cargo ship will eventually dock in Jayapura, and we may be able to find other opportunities."

"But the difficulty will increase a lot."


Chen Chen didn't say anything more and hung up the phone after a few brief exchanges.

Now that the background and purpose of the mission are completely clear, the next thing to do is to plan a specific action strategy.

Buck's training with the Dongfeng Corps has lasted for 12 hours. The high-intensity training made everyone quickly familiar with VBSS tactics.

This team has barely reached the "playable" standard, but whether it can play well depends on the execution of specific tactics.

20 hours before the cargo ship passed through the high seas in north Sulawesi, in the temporary combat command room of the Dongfeng Corps.

Chen Chen stood in front of the whiteboard and gave the first pre-war briefing to all members involved in the operation.

He pointed to the photo posted on the whiteboard and introduced:

"As you can see in the picture, our target this time is the 10,000-ton general cargo ship 'Bang Ao'. The ship has a fully loaded displacement of about 15,000 tons, a length of 103 meters, a width of 29 meters, a height of 21 meters, a fully loaded draft of 12 meters, and a dry The side height is 2.75 meters.”

"The maximum speed with full load is 15 knots, which is about 28 kilometers per hour."

"There is a simple ladder at the rear of the ship, but it will most likely be taken back during navigation."

"We need to use a ladder to board the ship in a night environment, which is extremely dangerous. But the good news is that our night vision equipment performs well and can fully support night operations."

"After boarding the ship, we must quickly control the captain's cabin, control the ship's broadcast system, keep the ship's radio and response system functioning normally, and avoid exposure risks as much as possible."

"Then we will clean all the cabins on the ship one by one, identify the JD elements and behead them."

"That was the most difficult part of the whole operation."

"According to intelligence, all JD elements have adopted secular disguises, and we cannot simply judge them based on their clothing."

“The only reliable criterion for judgment is ‘race’.”

"The JD elements we need to clean up this time are all Arabs. Their typical facial features are as shown in the picture."

As he spoke, Chen Chen pointed to several photos on the whiteboard.


Theoretically, no one can fail to see the difference between Arabs and East Asians, but that is only in daily environment and under sufficient light conditions.

During the VBSS operation, it was very difficult to identify targets based on their appearance after wearing night vision goggles. However, Chen Chen had no other choice but to let his team members remember the facial features of Arabs as much as possible to improve identification as much as possible. efficiency.

After confirming that everyone had seen the photo, Chen Chen continued:

"We have definite information in hand. The JD elements on the Bangao cargo ship carried a large number of weapons."

"These include 12 rifles of various models, 24 pistols, at least 15 grenades, and a small amount of other homemade explosives."

"Once the operation begins, we will immediately face the risk of a crazy counterattack by the enemy."

"So the principle of this operation is very simple, that is, to cause maximum damage as much as possible before they react, and to weaken the enemy's resistance as much as possible."

"Our firing principle is to fire first."

"The other side is unlikely to launch a suicide attack, but it will definitely make full use of the hostages on hand."

"We must try our best to ensure that they are not given this opportunity, but if a hostage situation does occur, we will still prioritize killing the enemy."

"Now, let's start discussing the specific combat plan."

"If you have any ideas, you can tell them first."

After the words fell, there was a brief silence in the command room.

Everyone, including Buck, did not speak immediately, but was carefully thinking and summarizing the information provided by Chen Chen.

After a moment, Buck raised his hand and asked:

"So this operation is different from what we expected. The combat mission has changed from control to cleanup, right?"

"That's right."

Chen Chen answered immediately, while Buck nodded slowly, and then said:

"Then this is a standard VBSS operation."

"Yes, standard VBSS action"

Before Chen Chen finished speaking, Buck interrupted:

"But you do not yet have the basic qualities to carry out VBSS operations. If you start it rashly, the outcome can only be the complete annihilation of the entire army."


Chen Chen asked subconsciously.

He did not expect to turn the Dongfeng Corps into a professional VBSS team through more than ten hours of training. The reason why Buck was introduced was actually to control risks to the greatest extent.

In his opinion, this battle may be difficult to fight and may be winable, but the Dongfeng Corps will definitely face major challenges and suffer casualties.

But even if his judgment was "pessimistic" enough, in Buck's view, it was still too optimistic.

completely annihilated?

Chen Chen felt that Buck was exaggerating a bit. After all, the other party was just a group of JD elements with light weapons in their hands. Most of them had not received professional CQB training and their combat skills were not mature.

Moreover, those JD elements don’t even have body armor!

In a head-on confrontation, the Dongfeng Corps can even knock them down with bullets.

Under such circumstances, Buck could still make a prediction of "annihilation of the entire army"?

Looking at Chen Chen's confused expression, Buck explained:

"You still think VBSS is too simple."

"Yes, we did conduct more than ten hours of assault training, but the contents of these trainings were extremely basic and simple."

"We are familiar with the pace, familiar with different types of hull structures, familiar with the methods of breaking doors that can be used on cargo ships, and familiar with the use of special bunkers."

"But the problem is, you can't adapt to the real maritime environment through simple training."

"It is possible that just a bump caused by wind and waves will make the team members who enter the cabin to prepare for the search lose their center of gravity and fall."

"And in the narrow environment of the ship's cabin, there are generally only one or two enemies that can face the enemy at the same time."

"If one person becomes incapacitated, the entire team will be paralyzed directly."

"There are only 12 of you in total. How many opportunities do you have for trial and error?"

"In addition, lights, smoke, and complex terrain inside the cabin may have uncontrollable effects."

"Night vision equipment will be affected. A bright flashlight flashing out of the corner can cause you to lose your vision. It is even possible that a kitchen knife around the corner will kill you."

"What's more, the enemies we face have all kinds of explosives in their hands."

"There is absolutely no chance of winning. We don't even have to fight."

Hearing this, Chen Chen nodded slowly.

He understood what Buck meant.

The other party's words were very direct, even sharp, but from a professional perspective, his judgment was indeed without any water.


But obviously, what he said is that there is no chance of winning, but there is no chance of winning under the premise of "standard VBSS operations".

So, Chen Chen looked at Buck and said expectantly:

"I see."

"So, what you're saying is, you're going to use other types of tactics?"

Buck closed his mouth tightly. He subconsciously touched the gauze wrapped around his head. After hesitating for a long time, he finally said:

"It's not that I plan on using any other type of tactics."

"I do have another way."

"But it's up to you to decide whether to use it or not."

"Tell me!"

Chen Chen answered without hesitation. Buck took a deep breath and asked:

"Our goal is just to clear out all JD elements, right?"

"And keeping the crew as safe as possible."

"I understand. I mean, the freighter itself is not actually under consideration?"

".That's right."

"According to your information, this cargo ship is actually a 30-year-old ship, and its current value will not exceed US$2 million."

"Moreover, this is a general cargo ship transporting low-value cargo."

"Then to be honest, it's no shame if it sinks."

"Someone will pay for it."

"So, we still have to conduct VBSS operations."

"But we only execute the first half."

"Approach, board, and then...sink it."

"If you can't catch the mice in the house, it's a good idea to burn the house on fire and wait at the door, isn't it?"

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