I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 377 Everything goes well

"According to the response signal, the target ship has reached the position of 2.4N, 123.3E, located 30 kilometers due west of us, heading due east."

"It is expected that we will meet the target ship in one hour."

"Without aerial reconnaissance, we cannot obtain the specific location information of the ship."

"We have to get at least within two kilometers before we can determine the ship's position with the naked eye."

"I suggest that we head westward to meet the cargo ship directly based on the ship's response signal."

“The shorter the waiting time, the smaller the chance of deviation.”

"If we miss it, we also have the opportunity to make secondary adjustments."

On the Dongfeng Corps' transport ship, Buck said while looking at the chart.

He was not an experienced "sailor" or "navigator", but combined with the information provided by the captain, his suggestions were indeed much more complete than what Chen Chen could have thought of himself.

So, Chen Chen immediately nodded and replied:

"Okay, let's set off now. How are the combat conditions?"

"It's perfect. The wind and waves are very small and the ambient brightness is relatively high, which is conducive to us finding large targets on the sea."

"We can turn off most of the lights and rely on navigation to move forward."

"We must find them before they find us."

"no problem!"

Chen Chen answered decisively, and then the order was conveyed to the bridge. The traffic ship was fully powered and sailed towards the target area.

At full speed, the traffic ship can reach a speed of 36 kilometers per hour. In addition, it is traveling opposite the cargo ship. In theory, it only takes 20 minutes at most for everyone to find traces of the cargo ship at sea.

Chen Chen stood at the bow of the ship, holding a telescope in his hand and constantly scanning the distant horizon, while Buck held the bow guardrail tightly while observing the dim light on the sea with his peripheral vision.

A few minutes later, when Chen Chendu had not found any trace of the ship, Buck suddenly said:


Chen Chen immediately looked in the direction of his finger with a telescope. After some searching, he saw a cargo ship sailing on the sea.

From his angle, he couldn't see the cargo ship's hull number, but judging from its appearance, this was undoubtedly the Bangao cargo ship they were looking for!

"Target found! About two kilometers away!"

"Turn off the lights and be silent!"

"Lay down the speedboat, everyone board, prepare for assault!"


The order was given, and in an instant, everyone started to move.

With the assistance of the sailors on board, the two rubber dinghies quickly completed the entire process from inflating to launching. At this time, the lights of the Bangao gradually became "conspicuous".

Chen Chen led the team to board the ship first, and then turned around to pick up Buck, who had an injury on his head and was unable to move.


In order to ensure that the wound would not be soaked by the sea water, he wrapped a circle of plastic wrap around his head. Although the air permeability was not good, it was not a problem to hold on for a while.

The electric motor of the rubber boat has been started, and the noise of the propeller is not harsh in the wide sea environment.

Shi Dakai and Li Bang, who had received boat driving training before, controlled two rubber boats respectively, chasing the direction of the cargo ship.

On calm seas, the maximum speed of a rubber boat can reach 40 kilometers per hour, while at this time, the cargo ship is only traveling at about 25 kilometers per hour.

In just a few minutes, the rubber boat intercepted from south to north had approached a position about 500 meters away from the Bangao cargo ship. However, Chen Chen did not order to directly help, but instead made an arc to rub against the cargo ship. Pass by and follow the wake of the cargo ship from behind.

Taking this opportunity, the Dongfeng Corps quickly conducted an observation on the deck of the cargo ship.

"It was detected that there are warning posts at the bow and stern of the ship, two people!"

"There is a searchlight at the stern of the ship, but the light range is very small and the brightness is insufficient. It should be a temporary installation."

"The sentry is not very alert, so you can get closer!"


Chen Chen replied in a low voice, and then ordered:

"Stop the engine and approach with manual oars."

At this time, the two rubber boats of the Dongfeng Corps were still close to 400 meters away from the rear of the cargo ship. Logically speaking, manual paddling can only reach a speed of more than 20 kilometers per hour at most. It is impossible for them to catch up with the moving cargo ship. of.

However, this is also a key tip that Buck taught the Dongfeng Corps, that is, "riding on the wave."

Relying on the wake caused by large ships, a rubber boat with a small draft can obtain a forward acceleration. Coupled with the reaction force of artificial paddling, the speed of the rubber boat can even be pulled to more than 35 kilometers!

Moreover, with the help of the cover of the wake, the noise generated during the paddling process will also be covered, further increasing the concealment.

The distance of 400 meters continued to shorten. In the final stage, Chen Chen directed two rubber boats to overtake the cargo ship and approach from the starboard side.

At this time, the sentries on the ship did not know anything about it. The two small boats even restarted their engines and continued to maintain a parallel position with the cargo ship by following at a low speed.

Yang Shu from behind patted Chen Chen on the shoulder. Chen Chen looked back and made a series of gestures, which meant "the bomb is ready."

Chen Chen nodded and responded with gestures, and then directed Shi Dakai to speed up and find the scheduled blasting point according to the structural diagram that he had already been familiar with before.

The Dao cargo ship has a total of four watertight transverse bulkheads. According to the design standards, when fully loaded, even if three of them are lost, the ship can remain afloat on the water with an extremely high waterline.

And if all the watertight compartments were lost at once, it would take at least 3 hours for the ship to sink completely.

This time was more than enough time for the crew members who needed to evacuate, but Chen Chen couldn't really blow up everything.

Because if the water in the ship's watertight compartment is different from expected, causing the hull to become unbalanced or even break, the chances of the crew in the cabin to escape will be greatly reduced, and a "rescue operation" may very well turn into something different. It became a "terrorist activity".

Therefore, Chen Chen had already found the structural engineer of Qingshan Group and calculated the best blasting point for the Da'ao cargo ship.

After arriving at the blasting point, Chen Chen did not drop the explosives immediately. Instead, he smashed the prepared oily fluorescent agent onto the hull.

The markings have been completed. Next, even if the light is dim, it is basically impossible for the operator responsible for placing the explosives to make any big deviations.

When everything was ready, Chen Chen ordered in a low voice:

"Start dropping explosives."

"Understood, start placing."

After a brief reply, four "long sticks" were stretched out from the two rubber boats.

On the top of the four long sticks is C4, which has set the explosion time in advance.

The yield of each bomb of two kilograms is enough to tear the hull into pieces. After the bomb explodes, the simultaneous water inflow caused by the four large holes will cause the cargo ship to tilt to the right side instantly.


Of course, it doesn't collapse immediately.

All cargo ships must go through a series of stability tests. Under the premise that the water inlet angle is lower than the threshold, a ship has a high probability of quickly reaching a new balance.

Tilt balance.

This is what Chen Chen wants. He doesn't believe that those IS-K members have much experience in maritime navigation. After the ship tilts, they will most likely be the first to lose the ability to move.

Soon, all the bombs were planted.

Chen Chen ordered to shut down the engine and paddled away from the cargo ship manually.

"Countdown to explosion is 3 minutes."

"The transportation ship is ready. According to my coordinates, it will approach to pick up the ship."

"Be prepared for rescue, someone may fall into the water!"


The voice of Ping Chuanchi who stayed behind came from the radio. Chen Chen took a deep breath and turned off all the lights on the rubber boat.

For a moment, the sea became "silent" again.

The Bangao gradually faded away with the noise of its diesel turbine. The speed of 25 kilometers per hour was enough for it to drive one kilometer in three minutes.

The searchlight at the stern of the ship never worked. After all, its brightness was too low and its coverage was too small.

Everything went extremely smoothly. Looking at the Bangao in the distance, Chen Chen took a deep breath and ordered:

"Everyone, get ready for battle!"

"Close to the target at full speed!"

"The enemy is likely to take the crew hostage and evacuate, be careful to screen!"

"Pay attention to the situation of the cargo ship's crew falling into the water, and report it to the traffic ship in time, and the traffic ship will carry out the rescue!"


A reply came from the earphones again. Chen Chen exhaled and silently looked at his watch to count down.

20 seconds.

10 seconds.

He raised his head, and then, four tragic sparks burst out from the starboard side of the Dao as expected!


A violent explosion swept the entire sea surface, but because of the blasting location planned in advance, the explosion flames did not damage the main structure of the ship's hull, nor did it ignite the most dangerous fuel tank.

From a distance, the sentry on the deck was stunned by the explosion.

The man who was taking a nap jumped up and subconsciously picked up the gun in his hand, but when he looked around, he didn't find any enemies!

Of course he can't see the enemy, because now, their biggest enemy is right under their feet!

Four huge holes penetrated all the watertight compartments of the Dao, and seawater poured in at a very high speed. In just ten seconds, the hull of the ship was already tilting.

All the lights of the cargo ship were turned on, and the crew and crew, who had not yet fallen asleep, quickly ran onto the deck.

But the deck at this moment was somewhat different from the deck they were familiar with. A crew member who was obviously not familiar with sea navigation fell as soon as he got out of the hatch. After finally getting up, he fell down again because of his unstable center of gravity!

Soon, the Dao sent a general distress signal in the GMDSS system, and the cause of the accident they reported was a turbine explosion.

That's right, they would never have thought that the ship was actively blown up.

Because this is simply not in line with their cognition.

The sailors had also taken action. They went down the stern ladder and roughly saw the location of the leak.

Everyone was either nervous or shouting in fear, but in contrast, everything on the Dongfeng Corps seemed extremely calm.

They silently looked at the crew members who were struggling to survive, without the slightest intention of coming forward to rescue them.

This is Chen Chen's plan.


In other words, it was Buck's plan.

They have to wait for all the occupants on the ship to evacuate to the lifeboats, and then rely on the advantages of firepower and maneuverability to control it.

At this time, the captain of the Dao had already identified the damage to the ship and confirmed that it was impossible to save the ship. He quickly organized and started launching lifeboats. However, at this critical moment, the JD elements on the ship did not go as Chen Chen expected. The "internal strife" began!

A crew member who was trying to board the ship was forced back to the deck at gunpoint. Others tried to resist, but after the first round of gunfire, the unarmed crew members could only flee.

The crew members who had no time to escape continued to lower the lifeboat under the coercion of a JD element. Chen Chen counted the number of passengers boarding the lifeboat one by one. Then he was surprised to find that this lifeboat could only hold 24 people.

And this is the only lifeboat on the entire cargo ship.


In fact, the crew capacity of a cargo ship of this tonnage is only about 20 people. In addition, the Dao runs a short-sea route, so the number of crew members required is even smaller.

Logically speaking, one lifeboat is enough for them, and there is no need to configure more.

This brings a huge advantage to the Dongfeng Corps' operations, because it means that the crew members on this lifeboat include and are only JD elements!

Facing the muzzle of the gun, the crew of the Dao cargo ship was almost desperate.

In fact, they do not know the identities of these militants. They just like all ships sailing on this route, collect money from certain people and then do some less "legal" things for certain people.

They didn't know how many times they had done this type of mission, but they never thought that this seemingly ordinary mission might actually cost them their lives!

Looking at the "passengers" who were boarding the lifeboats, someone in the crew was shouting angrily, but his voice seemed to anger the JD elements responsible for surveillance, who raised the gun without hesitation and pointed it at him head.

The crew member took a step back in fear, but the JD member who was already dizzy with anger had no intention of letting him go.

He hit the crewman on the head with the butt of his gun, seeming to blame this "accident" on his head.

Seeing this scene, Chen Chen made a quick decision.

There's no need to wait any longer.

Now, there are a total of 21 JD elements in the lifeboat and 3 people on the deck, two of whom are completely exposed to the Dongfeng Corps' firing range.

This is the perfect time to launch a raid.

Earlier, the personnel were not gathered together, and the killing efficiency was greatly reduced.

Later, when these JD elements react from the panic, they may commit murder to vent their anger.

So, he immediately ordered:

"Sniper ready, clear the target!"

"Straf the lifeboat and kill all the people on it!"

After finishing his words, Chen Chen was greeted by a series of gunshots.



Yang Shu and Shi Dakai's two shots accurately hit the JD elements on the deck at a distance of two hundred meters, knocking them down directly.

The M240s held by Li Bang and Banji continued to spit out flames, pouring bullets onto the lifeboats.

At this moment, no one can escape the firepower.

Someone tried to climb back onto the deck, but his body was shot down in mid-air and fell directly into the dark black water.

In just a few seconds, 23 JD elements had fallen, and the last person the Dongfeng Corps could not see had been shot dead by the crew member who picked up the gun!

Everything went extremely smoothly, and it could even be said that it went far beyond Chen Chen's imagination.


But at this moment, he suddenly heard the sound of a helicopter in the air.

His heart skipped a beat, and then he made an almost instinctive judgment.

"Help! Board the ship!"

"What the hell, the Americans are coming!"

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