I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 378 Am I a bad person? !

The two rubber boats quickly approached the Bangao cargo ship, and within a few seconds they set up the ladders and began boarding one by one.

This is the most dangerous time, because at this time the Dongfeng Corps has no ability to fight back against possible air attacks, and they can't even see the position of the helicopter in the air!

However, any modern military helicopter, as long as it has basic observation equipment, can easily detect large ships on the sea, and then find the rubber boats firing on the side.

Chen Chen's heart was almost stretched to the limit. While everyone was boarding the ship, he also issued new orders to the approaching transportation ship in the distance.

"Pingchuan, turn on all the lights on the traffic ship and send out a radio distress signal to disrupt the helicopter's judgment!"

"Turn on the searchlight and find the location of the helicopter!"

"Contact the rear to confirm the ownership of the helicopter!"


Pingchuan answered quickly, and Chen Chen's brain was also running rapidly.

The number of helicopters that can appear on this sea is extremely limited, because at this time, they are nearly 200 kilometers away from the Port of Manado, which is a bit too far for most civilian helicopters.

If something unexpected happens during the voyage, the helicopter may not be able to fly back to the coastline and land!

At the same time, it is impossible for Indonesia to send a helicopter rescue at this time, because they know what will happen to this ship better than anyone else.

In other words, the helicopters are likely to come from the military of other countries around the Celebes Sea.

the Philippines?

No, there is no old American military base in this place yet. Due to the expiration of the lease and differences in rent, the base originally set up in the Philippines has been withdrawn and will not return until 2016.


Most likely they won't mind this kind of business.

Only the aircraft carrier formation is consistent in terms of distance and logic - Xiaoyu said before that the US aircraft carrier formation is in the Banda Sea. In two days, they can almost sail to the northern Maluku Sea.

Therefore, Chen Chen's nervousness was not without reason.

Facts have proved that his vigilance indeed saved everyone in the Dongfeng Corps.

Just when the team had all boarded the ship and was approaching the bunker to hide, the first round of strikes from the air finally arrived.

"Bang bang bang bang bang -"

The tracer bullets dragged out a long arc in the air, creating a series of waves on the sea on both sides of the Bangao cargo ship.

Chen Chen subconsciously looked into the sky, until then, the black figures of two helicopters finally appeared in his sight.


But, it's a little strange.

Not any aircraft carrier-based or anti-submarine helicopter he was familiar with.

You know, the old and American carrier-based helicopters are still mainly SH-60 and MH-60R, mixed with a small amount of CH-53K, or under special circumstances, attack helicopters like Apache will be put on the ship, but there is no doubt that their own The helicopter I saw did not belong to any of those.


Chen Chen hid behind the bunker and subconsciously said:

"Where did the helicopter come from? It didn't hit us directly, but fired a warning shot?!"

After hearing his words, Shi Dakai, who was not far away, replied:

"I can see the movements of the helicopters. They seem to be circling and observing, and they seem to be looking for a place to land!"

"Are you kidding me?!"

Chen Chen was completely confused.

What the hell is this for? ?

Can't you see the ship is sinking?

We got on the boat to hide from you, and now you actually want to follow us?

This is completely illogical, okay?

If it was really a helicopter sent by the United States, they should not have adopted such a "conservative" approach after witnessing their "important personnel" being killed.

It’s not like you don’t have heavy machine guns on your helicopter!

Thinking of this, Chen Chen immediately said:

"Enter the cabin to hide and try to establish contact with the helicopter!"

"Ask a crew member to question! Find out what's going on!"


Everyone started to move immediately. At this time, the Bangao's tilt angle was still very small, and everyone moved relatively quickly.

Chen Chen entered the bow cab, and all the crew members gathered inside shouted and raised their hands.

"Don't move! Don't move!"

"Keep your hands where I can see them!"

"Who's the captain?!"

"We are the Indonesian SMP! We are entrusted by the police to perform tasks and eliminate JD elements!"

"We will bear all the losses on the ship!"

"Where's the captain?! Report the situation!"

I have to say that in Indonesia, the name SMP is indeed quite easy to use.

After Chen Chen "identified himself", a man in uniform stood up immediately. Chen Chen didn't waste any more words and asked directly:

"How long until the ship sinks?"

"I don't know. The sea conditions are relatively stable now. Maybe we can still hold on for three hours."

"But the lower cabin will definitely be flooded, we"


Three hours is enough for the sea and air sides to complete a decisive showdown.

But now, he must first figure out where the two helicopters in the sky came from.

"Pingchuan, have you confirmed your identity?!"

"Not currently, but Indonesia has ruled it out!"

Pingchuan's reply came over the radio, and Chen Chen frowned again.

He already had a guess in his mind, but no matter what angle he looked at, this guess seemed a bit too incredible.

Could it be the British guy from the Siliya base? ?

If you think about it carefully, it is indeed possible.

After all, the Gurkha troops are a quite special force. They are managed by the British regular army, but they do not belong to the real service sequence, but are recruited in the name of employment.

These people generally sign 15-year employment contracts with the British. They are somewhat similar in form to the Outlaw Legion, but are relatively more independent.

Since 1915, this mercenary group has performed well in many wars in which the British participated, including the Falklands, the Gulf, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, etc.

They are also a black glove, which is perfect for this type of battle.


But the problem is that the Gurkha Regiment basically operates near the Siriya base in Brunei. It has to fly almost 700 kilometers from there. The distance of this long-distance attack is a bit too far, right? ?

Thinking of this, Chen Chen immediately spoke and continued:

"Continue to observe and confirm the helicopter model!"

"I've seen it, Super Lynx!"

Pingchuan answered without hesitation. At this moment, no matter how incredible Chen Chen's guess was, it could only be the only answer.

Those participating in the battle were indeed the Gurkha Rifles, and they were mercenaries from the Second Regiment of the Rifle Brigade stationed in Brunei.

Good guys, the troops fighting in the jungle are starting to engage in VBSS. The world is really crazy.

But this way, Chen Chen no longer had any worries.

If the regular army from any country came, Chen Chen might not be able to let go.

But it’s a mercenary group coming?

Sorry, I'll wait until I call you!

So, he immediately made new arrangements for everyone on the ship.

"Everyone disperse!"

"Take deck cover, but don't give away your position!"

"Pingchuan should observe carefully and report the rappel location in time! Disguise yourself as a civilian ship and don't reveal your identity!"

"Bang Li, deploy smoke bombs on the deck to block the opponent's observation field of view!"

"Pay attention to the inclination of the deck, don't throw it into the sea!"


Everyone answered immediately, and then all 12 people from the Dongfeng Regiment, including Buck, dispersed, and while the Gurkha Rifle Regiment flew around to inspect the deck, they decisively and quickly completed their deployment.

In fact, the transshipment method of bulk carriers is still different from that of common large container ships, especially on routes near Indonesia. Due to economic limitations, the cargo loading methods of these cargo ships are also quite "irregular."

As a simple example, if a normal container ship is a box-type heavy truck with four front and eight rear parts, then a general cargo ship is a dump truck with a rear bucket.

There are containers on the deck, but more of it is a mess of cargo loaded out in the open.

This is the case with the Bangao cargo ship. The deck is full of piles of pipes, steel frames, and even second-hand cars that are casually helping. These things provide a natural shelter. If you drill inside, if it is not directly above Observation, it is basically difficult to find traces.

As smoke bombs were thrown one after another, the 11 people were divided into three combat groups to complete the concealment. Buck, the wounded man, stayed near the captain's cabin and continued to monitor the crew.

At this time, the two Super Lynxes in the air had completed observing the battlefield environment, began to descend, and circled behind the Bangao cargo ship.

This is a prelude to the upcoming attack.

According to the basic requirements of VBSS tactics, when approaching from the air, the helicopter will most of the time choose to fly over the sea and then suddenly pull up, and immediately execute the rope descent after reaching the predetermined position.

In this case, the helicopter can minimize the exposure time and can also use the cover of the nose machine gun to reduce the risk of being hit.

Pingchuan quickly reported what he saw, while Chen Chen poked his head out from behind a pile of bundled pipes and looked at a Bobcat helicopter located due north.

The helicopter was diving continuously and was less than fifty meters above the water.

As it continues to close the distance from the cargo ship, its sea-skimming height is also constantly decreasing.

After lowering to a certain threshold, the helicopter completely disappeared from Chen Chen's sight.

"Attention everyone! Countdown to 20 seconds!"

"Prepare to engage the enemy! Take cover!"

Chen Chen gave the order and counted down silently in his heart.

Time seemed to have frozen, and the two helicopters were like two ghosts, completely disappearing from everyone's sight.


But the next second, a strong light suddenly rose from the side of the ship like a sunrise!

Accompanying the lights are the violent flames of heavy machine guns firing wildly, and the continuous loud gunfire!

Bullets poured out and sparks flew on the deck. At the same time, eight ropes were thrown from the helicopter. The mercenaries of the Gurkha Rifles jumped out of the cabin and fell to the deck one after another!

"Grenade! Grenade!"

As soon as Chen Chen finished speaking, the blaster who had been prepared for a long time took action.

Four grenades flew to two rappel points respectively. The accurately calculated fall trajectories gave the Gurkha Rifles no time to react. Two of the grenades thrown by the Li Gang were even air bursts!


The air wave generated by the explosion directly blew up the two mercenaries who were still hanging in the air, and then fell hard to the deck.

Spoken English sounded from a distance, and Chen Chen could vaguely tell that they were calling for cover and support.

"cover me!"

"Grenade! Grenade!"

"Helicopter cover!"

Along with the continuous shouting, the hatch machine gun on the Super Lynx changed its direction and began to suppress the surrounding area.

This also caused the blasters of the Dongfeng Corps to lose the opportunity to continue throwing grenades. Under the pressure of the large-caliber machine guns, everyone could only retreat into the bunker and quietly wait for the opportunity.

The situation is very critical. When the opponent has air superiority and our own side has no countermeasures, the Dongfeng Corps will be in a very difficult situation.

But Chen Chen knew that this "difficulty" was only temporary.

Because no matter how you think about it, the Super Lynx used by this Gurkha mercenary team cannot be refueled in the air. They must evacuate quickly after completing the personnel delivery and find a suitable place to land!

This is why they actually hurriedly executed the rappel without fully investigating the situation.

Because they really don't have time.

"Five minutes! In five minutes at most, the helicopter will evacuate!"

"Everyone, stay hidden and hold them back!"


On the radio, Chen Chen received a reply again.

At the rappel point, although four grenades caused as many as three casualties, 17 Gurkha mercenaries still landed on the deck, quickly completed their deployment and began to move forward.

"Buck! Retreat!"

Chen Chen shouted loudly. After receiving the news, Buck immediately threw a smoke bomb and headed towards the bow of the ship where Chen Chen was.

Fortunately, because the cargo on the ship was too messy, the sight of the Gurkha mercenaries who had just landed was blocked. Buck successfully evacuated to the second hiding point, avoiding the firepower of the Gurkha mercenaries who were conducting searches.

Smoke bombs were thrown one after another, and each advance was accompanied by the explosion of one or two shock bombs.

The mercenaries were very fast. It only took them less than half a minute to cover the distance of nearly 50 meters from the stern of the ship to the captain's cabin.

Through the gap in the cargo, Chen Chen clearly saw them entering the captain's cabin and began to ask the crew about the situation.

Obviously, their communication was not smooth.

However, their purpose is to rescue the hostages, and now, the hostages are right in front of them.

Chen Chen even considered revealing his identity to them - after all, there was no contradiction or direct conflict between the two parties.

Wouldn't it be better to treat this mission as a misunderstanding? If they need it, Chen Chen can even give them the credit for killing the JD elements!

But unfortunately, the other party has obviously obtained detailed information.

After a brief silence, a middle-aged man's voice suddenly appeared on the radio on the bow of the ship.

"lay down your weapon!"

"You are surrounded!"

"Stop all jdist activities immediately and surrender immediately!"

Chen Chen was stunned.

Are you kidding me? !

Have I become a JD member? !

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