As soon as he said this, Chen Chen knew that there was no room for mediation between the two sides.

Either you beat me to death, or I beat you to death.

History is written by the victors, and this truth is equally applicable to the Dongfeng Corps.

There is no doubt that the Gurkha Regiment witnessed the Dongfeng Corps firing on the lifeboats. If the Dongfeng Corps was completely wiped out here, then no matter what they said, the Dongfeng Corps would no longer be able to refute it.

Only by surviving can we get rid of our identity as a "JD element".

And if you want to survive, you can only kill all the Gurkha mercenaries on the ship!

At this time, the sound of the helicopter had gradually faded away. Chen Chen waited cautiously for two minutes, constantly using shock bombs, grenades and smoke bombs to block Gurkha's continued search.

He was testing to see if the other party would make a fake move to get back in the fight, and kill all the Dongfeng Corps in one fell swoop when the battle was most intense.

But obviously, the other party did not know that Dongfeng Corps had guessed their identity, so they did not know that Dongfeng Corps had grasped the information that "the helicopter was low on fuel."

They flew straight towards their target, and Chen Chen immediately ordered:

"Prepare for battle!"

"We have at least an hour, they need to refuel!"

"Group 1 continues to lurk and occupy the commanding heights!"

"Group 2 uses throwing objects to block the opponent's attack and control the main road!"

"Group 3 follow me and try to counterattack from the flank channel!"


The order was given and everyone moved.

Viewed from a high altitude, black figures were passing through the cracks one by one, rushing to their predetermined combat positions.

At the front of the cargo ship, the first round of gunfire broke out in an extremely narrow aisle, with heavy-armed assaulters from both sides standing in front.

The Li Gang exchanged two rounds of bullets with the opponent, but the power of the armor-piercing bullets was obviously higher than the ordinary bullets used by the opponent. When the Li Gang could still stand and continue to fire, the opponent's assaulter had fallen backward and retreated behind the bunker. .

"AP! AP!"

Chen Chen heard the Gurkha team members on the opposite side yell, and then a shock bomb was thrown into the aisle. The Li Gang, who had just prepared to occupy the aisle to establish crossfire, was forced back.

The Dongfeng Corps and the Gurkhas fell into a brief confrontation, but everyone knew that this confrontation would soon be broken, and a life-and-death battle was about to break out!

In fact, the "terrain" on the deck of the Bangao cargo ship is quite complex. If Chen Chen were asked to describe it, he would directly use the "transport ship" map of a certain game as an example.

The scattered small containers and bulk cargo piles divide the site of hundreds of square meters into small pieces, and the activity area of ​​each small piece may be only a few square meters at least.

But within these few square meters of space, there are even close to 10 gunmen holding weapons crowded!

If there is a head-on confrontation without any strategy, the casualties on both sides will be accelerated to a jaw-dropping level.

But Chen Chen obviously didn’t intend to trade lives with the other party, so the strategy he chose was very simple:

Two groups control the field with throwing objects, and three groups harass and interrupt, giving group one time to control the commanding heights.

Through the cracks in the container, a group of Gurkha team members flashed before Chen Chen's eyes, but he did not fire.


It’s not that it can’t be hit, it’s that it’s completely impossible to hit!

Shooting in a crack is like throwing a stick through a security window in a house. You only get a "probability", but this probability may expose your position and lose the advantage you have finally established.

"One enemy group moved north, and two groups threw shock bombs to the north to intercept!"


Two seconds later, Chen Chen raised his head and saw a shock bomb flying over his head and landing in another corner that he couldn't see.


A sharp explosion sounded. Chen Chen left the poplar tree on the spot to be on guard. Then he quickly retreated around the container beside him with his short feet, then walked east along the aisle and turned into a "twisting path" on the north side of the main road. .

Less than 10 meters in front of him was a corner formed by two containers. Chen Chen hesitated for a moment, took off the tactical flashlight from his waist, turned on the light and threw it out.

After a perfect collision, the flashlight landed just outside the corner, and its light was projected on the container ten meters away in front of Chen!

"Watch the shadows and shoot through the wall!"

He spoke simply, and the short guy behind him nodded immediately.

This is the simplest detection device, and Chen Shenmai doesn't expect it to be very effective.

But soon, the other party stepped into this investigation trap!

The light on the container was blocked by a shadow for a moment. Without Chen Chen opening his mouth, the shortfoot behind him immediately pulled the trigger!

The M240 opened fire at full speed, and the bullets penetrated the side panels of the two-layer container like a heavy rain, and continued to pass through at an inclined angle, completely covering the Gurkha team that had just reached the corner!

The other party was also wearing level four body armor, and the attenuated bullets after penetrating the container could not cause substantial damage to them. However, the deterrence of this round of strikes was amazing. They were completely stunned on the spot, shouting "Retreat" While fighting back.

Chen Chen was waiting for this opportunity.

The most important thing about VBSS operations, including CQB operations, is to move forward courageously.

The role of protection is very important, but any protection is to give you that "first-line" advantage in attacking. If you use this first-line advantage in retreat, it may mean that

You will lose your only chance of survival!

At this time, the angle of the shortfoot's fire was biased to the left side of the facing direction, which just created a narrow channel.

Chen Chen walked quickly along the right channel, then touched the shock bomb, preparing to throw it around the corner.

It's not that he doesn't want to use grenades, it's because in the current extremely narrow close-range assault, you have absolutely no way to ensure that the grenade lands correctly.

It would be great fun if it was blocked by some obstacle and rolled back to him.

In fact, grenades are not the first choice in most winding and narrow terrain operations.

Even CQB will only use grenades when breaking through and clearing.

In contrast, shock bombs are more effective.


But at this moment, a shock bomb thrown from the corner hit him directly in the face!

Chen Chen's heart sank suddenly. At this distance and in a semi-enclosed space, the lethality of the shock bomb had basically reached its extreme.

Turn around to avoid harm?

Stop talking, this kind of action is probably not only useful in CSGO.

The reaction time left for him is very short, because the fuse length of the shock bomb is basically controlled within 3 seconds.

Almost subconsciously, Chen Chen took a big step forward and fired the shock bomb in his hand at the same time.

Then, he opened his eyes wide and captured the position of the enemy in front of him.

The other party was wearing a mask and goggles, and Chen Chen couldn't see their expressions clearly.

But judging from their actions, they were obviously in panic.

The scene seemed to be frozen, and Chen Chen closed his eyes.

He raised his elbows in a triangular shape and pressed them against his goggles. This was the only way to reduce the amount of flash penetration to a certain extent.

At the same time, the HK416 on the right hand had opened fire.

In full-automatic mode, the gunshot only rang out for one second.

It wasn't that the bullets were all gone, but that the bombs exploded with shock.

Under the huge sound, all external sounds were completely suppressed.

Chen Chen was struck hard against the container behind him by a strong sense of dizziness. His audio-visual perception had been lost. The only thing that could judge his condition was the recoil on his right shoulder from the continuous shooting of the gun.

A few seconds later, Chen Chen came back to his senses, and he suddenly discovered that he had actually returned to the passage.


The direction he shot just now was just a container close at hand.

Without any hesitation, Chen Chen pulled out the grenade from his waist.

Now, he has ample opportunity to use dangerous explosives.

He tilted and threw the grenade at the container in front of him, then quickly fell back.

After a rebound, the grenade fell into the aisle behind the corner.


An explosion sounded, and Chen Chen stumbled to his feet.

His head was dizzy and his feet were weak. This was the sequelae of the shock bomb.

He couldn't even aim in this situation, because everything in front of him was phantom.

But it didn't matter, because the three-man team that had just entered the corridor had been wiped out by one of his grenades.

"Control the intersection!"

Chen Chen shouted loudly.

The short foot behind him quickly followed up. After taking over from Chen Chen to control the corner, Chen Chen was finally able to return to the safe area to rest.

The dizzying feeling slowly passed, and at this time, a group of reports came from his headphones.

"The enemy has controlled the commanding heights! The location is in the stern pilothouse!"

"A sniper and two machine gunners, the angle is not good and we can't fight back!"

"We have been suppressed!"

The situation changed extremely quickly and unpredictably. Just as the three groups on Chen Chen's side defeated a Gurkha team and had just established a local advantage, the search for the commanding heights of the first group was completely interrupted.

This was actually a risk that Chen Chen had long been prepared to take. After all, it was impossible for them to go head-to-head with each other near the cab, because Gurkha had the air superiority of two helicopters at that time!

The longer you delay in the open field, the higher your casualties will be.

Under forced circumstances, one's side can only give up the high-point position.

But once you give up, how to get it back is a big problem.

Although it was impossible to obtain a complete view directly above from the cab, under the continuous fire suppression, the Dongfeng Corps immediately fell into passivity.

Chen Chen originally wanted to continue to break through and clean up the rear, but as soon as he showed his head, the machine gun fire on the cab came fiercely.

If Banqiao hadn't pulled him suddenly from behind, he might have been completely exposed to the hail of bullets as he couldn't stop the car.

"The firepower points must be destroyed!"

"Bazooka! Just get on the rocket launcher!"

Chen Chen shouted loudly.

This time they brought RPGs - two RPGs previously seized from MPRI.

Chen Chen's original intention was to use it in a possible pursuit battle, but now, he can't control that much.

"There's a crew in the wheelhouse!"

Shi Dakai interrupted Chen Chen and continued:

"You have to shout for them to evacuate first, and let Pingchuan connect the Bangao's radio!"


Chen Chen gave the order decisively.

In just ten seconds, Pingchuan established contact with the cab and explained the intentions of the Dongfeng Corps.

However, a scene happened that left Chen Chen stunned.

The crew members who wanted to leave the cab were stopped at the door by Gurkha mercenaries and forced to return to the cab at gunpoint.

Good guy.

Who are the jd elements? ?

The situation became extremely tense. The team members who had loaded the RPG were hiding behind the bunker. As long as Chen Chen opened his mouth, they would launch rockets into the cab under machine gun fire.

However, this decision is not that easy to make.

After all, the Dongfeng Corps is no longer in Pubei.

They were on an international cargo ship, and they were facing internationally renowned mercenaries who were under the jurisdiction of the regular army!

Once your hands and feet are not clean enough this time, once someone catches you by the tail

"Mast it, mast it!"

Buck yelled over the radio.

Chen Chen gritted his teeth and finally made a decision.

"Fuck the mast!"


"The first shot hit the cabin under the bridge, and the second shot hit the cabin directly!"

"I don't believe those crew members didn't run away, and I don't believe the Gurkhas really dared to shoot to stop them!"

"If they really dare to stop us, they will all be blown up to death!"

After the words fell, Buck was stunned.

He suddenly realized that at the level of actual psychological games, he was still far from the man named Chen Chen.

Yes, how could Gurkha really dare to stop it?

If it is really stopped, whose fault is it?

Before his thoughts could turn around, the RPG in Gang Li's hand had already started ringing.

One shot accurately hit the lower part of the bridge, and a violent explosion sounded. Everyone on the ship was stunned for a second.

Then the gunfire continued, but the cab was already in chaos.

The crew members ran out of the cab desperately and ran to the crew cabin behind the cab.

Chen Chen couldn't control that much. 20 seconds later, he gave the firing order again.

This time, the rocket accurately hit the cab.

The explosion sounded again, and Gurkha's high-point position was completely destroyed.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Chen ordered:

"Seize the high point on the forecastle! Establish an advantage!"

"Keep them off the foredeck, don't let them get the cover advantage!"


Everyone answered in turn, and a vicious counterattack started instantly.

This was a unique opportunity. Gurkha's confidence had been severely hit by these two explosions, and the Dongfeng Corps concentrated all its missiles and launched a countercharge in the narrow terrain.

The advantage of the terrain was fully realized at this moment, and the Gurkha, located on the open rear deck, could not find enough cover at all.

But when Chen Chen led three groups of members to break out of the encirclement from the flank and set up machine gun firepower, the battle had actually come to an end.

At this moment, on an aircraft carrier more than 100 kilometers away, ground crews were replenishing fuel for two helicopters as quickly as possible.

"Speed ​​up! Speed ​​up!"

"That ship is going to sink soon!"

"We have to rush back as soon as possible to get our guys back!"

"Understood, sir!"

"Don't worry, those Gurkhas are very smart, they will snatch away the enemy's lifeboat."

A few minutes later, the helicopter refueling was completed.

The Super Bobcat took off again, but at this moment they didn't know that most of the people they wanted to pick up no longer existed.

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