(I wrote the wrong time before, 2011 was written as 2012. It had no impact on the plot. I just typed the number wrong the first time and kept typing it wrong along the outline. No one reminded me!)

Without wasting any time, after receiving the news from Xiaoyu, Chen Chen immediately began to organize people to prepare for Turkey.

They should visit relatives and take vacations. Anyway, they only have three days. After three days, they must be in place and go to Turkey with the team.

This time, his manpower arrangements were quite scientific.

He, Li Bang, Lin He, Yang Shu, Pingchuan, Banji, plus five "veterans among the new recruits", as well as the dog trainer Lin Chenming who is still in Indonesia.

This team includes both new and old people. Considering that the environment in Syria is too complicated, he also specially brought Lin Chenming and two well-trained military dogs.

Nezha, and Hongbao.

According to Lin Chenming, Hongbao was originally called Hongbaoer, but the word Hongbaoer was vague in pronunciation and difficult to train. After shouting, it became Hongbao, and it continued all the way.

Chen Chen himself once thought it was called a red envelope, and thought about how to come up with such an auspicious name.

After communicating with Lin Chenming this time, he realized that he had gone astray.

Like Nezha, Qingren is also a general.

After the personnel arrangements were completed, it was already seven o'clock in the afternoon.

Xiaoyu, who originally planned to arrive in the evening, arrived at Mengka in advance and sat at the same dining table with Chen Chen before dinner.

Chen Chen originally thought this would be a "warm" farewell dinner, but what he didn't expect was that Xiaoyu devoured the meal in just three minutes, and then pulled him directly into the combat command room.

"The situation has changed much faster than we expected, and the United States intervened too quickly."

"Only two months have passed since the large-scale demonstrations broke out and now there has been a large-scale gun battle between militants and Syrian government forces."

"We have just received news that Riyad Assad has defected and established the Free Army in Turkey."

"Many countries have recalled their ambassadors to Syria, and a no-fly zone will be established soon."

"The EU will soon impose punitive sanctions on Syria, and the United States will recall its ambassador in the near future."

"They are likely to directly participate in the war, cooperate with EU countries to launch large-scale air strikes on Syria, and support the Free Army to overthrow the Assad regime."

"The whole thing was like accelerating, and we barely had time to react."

Hearing Xiaoyu's words, Chen Chen couldn't help but hold his forehead and sigh.

But didn't he drive at double speed?

According to the memory of his previous life, Liad should have waited until at least August 2011 to establish the Free Army, and large-scale conflicts did not begin until the end of September.

As for the no-fly zone? That was only set up in 2014!

But now, the United States has begun organizing no-fly zone votes, which means that their military operations in Syria are likely to be launched three years in advance, in 2011!

It can't be said to be particularly fast, but it is far faster than the speed in the previous life.

And this means that the outbreak speed and intensity of the Syrian war will far exceed that of the previous life, and the reaction time window left for the north and the Dongfeng Corps has been extremely narrow!

"Are you sure this is Lao Mei's plan?"

Chen Chen looked serious and continued to ask:

"The situation in Libya is not over yet. A large number of NATO military forces are contained in Libya. What resources will they use to fight Syria?"

"Even if you have to fight, at least you have to wait."

"On April 2, the US air strikes in Libya have ended!"

Xiaoyu interrupted Chen Chen and continued:

"The Libyan government forces are gone, and other NATO countries are sufficient to cope with the coming war."

"The United States is ready to withdraw its fleet deployed in the Mediterranean, and Operation Odyssey Dawn has effectively ended."

"Next, they may continue to carry out air strikes in Libya, but there is a high probability that they will be carried out directly by B-2."

"Their focus is Syria, the Middle East!"

"Syria is the focus of the game between the United States and Mao Zedong. In the past two years, Mao Zedong has expanded very rapidly in Syria. The United States can no longer stand it. They can only rely on resolute actions to fight back."

"At the same time, the current Baathist government in Syria has strong ties with Iran. This government must be ousted so that they can cut off the connections between Shias and interrupt the development process of the Arab League in the Middle East."

"They're going to play very aggressively because they don't have much room to retreat."

"We originally planned for you to go there to do some basic security work and assist with the evacuation of local businesses and some expatriates."

"But now it seems that your task cannot be that simple."

"We have only one request from you."

"After arriving there, settle down as soon as possible, stabilize as soon as possible, complete the connection with colleagues there, and then wait for the next order!"

"that's all?"

Chen Chen frowned. He was not worried about the difficulty of the task. What he was worried about was that there was no task.

No mission means no direction, and for a mercenary group, no direction is the most dangerous situation.

"that's all."

Xiaoyu nodded solemnly and continued:

"If there is a mission that can be carried out, our colleagues there will give you instructions."

"But if not, as long as you remain silent and exist, we will definitely give you the reward you deserve!"

"I see."

Chen Chen nodded solemnly, having already predicted this mission in his mind.

Obviously, the little fish is waiting.

She had to wait for a certain signal to determine whether to let the Dongfeng Corps intervene in the conflict.

And this signal will not come from the United States, but from Maozi.

The establishment of the Free Army instantly turned the situation in Syria in an extremely unfavorable direction for the Bashar government. At this time, only Maozi was actually the only one who could exert influence on this balance.

If Maozi chooses to withdraw, it is impossible for the North to risk taking a trip into this muddy water.

But if Mao Zi wants to fight hard to the end, the north can fish in troubled waters and create some opportunities for its own "expansion."

Then here comes the problem.

Mao Zi, will you really join the war?

In the last life, they really intervened in the Syrian civil war after 2014, which was actually a counterattack against the US’s establishment of a no-fly zone.

Theoretically, they should indeed join the war as a counter-suppression against the United States.

But time is too hasty now. No one knows how much time they need to prepare.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen said:

"We'll wait two months at most."

"If there is no progress within two months, we will withdraw directly."

"This time, once a war breaks out in Syria, it will be a war, and the whole of Syria may be reduced to scorched earth. I can't risk staying there for too long - I don't want to be a refugee!"

"I see."

Xiaoyu's tone was slightly solemn, and after a moment of silence he continued:

"If the operation is finalized, we are likely to be the only team there that cannot receive direct support."

"Of course, we will try our best to establish contact with Russia and provide you with assistance."

"However, our assistance is largely limited to individual soldiers and special equipment."

"Air support, armored cluster support, large-scale artillery support, and tactical missile support are all impossible."

"But, your enemies may have."

"You have to stay vigilant and stay safe."

"Remember, you're not there to fight them head-on."

"Your core mission is still special operations against key targets, do you understand?"


Chen Chen nodded decisively.

Of course, he would not be crazy enough to think that with the Dongfeng Corps' current strength, it would be able to compete with the regular army, especially the regular army of NATO, but if it was a special operation of "seizing food from the tiger's mouth", then he would still be willing to give it a try.

After all, Syria is not Pubei.

The land there is full of gold. Maybe it's just a small task, and the reward is a year's harvest in Pubei.

Whether Dongfeng Corps can become bigger depends on this wave.

After fighting in Syria, the Dongfeng Corps will have the opportunity to officially evolve into a giant like Wagner.

It can even be said that it has a brighter future than Wagner.

After finally communicating the details, Xiaoyu turned around and left without any more nonsense.

The two of them have experienced the farewell scene so many times that they are even somewhat used to it.

In the next three days, there was no "out of the ordinary" interaction between the two.

While Xiaoyu was busy cleaning up the mess in Kachin and Myitkyina, he also had to arrange initial equipment for Chen Chen.

Chen Chen himself wanted to conduct assault training for the team members heading to Syria and contact the company personnel who would be waiting in Gaziantep, Turkey.

Time flew by, and by the third day, all preparations had been properly implemented, and the members of the Dongfeng Corps for this operation had also arrived and were ready to go to Turkey.

Xiaoyu originally planned to have the Dongfeng Corps depart directly from Kunming, but there is no direct flight from Kunming to Istanbul. If he wanted to fly, he would have to transfer to the imperial capital.

This trip was too long, required communication and coordination between too many departments, and did not meet the timeliness requirements.

Therefore, the team still took the Thailand route, transferring from Bangkok to Kuala Lumpur and then to Istanbul.

But this time, they no longer need to travel by land.

The plane took off from Myitkyina Civil Airport, arrived in Bagan, Yangon and then flew to Bangkok, and then from Bangkok to Kuala Lumpur.

The flight will take up to 16 hours, but this is the shortest route they can find.

Standing in the simple waiting room of the airport, Chen Chen checked the equipment they brought with them for the last time.

No weapons are allowed, including knives.

Equipment that may trigger additional inspections, including night vision goggles and body armor, cannot be carried.

So basically, what flew with them to Istanbul was some ordinary carrying gear and communication equipment.

These things can't even fight a battle, they don't even have the ability to protect themselves.

But fortunately, the security throughout Turkey is pretty good, and there is a high probability that they will not encounter the situation in Indonesia where they need to start a fight upon landing.

"When you are in Turkey, just treat it as a tour. I have arranged a contact person. You can lead the team to spend two days in Istanbul. After arriving in Gaziantep, if the situation does not change further, continue to wait where you are."

"The equipment will be delivered within two hours of your arrival in Gaziantep, but within Turkey, do not intervene in the conflict unless absolutely necessary."

"If intervention is required, someone will notify you in advance."

"The subsequent mission is to cross the border to Aleppo, Syria, or to Hatay, Turkey. We will decide when the time comes."


Chen Chen nodded slowly. From Xiaoyu's two casual words, he finally saw the possible direction of the future mission.

Hatay is the headquarters of the Free Syrian Army in Turkey. Speaking of which, the mission of the Dongfeng Corps may include "the beheading operation against Riyadh Assad"!

Good guy, are you playing so big?

Chen Chen still remembers that Maozi actually wanted to do this back then, but they didn't succeed in the end. They just blew up one of Assad's legs, which in turn further enhanced his prestige and directly became Turkey's opponent. The most important chess piece in Syria's layout.

It seems that if you want to take action against him, you still have to learn Mao Zi's lesson.

This thought flashed through Chen Chen's mind, and soon, the announcement that the plane was boarding began to sound.

Chen Chen stood up and said to Xiaoyu:

"I'm going to take care of the family."

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, your base will not be lost."

Hearing the conversation between the two, Shi Dakai, who was also standing aside to see him off, couldn't help but feel a little funny. Seeing the uneasy expression on his face, Chen Chen frowned and glared at him, and said:

"You too, take care of your family."

"If you have any questions, please contact Xiaoyu immediately. If you don't have enough authority, please contact me immediately. Do you understand?"


Shi Dakai nodded solemnly, then picked up Chen Chen's luggage and took him and other team members to the boarding gate.

Since it involves multiple transfers on international flights, everyone is dressed casually and loosely, and at first glance they look no different from ordinary passengers.

Everyone is talking about the Turkish Straits, the Blue Mosque, Sophia Cathedral, hot air balloons, barbecues, and the ubiquitous Arab beauties.

Checking in tickets, boarding the plane, finding seats and sitting down all the way, everyone felt as relaxed as if they were traveling to Türkiye.

But in fact, what they are about to intervene in is indeed a war destined to affect the world.

Before arriving on the battlefield, no one knew exactly what role they would play in this war.

The roar of the aircraft engine sounded, and Chen Chen fell into a deep sleep.

Day and night alternated, and the stars and sunshine outside the window kept flashing by. He slept for 20 intermittent hours.

When he finally woke up, the plane had arrived at its destination.

When Chen Chen walked out of the airport arrivals hall, he was greeted by the blazing sunshine and the cold wind mixed with the fishy smell of sea water and the dusty smell of the desert.

Looking up, not far away are the world-famous Sultan Ahmed Mosque and Hagia Sophia.

Türkiye has arrived.

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