Five minutes after arriving in Istanbul and walking out of the airport, Chen Chen met the "receptionist" who came to pick him up.

After showing his ID and checking his identity, the latter skillfully helped the Dongfeng Corps pack their luggage, led them to the tourist bus, and then said bluntly:

"My name is Wu Cong. I am the account manager of China Railway Construction's Istanbul office. I will be responsible for your reception and translation this time."

"The hotel arranged for you is at the Hilton Bomonti, which is only a 10-minute drive from Hagia Sophia and Sultan Ahmed Mosque."

"The nearby businesses are relatively prosperous, and shopping and dining are very convenient."

"However, the situation in Syria has been unstable recently, and many refugees have fled across the border to Turkey, so the security level across the country has also been increased."

"Foreigners are likely to be questioned on the street and cause all kinds of trouble."

"So, if you need anything, you can call me directly and I will be responsible for the whole process."

"But it's best not to go out without a guide."

"After all, everyone is here to work. It would be bad if it delayed subsequent projects, right?"


Chen Chen nodded slightly in agreement, but felt a little confused in his heart.

Why does this person sound like he is really just an account manager?

This is completely inappropriate. After all, although our identity has been carefully designed, none of us are professional intelligence personnel, and it is impossible to guarantee that there will be no flaws.

Theoretically speaking, for safety reasons, Xiaoyu should arrange for "one of his own" to receive him, and only his own people to receive him. How could he let an outsider intervene?

Chen Chen's brows wrinkled slightly, and his heart was full of doubts.

The situation was unclear now, and it was hard for him to ask questions.

There is nothing wrong with this person's appearance, voice, ID, including the contact information provided. In theory, there shouldn't be any big problems.

However, we still cannot take it lightly.

Chen Chen slightly adjusted his sitting posture and secretly made a "warning" gesture to Li Bang, who immediately blinked to acknowledge receipt, and at the same time continued to pass on the message in the same way.

In just two minutes, all members of the Dongfeng Corps on the vehicle received the signal and entered a state of alert.

If any problems arise along the way, they can respond immediately.

Although there are no weapons, with the abilities of these 12 people, the entire army will not be wiped out in a short period of time.

But just when the Dongfeng Corps was so nervous that they were ready, the man named Wu Cong didn't seem to notice anything unusual.

He just sat in the passenger seat of the tour bus and turned half of his body to the back. While introducing the scenery along the way to Chen Chen, he talked about the difficulty of the work and the difficulties of the project. It seemed that he really had a lot of bitterness to pour out. Same.

Chen Chen was almost confused by him. You said you were Xiaoyu's colleague, but that shouldn't be the case.

If you say you are a completely uninformed third party, then you shouldn't be here at all.

You said that if you are sent by the enemy and are the CIA, are you going to play this trick with us?

Chen Chen's doubts became deeper and deeper. More than 20 minutes later, the station wagon finally drove to the Hilton Hotel, and after leading everyone into the hotel room, the situation finally changed.

As if a mask had been torn off, Wu Cong's expression suddenly changed.

From being enthusiastic, frank and shallow at the beginning, to being as calm as water and unfathomable, it only takes a moment.

Immediately afterwards, the driver who had been following him opened the suitcase and took out the electromagnetic shielding equipment from inside.

After seeing the equipment, Chen Chen finally confirmed the identity of the person in front of him.

At the same time, Wu Cong also walked towards him and stretched out his right hand.

"Let me introduce you again. My name is Wu Cong, codename Ostrich."

"I am Xiaoyu's colleague. She has already introduced your basic situation to us."

"I'm very sorry that I can't identify myself the first time we meet."

"However, the situation in Turkey has been quite severe recently. Our enemies have moved from dormancy to full mobilization, and we are facing great pressure."

"So we have to be careful - and of course, thank you for your cooperation."

"From your reactions, I can see your professionalism."

"It's exactly what your superiors said, you are not an ordinary mercenary team."

"We will be working together for a long time, and I think our cooperation will go smoothly."

Hearing Wu Cong's words, Chen Chen breathed a long sigh of relief, then nodded slightly and replied:

"You did scare me."

"We were all ready to hijack the car, and if the final destination wasn't the Hilton, I'm afraid we would have been."


Wu Cong smiled helplessly and then explained:

"We have suffered too much loss during this period."

"Many comrades were exposed, many informants were silenced, and many chains were severed."

"Until now, we didn't even know how they were exposed."

"We have analyzed many possibilities, but this is a technical issue and has little relevance to your work, so I won't say more."

"No matter what, I still hope you can understand and cooperate."

"no problem."

Chen Chen nodded solemnly, but then asked:

"Is the situation in Türkiye already so serious?"

"To be honest, it still has something to do with you."

Wu Cong paused and continued:

"From Indonesia to Pubei, the CIA has suffered a major blow, especially CIASAD, and as far as we know, they have suffered accountability internally."

"So, they urgently need to achieve results in other regions, and Turkey and Syria have become their first targets."

"As you also know, Riyadh Assad has just established the Free Army on the Turkish-Syrian border. Intelligence agents from almost all over the world have begun to gather in this area. Taking this opportunity, CIASAD has done a lot of dirty work."

"Not only us, Maozi's SVR and GRU also suffered heavy losses. According to reliable information, they have lost at least three people in Istanbul alone."

"In Aleppo and Idlib, the number of personnel they lost is estimated to rise to double digits, and this does not include the losses of special forces operators commanded by the GRU."

"In short, before the official war has started, the secret war between the intelligence agencies has already become inextricable."

"You have come at the right time. We are in desperate need of available executive personnel."

"In the next few days, we have several tasks that require your assistance."

"Specific mission details, we will"

"You wait first."

Chen Chen raised his hand to interrupt Wu Cong, and then asked:

"Before coming, the message Xiaoyu gave me was that we can rest temporarily in Istanbul?"

"Are you sure there is no deviation in the intelligence from both of you? Why do we need to assist you in carrying out your mission here?"

"Things have changed."

Wu Cong's tone was a little solemn.

"Twenty hours have passed since you took off at Myitkyina Airport."

"In these 20 hours, one of our comrades died."

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