In Chen Chen's impression, dropping chemical weapons was something only the White Helmets would do.

The purpose of this is not only to weaken the support of the Syrian government forces and create chaos in the war situation, but more importantly, to provide NATO, the United States and Europe with an excuse to intervene in the war.

Logically speaking, the Dongfeng Corps should not be involved in this matter, and the North should not be involved in this matter.

Because once it is taken care of, it is equivalent to siding with the government troops and directly entering the game personally.

Would a Yankee do such a reckless thing?

How can it be!

Therefore, after listening to Lin Chenming's narration, Chen Chen immediately frowned.

"Are you sure the mission is correct? Are you sure you want us to find chemical weapons?"

Lin Chenming nodded firmly and replied:

"There can be no mistake."

Looking at Lin Chenming's expression, Chen Chen nodded thoughtfully.

Afterwards, he avoided the others, called Xiaoyu back, and reconfirmed the mission information with him.

This time, Xiaoyu gave him a more detailed explanation.

"We have already guessed that you would ask this, so the organization asked me to tell you some additional information."

"First of all, using chemical weapons does not mean that chemical weapons will detonate in the city."

"Secondly, MI6 has intervened in the war in Syria, and it seems to be coming just for you."

"This operation is most likely commanded by them. Therefore, our efforts to prevent the other party's attack are to curb NATO's expansion here."

"Also, after taking Tal Rifat, the Free Army's next target is Aleppo, followed by Latakia."

"Once they get Latakia, their offensive will continue unabated."

"And as long as they make progress, some other forces will be ready to take action."

"We don't want this war to involve too many overly complicated factors. We should at least delay it until some things are discussed."

"Do you understand me?"


Chen Chen breathed a long sigh of relief and did not continue to ask any more questions.

We’ve come to this point, can we still not understand?

If the North wants to gain benefits from this war, it must ensure that the development of events remains within a certain range.

To do this, we must eliminate all factors that come from "off-site".

To put it bluntly, you can fight the opposition and government forces as long as they want, and NATO can end if it wants to, but don't involve other concepts such as human rights and freedom.

Because once this concept is widely accepted, then this war will not only be fought by the government forces and the opposition.

All the wolves waiting for meat will swarm forward, including the Kurds, the Islamic State, the Nusra Front, and the Salafis.

Everyone will use this excuse to try to get a piece of the pie.

By that time, no matter which side wins, the North will not be able to reap any benefits.

Therefore, from this detail, we can actually see the attitude of the north.

You can fight, but don’t delay my business.

But obviously, NATO's demands are opposite to those of the north.

The interests here are secondary. The most important thing is that Syria must be in chaos and the Arab world must be in chaos.

The greater the chaos, the more stable their US dollar hegemony that relies on oil will be.

There is a natural conflict between the two sides, and now this conflict is manifested in "public opinion propaganda."

The core point of public opinion propaganda is one thing:

Is it the opposition that opposes the government, or the people that oppose the government?

This is not an easy question to answer, but Chen Chen knows what answer his boss wants.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen said:

"So why not behead them? Since it is confirmed that MI6 is involved, wouldn't it be enough to kill their leader?"

"How can it be that simple? We have no idea who is taking the lead."

I know.

Chen Chen said silently in his heart.

MI6, the White Helmets, chemical weapons.

All these clues actually point to one person.


This man is the founder of the White Helmets. During the Syrian Civil War, he used so-called "humanitarian relief" activities as a cover to spread rumors and build momentum internationally. He was the first to "use public opinion to fight wars."

He "retired" from MI6 in 2013 and founded the Syrian Civil Defense Organization that year. Judging from the time, his retirement should be a strategy.

So obviously, there is a high probability that he will appear in Syria now.

There have been some changes in history, but the magnitude of the changes should not be too great.

After thinking for a moment, Chen Chen said:

"I'll give it a try."

"Help me think of a way to find out if any new NGOs have been established recently."

"Especially NGOs related to Syria."

"Investigating these organizations is much simpler than directly investigating MI6."

"Give me the new list of main NGO leaders. There is a high probability that the people on it will be related to MI6's operation this time."


Xiaoyu understood everything at once and immediately realized what Chen Chen meant.

But she did not accept Chen Chen's proposal of "beheading", but continued to give instructions:

"Even if we can find the target, you'd better not do this."

"The danger is too great. Your first priority now is to survive and maintain your existence."

"So, what you have to do now is to wait quietly."

"The scout has entered Tallifat. You are only responsible for responding and providing necessary security and cooperating with his actions. You don't have to worry about anything else. Do you understand?"

".Is this what you mean, or is it what above?"

".I convinced them."

"Then you're a little too conservative."

"Nonsense, are you being used as cannon fodder? I don't want to collect your body so quickly."

".Okay, it's going to be disgusting if you say any more."

Chen Chen laughed and said instead:

"Please feel free to deal with your affairs. Next, I will mainly contact the contact person here."

"If I have the chance, I'd rather just do it."

"I can't believe the Syrian government forces. If a gas bomb explodes in the city, wouldn't I be stupid?"

In fact, Chen Chen has not finished what he said. What he really wants to say is that the Syrian government forces may have no chance of winning in front of MI6, especially in special assault operations.

You know, MI6 are not all playboys like 007, they have direct command over SAS!

If these people have already arrived in Tal Rifat, don't expect the Syrian government forces to successfully complete the raid and arrest.

Because the quality of the government troops may be slightly higher than that of the Pubei civilian army, but it is not much higher.

Seeing that Xiaoyu was still hesitating, Chen Chen continued:

"Don't worry, I won't die that easily. If the problem can be solved quickly, I can go back quickly - anyway, see you later."

".How are you hurt?"

"Slight bone fracture, still able to fight."

"Okay, be safe."

With a bang, the phone was hung up.

Chen Chen shook his head helplessly, got up and walked back to the basement.

At this time, all the team members had put on brand new equipment and looked ready to go.

Chen Chen quickly explained the current situation and completed the mission briefing. After everything was explained clearly, Li Bang first raised questions.

"Why don't the scouts come with the supplies?"

"By spreading the risk, if he acts independently, the risk of exposure will be lower."

"Xia Xing can't do it?"

Hearing this, Chen Chen turned to Xia Xing subconsciously, and the latter answered without hesitation:

"My job content is more in the direction of logistics and materials, and I am not good at on-site intelligence reconnaissance."

"So, sending a new guy in is the right thing to do and I will assist him if given the opportunity."

"Of course, if it is not necessary, I will leave after completing the handover with him."


Li Bang nodded immediately and continued to ask:

"Do we need to conduct preliminary reconnaissance of the intended pick-up location? Do we need to meet with scouts on the perimeter?"

"It is not necessary and he will always act independently."

Xia Xing immediately shook his head and replied:

"After entering the war zone, everything is out of control."

"We don't know if the scout has been exposed, and we don't know if he will be tracked as a suspect."

"So, the best way to deal with it is to let him come directly, but we will not contact him. We will leave when we are needed. If not, just pretend that he does not exist."

"Of course, if something unexpected happens, we also need to rescue him."

After listening to Xia Xing's words, Li Bang nodded thoughtfully, and then said:

"Understood, then we will continue to maintain independent activities."

"But we cannot sit back and wait."

"We need to continue to go out and scout and figure out how to explore evacuation routes."

"Theoretically speaking, although the government forces are now stricter in going out than in, the intention of the government forces to kidnap people is not yet obvious."

"If there is a chance to blend in with the refugees, we can still run out."

"As soon as the mission here is over and the CIA is desensitized, we will be ready to evacuate."

"Tal Rifaat is too small and does not have as much space as Aleppo to move around."

After finishing speaking, Li Bang looked at Chen Chen aside, waiting for his instructions.

Chen Chen, on the other hand, said decisively:

"You make the arrangements."

Judging from Li Bang's performance, he is now fully capable of taking charge of his own business.

Although his left arm was injured, although it did not affect the actual battle, it would eventually affect the plan to a certain extent.

Human beings are not absolutely rational animals. Physical pain and inconvenience will subtly affect a person's thinking mode, and even directly lead to the deformation of strategies and tactics.

In this case, if there are conditions for delegating power, it is better to let it go honestly.

After getting Chen Chen's permission, the Li Gang immediately made arrangements.

In his plan, the evacuation route of the Dongfeng Corps was not an ordinary "concealed evacuation", but a route that could still escape unharmed after the identity was exposed and the battle broke out.

Therefore, although concealment must be considered, more importantly, there must be room for combat.

To Chen Chen's expectation, he left the dangerous reconnaissance points to Yang Shu and Banji, who were already quite experienced, and he was responsible for the follow-up command.

For Chen Chen, he gave him an intermediate position that allowed him to attack and retreat - to stay near the school for covert observation and monitor the movements of refugees and government troops in the southern part of Tal Rifaat.

This arrangement was quite scientific, and Chen Chen did not raise any objections.

After everything was ready, everyone immediately started to disguise.

At this time, Xia Xing's unique skills were fully revealed.

Everyone's demands are very simple. On the premise of being able to carry enough equipment to support combat, they must also ensure that the appearance does not attract attention.

After all, they are Asians. Once their faces show up, they will receive special attention. If there are any flaws in their clothes, you don't have to think about what the consequences will be.

But Xia Xing's way of handling it was very smart.

You must show your face, but your skin color must be darkened.

There are African-Arabs in Syria. These people are neither pure-blooded Africans nor pure-blooded Arabs. Judging from their skeletal characteristics, they are more similar to dark-skinned Asians, especially those of Pubei. .

Therefore, as long as everyone's skin is darkened by one degree, they can basically blend into the environment.

As for clothing, Xia Xing abandoned the robes that were intuitively the most suitable, and instead chose to use local materials to imitate the clothes of local scavengers.

Big pockets and fluffy rags. With this set of equipment, the thick body armor can be well hidden, and the weapons can be carried in the pockets.

After finishing dressing up, Chen Chen could no longer tell the difference between the members of the team and the locals at a glance.

He nodded with satisfaction and said:

"It seems you have to stay here for a while. We want to survive in the city, and your skills are very important."

"no problem."

Xia Xing answered without hesitation, then glanced at his watch and said:

"The curfew will begin in three hours."

"I suggest that we set off now and find a way to explore the road first."


Everyone stood up quickly, but Xia Xing saw this action, causing her to frown subconsciously.

"Don't be so tidy. Remember, you are scavengers, scavengers who are mentally retarded and can't speak."

"Put on your hood, put on your headphones, and act cool."

"If something unexpected happens, don't worry about anything. Just take your things and run away. No one will chase you. Do you understand?"


After the final instructions were given, everyone walked out of the shelter in batches.

As the commander of this operation, Li Gang was with Xia Xing, while Chen Chen went to the elementary school on his own.

As Xia Xing said, no one paid him too much attention along the way because there were too many people like him on the street.

The war had just begun, and everyone was aware of the coming danger.

Out of human survival instinct, these people are desperately searching for all the supplies in this city.

Not only shops, but now, houses destroyed by shells have also begun to be looted.

It would be fine if there were living people inside. Under the constraints of the basic moral bottom line, the refugees would just go in and take a look and then exit.

But if the owner is dead.

Then no one will have much to worry about.

Chen Chen watched helplessly as corpses were dragged out of the half-collapsed ruins. Later, the food and fresh water in the kitchen were looted, and gold and silver jewelry were packed away immediately.

After everyone left, Chen Chen walked into the ruins carrying his "scavenger bag" and pretended to rummage through it.

He didn't find anything useful, but he found a man whose thigh had been crushed, lying on the ground groaning in pain.

The blood on the ground had dried up, and his lips were withered.

He didn't know how long he had been lying here. It was impossible that those who came in just now didn't notice him, but no one came to help him.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, his fate is already sealed.

Chen Chen's eyes flashed for a moment, and then he turned and left without any unnecessary movements.

And behind him, a real scavenger had walked in.

The latter took off the injured man's shoes and put them in his backpack.

Chen Chen frowned.

He knew that this action meant that the city's resources had been squeezed to the limit.

And under the dominance of the continued expansion of the "desire to survive," real chaos is about to happen.

When all the inheritance of the dead is drained, the remaining people will inevitably start to attack the living in order to continue to live.

Generally speaking, the time it takes to develop from a dead person to a "living person" is not a few days or weeks, but a few hours.

Because everyone will not wait for all the resources in their hands to be consumed before thinking about further plundering. The besieged no-man's land is originally a Shura field. When everyone notices the situation of insufficient resources, a stampede order Collapse can occur in an instant.

The situation deteriorated far faster than anyone expected, and the war seemed to have skipped many "necessary" stages and headed directly towards the final outcome.

Chen Chen turned around and left. After walking to the corner, he turned on the radio and said softly:

"We have to hurry."

"I have a feeling that the other party is about to take action."

"The situation has reached a critical point. Just a little more disturbance will cause the city to completely collapse."

"The Free Army should launch a new offensive in a short period of time."

"And if the militants take this opportunity to use chemical weapons, it is very likely that it will be tonight!"

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