On the other side, in a house near the Musa Soud Mosque.

An inconspicuous ceramic jar the size of a mineral water bottle is placed quietly on the sofa, and next to the ceramic jar is a fully configured IED device.

There were a total of 6 people in the room, all of them wearing inconspicuous civilian clothing. If we want to say that the difference between them and real civilians is probably the assault rifles they hold in their hands and the pistols with tactical holsters on their waists. .

The leading man carefully inspected the explosive device, and after a successful ignition experiment, he often breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, he put the IED device, ceramic tank and specially customized rocket launcher into three backpacks respectively, and distributed the backpacks to three other people present.

Then, he spoke:

"Remember, these things in your hands are the key to our mission."

"No matter what, you have to keep them safe."

"Keep the communication open, go to the reserved fighting position and wait."

"Once you receive my order, immediately gather at the target point, complete the assembly of the IED, and launch and detonate it."

"You only have 20 minutes to evacuate, don't delay."

"If necessary, you can abandon all weapons and seek asylum as civilians."

"We're going to get you out, do you understand?"


The three people who got the backpack answered together, their eyes were firm, as if what they were about to do was an amazing thing.

But in fact, the things in their hands can definitely be regarded as sinful things that are despised by everyone.

A full kilogram of undiluted sarin.

Calculated in terms of chemical toxicity, this 1 kilogram of poison is enough to kill one million people. Even if the delivery method is backward and the volatilization is incomplete, this small can of poison gas is enough to spread within several kilometers and kill Thousands or even tens of thousands of civilians died!

What they want to do is obvious. There is no doubt that this is the armed organization that has sneaked into Tal Rifaat, and their purpose is to launch detonating poison gas at the Free Army in the city, causing a large number of casualties, and then dumping the blame. Go to the government troops!

After hearing the answer from his men, the leading man nodded with satisfaction.

Then, he put away the city map on the table, put on a tattered windbreaker, stood up and planned to leave.


But at this moment, the report from the peripheral sentry suddenly came from his earphones.

"A large number of people are gathering in our direction."

"Military personnel were driving behind them, and they were taking refuge in various houses along the street."

"Do you want to evacuate?"

After receiving the report from the sentry post, the man who had just taken a step suddenly stopped.

His brows wrinkled slightly, and after thinking for a moment, he said:

"Not yet."

"You guys go back indoors and stop observing."

"We'll leave after the crowd disperses!"


The sentry replied immediately, and then the man sat down again.

The team members on the side looked at him with some confusion and asked:

"Aren't we leaving now?"

"If the chaos continues, this area may be cordoned off."

"If you want to leave then, it won't be that simple."

After hearing what the team member said, the man shook his head slightly and replied:

"It doesn't matter. If we really can't walk, the worst we can do is launch directly here."

"The shorter the range, the closer. As long as it doesn't self-destruct in the center of the city, everything can be explained."

"The problem now is that we don't know what the military's plans are."

"If there is a conflict with them, problems may arise."

"But as long as we stay in the room, they will never burst into the house to catch us."


The team members nodded convinced and did not ask any further questions.

Indeed, now the military's main purpose is to implement curfews and maintain order. If they really rush into the room and arrest people, wouldn't they be going against their own policies?

It must be said that the captain's judgment was quite accurate and quick.

If he had directed it, everyone would have rushed out of the room and tried to escape into the crowd.

At this time, the noise outside the window was getting louder and louder, and mixed with shouts and screams, there were also sporadic gunshots.

Under the night sky, this sound seemed particularly terrifying, but to everyone in the room, it sounded as sweet as a trumpet of victory.

Because they knew that the city was already in chaos.

It didn't require much additional fueling for the chaos to reach this level.

So, once the poison in our hands is released, what will happen to this city?

A devastating disaster.

The Free Army besieging the city can easily capture the city, and then move further south, using Tal Rifaat as a springboard to launch an attack on the important town of Aleppo!

This will be a major strategic victory, and the names of those who planned and participated in this operation may not necessarily be publicized, but they are definitely considered to be heroes of the British Empire.

As for the lives of civilians who may be buried with this gas bomb?

What's that? Just ants

A few minutes later, gunfire approached downstairs.

This also means that the chaos is about to pass, and after the military leaves, they also have the opportunity to take advantage of the last moment before martial law to go to the predetermined hidden location.

Everyone was secretly rejoicing, but just when they thought the commotion was over, there was a sudden noise in the corridor.

"Someone is coming upstairs!"

The observation post at the door immediately issued a warning, and with a look from the team leader, everyone immediately reached for their weapons.

In the chaos, they could clearly hear the shouts outside the door.

"Help! Open the door!"

"Let me in! Please!"

"Bump the door, hit the door directly!"

"Bang bang bang——"

The door of the next door was banged, and just before the refugees were about to knock on the door of the room they were in, the team leader stood up and opened the door a crack.

Then, he looked at the man who had raised his hand.

The latter had a typical Arab face. His hand stopped in mid-air, and his eyes instantly changed from fright to surprise.

"Help! Sir! Let me go in and hide!"

"I beg you!"

"They're right outside, I'll leave right now! No need to wait until curfew is over! I'll leave as soon as they leave!"

The leader did not answer, but silently stretched his hands to his waist.

He wanted to get a weapon, but not a gun, but a knife.

The man was startled suddenly, and he noticed the leader's movements.

"I'm sorry! Sir! I'm really not one of those bad guys who robbed!"

"I'll leave right away, leave right now!"

Then, without any hesitation, he turned around and ran away.

After rolling and falling down the stairs, the leader slammed the door.

He breathed a long sigh of relief and said:

"Move as soon as possible after the military leaves."

"We cannot afford an ounce of uncertainty."


Everyone answered in turn and silently packed up their equipment.

A few minutes later, in a deserted corner, a man with an Arab face squatted behind a trash can and called that specific channel using a portable radio.

Then, he spoke:

"I bought puffer fish, but I have nothing to pack."

"You guys, come here first and see if the fish is right!"

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