"The suspicious target is near the Musahad Mosque. The fisherman confirmed that it is most likely a puffer fish."

"They are moving faster than we thought and are likely to launch an attack soon."

"The fisherman said there were at least eight of them, fully armed and ready to evacuate."

"The location of their next safe house is unknown and the fishermen have no way to continue tracking it."

"We have to find a way to get there as soon as possible and catch them before the riot ends."

"Yangshu, Shortfoot, your position is closest, go over first."

"Once you arrive, take advantage of the terrain, but don't launch an attack."

"Others will follow up quickly according to the predetermined plan. Be careful not to be exposed after arriving and continue to wait!"

"It is impossible for the other side to detonate poison gas bombs in the city. No matter how stupid the government forces are, they will never be so stupid."

"Only when the poison gas bomb explodes on the Free Army's position will their frame-up be considered successful."

"So, we don't have to worry."

"Their current location is too far away from the Free Army position, and it must not be the first launching position."

"The time it takes to travel the entire distance from the mosque to the launch site, or the time it takes for the Free Army to launch an offensive, is our window period."

"We will wait until the opportunity is most suitable before we take action. We must catch them all in one fell swoop!"


Near the elementary school, Chen Chen listened to all the instructions from the Li Gang without raising any objections.

Then, following the instructions of the Li Gang, he packed up his equipment and began to move closer to the target location.

At this time, it was close to 5 o'clock, and there was only the last hour left before the curfew set by the government forces. There were not many pedestrians on the street. Only military personnel were patrolling everywhere in armored vehicles, shouting at Chen Chen through loudspeakers. You don’t understand the warning, but you can probably guess the content.

Chen Chen grabbed the bag with his right hand and held it weakly with his left hand, staggering like a real weak scavenger.

He cautiously avoided most of the sparsely populated alleys, fearing that some blind "thug" would rush up and try to steal his things.

But fortunately, his worries were unnecessary. At the last moment of the curfew, everyone was rushing back to their "sanctuary". The previous chaos had been suppressed by the military.

Chen Chen's journey went smoothly. Except for replying a few words of "um um ah ah ah" when faced with the military's shouting, he did not receive any more questioning.

When he arrived at the scheduled meeting point set up by the Li Gang, the Li Gang and two other team members were already waiting.

"Where's Poplar and Shortfoot?"

Chen Chen asked quickly.

"On the roof."

Li Bang pointed upward, and then took Chen Chen to hide in the ruins nearby.

Chen Chen took a quick look and saw that this seemed to be the room they had occupied when they first arrived in Tallifat.

The Li Gang also gave a gun butt to each of the male and female owners inside, but now, the place is empty, and only the remaining blood still hints at the owner's experience.

"The fishermen have locked the specific position of each other, and Poplar and Shortfoot are observing."

"There just was a big riot on that street, and the military is still clearing it, and the pufferfish haven't moved yet."

"They should be planning to evacuate during the curfew window after the military leaves, or it is possible that they will continue to lurk here."

“If it’s the latter, that would be easy to handle.”

"There are only eight of them. We don't even need to attack them. Two rocket launchers can knock them all down."

"The only trouble is the poison gas. The explosives may cause the poison gas to explode in advance, and then the whole city will be destroyed."

"A rat-defying weapon."

Chen Chen nodded slightly and answered.

"That's right, a rat-proof weapon."

"There is currently no better offensive plan. I plan to continue to observe and wait for the opponent to reveal flaws first."

"We still have at least two hours, take it easy, that's enough."

"no problem."

Chen Chen pondered for a moment, and then said:

"If there is no chance, we can abandon the operation."

"Our mission is staged. The first goal is to expose the opponent's location and intentions, and the second is to take them down directly."

"Once we take action, we will face threats from the government forces, militants, the Free Army and the CIA, so we must be quick and not give anyone time to react."

"I see."

Gang Li nodded decisively, and at this time, Yang Shu, who was monitoring Yang Shu, also sent a signal.

"Someone was observed leaving the target building and needs to be confirmed by the fisherman."

"Understood. Fisherman, are you sure you have identified the target?"

Li Bang immediately contacted the intelligence personnel who were still observing in the dark, and soon the fisherman also gave his feedback.

"Confirm target, target number one, black jacket, black backpack."


"Target No. 2, brown coat, dark blue scarf, brown mask."


"Target No. 3."

The characteristics of all targets were reported in sequence, but what Chen Chen didn't expect was that the fisherman only identified 6 targets!

According to the information he provided, there were at least eight militants in this group.

This means that the characteristics of two of them are not in the early intelligence, and these two people are likely to carry the most critical poison!

What's even more difficult is that even these six people are acting separately.

Any one of them has the possibility of launching an independent attack!

The situation had undergone a major change, and Chen Chen frowned.

Li Bang pondered for a moment, and without much hesitation, immediately ordered the drone to take off.

"Focus on the identified target first."

"Yang Shu, stay and continue to monitor."

"Shorty, lead the ground team and follow the drone's guidance along the opponent's route."

"Keep your distance and if you find you are at risk of exposure, leave immediately."


Shortfoot answered immediately, and at this time, Lin Chenming also started to move.

"Nezha and Hongbao are on standby, ready to cooperate with the shipwreck operation."

"Sink Ship will lead the team and raid the opponent's stronghold in 10 minutes to find the source of the smell."

"Lin He, follow me, go around and prepare for an ambush."


Another series of instructions were issued, and Chen Chen nodded with satisfaction.

Li Gang's thinking was quite thorough, and the action plan had completely covered all the details needed for a "tracking-ambush" operation.

Without much hesitation, Chen Chen immediately went to the predetermined target point to hide.

He moved his left hand that was still aching a little, took out the weapon from his pocket, unfolded the folding butt of the AK-74M rifle, and hid it in the corridor.

At this time, there were fewer and fewer pedestrians on the street, and Chen Chen could hear the sounds of residents upstairs chopping firewood and cooking.

When the power supply is unstable and gas is basically cut off, even high-rise buildings have to return to the most primitive way of life.

The sound of banging hit Chen Chen through the noise-canceling headphones. He silently counted the time. Two minutes later, Lin Chenming took Nezha and Hongbao to the predetermined point.

"The wreck is in place."

Chen Chen said in a low voice.

"Countdown to 10 seconds to start action."

".3, 2, 1 on!"

With an order, Chen Chen quickly went upstairs.

Hong Bao rushed past him, while Nezha followed Chen Chen closely in a guarding manner.

The target room was on the third floor. When passing through the corridor on the second floor, Lin Chenming quickly walked up the stairs and pointed his gun at the guards arranged in a zigzag pattern. Chen Chen continued to move upstairs after stepping over him.

He did not go directly up the steps, but looked up from the middle of the steps.

After waiting for a few seconds and tentatively showing up to confirm that there was no enemy sentry, he sent a signal to Lin Chenming to follow up.

At this time, Nezha was already squatting at the door.

This means that Nezha, as an explosion detection dog, has identified the smell of explosives in the house!

Or, at least, the lingering smell of explosives.

"Lin Chenming, take the dogs and retreat."

Chen Chen spoke decisively.


Lin Chenming quickly issued instructions, and Nezha and Hongbao retreated simultaneously.

Chen Chen, on the other hand, continued to issue new instructions to the radio.

"Yang Shu, report the movement of government troops."

"There is a patrol team 400 meters away. It is expected to arrive at the intersection within 3 minutes. The time window is one minute."

"Understood, one minute."

At this time, Chen Chen faced a very difficult choice.

After Nezha determined that there were explosives in the house, the identities of the targets were completely confirmed.

There is no doubt that they are the militants the fisherman said. As long as they follow them, there is a high probability that they will find the explosives and poisons that threaten the entire Tallifat.

But now, Chen Chen doesn't know if there is anyone in the room or if there is a trap.

If you go in blindly, you are likely to be blown away directly.


No, it's not just that you might get blown up if you go in.

According to their urine properties, the entire building should be sacrificed!


Chen Chen shouted immediately.

Then, he evacuated downstairs desperately, and Lin Chenming followed at full speed. But just as the two of them arrived downstairs and started to rush to the evacuation point, a loud noise suddenly came from behind them.


The air wave of the explosion blew Chen Chen directly to the ground. The huge shock made the two people instantly incapacitated. Even Hong Bao and Nezha, who had been trained for a long time, panicked for a moment.

A buzzing sound rang in Chen Chen's ears. He climbed up with difficulty and looked back. Most of the entire 6-story building had collapsed.

Thick smoke was billowing, and bricks and debris couldn't stop falling. Chen Chen wiped the dust from his face, reached out to take the AK-74M that fell on the ground, and quickly put the tactical backpack on his shoulders. .

At this time, Li Gang's questioning voice also came to his ears.

"Shipwreck, report the situation!"

".We are fine. The fisherman has been exposed and the enemy is prepared."

"Broadcast the position and bring the military over!"

"We have to create the illusion for the enemy. Create the illusion that we are one step behind them."

"As soon as possible!"


An unfamiliar voice came over the radio, no doubt the fisherman.

"The military arrived in two minutes and retreated quickly."


Chen Chen stood up again, and at this time, there were many people standing like him on the street.

It's not like there's no one in this building.

Calculated based on the number of three households on one floor, the number of civilians killed in this explosion must be at least double digits.

However, the person who planted the bomb here didn't care at all.

Chen Chen couldn't care less about looking back, let alone rescue. He could only rush to the evacuation point with all his strength, preparing to reorganize the attack.

But at this moment, a duller explosion suddenly sounded outside Tallifat.

The shelling began.

Just as Chen Chen expected, the Free Army launched a general offensive on this night!

Intense artillery shells continued to fall on the government positions and began to extend into the streets of the city.

At this time, if viewed from the perspective of an aerial drone, most of the entire city has been covered in smoke and fire from the explosion.

In the face of the "grand" war, the explosion that Chen Chen had just experienced suddenly seemed a bit insignificant.

He entered the alley near the evacuation point ahead of the approaching government troops. When he saw the passing government troops, his blood pressure almost soared uncontrollably.

There were only a dozen people, without any modern equipment, and even the formation was loose.

A person like this still wants to investigate MI6 or even SAS militants? !

Fortunately, I didn't place my hopes on them in the first place.

Chen Chen breathed a long sigh of relief and immediately took Lin Chenming to the next meeting point without stopping.

At this moment, he truly felt the urgency of time.

The opponent's plans are interlocking, from dispersing and evacuating, to traps to deal with the attack, to the cooperation of the Free Army.

This series of actions bought them the most ample deployment time, and also put the Dongfeng Corps, which was already short of manpower, into a passive position.

"There is no other way."

"Unable to track them, we can only kill them all."

"Spread out the pursuit and keep drones on surveillance."

"If you can't kill him alone, then find a way to support him!"


For the first time in this battle, Chen Chen went beyond the Li Gang and issued an order, and only he was qualified to issue such an order.

Because the risk is too high.

What is the greatest advantage for a special operations team?

Marksmanship, physical strength, individual combat ability?

of course not.

It is the comprehensive combat effectiveness formed by smooth teamwork and a mature combat system.

And this means that they must fight in groups.

Once they are separated, their advantage will not be much stronger than that of ordinary soldiers!

You have practiced all the way, can you still dodge bullets on the ground?

Therefore, in reality, there is absolutely no such thing as a king of war with one against a hundred.

In some cases, 4 versus 200 is easy, but 1 versus 2 is almost reaching human limits.

Chen Chen shouldn't split up his team, but he had to.

Because once the chemical poison is released and once the Free Army fully captures Tal Rifaat, they will still face a dead end!

Now, the order has been issued and all the original battle plans have been abandoned.

Following the instructions of the Li Gang who took charge of the overall situation, Chen Chen achieved his goal.

He hurried towards the target location, but at this moment, the fisherman's voice came from his earphones.

"I found a new group of three."

"Northwest, near the hospital."

"They could be real targets and I'm going to intercept them."

"Come and support me!"

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