I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 474 The truth of public opinion

There is no sure winner on the intelligence battlefield. In fact, in the actual history of Chen Chen's previous life, even an "outsider" like him had heard of many cases of failure.

Of course, the same is true for NATO and the United States.

One failure cannot distinguish the strong from the weak, it just happened to be a failure that happened to be hit by the Dongfeng Corps.

It was bad luck, but Chen Chen couldn't blame anyone for it.

Because the party launching the attack naturally has an information advantage. Even if you can trace the clues, there is no guarantee that this is not a flaw they deliberately exposed.

In fact, this was the failure.

As a veteran intelligence agency, MI6 could not be unprepared for the risk of intelligence leakage. They threw out a series of baits, and even probably deceived their own people, and finally successfully detonated the bomb in Tallifat. Gas bombs.

At this time, the Dongfeng Corps has no room for salvation. All they can do is to evacuate the area that may be contaminated by poisonous gas as soon as possible.

"Confirm the wind direction!"

Chen Chen ordered quickly.

"The west wind was Category 4, and the explosion point was about 1.5 kilometers due north of Tal Rifaat, which is still a certain distance from us."

"The spread shouldn't be too fast, we still have time to retreat!"

The reply from the drone pilot came over the radio. After Chen Chen thought for a moment, he spoke again:

"Don't go back to the shelter, the poisonous gas will sink downwards!"

"Judging from the capacity of the ceramic container they used, the poison gas coverage of this bomb may exceed a 5-kilometer radius."

"Unless the wind stays the same, there's no way we can get out of here."

"Stay as far away from the center of the explosion as possible, but don't run with the wind!"

"Route as far south as possible, stay at least 4 kilometers away, and then return to the safe house!"

"In a residential building near the mosque, let's go to the sixth floor!"


After the order was issued, all members of the Dongfeng Corps immediately took action.

The entire city of Tal Rifat is only three kilometers in length and breadth, and the sarin bomb exploded 1.5 kilometers away from the city, which means that the entire city is now a dangerous area.

If the wind direction could remain westerly, the city might still be able to escape.

But this probability is really too small.

They can't gamble on their luck, they can only be prepared for everything.

As he spoke, Chen Chen turned back and rushed towards the fisherman's location. Three minutes later, the two completed the rendezvous.

During the time he left, the fisherman had finished bandaging his wounds. Chen Shen had no time to continue treating his wounds, but instead carried him and ran towards the shelter.

At the same time, other team members were retreating with all their strength.

Where the gas bomb fell, a commotion completely different from the battlefield environment had occurred. It was like a sudden rain shower in the middle of a forest fire. The area within a few hundred meters centered on the explosion point had been plunged into a strange chaos. silence.

Then, such silence began to spread around like a plague, covering an area of ​​more than 1 square kilometer in just a few minutes.

The aerosol cloud formed by the gas bomb explosion stabilized briefly and continued to move eastward under the influence of the westerly wind.

And wherever it passed, all the covered creatures fell to the ground.

Of course, some people realize that they are surrounded by poisonous gas.

These people held their breath and headed in one direction desperately, but as they ran, they found that they could not see anything.

The ground and sky originally illuminated by the fire were extremely dark, and the searchlights became as dim as flickering candles in the wilderness.

All this seems like a nightmare, a weird and bizarre nightmare from which there is no way to escape.

Where did the light go?

Someone shined a light at his feet, and he finally got a glimmer of light, but the flare further narrowed his pupils. When he turned his sight elsewhere, what he saw was without any transition, like a barrier. of complete darkness.

This situation won't last long.

Painful and heart-rending wails gradually sounded, and the poor breathing caused by muscle spasms caused a sharp scream to come from the throats of the soldiers who were desperately trying to inhale. Then, a strong sense of nausea made them unable to help but vomit. But the trachea and esophagus, which had shrunk to the limit, locked the vomit tightly.

Large amounts of fluid are sucked into the lungs, and further suffocation ensues.

Choking, vomiting, beating chest and stamping feet.

The burning pain in the body has been ignored. In the confusion, some people even tried to cut their own throats with a dagger.

However, even if the trachea is cut open, they are already helpless.

The lungs had been squeezed into a ball by the muscles that continued to contract, and even the ribs were broken.

They could only fall to the ground in pain, their tears and sweat glands secreting huge amounts of liquid like faucets, eventually "drowning" them alive.

More and more people fell, and both warring parties were blinded.

The commanders of the Free Army and the government forces simultaneously made a choice that was absolutely correct and could not be incorrect - to cease fighting and retreat.

A large number of soldiers began to retreat into the city in a completely unorganized manner, but they didn't even know what was happening yet.

Chaos intensified until government forces finally responded.

News of the poison gas attack was broadcast throughout the city, but they did not call for people to evacuate immediately. Instead, they asked everyone to stay at home and close the doors and windows.

Chen Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the voice of the fisherman's interpreter.

At least the government forces did one thing right.

In the current situation where the direction of movement of high-concentration aerosol clouds is still uncertain, it is too dangerous to evacuate blindly.

Once large-scale moving refugees hit an aerosol cloud, they may all die before they even have time to react!

Instead, stay at home and still have a chance of survival!

This small town that had never slept in the first place woke up, but then it would fall into a deeper sleep again.

Chen Chen had already led the fisherman to the residential building near the shelter. Xia Xing arrived in advance and had made all preparations. She cleared out a private house and moved a small amount of supplies.

The three of them immediately went upstairs, and Chen Chen then said:

"I have to pick up the Li Gang, they have injured people there!"

Just as Chen Chen spoke, Li Gang's voice came over the radio.

"No need to come! We have a car!"

"Where did you get your car!?"

"We will be here soon to rob the government troops. Do you want to break out of the city directly?"

The choice is at hand.

If you have a car, you can indeed go out of the city.

And in this chaos, it is unlikely that one will be subject to strict scrutiny when leaving the city. There is a chance.

However, the CIA's drone is still flying in the sky. When the whole city is under martial law and no one is allowed to go out, the action of our own team to break out of the encirclement will appear extremely abrupt.

They are fully capable of distinguishing suspicious targets from dozens or even hundreds of vehicles, and then use their own methods to verify them.

If one's own side is exposed, can one really kill them?

When the main combat force is reduced by two people.

The odds are too low.

Therefore, Chen Chen decisively said:

"Don't break out."

"Abandon the vehicle after reaching the nearest point and return to the temporary base on foot."

"Be careful and don't get caught!"


Li Bang responded immediately. Two minutes later, Banty led a team member back to the stronghold. Five minutes later, everyone completed the rendezvous.

Lin Chenming's chest was hit by a large-caliber armor-piercing bullet. The bullet was deeply embedded in his muscles and his ribs were pierced into his lungs. Pingchuan has treated him as quickly as possible and is now in stable condition.

The recruit named Xiao Qi was quite lucky. His entire neck was pierced by an extremely small and sharp fragment. However, this fragment surprisingly bypassed all important blood vessels and only cut his trachea into two sections. .

In addition to being unable to speak, he even still has fighting ability after being treated.

"Enter the room, recover the drone, seal the exit, quickly!"


"wind direction?"

".The north wind is blowing, poisonous gas is coming!"

As he spoke, the drone dropped lower and lower, but at this moment, Chen Chen suddenly seemed to remember something.

So, he spoke again:

"No more drones!"

"Fly to the easternmost side and find a place to land!"

"Hide and come down!"


The order was quickly executed and everyone entered the room.

Immediately afterwards, there was a slight collision, the ventilation duct was cut off, and the wooden door of the "catacombs" was closed.

"Find something to seal the gap and wait until the air mass floats over!"

"The sheets are soaked in water, so don't leave any cracks in the door or window open!"

"Take out part of the medical tape first and seal the key parts."

"Check if there is an exhaust fan. All doors with exhaust fans must be sealed!"


Everyone took action immediately, the emergency lights were lit, and with the help of the not too bright light, Pingchuan quickly treated the fisherman's wounds.

Chen Chen came over to take a look. Before he could speak, Pingchuan took the initiative and said:

"It's hard to save if you stay here."

"Without the body armor to stop him, the entire shoulder has been shattered. We are short of equipment and medicine, and we can't evacuate him now. He can last up to 12 hours. After 12 hours, he will basically die."

Pingchuan's words were extremely cold. Chen Momo glanced at the fisherman, who nodded slightly and replied:

"After the clouds clear, I can walk on my own. I have a way."

"I have to live, I am still useful."

"I understand, I will find a way."

Chen Chen interrupted him, turned around and continued to ask Pingchuan:

"How long can he last in this state?"

"In 20 minutes, the adrenaline level will come down immediately. We will first match the blood type for transfusion, and then give him epinephrine when he is about to leave."

"no problem."

Chen Chen squatted down and inspected the fisherman's wound over Pingchuan's sewing hands.

The bullet passed through his left shoulder and completely tore the entire trapezius muscle in his back. The hideous wound was exposed to the air, and blood continued to seep out.

This is the power of modern firearms. The high-speed rotating warhead tore the soft muscles into a puddle of mud like tofu. All Hirakawa could do was sew up the blood vessels to temporarily hang his life.

"Is it possible for him to recover?"

"Don't think about it, it's basically impossible."

"It is absolutely impossible to suppress an explosive infection. With one shot, the rest of his life will be ruined."

"He's not as lucky as Bao Qi. Bao Qi can at least do amputation surgery. Now he's in the position where he was shot. Who has type A blood?"

"I am."

"Me too."

Li Bang and Banji immediately stood up. Pingchuan threw a set of blood collection needles and said:

"Sit down and take blood yourself. Give me 1,200 ml."


The two of them immediately walked away to collect blood, while Chen Chen continued to look at Lin Chenming and asked:

"how is he?"

"It's a minor matter, a slight pneumothorax, he'll be fine after two days of breathing, don't worry about him, just let him lie down."

Hearing this, Chen Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He sat on the ground, all the fatigue from the night welling up, even making him feel dizzy.

At the same time, after struggling to send a signal for help to his superiors, the fisherman who seemed energetic one second fainted the next second.

Chen Chen looked at his face and was a little confused for a moment.

"Why is he an Arab?"

Xia Xing shook his head and replied:

"People from XJ, our comrade who died in Istanbul was also a person from XJ."

"Because of their appearance, they are more suitable for field work, but they are also the most risky."

Hearing this, Chen Mo nodded silently and did not continue to ask.

At this time, all the gaps in the house had been blocked. Through the window, there was a strange atmosphere in Tallifat outside.

The invisible god of death is drifting towards this city. The residents here have all closed their doors and windows, for fear that the poisonous gas that penetrates will take away their lives unknowingly.

All the buildings still standing on the ground were eerily quiet, but in contrast, there was almost crazy chaos on the streets.

People who had lost their shelter were scurrying around like headless flies. They first closely followed the government troops retreating to the west, trying to grab this last life-saving straw.

But there is no doubt that they cannot all be taken away.

Refugees and homeless people who have not caught up with the last round of evacuation, or who have not yet understood their situation, are wandering on the streets in confusion.

At this moment, some of them may have thought that the government forces were defeated and were about to withdraw. As long as they waited patiently, they would not be killed for no reason by the Free Army that was about to take over the city.

As a result, some of them simply lay down or hid in the ruins without any shelter at all.

But most of them are those who know that the poisonous gas is coming soon, but they haven't found a hiding place yet!

They rushed to every closed door and tried to open it with every means and tool they could think of.

Maybe some people will accept them out of kindness, but more often they will reject them calmly.

When the confrontation between safety and death reaches its peak, things start to develop in the other direction.

People who had not entered the house began to frantically smash the windows of the houses facing the street, trying to drag others into the same situation as themselves.

Chen looked at this scene silently, already prepared to shoot in advance as a deterrent.


But at this moment, at the end of the street, someone fell.

Immediately afterwards, the breath of death quickly filled the air, and people who witnessed the tragic scene fled frantically for their lives. But what they didn't know was that in front of this colorless and odorless poisonous gas, as long as they saw it, they would be firmly locked by the god of death.

In just ten minutes, the streets became completely quiet.

Chen Chen's whole body was itching uncontrollably, as if he had an allergy, and his stomach was churning.

This kind of impact is definitely not comparable to the casualties on the battlefield. In a daze, Chen Chen recalled the scene when he was ignorant and used washing powder to poison an ant nest when he was a child.

At that time, when he watched the ants crawling out of the ant nest and dying one after another, his physiological reaction was exactly the same as now.

This is the purest fear, the purest disgust.

"Public opinion of the government forces is going to be completely over."

"I dare say people from MI6 will never miss this opportunity. They may have taken the video here."

"Whether it's using a drone or taking real shots on site."

Hearing Xia Xing's words, Chen Chen nodded slightly, but suddenly, he seemed to think of something.

It seems that at this time, the trump card originally reserved for him will be played, right?

Although it is not cost-effective, this may be the only solution as a last resort.

As long as the poison gas incident takes away public attention, Syrian officials will have more time to maneuver around and get rid of the blame that has been placed on their heads.

After a few seconds of silence, he spoke:

"Will not."

"No one cares about what's going on here."

"It's just dozens or hundreds of people killed by poison gas."

"They won't care."

"Because, there will be a piece of news soon that will completely cover up what happened here."

"What news?"

Xia Xing suddenly raised his head and asked in disbelief.

"???what are you saying!?"

“U.S. government agencies will peek into people’s naked chat records.”

Chen Chen took a deep breath and continued:

"I'm saying there is a surveillance program in the United States that will be revealed."

"Compared to the human lives that have nothing to do with them here, they will obviously care more."

"Have my nude chat records on Skype been peeked by the FBI?"

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