Four hours later, the aerosol cloud in the city finally dissipated completely, but under the dim light, dots of yellow traces were left everywhere on the ground.

This is proof of the existence of sarin gas and the source of the main subsequent damage from a gas attack.

The Dongfeng Corps still did not leave the residential building, because the scene on the street at this time could no longer be described as chaos.

The chemical defense force temporarily formed by the government army was racing against time to disinfect the city. The civil defense organization wearing white helmets appeared for the first time and started the rescue just like the arranged script. The Free Army launched a retaliatory attack. NATO's Fighters are also bombing indiscriminately.

There was no chance for them to evacuate, not even the support the fisherman had contacted to get into Tal Rifat.

Through communication with his contacts in Aleppo, Chen Chen finally understood how complicated the current situation was.

Just as he expected, just a few minutes after the gas bomb exploded, Beibei revealed the trump card that was supposed to be used in exchange for greater benefits.

After a series of evidence was exposed, the entire Western world instantly fell into panic and anger.

After all, privacy and freedom have been the hallmarks of the world's beacons since I don't know how many years ago, and they have become symbols of democratic societies like stereotypes.

As a result, you are now telling me that the FBI is monitoring us indiscriminately? !

Are you kidding me? !

What qualifications and rights do you have?

If you want to arrest me, arrest me. You want to check my browsing history and my Skype communication records?

Then don't blame me for rising up.

In just a few hours, not only the Internet world, but also the entire United States was plunged into a huge vortex of public opinion.

In this era, the Western media, especially the American media, is really not as completely reduced to a tool of capital and politics as it was ten years later. Driven by a few media with relatively weak federal control, after the Islamic crisis, the new media The round of virality began.

Huge pressure suddenly fell on Congress, and coupled with previous incidents, the reputation of the U.S. intelligence agencies suddenly fell to the bottom.

If the previous actions of insulting Muslims didn’t seem like that, but just hit the point of anger in the Islamic world and finally triggered a strong backlash, then this time, it is a real deal. .

Immediately afterwards, more details were announced.

Prism, upstream, Google, Yahoo.

The map of the incident was quickly pieced together in a very short period of time, and after that, more direct and critical information was released.

There is cooperation between the US SIGINT (Signals Intelligence Agency) and the British GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters).

GCHQ is involved in Project Prism and has been since early 2010.

A foreign intelligence agency can actually obtain all authorizations to directly access the private information of all "Americans"!

What is this concept?

Where is the dignity of our great America?

Digging deeper, what is GCHQ?

A sister branch of MI6 - in a sense, it is part of MI6 and, like MI6, is under the command of the Joint Intelligence Committee.

This time, MI6 was on fire.

Of course, the north will not miss this opportunity. With the help of the Syrian government, the inside story of the Tal Rifat gas attack was disclosed first. The Syrian government publicly stated that the attack was entirely planned by MI6 and the CIA, and that they He also claimed to have the bodies of these two intelligence agency operatives in his possession!

And the bodies came from SAS and SEAL Team 6 respectively!

This greatly destroyed MI6's foundation for subsequent manipulation of public opinion, but it also meant that the Syrian government forces and NATO had completely turned against each other.

There is no room for change anymore.

Bashar al-Assad was also anxious. He probably thought that he was just going to wrestle with the opposition. At most, the opponent could get equipment support from Turkey and the United States, and everyone would just forget about fighting a proxy war. .

But he never expected that you, NATO, would kill you when you came up. You actually wanted to turn Syria into the second Libya, and you actually wanted to turn me, Bashar, into the second Gaddafi?

There is nothing I can do. Taking a step forward will lead to death, and taking a step back will lead to death. What else can I do?

Turn the table over completely and take off your shoes.

The Syrian government forces made their strongest statement, and large-scale battles began in various areas where the stalemate had been.

Telerifat, Damascus, Eastern Ghouta, Latakia.

Within two hours, the government forces launched a full-scale attack on the Free Army and other opposition groups with a "life-threatening" attitude.

In response to their offensive, NATO had to hastily change its combat plan and send air power to support the Free Army. At the same time, Turkey also stepped up its weapons delivery to the Free Army. In just two hours, 12 Leopard 2 tanks had arrived from the border. Headed to the front line of Tal Rifat and formed a confrontation with the T-72 of the Syrian government army.

The intensity of the battle was instantly heightened. The small town was "crowded" with soldiers coming from all directions. Let alone running away, under the roaring artillery fire, even going out was a luxury.

But the good news is that the Syrian government, which has been extremely ambiguous towards Russia and the north from the beginning of the fighting, finally chose his side.

Looking at the smoke and dust exploding in the distance, Xia Xing turned to Chen Chen with a serious face and said:

"I have received news from the rear that the Syrian military has agreed to send troops to escort the fishermen and escort us out."

"However, the evacuation time they gave is 12 hours later, which is 10 o'clock tomorrow morning."

"We can wait, but the fishermen can't."

"He is dying, we must find a way to keep him alive!"

After hearing Xia Xing's words, Chen Chen turned to Pingchuan.

The latter's hands were covered with blood stains from the wounds. He noticed Chen Chen's eyes. After hesitating for a moment, he said:

"If the blood transfusion can be continued, he can last about 10 more hours."

"But now he needs more than 1,000 milliliters of blood for a transfusion. We only have three types of blood type A and type O here. How can we have so much blood for him to draw?"

"Either government troops send medical personnel here now, or we have to go to the hospital."

"There's only one hospital in Tallifat - you know what I mean?"


Chen Chen nodded slowly, and after thinking for a moment, turned to Xia Xing and asked:

"Can government troops provide medical assistance?"

Xia Xing nodded first, then shook his head and replied:

"We can ask government troops to provide medical assistance, but they can only provide battlefield first aid, and we have actually done this part."

"Only Aleppo has more complete medical conditions, which means we must evacuate the wounded."

"However, the evacuation time is after 12 hours, which is too slow."

"Can't advance?"

Chen Chen continued to ask.

"Absolutely impossible."

"Now the government forces are facing high-intensity attacks and bombings. Even if they dare to send them, we dare not follow them."

"The road from Tal Rifat to Aleppo has been completely cut off. We can only evacuate after the support forces retake the Aleppo road."

"In other words, our only option is to try our luck at the hospital - do you think the hospital has the surgical conditions we need?"

Before Xia Xing could answer, Pingchuan on the side interrupted and said:

"It's possible, but it's just luck."

"Hospitals must be full now. In the past, not only might we not be able to get admitted, but our whereabouts would also be exposed."

"I don't recommend trying this until the last minute."

All options were rejected. Looking at the fisherman who had fallen into a coma, Chen Chen frowned more and more.

If you continue to wait, the fisherman may not be able to hold on.

But if you don't wait, what can you do?

“Supplies are key.”

Chen Chen raised his head and continued:

"Doctor, we have it."

"Pingchuan can complete all necessary subsequent surgical operations by himself. All we need are medical equipment and medicines."

"But the hospitals here, including the military, don't necessarily have what we need."

"We can only get it from other directions."

"But land transportation can't get through. Let's arrange an airdrop."


Xia Xing stared at Chen Chen dumbfounded, and then said:

"I'm afraid we don't have that kind of airdrop capability. Neither does the Syrian military."

"Moreover, the other party has complete air supremacy. At this time, any military aircraft flying over may become a target of NATO attacks."

"It's too dangerous, even more dangerous than land transportation."

"No military channels, no official channels."

Chen Chen shook his head resolutely, and then said:

"I have my own path."

"Since the White Helmets can come over, civil organizations can still get authorization to come over."

"Civil organizations? Who to look for?"

Xia Xing looked confused, but at this time, everyone in the Eastern Corps had already reacted.

"Chai Sri. A Thai company."

10 minutes later, Damascus, Chaisli temporary office.

Here, the two Chaisili account managers who have not yet evacuated have been holding on for a whole month.

I have to say that their little life was actually quite nourishing.

After all, although the situation in the capital is chaotic, large-scale conflicts are mainly concentrated in the periphery. For veterans like them who have already made sufficient material preparations and are used to chaotic situations and adapted to war, The risks are completely controllable, but the opportunities have increased.

In just these two weeks, their customer relations work has made unprecedented progress. They have met many senior officials and expanded their contacts.

They originally planned to use these connections to do more sales work, but what they didn't expect was that their first "war zone job" turned out to be "rescue."

After hanging up the phone, the man named Chaida shook his head, sighed and said:

"It's really not an easy task to fly a plane to Tal Rifat and drop medical supplies."

"Needless to say, route issues and safety issues, just the approval process is a troublesome matter."

"Now that the entire territory of Syria has been banned from flying, the procedures are much more difficult than before, just the two of us."

"We don't need to solve the formalities issue."

Another account manager named A Kang on the other side interrupted him and then said:

"The head office is already in contact with relevant departments and we expect to receive feedback within an hour."

"You know, a chemical weapons attack just occurred there, and medical supplies are in very short supply, so NATO's operation to release medical supplies is quite welcome."

Hearing this, Chaida had a sarcastic smile on his face.

"They think our actions can support them in disguise, right?"

"Of course. The head office will publicize the damage caused by the chemical weapons attack there as promised. This is what they want, but we can't control that much. Let them take advantage first - it's just an advantage in public opinion."


Chaida nodded slowly and continued:

"Then we just need to get the planes and medical supplies."

"I can handle the plane. The distance is 300 kilometers, and a small plane can fly there."

"I can find two Senas light aircraft and drop them multiple times if the one time is not enough. I can completely achieve the target."

"But medical supplies...we have to think about margins."

"The current reserves of supplies are not enough, and the equipment mentioned on the list is not complete."

"Can it be done within two hours?"

"no problem."

Akang nodded without hesitation and then replied:

"The ones inside the hospital must not be moved, but I know where they are."


"Bilal's house."

"Bilal? The internal affairs officer?"

"That's right."

"Why would he give it to you?"

"Because he's running away - he needs to sell off all his valuables and run away to Turkey."

"I just got this information. I originally planned to use it to make a deal with the Bashar government in exchange for a bigger contract, but now it seems that it is more suitable to use it here."

"What a pity. Originally, I thought we could sell a few more armored vehicles."

"No need to feel sorry."

Chaida laughed and comforted:

"If we can successfully deliver medical supplies to Tal Rifat, the benefits we can get will be much greater than the contract for a few armored vehicles."

"Understood. Then don't waste time, let's split up."

"No problem, split up!"

Meanwhile, Tyler Rifat is on the outside.

The 24th STS team has reached their temporary shelter, and the team leader is giving a final briefing on their upcoming mission.

"In this infiltration operation, our goal is to sneak into the city and monitor several key medical supplies storage points."

"The Dongfeng Corps has many wounded, but their medical capabilities are seriously insufficient."

"Coupled with the effects of the poison gas, most supplies are unavailable."

"So, they must find ways to obtain new supplies, and we will be there waiting for them."

"Sit back and wait - this is their idiom."

"Okay, everyone, get ready, we will set off in one hour."

"This is our best chance to annihilate the leader of the Eastern Corps in one fell swoop. Don't let me down!"

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