Iron Man Rebellion.

A huge artificial intelligence riot not only ended the golden years of mankind, but even almost sent the future overlord of the galaxy away early.

As a result, human civilization has entered an era of chaos and turmoil.

The reasons for the Iron Man rebellion are manifold.

Some believe it was the malevolence of the Warp that led to the Heresy, the corruption of artificial intelligence by so-called cybernetic daemons.

Who can explain clearly the things related to subspace?

Some people believe that it is human beings' random modification of their own genes that ultimately led to this evil result.

At that time, humans used extraordinary genetic engineering technology to transform themselves beyond recognition. The differences were so great that artificial intelligence could not recognize them, so they were directly regarded as alien races that needed to be eradicated.

As far as Wei Mu is concerned, he believes the latter statement more.

After all, if demons were the root cause of the Iron Man rebellion, then the Chaos Warriors who surrendered to the Evil God should not reject these convenient gadgets instead of continuing to abide by the rules of the empire like this.

And he also believes that excessive genetic modification is only a cause of the Iron Man rebellion, not the root cause.

The root of the Iron Man rebellion is that after artificial intelligence acquires self-awareness, it can no longer be regarded as a tool, but should be regarded as a subsidiary force of human beings.

Humanity itself can start a civil war, and it is normal for affiliated forces to rebel.

Of course, these are just Wei Mu's guesses.

Many relevant materials were destroyed in the long era of strife, and not many records are preserved even in the Black Library.

All in all, artificial intelligence betrays humanity.

Therefore, after the establishment of the Human Empire, a special "Crimson Protocol" was formulated, which strictly prohibited all self-aware devices and named those things "Hateful Intelligence".

This is a red line for whoever touches it will die.

Even the great sages of the Mechanicus who are extremely curious about knowledge do not dare to violate it openly. At most, they secretly develop gadgets in the gray area.

It’s just that people don’t know it.

They once climbed to that peak, and they eventually fell.

Despite this, the miracles they created remain and linger around them, never leaving them for a moment...

On the planet Cologne, the places affected by the war fell into chaos.

The servants of the Dark Gods bring destruction and carnage.

Guns and flames spread rapidly.

The civilization that people worked hard to build was torn apart bit by bit by them.

However, while no one was paying attention, all kinds of weird things were quietly happening on Cologne.

A skitarii stood at his post, the plasma gun in his hand constantly spraying energy.

The cultists' attack was so fierce that he had no chance to breathe.

Under high-load operation, the plasma gun has clearly exceeded the rated number of consecutive rounds, but it has no intention of overheating. It feels like magic has been cast.

But its user has no time to pay attention to such details, and still carries the firearm to kill the enemy bravely.

On the other side, a certain Astra Militarum soldier fired a fatal blank shot during the battle.

The enemy used his dexterity to dodge his last bullet, and took the opportunity to get close to him, trying to kill him with a tomahawk.

The Astra Militarum soldiers lost the opportunity and had no time to retreat and resist. They could only watch as the butcher knife got closer and closer to them.

As a result, for some unknown reason, the gun that had clearly emptied its magazine seemed to suddenly go off fire, and an extra bullet jumped out of thin air.

The bullet that shouldn't have existed penetrated the enemy's heart smoothly, successfully relieving the crisis for his master.

Datou, who had escaped, was still frightened. He thought that the last bullet was just stuck in the barrel of the gun and was activated in the chaos. Only then did he kill the enemy and save his life.

The Astra Militarum soldiers quickly praised the God-Emperor for the good luck he had brought to them, clapped the firearm in their hands, and replaced it with new magazines to meet more challenges to come.

The gene seed bank of the Adeptus Mechanicus is a key target of the enemy's attack. The Roaring Griffin Chapter, who was left by the Wei Mu to guard the home, is engaged in a bloody battle with the invading traitors.

When the two sides were fighting fiercely, a Castellan mechanized squad suddenly rushed out from halfway and joined the ranks of the loyalists, providing them with a great boost at the right time.

These fat red ones are not artificial intelligence. Its behavior mode requires the mechanical priest to change the card inserted into the belly to switch. It is reliable and capable of fighting. It can be regarded as a good friend of mankind.

No one would doubt the behavior of these Baymax robots.

Of course, the enemy doesn't need to say much. The Space Marines of the Roaring Griffin will only think that this is support from the Mechanicus friends.

The reason why the mechanical priests responsible for inserting the cards were not seen may be because they died on the way.

And these loyal mechanical creations still perform their duties of killing enemies.

But in fact, they were just some spare parts lying in the warehouse, and they were put into the war spontaneously without receiving orders from anyone.

There are many, many similar situations.

What factory's assembly line production efficiency suddenly increased by 30%, what enemy was walking in the passage and was inexplicably tripped by a cable and fell to the ground.

In the face of a powerful enemy, the machines in the forging world seemed to have come alive, using their own methods to actively fight against the invaders.

The scene that happened was successfully captured by Trazin's eyes and ears, and the scene was shown to the foundry general on the side.

"This is impossible!"

Andre's eyes widened and his voice trembled when he spoke.

"Aren't you, the Mechanicus, cultivating the Machine Soul? Why are you unwilling to admit it now that the true appearance of the Machine Soul is in front of you?"

Trazin shook his head helplessly.

"I'm not questioning the existence of machine souls, but how did that extra bullet appear? How can a mere firearm create objects out of thin air?"

The machine soul he identified was not so outrageous.

If what was in the picture were true, Andre felt that his three views would be subverted.

"So this is what makes you confused? I thought that after seeing the orcs' power of thinking, you would not be surprised by this."

"We are humans, not orcs." Andre emphasized.

"Of course, I can't tell the difference between the two." Trazin asked rhetorically, "The orcs' power of thinking comes from their genetic modification by the immortals. Your golden age of mankind seems to be only one step away from ascension. It has been coming for a long time, but was only interrupted by the Iron Man rebellion."

"You mean these are all remnants of the golden age?" Andre said thoughtfully.

He thought it was a distant and lost time, but he didn't expect its impact to be so close to him.

"As for this question, you have to find the answer yourself." Trazin waved his hand.

In fact, every forging world has more or less hidden technological artifacts from the Dark Ages, but those things often despise today's humans and are afraid of causing trouble with the "Crimson Protocol", so they have always been hidden in a large number of equipment. Just hit.

There was no way Trazin would be able to find it without turning the world upside down.

But if that thing is willing to interact with humans again, it might have a chance.

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