I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 159 Empathy Annihilation

With the secret assistance of the Machine Souls, the Imperial soldiers fought hard against the incoming Chaos army.

When Andre dispatched the reserve team, the situation gradually stabilized.

The balance of victory slowly began to tilt toward the loyalists.

But then, as people expected, the Dark Wolf took advantage of the Empire's force allocation and launched a surprise attack on the construction site of the Black Stone Obelisk.

Led by Skala himself, ten Terminator veterans opened the way, followed by two hundred Chaos Space Marines, charging towards the target with great momentum.

Their offensive was very fierce.

Blessed by the Dark Gods, the destructive power of these Chaos Space Marines reaches an astonishing level.

Crazy demonic engines spit out flames full of destruction, and all kinds of witchcraft and evil spells are flying in the sky.

The Imperial defense forces remaining at the construction site suffered heavy losses in just half an hour.

The traitors easily broke through layers of defenses and turned the loyalist positions into bloody slaughterhouses.

Andre remotely controlled more than a dozen Baymax robots, constantly strafing the invading enemy forces on the front line. The supercomputing system on his body assisted ballistic adjustment, and the dense firepower network crossed the battlefield like raindrops.

But this obviously cannot stop the enemy's advance.

The Great White robots were knocked down one by one under the precise fire of the Chaos Space Marines, and the powerful power of the bombs pierced their bodies like bitten apples.

The empire's defenses were gradually weakening.

"If you have any strategies to defeat the enemy, now is the time to come up with them."

If the Necron Overlord beside him is not reliable enough, Andre will have no choice but to interrupt the enemy's attack by blowing up the entire city block.

"Don't worry General Cast, the situation is still under control."

Trazin looked at ease.

He first threw out ten useful bodies around him, and then put away the soul stones in the body to avoid accidents. Then he held his long staff and slowly walked towards the Chaos Warriors attacking from the front.

Trazin walked slowly, like a stooped old man.

It's just that physical movement doesn't matter. The powerful phase transfer technology allows him to teleport several kilometers away instantly.

He suddenly appeared in front of the enemy.

It was a gap in the wall blown out by a shell. The deadly heat around it had not dissipated. The ruins were red like lava and thick smoke was rising.

A large number of enemies are pouring in from there, and the raid is a matter of seconds.

Space Marines can also use power armor to insulate themselves from the heat, while cultists rely purely on their faith in the dark evil god.

Even though their skin was red, swollen and scorched, they still rushed forward madly.

The place where Trazin chose to appear was not a good stage, and the timing of his appearance was not even the right one.

"You of the original destroyers"

He opened his mouth to say something.

However, the Chaos Warriors who were charging did not want to listen to him and directly blew his head off with a bullet with dark runes.

As the green energy dissipated and disappeared, the body constructed of living metal quickly lost its functions and collapsed on the ground.

Trazin was forced to transfer consciousness and returned to Andre's side.

"Those stupid beasts with no manners!"

Trazin, who entered the spare body, cursed loudly.

"So the situation is under control?"

Looking at the undead overlord who was sent back, General Forge had mixed emotions.

He didn't even get out for five seconds, so it was too fast.

"It's just a little incident, don't panic yet."

Trazin quickly regained his composure and spoke to comfort him.

But this was only a superficial reaction. Trazin was actually furious inside.

The humiliated Undead Overlord decided to regain his position and teleported himself to the battlefield again.

This time, Trazin, who appeared in front of the Chaos army, directly knocked down a cultist and trampled it under his feet.

The mortal cultists were forced to disarm, but still refused to surrender.

He chanted the names of the dark gods and tore at the metal bodies of the undead with his bare hands.

Seeing this, other nearby enemies took the opportunity to swarm forward, attacking the ribs alien in front of them from all directions.

For such a rare prey, I believe the Blood God would be loyal to this metal head.

One person faced nearly twenty people. Even if Trazin had three heads and six arms, it was difficult to deal with these crazy followers of the evil god.

But he doesn't need three heads and six arms, he has something better.

I saw the undead overlord picking up the staff in his hand. The magical staff shone with cosmic energy from ancient times, and was as dazzling as a ignited star.


Trazin struck the cultist beneath her with the Staff of Empathic Annihilation.

The blade on the head of the staff can easily cut into pieces the cultist's body, but the effect of the attack goes far beyond that.

A powerful energy burst out from the cultist's body, and the shock wave spread around in a cone shape.

It burned the fragile nerves of those flesh and blood bodies, roasting them into charred corpses.

As the staff was swung out, a large number of people around him collapsed on the ground.

Several Chaos Space Marines who were closer did not understand the principle of the weapon and had no time to dodge. They were also involved in the terrible energy impact. Their extraordinary bodies and sophisticated power armor were not able to save their lives.

He just casually killed a small soldier, and a group of people died from inexplicable range damage.

"What kind of magic is this!"

The dazzling light prevented everyone present from looking directly at the situation ahead, and the traitors were forced to instinctively retreat to the rear.

Now, they were finally able to listen to Trazin's words.

"Leave this planet, minions of Chaos, so that you can have a chance to survive. Your attack is destined to fail."

Trazin pulled the staff out of the victim's body and shook it slightly, as if the thing had once again become a tool used to assist the elderly in walking, rather than some outrageous ancient artifact.

The Staff of Empathy and Annihilation is said to have originated from the hand of an ancient sage.

When an enemy is killed by the Staff of Empathic Annihilation, a psychic shockwave erupts from the target's body, killing other nearby creatures with the same idea.

In addition, the staff can tear apart various defenses and seals, the principles of which even Necron technicians cannot understand.

That's why Trazin can easily break into other people's homes and pick up things.

In the eyes of humans, this is mythical power.

"Damn the alien, you can't stop us, you can't stop the will of the dark gods!"

Skala roared loudly after recovering from her brief blindness.

"Dark Gods?" Trazin laughed, "The promises given by the Original Destroyer are nothing more than ridiculous lies."

"When you are torn into pieces, you will know whether the oracles of the gods are lies." Skala said viciously, "Fire with all your strength and kill him!"

The Chaos Warriors pulled the triggers one after another, and bullets rained down on Trazin.

The Necron Overlord calmly moved himself ten meters to the right platform, then took out a multi-dimensional Rubik's Cube from his arms, and an entire Necron force was immediately released.

Luxurious equipment and majestic military appearance.

The light of destruction emitted by the Gaussian weapon is devastating.

With such an army that had once challenged the living gods standing in front of them, the Chaos Lord had no chance of getting close to his target.

Unless he prays to the dark gods for more power.

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