I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 105 Fujiwara Chika wants to escape

"Senior Qianhua, are you really planning not to study?"

Ishigami looked at Chika Fujiwara, who was already smiling and playing in front of a large monitor with a game console handle, and gave a kind reminder at the end.

It was because she believed deeply in the words of Kaguya Shinomiya and President Shirogane that Chika Fujiwara showed no signs of studying even when the final exam was approaching.

The courage to play games during exams

It's like rushing to enjoy your last life before dying!

Maybe Chika Fujiwara was always average and could be considered a top student in addition to her personality, but now this girl has become addicted to games and cannot extricate herself.

Whether he can rest on his laurels and maintain his original results is still unknown.

If this continues

Thousands of flowers are almost turning into "waste flowers"!


Ishigami is also partly responsible for this. He is now the young master of Ren Tiantang. There are as many game consoles as you want, so Ishigami, who has achieved the freedom of game consoles, moved a series of top consoles and external devices directly to the student union here. If you want, you can play the latest games anytime and anywhere in the student union. game. (Not limited to Niten Tendo games)

He also thoughtfully prepared different limited edition game console controllers based on the seniors in the student union. President Shirogane is blue, Shinomiya-senpai is red, and Chika-senpai is pink.

Ishigami's own is black

President Shirogane would occasionally play with Ishigami, and Shinomiya-senpai seemed to enjoy watching them play more than playing games.

Ishigami could see the use time of different game console controllers from the background, and one color directly outnumbered other colors with overwhelming game time.

Plant trees on the rocks and enjoy the shade with thousands of flowers.

He made this decision to facilitate himself, but now the biggest beneficiary has directly become Chika Fujiwara!

Because her family is very strict with her family, she is not allowed to play these games. But Chika Fujiwara herself has been taking advantage of loopholes, such as joining the tabletop game department (there is no normal person in the TG department, Chika Fujiwara just raised the average level.), and her habit of playing FGO based on the rendering of the people inside.

Ishigami had seen Chika-senpai half-buried in the bushes before and seemed to be struggling. He quickly pulled her out from there.

Ishigami angrily helped her clean the branches and leaves on her head and body, but Chika Fujiwara just held up the picture on the screen and couldn't wait to share it with him.

"Look, Ishigami-kun."

The girl's heartfelt smile at that time was quite unforgettable, and he still remembered it.

The girl who looked very embarrassed seemed to be glowing.


Just like the flower language of daisies symbolizes: pure and innocent happiness.

The girl's smile shines like the warm sun

Joy couldn't stop overflowing from her eyes

It would be fine if there was no next sentence

It really disappoints the scenery

"I found the Pokemon I wanted!"

With a click, the artistic conception created is gone.

Ishigami also remembered his mood at that time, which was that he couldn't stop sighing.

Why does this person have a mouth? The atmosphere was completely destroyed when he opened his mouth.

"This senior is really an idiot."

Therefore, although Ishigami is angry in daily life, he is still very tolerant of Fujiwara Chika's little temper.

Shinomiya Kaguya was right, Ishigami was really too used to Chika Fujiwara.

This resulted in Fujiwara Chika's fun-loving temperament intensifying under the convenience (indulgence) provided by the boy.

"Oh, did I do something wrong?"

Fujiwara Chika's voice interrupted Ishigami's reflection

"Yu-kun, what are you talking about?"

Fujiwara Chika showed a confident expression after hearing Ishigami's words. She freed up one hand to shake her index finger and made a clicking sound.

The girl's behavior seemed to make Ishigami completely wrong. She was not simply fishing but doing something serious.

"I'm not playing games."

"I'm just pursuing the unity of spirit and soul."

Then Fujiwara Chika said proudly in a sly tone

"Youjun, you are such a forgetful ghost."

"Didn't the president say that this is the most effective way to improve performance?"

After she finished speaking, she continued to put her hands on the game console handle and fight hard.

"That's right, Yuu-kun."

"Bring me the happy water on the table, I can't spare it now."

"Senior Qianhua, do you want me to help you unscrew it?"

"Then it's best to feed you, right?"

Ishigami stood behind the girl with a cold aura, pulling on the rope he took out from the cabinet, already eager to try.

Little does she know that the boy who was very indulgent to her in the past has become the most dangerous existence.

The situation is obviously extremely urgent!

But I have no consciousness

Chika Fujiwara, who was focused only on playing games, actually nodded happily.

"Well, you are indeed Yu-kun."

"You really understand me very well, hey hey."


Since it was a big mistake I made, I must correct it.



Correct the mistake!

"Ellie, freeze the server."

Ishigami spoke to the mobile phone with a cold tone.

"As you command, Master."

Ellie on the screen nodded.

In less than 0.001 seconds, the game screen on the 160-inch 16K curved screen that could have brought the most shocking visual experience was instantly stuck.

"What's going on? Is it stuck?"

"Ah, I'm so annoyed."

"Obviously the boss still has the last bit of blood!"

Chika Fujiwara patted the host next to her with an annoyed look on her face, then turned to look at Ishigami

"Yu-kun, this seems to be broken."


But the scene in front of her made her very doubtful whether this man was still the person Chika Fujiwara knew originally.

She had a trace of fear mixed with hesitation, and the fact that she didn't get up and run away immediately was her last sign of trust in Ishigami.


Ishigami did not speak, but walked towards Fujiwara Chika expressionlessly.

This is something Chika Fujiwara has never seen before, cold and unfamiliar.

The style of painting has changed directly, from a delicate girl's comic to a horror and thriller comic.

The dimensional gap caused by breaking the wall

To finish

who is this man

Return the original Yujun to her quickly.

Every time he took a step closer, Fujiwara Chika trembled and knelt on the ground, using her hands to support her and take a step back.

Until there is no retreat!

Fujiwara Chika leaned against the cold wall with her arms around herself, but it still couldn't bring a sense of security.

Ishigami picked up the rope in his hand and faced her with a friendly smile.

"Senior Chika"

"Can you go with me for a while?"

Fujiwara Chika smiled dryly and changed the topic.

"I hate it, Yuu-kun."

"Is this a popular joke?"

"How can you use something like a rope to invite a girl?"

"Sorry, I suddenly remembered that I have something else to do."

"So next time, Yuu-kun!"

Chika Fujiwara stood up in a rolling state, not even wanting to pack her things away.

Now she just wants to escape!

She said in a very hasty tone

"See you tomorrow, Yuu-kun."

But before she could run away, a strong hand grabbed Fujiwara Chika's collar behind her back and prevented her from moving.

Chika Wei Fujiwara

She felt a chill surge into her back, and a devil-like whisper came directly to her ears.

"Senior, where do you want to run?"

Ishigami touched Chika Fujiwara’s head

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

But Chika Fujiwara, who was already frightened, is so easy to comfort.

The girl's eyes were filled with tears. She took a deep breath and shouted to the sky

"Pace, come and save me."


However, Pace was still lazily basking in the sun at this moment, and he yawned.

Little did he know what kind of hell his master was about to face.

"It seems like just saying a little bit about this will be enough."

A girl with long black hair and thick, large glasses came to the empty student union room.

At this moment, the big screen in the student union room has turned into a snowflake screen for some reason, and the sound of Salsa's busy tone makes the atmosphere here become quite weird.

If the girl looked carefully, she would find that there was a lonely black bow lying on the ground behind the sofa, unnoticed.

She followed the instructions and groped for the hidden compartment on the wall, and when she pressed it, she immediately got a response.

The sound of mechanical gears turning came

Soon the originally heavy cabinet was moved away under the influence of hydraulic pressure, and the girl let out a small exclamation when she saw the exposed stairs.

"So there is still a place like this hidden in the student union room?"

Although it looked a bit eerie, the girl did not stop and watch but walked in.

As she disappeared down the stairs, the cupboard door closed.

And this staircase leads to the deepest part

There is a rather spacious room made of stone walls, which looks quite quaint due to the erosion of time.

A "pop" sound

There seemed to be the sound of something colliding, which was quite jarring in the silent environment.

Also accompanied by a sharp whistling sound

But there is a slight difference

Because there are still girls whimpering

Simply using the brightness of a red candle to illuminate this room is simply not enough. Basically 85% of the area is still in darkness.

The weak light shone on an expressionless face, flickering on and off, and the faint candlelight reflected on the pair of blue pupils made it look oppressive.

This man is Ishigami

He has a pointer in his hand

The crisp sound just now was made by this thing. It seemed like it was hitting someone on the desk, but it was actually hitting someone's heart.

Ishigami saw a figure emerging from the stairs

"You came at the right time, Xiaobo."

Xiaobo saw the pointer in Xiaoyu's hand in the dark environment, and Fujiwara Chika tied with a rope on the chair next to him. That girl was quite pitiful with tears on her face. Her mouth was sealed with tape and she couldn't speak but could only make whimpering sounds.

The chair under Chika Fujiwara seems to be fixed to the ground with screws, which is quite intriguing combined with the dark brown marks on the surrounding stone walls.


Xiaobo's expression couldn't be clearly seen through her wide glasses, so she helplessly held her forehead.

"What new way of playing is this?"

The three of them are currently located directly above the student union room downstairs. This is a unique cave behind the cabinet in the student union room. Shuchiin has an extremely long history and has existed as early as 1700. This secret room was built secretly by the predecessors during their sports.

Then it was discovered by Ishigami by chance, and he made some minor modifications so that it could be used normally.

An idle move comes in handy now.

"I haven't tried this before."

"But I will try my best to be patient."

"So be gentle..."

Ishigami was slightly confused when he saw Xiaobo walking forward with a red face, stretching out his arms and saying some strange words.

"Xiaobo, what's wrong with you?"

Kobo pointed at Fujiwara Chika who was still struggling next to him.


"You called me here, didn't you just want to turn me into Fujiwara-senpai?"

Ishigami was stunned for a second, then retorted

"I wouldn't do that!"

"This senior is disobedient. She always wants to run away. That's why I treat her like this."

he sighed

"If she obeys honestly, I won't be violent."

"It turns out it's not what I imagined."

Xiaobo's tone was a little disappointed

Ishigami picked up his finger and tapped her head gently, and said helplessly

It's obviously still daytime, what are you thinking about?

"Xiaobo, it's impossible for you to do strange things in school."

"It's not because you don't know what you are busy with recently, and you don't even go home."

Xiaobo's very dissatisfied tone was filled with resentment, and she complained in a low voice

Now it is a daily routine for her to take a detour to Ishigami's house after school, otherwise Torataro would starve to death as a cat at home and have to be responsible for shoveling poop.

It's like a single-parent family

Can be tiring

And the most important thing is that I feel like there is a missing piece in my heart, especially when I sleep at night, it feels empty and lonely.

This was all the fault of the man in front of me who disappeared as soon as school was over.

I couldn't help but feel happy when I saw the message I received on my phone screen, because it said I was coming alone. Xiaobo thought it was time to be alone for a long time, but he didn't expect that he also brought an oil bottle with him.


"So men really can't do it!"

I say I love you, but you always disappear without a trace, not even a human figure.

"Sorry, Xiaobo."

"Due to some unspeakable factors, I've been a little busy recently."

The place where Ishigami lives recently is the base of his private armed forces. It is quite troublesome to research and analyze those things. We don’t have enough experimental equipment on hand, so we have to order it from overseas. This leads to a large error without equipment, and the workload increases.

Xiaobo shook his head and touched his lips with a finger.

"It doesn't matter. If you don't want to say it, you don't have to say it."

Although she said so, she actually cared about it in her heart. If possible, she still wanted to know this indescribable feeling.

So Xiaobo didn't ask further, and she walked next to Fujiwara Chika. He wiped the frightened unfortunate child's face with a tissue.

If Iino knew the person he admired the most, he would probably go crazy with this look right now.

Xiaobo looked at Xiaoyou

"So, what are you here for today?"

Ishigami blew out the candle, then patted it with his hand. Upon hearing this specific frequency, the room immediately became as bright as day.

A blackboard hidden in the darkness and a large stack of test papers were revealed.

"Of course it's learning."

Big Buddha and Xiaobo age ranking 160

There are 199 first-year students in Shuchiin.

In short, she is actually a very hidden idiot!

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