I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 106 Everything about you is in my hands


"Get out of the way, get out of the way."

Chika Fujiwara, who looked frightened, kept pushing away the classmates in front of her and running in the corridor, as if there was some savage beast chasing her behind.

"Why do I have to go through this!"


"Normally Chika Fujiwara would not use foul language, but it is true that the last experience was too terrifying."

"That's hell."

"It's okay if I can't play games."

"But that bad guy actually forced her to eat the dried fish she didn't like the most. It smelled so fishy!"

Fujiwara Chika still remembered Yujun with a terrifying smile on his face, while taking out a handful of dried fish and stuffing it directly into her mouth.

The disgusting smell made the girl retch.

"It is also said that dried small fish is rich in dodecahexaenoic acid and can enhance memory."

"That's the devil!"

It was also the first time for Chika Fujiwara to see a test paper nearly half a meter high, which was placed in front of her with a bang.


Ishigami looked as if he had sentenced Fujiwara Chika to death, with a large bowl full of dried fish and a large stack of test papers.

"As long as you eat one more dried fish, you can write one less test paper."

"Absolutely, absolutely!"

"I don't want to go back."

Fujiwara Chika hugged her body while running, and her feet were faster than before.

Thanks to Chika Fujiwara's physical strength, endurance and speed far exceeding those of ordinary girls, she is not tired even if she runs long distances.

"Huh, if you want to exhaust my strength, Master Qianhua, I'll do it anyway."

It was difficult not to attract everyone's attention to this abnormal scene.

After all, Chika Fujiwara is a famous figure in Shuchiin with many roles: she is a good friend of Kaguya Shinomiya, and she is also the secretary of the student union. She is very beautiful, well... she has a good figure.

So basically everyone knows this lively girl, so why do everyone turn a blind eye to this time when they need help the most, acting like nothing has happened, for fear of getting involved with Fujiwara Chika.

Because the person she provokes has the most complex aura since Shuchiin was founded, and everyone is taboo on it.

"Head of Shuchiin's Underground Organization Department", "Sleeping Tyrant", "Cold King", "Shuchiin's Strongest Man", "Ship King", "Shuchiin's Most Fierce Tiger"...

The name of a person, the bark of a tree.

There are only wrong names, not wrong nicknames.

And the guy covered by this series of halos

"That man, he's here!"

In just a moment, an unimaginable sense of pressure covered the corridor, and even the seniors of Shuchiin couldn't help but make way for him to pass.

Take your time

Even though everyone was paying attention, Ishigami was still walking leisurely like a king reviewing his troops.

His face is as cold as ice now, and he is holding Shuchiin's second-grade Mandarin book in his hand (this is Fujiwara Chika's weakest subject, D!). He exudes a breathless low pressure.

"That stupid senior!"

Normally, Ishigami might be quite friendly, but it's strange that his expression turned nice when faced with Chika Fujiwara, who was running away like a rabbit and didn't want to learn.

"But what's the use..."

Ishigami looked at the retreating figure and shook his head helplessly.

"It's just a fearless struggle."

"I allow you to run three kilometers first. If you fail, I will lose."

He took out his phone and looked at the pink point moving at high speed on the screen and said in a cold tone.

"You have everything in my hands."

On the top floor of a teaching building in Shuchiyuan, Shinomiya Kaguya held the latest issue of the campus daily in her hand.

The eye-catching title above reads

"Heartless man! The student union secretary who ran away like crazy and the man who has to say something behind her." (Written by the ace of the News Department, "Ji Wanmei")

Shinomiya Kaguya chuckled lightly

Now she can still see Pink Hair running under the sun from the window here.

"This is really embarrassing."


She also heard about it: Ishigami-kun opened a cram school for Fujiwara-san and the little lover from the Discipline Committee.

"You must study hard and don't let down Ishigami-kun's good intentions."

Shinomiya Kaguya picked up the tea cup and took a sip, but her smile did not last long.

Now there was a haze on her face again, because she couldn't worry about the person next to her.

There are hundreds of millions of worries.

Shinomiya Kaguya's mood is particularly complicated now. She is the one who knows Hayasaka best in the world.

Hayasaka will only bury everything in his heart and bear it silently.

They were chasing figures outside the window, and Hayasaka probably felt uncomfortable.

They can run openly in the sun without fear of other people's eyes, but can she?

There is no real freedom in this world. Shinomiya Kaguya knows that Shuchiyuan is just a golden cage built for her by her elder brother. (The chairman of Shuchiin is Shinomiya Huangguang)

Others see Shinomiya Kaguya as a beautiful eldest lady, but she was deprived of many rights that ordinary people had but she could not enjoy since she was born.

The same goes for Hayasaka

Although he was very reluctant to leave her, Shinomiya Kaguya hoped from the bottom of his heart that she would find a good home.

At least you don't have to be like her.

However, Hayasaka's fate seems to be a big problem at present.


Shinomiya Kaguya just put herself in the image of President Shirogane and other girls openly making love to each other in front of the world, and she couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to kill someone.

What's more, there is more than one Hayasaka.

This is far beyond the pressure of ordinary people

And Shinomiya Kaguya knows what kind of crybaby is underneath the mask of this outwardly strong girl.

In her imagination, Hayasaka was so resigned that she was about to cry, but she just held it back. Her heart is even more fragile, like a pitiful porcelain doll, already covered with cracks.

So she didn't dare to say what she wanted to say.

Shinomiya Kaguya is so confused now that she is almost going crazy.

"She may be the only one in the world who feels so miserable as a master."


"You obviously care so much."

"Then you go too!"

"do not care!"

Shinomiya Kaguya looked at Hayasaka who was also looking out the window and didn't know what he was thinking, he pondered for a moment and said


Hearing the eldest lady's voice, Hayasaka took his eyes away from the two people running freely under the sun.

She replied with a cold voice

"Yes, Miss Kaguya."

Shinomiya Kaguya pretended to fold the newspapers on the table casually and asked in the most ordinary voice.

"Speaking of which, the final exam is coming soon, Hayasaka, are you ready?"

"Listen up, our Shinomiya family is the most perfect."

"Naturally, you can't lag behind in your academic performance."

Shinomiya Kaguya was like a door-to-door marketer. She patted her chest to make her voice more reliable.

"But that's okay."

"Ishigami-kun, an outstanding cadre of our student union, has established a "worry-free" self-study room to advocate for improving the performance of students who have learning difficulties."

"Although Ishigami-kun is a first-year student, his academic level is more than enough for me to teach second-year students."

"It's especially suitable for students like you, Hayasaka, who are always in the middle of the grade."

"As long as you come, you will gain something."


"Hey, Hayasaka!"

"Are you really listening to me?"

Shinomiya Kaguya was trying her best to praise Ishigami-kun's study session so that Hayasaka would be tempted. The result was a sneer from the girl, which made Shinomiya Kaguya's tone suddenly rise a lot.

Who do you think I did this for?

Shinomiya Kaguya cursed angrily in her heart

"Haasaka is a big idiot!"

"Sorry, sorry."

"Miss, I really can't help it."

Feeling that the eldest lady seemed angry, Hayasaka, who had just covered his mouth, regained his composure.

Because looking at the study room opened by the eldest lady who solemnly praised her "excellent relatives", she didn't repeat any nice words. If you don't go, it will be like missing out on 100 million.

I never knew that Miss Kaguya had such a good professional level. Obviously, I had relied on some small tricks before, so it was really difficult for her.

"I don't need it, Miss Kaguya."

"Why? Ahem"

Shinomiya Kaguya, who was drinking water to regain her mood, almost choked. The good guy talked to himself for a long time, his mouth was dry and he was lonely.

"Because I am very satisfied with my results, Miss."

Hayasaka Ai handed Miss Kaguya a napkin, she shook her head and replied

"That's all, Miss."

"My friends have sent me messages, so please excuse me."


Shinomiya Kaguya saw Hayasaka leaving his back and stretched out his hand to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

After Hayasaka walked out of the empty classroom, she leaned on the wall

lips parted

"Miss Kaguya is a big idiot."

"Always doing unnecessary things."

Obviously medium is enough for me.

Hayasaka Ai's grade ranking is 114 and has always been that way. Just because 114/192 is approximately equal to 60%, which is the average level of the grade. (192 is the total number of sophomores)

She is a veritable point control boss!

"Inconspicuous, unobtrusive."

"That's enough."

Of course love is...

After all, girls are easily satisfied

In fact, this is also part of Hayasaka Ai's coward nature. When she gets something, she is afraid of losing it and doesn't ask for more.

"I'm different from them..."

She was only raised as Miss Kaguya's shadow, and she was happy to get this hard-won.

"The shadow is always black with lies."

"Even if you are in the sun, your shadow is still dark."

"It won't fade away in the sun."

"So that's enough."

Hayasaka Ai stood up and left. What dissipated in the wind was the girl's melancholy.

As the subject of arrest, Chika Fujiwara looked around nervously, and finally breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that the surrounding environment was safe.

"It should be right here."

She quietly came to an office, then unscrewed the door handle and slipped in.

"Hmph, even if Yujun tried to break his head, he wouldn't have thought that I would come here."


"Shh, shh!"

Chika Fujiwara, who was squatting on the ground, looked at the person who made the sound very nervously and put her index finger on her mouth.

"Shh, keep your voice down and don't talk."

"I'm running from evil bad guys."

"Bad guy?"

The brown-haired girl was very surprised. It turned out that there were bad guys hiding in Xiuzhiyuan.

Seeing the girl obediently keeping quiet, Chika Fujiwara's heart finally fell to the ground.

Her smile contains the same amazing kindness that can dispel people's vigilance

"By the way, if I remember correctly, you are Iino-san."

"Yes, Fujiwara-senpai."

Xiaozayu blushed and nodded.

But there was already a storm in her heart

"Oops, it's the living Fujiwara-senpai."

"And she knows my name."

"So happy!"

Iino, who became very shy because she met her idol, nodded sheepishly. She was more flattered now.

Looking at Iino with a silly smile, Fujiwara Chika muttered

"There seems to be some discrepancy."

Fujiwara Chika once heard that there was a particularly stubborn and shameless disciplinary committee member among the first-year students, but he actually appeared in front of her.

Fujiwara Chika only felt that this child looked so easy to deceive, and he was the kind of orphan who helped count money after being sold.

"But it doesn't matter, as long as she doesn't take action."

Chika Fujiwara is currently in the Discipline Committee, which is considered one of Yujun's base camps. The pair of disciplinary committee members are also people who cannot be messed with in Xiuzhiyuan, because he is behind them.

Under Chika Fujiwara's trick, Iino, who was pulled into the water by her, directly transformed into a tea-server and poured water.

She took out all the refreshments that the Discipline Committee used to entertain distinguished guests.

"Fujiwara-senpai, please."

Chika Fujiwara is now hiding under Iino's desk. If there is a desk blocking her here, Yukun should be the one to find it.

She sat cross-legged on the ground to receive these tributes, and then ate happily.

"Thank you, Iino-san."

Chika Fujiwara just happened to be hungry, so she stuffed her mouth with these things, and murmured indistinctly.

When Iino heard this, she quickly moved her hands, and she played with her hair with her fingers.

"Fujiwara-senpai, just call me Yako."

Chika Fujiwara ate the snack in her hand in one gulp and nodded happily.

"Well, Miko!"

Iino hugged the document board tightly with both hands, her face flushed and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Just as Chika Fujiwara's mind appeared

“It’s the right time to come here.”

"There's food and drink."

The door suddenly opened, and then a familiar and cold voice came.

"Yo, Iino."

Fujiwara Chika instantly remembered the fear of being dominated by that man, and she covered her mouth with both hands to prevent herself from making any sound.

"What are you doing."

Originally still immersed in her own world and achieving the achievement of her idol calling her name, Iino immediately became unhappy when she heard this voice.

Because it would remind her that she was always underneath this hateful guy.

Especially in a special situation like the final exam, the relationship between the first grader and the second grader is even more incompatible.

Iino wanted to answer, but she suddenly saw Fujiwara-senpai shaking her head and gesturing desperately to convey her eyes.

It seems that once you answer, you will become unfortunate. This caused her to swallow the words on her lips.

"It's nothing, I'm just sorting out the files."

Chika Fujiwara was relieved when she heard this sentence, but fortunately it was not missed.


Ishigami looked around, as if looking for some trace. The locator is obviously here, which means that Qianhua-senpai is also somewhere here.

Then there is only one place

That was the desk next to Iino's current body, a certain pink-haired hiding place.

Oh, but it’s a bit sad.

The serious Iino actually lied to me because of Chika-senpai.

This is really, quite interesting.

Ishigami raised the corners of his mouth slightly and spoke loudly so that someone could hear him.

"Then I won't disturb you, Iino."

Fujiwara Chika heard the sound of the room door being closed, just when she clenched her fists hard to vent her joy.

I heard a voice coming from above the table

"Senior Chika, the game is over."

"The next step is punishment time~"

Thanks to Bigaqiu for his 2 monthly tickets

Thanks to Rangers for the 2 monthly passes

Thanks to the flower boy next door for the 2 monthly passes

Thanks for August Gugugu’s monthly ticket

Thanks to Lightning Silver Wolf for your monthly pass

Thank you Jiangye for your monthly ticket

Thanks to book friend 20190401002957480 for your monthly ticket

Thank you Die for your monthly ticket

Thanks to Thomas_ Train for the monthly ticket

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