I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 108 I’m still on the road to being a bad guy today

A series of strange elements such as blindfolds, ropes, balls in the mouth, girls of appropriate age, cameras at work, dark secret rooms, etc. make up the current scene.

Not to mention that there are scalpels, glass plates, nail clippers, dental drills, electric saws, sharp scissors and other intriguing things on the table.

Oh, I almost forgot that there is also a special gadget, which is a Noble Phantasm dedicated to Chika Fujiwara. She should like it, Ishigami is particularly confident about it.

No matter which of them is something that should not appear in the daily series, they happen to appear together and these are all part of the punishment game.

"The actors are in place and the props are OK."

"Please advise."

General Manager Xiaobo reported the current situation to Chief Planner Ishigami very calmly.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, Xiaobo."

"Then let's get started."

Ishigami looked at the two girls with their hands tied to the chair and smiled, especially the pink haired one who was used to being tied by him and had a fearless look on her face.

He showed a meaningful smile

"I will definitely make you cry later."

"Bad children should be educated well, only then can they become good children, Qianhua-senpai."

Chika Fujiwara, who had no idea that a disaster was imminent, was indeed as calm as Ishigami thought.

After all, I have experienced a lot in the past few days and gone through all kinds of hardships (this is the first time in my life that I have been chased by a man with such a fierce offensive).

After being persecuted by Ishigami ("Pace") again and again, Chika Fujiwara has grown into a woman who doesn't know what fear is, and her inner strength is no longer comparable to what she was before.

After the upgrade from Thousand Blossoms 1.0 to Thousand Blossoms 2.0, the horror of the Earth's Cancer has also skyrocketed.

Although she couldn't see due to the blindfold, Chika Fujiwara could still feel the fear of Yako-chan next to her.

Because she heard the girl's helpless whimpering like a puppy abandoned by its mother, full of sadness and helplessness.

She had a lot of emotions inexplicably

"So the newcomer just can't keep his composure."

"It would be nice to be tied up like me a few more times."

"Come on, Yako-chan."

Fujiwara Chika silently prayed for Iino

"Just get used to it, there's nothing to be afraid of."

"I wonder what Yu-kun can do today, I'm really looking forward to it."

It’s over. Chika Fujiwara has been persecuted for too long and is going further and further down a strange road.

Obviously the distance between them is only one meter, but the moods of the two people who are also tied to the chairs are really very different.

"woo woo woo woo"

Unlike Chika Fujiwara, who was as stable as an old dog and still looking forward to it, Iino, who was wearing a blindfold, was tied up for the first time, whimpering indistinctly.

Even though the rope Ishigami carefully selected was not particularly rough, but a delicate rope that would not hurt the girl's delicate skin. But unable to withstand Iino's constant efforts, many bright red marks still appeared on her wrists.

Ishigami noticed it, and at a speed that Iino could not detect, he relaxed the rope a little without letting the girl break free, so that it would not be so uncomfortable.

After all, he is not a devil, he just wants to satisfy his own evil taste.

The marks on the girl's wrist were actually the result of Iino's restraint. After all, the two people he was most "familiar" with were standing next to him. Just holding on to the possibility that they were kidding her. But jokingly, this level has already been exceeded.

She couldn't move her hands, couldn't see the darkness in front of her, and the little ball forced her mouth to remain open, unable to speak.

But it was these two people who made her into this scene that she had only seen on unsound websites. Iino's heart was quite broken.

Regarding the next plot, she swallowed a mouthful and had some guesses. While Ishigami and the others were debugging the equipment, Iino's mind had generated dozens of gigabytes of scenes that were inconvenient to describe, with different plots. For example, one of Iino's current concerns is that she is really afraid that when she takes off her blindfold, she will see many unknown bald brothers greeting her with a smile when she opens her eyes.

Although it is true that Iino likes bald heads, she is absolutely unwilling to make her the heroine.

Iino originally felt something was wrong when he first saw the camera, but there were too many people on the field.

Fujiwara-senpai, there are three of me and Kobo, three of us!

Let’s first say that it’s not Iino who looks down on Ishigami, it’s just that he thinks he can’t stand this number. She had searched for information before, and the limit of the group battle with Lu Bu was emm. She couldn't say it out loud. Anyway, Iino didn't think Ishigami was that good, so she let her guard down.

When Xiaobo smiled and tied a rope for her, put on a blindfold, and that subtle little ball, this feeling of discomfort reached its extreme.

She suddenly realized that she could still call people, but she had suffered the consequences of her youth and carelessness after all.

Damn Ishigami, he must have started planning it from that time (Chapter 5 Cat Ears)!

First test our bottom line step by step, and break through the bottom line again and again. When we look back, we have already sunk.

But besides being angry at the boy, Iino already had a guess about Xiaobo that she didn't dare to think about or ask.

Xiaobo, Xiaobo. She

It is very likely that she has fallen into Ishigami's clutches, thinking about Xiaobo being done by Ishigami to do such and such things.

Iino's heart hurts so much

"Xiaobo, aren't we friends?"

It's all Ishigami's fault. There's no way that gentle little Bo would do such a thing to me.

"Uuuuuuuuah, damn Ishigami."

"My little bowl."

Iino's tears soaked her blindfold and flowed down unsatisfactorily.

Xiaobo saw his good friend crying silently and touched Iino's hair which had become listless.

Soothingly said

"It's okay, it's okay."

"I'm here, Xiaomizi, don't worry."

Under Xiaobo's comfort, Iino's crying gradually stopped. She also helped Iino get a new eye mask, after all, it was uncomfortable to be wet.

"little bo"

Iino opened his eyes, but no words came out of his mouth. He could only vaguely hear the words and roughly judge the meaning based on the pronunciation.

Xiaobo nodded and whispered in Iino's ear

"Yeah, I'm here."

"I'm telling you secretly, so don't make a sound."

Xiaobo knew that Iino was just an unlucky guy that Xiaoyu caught on a whim, and he had no intention of taking any serious action against this little miscellaneous fish. (Too low price)

Ishigami smiled at Xiaobo's revealing behavior and didn't say anything. He has always had a history of using excessive force. Basically, people who have been tortured by Ishigami say that they have zero negative reviews. If this little miscellaneous fish is frightened, the gain outweighs the loss.

Senpai Qianhua has a big heart and is fine.

This little miscellaneous fish is the type who looks strong but will secretly wipe his tears once his guard is broken and hides alone in the toilet, which makes people feel distressed.

If Iino hadn't chosen to protect Chika-senpai, I wouldn't have captured her for education.

So Ishigami is a narrow-minded person, and even Iino is jealous of Chika-senpai.

"Don't be afraid, Xiaomizi. What will happen next is not what you imagined."

"This thing is actually similar to what you usually like to listen to, but the form is different."

Xiaobo's tone paused for a moment, as if he was reflecting on what he said.


"That's it anyway."

She put the independent headphones on Iino's head and adjusted her position.

"It's like going to a video store to try it out."

Iino, like Ishigami, also pursues music, but the things she likes are particularly niche and cannot be told to others. Once they are revealed, Iino's image as a serious member of the ethics committee will collapse.

Xiaobo: Xiaomizi, you will regret it!

Since Kobo grew up with Iino, he is very aware of Koyoko's strange habits.

Iino felt the familiar and soft headset, and her anxiety was relieved.

"Xiaobo is still the original Xiaobo."

"That's great."

Xiaobo helped Chika Fujiwara put on the headset, and Chika nodded her head to express her gratitude, not looking nervous at all.

Now that the two victims are ready

Just wait for him to start.

You're welcome on Shishang

He's about to start!

The theme of today’s punishment game is sound!

It is self-evident who the target of the focus is

Generally speaking, when sound waves enter the eardrum, they will be refracted, diffracted and diffracted when passing through the human auricle, ear canal, human skull, and shoulders, which will have a certain impact on the sound.

This is why the sound field of headphones is not natural enough

Ishigami can solve this problem by plugging the two headphone jacks on the girls' heads into a black machine that looks like a human head in front of him. This thing is called a two-channel stereo simulated human head (DUMMY HEAD) with a market price of 4 million. Around yen.

Its working principle is that two miniature omnidirectional microphones are placed in the ear canal of a dummy head that is almost identical to a real head (close to the tympanic membrane of the human ear), simulating the entire process of hearing sound by the human ear.

The sound obtained from this is basically a complete 360-degree surround sound with zero loss, and the sound is truly immersive.

And no matter what, the sound is immersive~

Ishigami smiled

You must know that sounds include not only pleasant sounds, but also those terrible noises.

DJ: IYyou

A collection of unbearable noises in daily life will be presented to them soon.

Ishigami approached the head and did not start immediately.

Instead, he used his two hands to gently brush the ear of the machine from time to time and then exhaled into it to let them get used to it first.

Feel the purring sound of the machine rubbing against your fingertips. Iino lowered her head, a seductive blush appearing on her face from unknown time.

"what is going on."

"This kind of sound that rubs directly against the ears is so foul!"

Iino's breathing quickened.

Her shoes also rubbed against each other from time to time following the frequency, and the friction of her clothes was particularly obvious in this environment.

"It's really uncomfortable."

Although she was separated by the machine, she felt that Ishigami was directly sliding on Iino's auricle.

She had the illusion that the ear was no longer hers.

Fujiwara Chika is much better than the now hopeless Iino. She has experienced many battles and said that this is just trivial. She shook her head and kept going.

If Chika Fujiwara could see Ishigami setting up a table of "torture instruments" after she put on the blindfold, she would never look so relaxed.

Instead, he will be furious, what a dog!

Ishigami looked up and saw the two people with different expressions. He had to tell the truth! Then he scratched the inside with his fingernails.

"Hey!" X2

This crude and simple move by Ishigami caused the girls to exclaim in surprise. Iino's behavior was even more strange, and even his fair collarbone had a faint pink tint.

Ishigami said to the machine in a gentle tone.

"Miss, I'm going to start."

The ultimatum is quite gentle, like a meal before death.

The boy's tingling voice filled the minds of these two people. If you just listen to the opening remarks, then Iino and Fujiwara Chika spoke highly of Ishigami.

"Ishigami thinks I'm too tired from studying recently and wants to help me sleep."

"Really, you can please me like this."

"I won't let you off in the final exam either."

Honest Iino thought so

The smile on his face is very bright

"Hehehe, Xiaobo really didn't lie to me."

"I'm sorry, I'm not used to your ideas."

"I am the one who makes the rules!"

Ishigami picked up the thing at hand, showed a cruel smile, and then cut heavily on the side of the machine.


The uniqueness started with metal, and the sound of sharp metal crossing froze the girl who was smiling just now.

"The ears are going to be cut off!"

The sound was poured directly into the ears with zero loss, allowing these two people to see the horror of technology. Invisible to them, they could feel the merciless cutting of a large pair of scissors next to their ears through the sound.

This machine is particularly good at recording the sound of percussion instruments, and the impact of sound waves can be felt through the skin of the headset.

The girls who faced this shock wave were stunned. Iino's face was directly gloomy, half happy and half stunned, which was quite funny, while Fujiwara Chika's relaxation also disappeared and was replaced by a mask of pain.

"I really underestimate you,"

"I've never heard of it being played like this."

Sound of this frequency is torture for Fujiwara Chika. Chika Fujiwara has an innate hearing sensitivity. She is very aware of the pitch of music and can hear even the smallest changes. When I was a child, I relied on this sensitive talent to learn piano very quickly and won prizes all the way.

And Ishigami aimed at this.

Unceremoniously transforming the things Fujiwara Chika was proud of into the things she wanted to throw away most at the moment.

"Don't worry, ladies, this is just the beginning."

"Sa, this is a feast of noise!"

Ishigami picked up a nail clipper and a glass plate and said meaningfully

"Question: What sound does it make when nail clippers scratch the surface of a glass plate?"

"Or do you like to hold a dentist's drill in your left hand and scissors in your right hand to cut next to your ear?"

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