
Loud and harsh, it goes straight to the soul.

That was a memory imprinted on DNA from ancient times. With the support of two-channel stereo surround sound, the sound that kept echoing in her ears caused Chika Fujiwara, who was constantly twitching, to finally understand the good intentions of her ancestors.

There is only a capital "Fuck" in her heart!

This sound is one of the conditioned reflexes of humans to avoid dangerous situations left over from the evolution process. Once this sound occurs, it means that danger is a situation that must be escaped.

The amygdala in Fujiwara Chika's brain, which is specially designed to process danger signals, was already shaking crazily, but the rope tied her tightly to the chair and she could not move.

Fortunately, Ishigami gave Iino and Fujiwara Chika about 3 seconds of playback time.

Just give it a try and stop it, otherwise people will die.

Chika Fujiwara breathed in fresh air like a suffocating fish. (The small ball in the mouth has air holes to facilitate breathing.)

Compared with Fujiwara Chika, there was much less movement on Iino's side. She sat very quietly on the chair with her head lowered, and a lot of crystal clear things were flowing from her mouth.

But this was precisely the most embarrassing aspect of Iino's performance, because she had fainted and was unconscious. Maybe if you take off the blindfold, you can see the child rolling his eyes.

Countless sharp blades kept sliding next to Iino, as if trying to pierce her eardrums. I had never heard such an outrageous ensemble before. Out of protective measures, Iino's brain went into standby mode.

But at the last moment when she fainted, she was still thinking about

"Why is this different from what Xiaobo said?"

"Damn Ishigami."

But this is not to blame Iino, after all, the sound capture sensitivity of the machine brought by Ishigami is directly maximized, and when paired with the specially designed headset, the effect is not as simple as 1+1 but a geometric improvement. The original intention of the production company was to bring people the most extreme and enjoyable intracranial ASMR experience, but they never expected that a customer like Ishigami would turn it into a punishment game prop in his hands.

The overall "punishment game" has passed for 2 minutes, and the real torturous thing only takes up more than ten seconds of these two minutes.

Already achieved very good results

It resulted in casualties of one "actor" being "dead" and one injured.

The culprit Ishigami looked at the unconscious Iino and the half-dead Chika Fujiwara, and reluctantly put down the props (torture instruments) in his hands.

"It's such a pain in the ass, I seem to have messed up again."

Frowning, Xiaobo took off the headphones from his ears, pushed up his glasses and analyzed calmly.

"Xiaoyou, actually this level is still within the tolerance range."

"It's because Xiaoyako and Fujiwara-senpai are too weak to bear it."

"No, Xiaobo, I'm already reflecting on it."

Ishigami hugged Xiaobo, rubbed her hair and sighed.

He didn't tell Xiaobo: In fact, you think it's okay. That's because I adjusted your frequency to a state that people can tolerate.

Xiaobo didn't make any mistakes, so Ishigami wouldn't persecute her too. Just when she proposed that she also wanted to participate in this punishment game, Ishigami had tampered with Xiaobo's headphones. While the power was adjusted to the lowest level, a certain degree of bel canto effect was also added.

After Ishigami opened the back door for Xiaobo, the frequency of the sound played was roughly around 1000 Hz. This frequency is the limit that an ordinary woman can reach when she screams loudly, to the point where her voice changes at the end.

Xiaobo's ears had just received that kind of blow, and she had already frowned.

It is unimaginable to imagine the pain that Iino and Fujiwara Chika, who are seven times more powerful than Kobo, must endure with their 7000 Hz.

Generally speaking, people can hear sounds at 20,000 Hz, but the frequency around 5,000 Hz is the most sensitive band of the human ear and can be heard most clearly. For example, the frequency of a piano is 4000 Hz, and people can enjoy music very well. This is a regular frequency, and the scratching music on Ishigami has no regularity at all, so it sounds quite tortured.

Iino-san still hasn't recovered from this, so Ishigami stepped forward and looked at the girl's "embarrassed" appearance.

He helped Iino take off his blindfold, but unfortunately he didn't. The girl in front of her had red eyes and tears on her delicate face. Paired with the small decorative ball on the mouth, it looks a little bit seductive.

"Alas, poor lost lamb."

He untied the rope tied behind Iino's head, grabbed the rope next to the ball and placed it in a water glass. (It’s not that I don’t want to catch the little ball with my hands, but it’s a bit troublesome to have Iino’s saliva all over it.)

"Save it first."

"Let's ask Iino later if he wants to keep it as a souvenir."

"Here, Yu-chan."

"OK, thanks."

Ishigami took the tissue from Kobo's hand, and then helped Iino wipe her pale little face, which looked quite haggard.

Iino, who had lost all her restraints, was still sleeping like a fragile porcelain doll. Ishigami picked up the girl princess and placed her on the sofa behind her.

Face unlock was set on Iino's phone, and then Ishigami plugged Iino's own headphone cable into the phone, took it out of the pocket of her skirt, and connected it to the little bastard's most precious collection.

When Ishigami heard several different gentle male voices coming from her headphones,

"You are so cute~"

"You have worked very hard~"

"You are always the best!"

There were still black lines all over his head. Iino was really hopeless.

However, he still knew that it would turn out like this, and it was not all a matter of Iino being crooked. This child has been looked down upon and disliked by his classmates since he was a child because of his serious behavior and lack of accommodating attitude.

It's impossible to say anything nice. It would be nice if Iino didn't get complained by those bad boys.

This has led to the fact that Iino now particularly likes to hear words that agree with her, so these words can gain a lot of recognition as long as she pays money, which Iino thinks is quite cost-effective.

The strange quotes accumulated over the years are all stored in my hand. This is Iino's second most precious treasure. (The first is the dried flowers secretly given to Iino from Ishigami Junior High School.)

Even when Iino heard these sounds while she was sleeping, a lot of smiles appeared on her now bloodless face as a reflex reflex.

Just like the last smile, he looks like a loser.

Ishigami rubbed Iino's head

"What an unlovable guy."

"Xiaobo, help me take care of Iino first."

Ishigami said to Xiaobo

"After all, there is one over there."

Xiaobo nodded and warned very uneasily.

"Don't go too far, please be safe, Yu-chan."

Shishang nodded under Xiaobo's scrutiny and replied.


"I know, I know, after all, that's the only actor on the field right now."

"I will cherish it."

In fact, Chika-senpai has an advantage over Iino, that is, she has many sisters and her parents are not busy at work. If he bullies her too much and is seen by Chika-senpai's family and becomes suspicious, it is still unknown whether Chika-senpai's two sisters will look down upon her if Ishigami goes to the Fujiwara family again.

Unlike Iino, who had been left alone since she was a child, it was normal for her parents not to come home for several months, so it was okay to bully her a few times a month. Anyway, no one knows (her best friend now is Xiaobo), so she can figure it out at will.

Speaking of which, Iino was really miserable. His little carrot head was exposed to the sun and no one felt any pain. The only good friend was kidnapped by Ishigami again.

Oh, and she might be on her way to being abducted too.

But that’s how things turn out!

The little miscellaneous fish has been suffering for too long, so it’s time for a little more sweetness.

The shameless Ishigami shook his head to remove these strange thoughts from his mind.

"Senior Qianhua, do you know you are wrong?"

Ishigami stood in front of Fujiwara Chika. He took off the headset from Fujiwara Chika's ear and hung it around her neck.

Chika Fujiwara, who saw the light of day again and was released from her restraints, angrily fired at Ishigami, who was unconscious at all.

"Bah, bah, bah, you bastard Yu-kun."


"Mr. Pervert!"

How could anyone do such a heinous thing to a girl?

Girls are meant for pain, not torture, right?

Fujiwara Chika is really convinced by this bastard Yu-kun.

"Okay, I roughly understand."

"Stop, Qianhua-senpai!"


Chika Fujiwara, who wanted to continue her steady output, was banned again because she had already stuffed the ball back again with Ishigami's hand.

Ishigami lifted Chika Fujiwara's chin with one hand and looked into those blue eyes. The girl's eyes are full of unyielding and resistance. If eyes could kill, the stone would be riddled with holes by now.

I am very touched by the look in Fujiwara Chika's eyes now. There was a time when her eyes were gentle and honest. He never imagined that she would look at him like this now.

Learning is really a scary thing

Changed you, changed me.

I originally wanted to teach Senior Qianhua to learn, but I didn't think about getting ahead. This has become the current development. Children who don’t like to study must be given strong medicine and educated well. Only when you suffer pain can you understand your good intentions.

Ishigami slowly opened his mouth and said

"Senior Qianhua, if I had known this, why did I do it in the first place?"

He picked up a very ominous-looking roll of film from the table and gestured to Senior Qianhua. The film was covered with the words "Seal", "Death", "Destruction Recommended" and other words in black fonts.

The white tape exudes the aura of death, and the devil is sealed inside, the roar of the devil.

"Senior, I'm sorry for what happened to you. This is the final trial."


"As long as Qianhua-senpai can survive this roll of tape, then I won't interfere with your future studies, senior."

"After all, you are tired and so am I."

"Learning is ultimately your own business and cannot be forced by others."

Shi Shang was particularly helpless as he pressed cattle to eat grass. Xiaobo's efficiency is pretty good, and I know the basic problem-solving ideas for the recent big numbers questions. Basically, the first question is no problem, just what Qianhua-senpai said. That's why progress is particularly difficult, especially with her Mandarin. Qianhua-senpai obviously knows five languages, but she doesn't know the slang of her own country at all. Her foundation in other subjects is very solid, and Ishigami helped her improve. Overall, the problem is not that big.


Fujiwara Chika made a disdainful snort with her small nose. Just this little tape wants to defeat me, Chika-sama.

I don’t think so!

How can this be


Because Chika Fujiwara finally recovered after a period of lingering for breath. It felt like I had just come back from Santuchuan. As the saying goes, anything that cannot completely defeat her will only make people stronger.

She has evolved again!

Ishigami decided not to wear earmuffs for Chika-senpai this time, because they are the key to studying. He had to see Senka Qianhua's defeat with his own eyes.

Ishigami was particularly confident about this videotape.

This is a killer!

A special Noble Phantasm for Fujiwara Chika

However, before playing again, protective measures must be taken.

Ishigami handed Xiaobo two earplugs and warned him very solemnly.

"Xiaobo, it must be tightly packed!"

"Don't let go."

"In a sense, this is definitely the strongest form of mental pollution!"

Although it was specially played for Chika Fujiwara to listen to, there were always accidents when the thing was played, as if her hearing would be leaked.

After confirming that both Xiaobo's earplugs were intact, Ishigami breathed a sigh of relief.

This is a friendly force that cannot be accidentally injured.

Ishigami took out his own headphones and put them on his head, playing his favorite music at the highest volume.

"everything's ready."

He took the tape and put it into the machine, his eyebrows becoming very solemn.

Ishigami stared closely at Fujiwara Chika's face. He had to turn off the phone immediately when Chika-senpai showed signs of despair.

Otherwise, a good "piano" genius may be destroyed in his hands.

"here we go!"

As the center of this incident, Chika Fujiwara is still heartless. Full of disdain for this tape, no matter how good you are, can you be as good as the anti-humanity collection that Yujun created just now?

Chika Fujiwara heard it

There seemed to be someone having a conversation within the noise of "Bah, Bah, Bah". However, the signal was unstable at first and it was a bit hard to hear.

But it soon recovered

Fujiwara Chika's expression was slightly surprised

Because she actually heard a familiar voice here.

Those are the voices of Yu-kun and Chairman Shirogane

But with the help of the tape, it’s a little weird.

Yu Ishigami said in a hoarse voice like the roughest sandpaper rubbing against glass:

"President, I heard that you are the hidden singer of Xiuzhiyuan."

"I wonder if you would like to sing a song to give me some insights."

President Bai Yin's voice was also very strange, as if it had been roasted by fire, and his words smelled of decay and gunpowder smoke.

"Yeah, yeah, who spread the rumor?"

"I know I sing well, but it's not that outrageous."

"But since Ishigami you have talked about it to this point, let me sing one."

Killer Music(Killer Music)

Chikayose Fujiwara

Ouma should appear tomorrow

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