[I have posted 12 posts about this chapter, but I don’t know how many I can see. 】

The student union after school seems empty and full of loneliness.

"Fujiwara-san, did she leave early?"

Shinomiya Kaguya was slightly shocked when she heard the news from Ishigami.


Ishigami took the tea that Shinomiya-senpai made for him and placed it in front of him, then replied

"Well, Fujiwara-senpai said she felt unwell and went home first."

And the other side

Fujiwara Moeha came home from school and opened the door. Seeing a pair of loafers lying casually on the ground at the door, Mengye muttered

"It's strange why the second sister came back so early today."

Then Fujiwara Moeha skillfully arranged the shoes on the floor neatly. Sister Qianhua always threw them away like this when she came home.

She walked in from the entrance and saw that the living room was dark because the curtains were drawn. (Because sometimes Moeye likes to sleep in her cage, the living room is made into opaque blackout curtains.)

"Sister, it's true. It's still bright outside."

Fujiwara Moeha, who did not turn on the light to save trouble, went to draw the curtains in the dark. Suddenly, she felt as if her feet had stepped on something soft.

Then there was a familiar painful groan from the ground, and an incredible idea suddenly came to her mind.

Fujiwara Moeha tremblingly took out her mobile phone and illuminated the ground with its weak light.


A loud soprano pierced the Fujiwara house and soared into the sky.

Pace, who was unaware of the situation, ran over and pulled open the glass door leading to the garden from the living room, looking very anxious.

Shinomiya Kaguya sighed. She knew without thinking that the reason why Fujiwara-san left early had a lot to do with the junior student in front of her.

Shinomiya Kaguya was still a little unaccustomed to the sudden lack of people around her to make trouble with.

"Ishigami-kun, Fujiwara-san has already left early twice this semester, and with today's addition, that's three times."

"It's not okay to be too tired as the student union secretary."

In fact, Shujiyuan is not very strict about arriving late and leaving early. After all, the school understands that young masters and young ladies have more things to do every day.

Just like Ishigami has been late for school eight times this semester, or 12 times to be precise, Iino helped him hide it four times.

He knew that Shinomiya-senpai was just using the topic to express herself. Alas, Chika-senpai's early departure today was indeed his problem.

Facing Shinomiya-senpai's reproachful gaze, Ishigami touched his head in embarrassment.

"It's okay, Shinomiya-senpai. I've already said hello to you at school."

Is it a problem with the school?

On the contrary, Ishigami, you have a big problem!

They bullied people into leaving early without even reflecting on it.

Shinomiya Kaguya took a sip of black tea

"Ishigami-kun, don't bully her too much."

"That's almost it."

Shinomiya Kaguya has seen everything that happened to Chika Fujiwara in the past few days.

It's really miserable, even going to her favorite board game department has been on leave recently. Basically, whenever Fujiwara-san has free time in school, he is taken away by Ishigami to study.

Fujiwara-san is not stupid, but she puts all her energy into things other than studying.

If Fujiwara Chikateru, who was forced to study by Ishigami-kun, continues like this, Shinomiya Kaguya even suspects that the position of the true concubine's child will be taken over by her. (Feichang Meng’s third stable output in her grade)

As for whether Fujiwara-san's grades will surpass hers, Shinomiya Kaguya, she has never thought about it.

"How can it be?"

Her opponent is always only President Shirogane.

"I, Kaguya Shinomiya, am going to surpass the president in this exam and get first place in my grade!"

"Be the first woman in my grade."

Shinomiya Kaguya thought for a moment that the top three students in Shuchiin's second grade were all in the student council, so they were only so-so and could be considered a passing grade.

"Ishigami-kun, I know you are thinking about Fujiwara-san."

"But the commotion was too great, and basically everyone knew about it."

"Think about it, how many people in the entire Xiuzhiyuan are watching our student union's fun."

"The impact is very bad!"

The serious Shinomiya-senpai is quite intimidating, especially to Ishigami.

Shinomiya Kaguya took out the newspaper she read at noon and spread it flat on the table.

Ishigami looked at the eye-catching characters on the newspaper and took a breath.

It’s really an old title holder.

Just missing the word "shocked"

The original title is

"Heartless man! The student union secretary who ran away like crazy and the man who has to say something behind her."

He picked up the newspaper and browsed it quickly. Every sentence was true and not exaggerated. When I saw that the last contributor was that familiar name, Ishigami realized it.

This is all a debt owed to her.

"Sorry, Shinomiya-senpai."

Ishigami lowered his head and said apologetically

"Because my personal reasons have affected the reputation of the student union."

"I'll pay attention to it in the future."


Shinomiya Kaguya, who finally saw that the child had made a mistake, folded her arms, the serious expression on her face not dissipating, but her tone softened.

"It's good that you know, Ishigami-kun."

She was mainly angry with those who were adding insult to injury, saying that the student union had a bad atmosphere.

They really dare to step on anything. There are currently no strange comments on the campus forum. That’s because Shinomiya Kaguya asked Hayasaka to ban them.

She ignores criticism from outsiders.

In the eyes of Shinomiya Kaguya, everyone in the student union is a good kid, and she has always been the only one to educate others behind closed doors.

Shinomiya Kaguya said

"I happen to have some friendship with the head of the Information Department, so it's not difficult to get her to help with this little problem."

"Let them make a clarifying announcement."

Ishigami shook his head and said

"Thank you, no need to trouble Shinomiya-senpai."

"Actually, I'm quite familiar with the people in the Information Department, so there's no need for any clarification announcement. Just ask them not to publish this newspaper again."

"Well, then do as you wish."

"The finishing touches should be cleaner."

Shinomiya Kaguya replied

"What are you talking about?"

President Shirogane opened the door and walked in, with confusion on his face. Because he hadn't heard Shinomiya's angry tone for a long time, he thought there was some fierce quarrel between the two.

When he opened the door, he saw that Shinomiya and Ishigami were just drinking tea peacefully.

"Nothing, President."

When Shinomiya Kaguya saw the president coming, she put on a gentle expression.

"There are only three of us working today. Fujiwara-san left early."

"Leave early?"

When Shirogane Miyuki heard the news, he was as shocked as Shinomiya Kaguya's reaction, because he never thought that just ordinary study could make people leave early, so the problem lay with Ishigami, who taught her.

He used a persuasive tone, but after all, Ishigami was too serious when doing things.

"Ishigami, it's not okay to push Secretary Fujiwara too hard. Studying is your own business. Just give him a hand once in a while. You can't force him to do it all the time."

"Pay attention to the balance between work and rest. You see, Secretary Fujiwara left early today. It must be because you pushed her too much."

President Shirogane patted Ishigami on the shoulder.

When listening to the real "culprit" earnestly advising him not to go too far with Secretary Fujiwara, Ishigami's heart was quite complicated. What he wanted to say couldn't be said, so he had to admit it.

After all, it’s hard to say something like, “President, I recorded the audio of you singing and used it as a torture tool for Chika Fujiwara, and the result was outstanding.”

After just listening to President Shirogane's song for a while, Senior Qianhua struggled desperately and showed a collapsed look, then twitched and lost consciousness.

Ishigami hurriedly stepped forward and pinched her in the middle of the body, only to save Qianhua-senpai.

Chika Fujiwara woke up and grabbed Ishigami's collar in horror, shouting hoarsely.

"You want to kill me!"

Then Chika Fujiwara, who suffered from mental pollution, went home, and the number of early departures in the afternoon was +1.

The president’s singing voice is really outrageous

Music that can kill!

It was also an accident that Ishigami accidentally discovered that President Shirogane sang "well". He was sleeping under a tree that day.

A sound that he didn't know whether it was a scream or a howl immediately interrupted his sleep. For a moment, Ishigami thought that he had come from Shuchiin to hell, and the surrounding area was filled with the whispers of devils.

It can cause physical discomfort and mental confusion. Almost out of instinct, he entered a fighting state. That is a self-protective behavior that occurs after a living body has experienced a quite terrifying atmosphere.

Ishigami endured the pain and sneakily walked up, only to find that it was President Shirogane who was practicing singing the school song alone in the woods.

Ishigami really didn't understand why President Shirogane, who was just an ordinary person, could have such amazing destructive power and affect his sanity with his singing. The frequency is neither more nor less, reaching a destructive power of between 3500 and 4000, which can be called a demon king level. (no longer human)

"Maybe this thing can be used as a weapon!"

With this thought in mind, Ishigami tricked President Shirogane into singing a song in its entirety. It was recorded with a special instrument, then taken back to be mixed, and then added with special materials to make this cursed tape.

"The Song of Silver Royal Bank" X

"Hell Song" ticks

However, after experiencing what happened to Chika-senpai, Ishigami felt that out of humanity, he should be a human being and not use this tape to harm others.

The tape is now lying in the cabinet behind them, locked and permanently sealed until the next lucky person opens it.

Ishigami shook his head and started today's student union work.

"It's so late."

"Sister, do you really want to go out?"

Fujiwara Moeha leaned against the wall and looked at Fujiwara Chika who was putting on shoes, still feeling uneasy.

"It's okay with me, Moeha."

"You're making too much of a fuss."

After resting, Fujiwara Chika's expression has improved a lot, unlike when she first came back, she looked completely dead.

Now she has tied her shawl hair into a single ponytail, wearing casual clothes with a black bow on her head. For the time being, Chika Fujiwara is back full of energy in her daily life.

"No, no, no matter how I look at you, sister, you have a big problem."

Fujiwara Moeha remembered the previous scene, and she hugged her arms tremblingly.

"My sister is dead."

When she wanted to close the curtains, the "thing" she stepped on was Sister Qianhua.

The weak light shone on the girl's pale face, without any blood at all. The pupils were dilated and the mouth was open dryly.

His limbs were spread out, lying limply on the ground. His eyes were widened and he looked at Moeye with a very desperate expression.

Just like the victims who "died with their eyes open" at murder scenes she saw in movies, Moeye still hasn't let go.

Fujiwara Chika patted her chest where Moeye had just stepped on it, and it still hurt a little. She said angrily.

"Mengye, if you don't mention it, I haven't even settled the score with you yet!"

"You don't even look at me when you're walking. Just look at me and you'll step on me."

"And it made me hurt even now."

But compared with physical pain, mental trauma is more difficult to heal.

"Sister, why didn't you say you scared me just now?"

Mengye looked at the dark night outside the door and couldn't help but want to keep her sister.

"Then sister, what were you doing there just now!"

"Leave early by myself and lie on the floor without turning on the light."

"Are you playing corpse?"

"Yeah, what was I doing just now."

Fujiwara Chika lowered her hand covering her chest, and tears fell from her eyes. She stood up, a dark look on the girl's face.

There was pain in her voice.

"I can't figure out the specific details."

"But I remember it was quite a scary memory, the guts of a sea cucumber."

"It completely covers my ears."

"It was ridiculously loud."

"My ears are going to be broken."

"It doesn't sound like a human song at all."

"Hell Song, the guy who sings it is definitely a monster. How could there be such a bad singing voice."

As Moeye listened to her sister's constant talk, there were more and more little question marks on her head.

"Sister, what are you talking about?"

"My sister became like this just because she listened to a song?"

In the evening, neon lights brightly decorate the city, and various billboards stand everywhere.

A large number of office workers dragged their tired bodies on the road like zombies.

Among those people, a middle-aged and elderly office worker with gray hair who looked to be around 50 years old and wearing glasses was walking on his way to get off work as usual. His name was Mr. Yamashita.

Just a 56-year-old ordinary social animal.

But Yamashita was different from usual. He suddenly noticed the corner that no one usually paid attention to.

A strong man in a large suit who looked like Yakuza pushed another man in a red jacket into an alley.

I don't know what his mentality was, but Yamashita actually followed them into the inconspicuous alley with his briefcase in his arms.

He looked at the two of them eager to try and muttered:

"Are they going to fight?"

The red figure and the strong man in the suit were not the same size at all. To be honest, Yamashita really didn't like it.

"If you fight a strong man like that, he will definitely die."

"That's not necessarily true. After all, that red guy still looks like he has something."

Mr. Yamashita, who was hiding in the corner, suddenly heard a rather young voice coming from beside him. He was startled and almost screamed.

But still no sound

Because the young man in casual clothes covered his mouth directly

"Hush, this is a fight to the death."

"It's better not to disturb them."

Ishigami looked at the two people in the corner over there with a different expression.

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