I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 112 He is a very troublesome kid

Ishigami, who was wearing a hat, mingled with the crowd and pulled up the black mask that was used to cover his face, making sure that half of his face was completely covered.

OK, that'll be fine. No one should recognize it.

After all, the current time and place are very delicate, and he is not a place where he, a student of Xiuzhiyuan, should appear here.

Although it looks like a very lively commercial street with people coming and going, it is lively in another sense. The adults here come here because they have nowhere to vent their turmoil. KTVs with feasting and entertainment, shady hotels that attract customers, and noisy bars abound here.

This is the "Kabukicho Ichiban Street" known as the street that never sleeps. It is located in Tokyo's Hoshida District and is one of the most famous neon green light districts.

It would be problematic for a student to appear here, so Ishigami wore a mask specifically to avoid anyone recognizing him.

Fate is a wonderful thing. It cannot be completely cut off but can only be prevented in advance. It would be so embarrassing if some of his parents' friends saw him and reported it to his parents.

Thinking of his mother's personality, Ishigami's scalp went numb.

I definitely don’t care if I’m interacting with girls normally, but is this a place for romance?

This is the green channel that you spend money on, skipping those complicated foreplays and getting straight to your destination. And unlike talking about money outside which hurts feelings, here you just have to wave the banknotes and you will be the boss. You can play however you want.

So be sure not to be discovered

Of course, Ishigami didn't come here just like the greasy uncle who just walked by him hugging his heavily made-up sister. They knew at a glance that he wasn't here to do anything good.

He just can't help it

I made a promise today, so I can't break the promise.

I just didn't expect to come here

Also, even if Ishigami really wanted to play jungle, he wouldn’t come here. All he needed to do was participate in a social gathering. After all, Citrus Academy and Phyllis Academy (Haasaka Ai's school with blue and white uniforms), which corresponded to Shuchiin, were both aristocratic girls' middle schools.

There is no shortage of fragrant, soft and beautiful young ladies.

Students from the three schools actually have close contact with each other, and each grade has a sorority party every week.

Generally speaking, they are well-matched, and if they look right, they can get engaged directly if they are exaggerated.

Generally speaking, there are more girls than boys in sororities, so the boys from Shuchiin are actually quite popular.

They have a family background that is not inferior to that of Shuchiyuan students, and there are always some naughty eldest ladies who get used to being a bit arrogant in school and want to play something different.

A guy like Ishigami who is handsome and has a good figure is even more amazing. He is a popular contestant in the league. It's just that he doesn't usually participate. If he wants to, he can easily become Neptune. Still the kind of person who feels really good the next second after calling him a scumbag in front of his girlfriends.

Let’s make it clear first that it’s definitely not the reason why Xiaobo doesn’t allow him to participate in the party. He is not afraid of just being a meat-eating person with glasses.

The original words of Xiaobo are

"Aren't the girls in Shuchiin enough trouble for you?"

Well, Mr. Ishigami thinks it makes sense.

Besides, I already have a good relationship with girls, and if there are too many flowers, I will have a headache.

"Oh, what is this all about?"

Ishigami shook his head and once again declined the game invitation from the enthusiastic older sister at the door of the store next to him.

Facing those playful wolf-like eyes, Ishigami suddenly felt that boys should protect themselves outside, and couldn't help but speed up his pace.

bang sound

The phone vibrated several times

He saw the message on the phone screen:

"Aren't you here yet?" X10

It can be seen that the person who sent the text message is very impatient.

"I'm coming."

"Don't rush."

Ishigami didn't reply and put his phone back into his pocket. He was indeed going to be late now.

The place they agreed on was the East District

But just now, because I followed those two guys, Ishigami came to the West District.

I thought I would see a different battle, but the rookie from the Boxing Club disappointed Ishigami. Is this the second level of the Nogi Group, one of the Four Dragons of the "Fist Wankai"?

Really not enough

Not to mention Ishigami, Haru can now kill Komada with one hand.

As for the strength of the sea leader, he had already made a preliminary judgment. It can only be said that it's a bit interesting. If he didn't have that kind of transformation trump card, his strength should be about the same as that of the small universe that has not been trained by Ishigami, and maybe a little weaker than him.

But if that kelp head can transform, that's a different matter.

Ishigami has a bit of PTSD now. It is true that he has encountered too many "liberation", "God-based" and "ghost" people recently.

All kinds of mess

You have to keep an eye out

Ishigami used to think that he only needed to pay attention to those guys with "black eyes and white pupils", but he didn't expect Long Kui to teach him a lesson.

Good guy, now even the most normal "black pupils and white eyes" that most Asians have, we can't let down our guard anymore.

Long Kui got a "Pingshen" for Shi Shang, and the effect was similar to the "liberation" of the Wu clan.

The characteristic of this group of people is that they were able to fight normally at the beginning but then they started to cheat in various ways.

Like in hot-blooded comics, the kind of explosion is too common, and there are people who ask for help. They really don't care about martial ethics. What kind of gods are they? It's outrageous that they just fight and make their style change.

I want to get along with you as a normal person, but there is no other way.

"You change yours, and so will I."

"He's better than you, are you angry?"

So if Shishang hadn't had a few brushes on his own, he might have died that day.

"It's still a very deep routine."

I don’t know the name of that kelp head yet, so let’s still call him kelp head.

As for whether I can meet that kelp head again in the future, Ishigami’s answer is yes.

"No matter what the purpose is, attack the fighters from the Boxing Club."

"That's definitely a madman, and a madman who loves fighting."

"Anyone who is crazy will definitely be attracted to the platform of Quan Yuanhui, and that seaweed head is no exception."

Once you have experienced the taste of battle, there will be a second and third time. . Such a cycle

So many strong men responded to the call of the Quan Yuan Club because only the Quan Yuan Club can provide such a stage for the strong to fight to their heart's content.

This is the "world of the strong" and the "hell of the weak".

"Strength is everything!"

In the history of the Boxing Club, there are often some unknown and unknown guys who appear for the first time and suddenly become the king of passers-by, killing the famous and powerful ones.

Ishigami checked the Nogi Group's boxing wish record and found that 45 boxing wishes had been performed in only half a year this year (I didn't know secretly). This record is quite outrageous. You should know that some clubs may perform boxing wishes at most two or three times a year.

For example, when Ishigami's family club was a neutral faction in the boxing club, they would have a boxing match at least once a year for several years.

Based on this unusually high frequency of punches, Ishigami felt that the Nogi Group was probably planning a big one.

Today, when all parties are ready to take action, there is a high probability that the Nogi Group will become the fuse that completely detonates the Fist Club.

Their next boxing match will be in a few days, and the person Nogi Group chooses to fight is Komada of "Nioh".

But Komada will probably be destroyed by that sea head and fall into a situation where no one can help him. Facing the head of Kaiba who can defeat Komada, Nogi Group has no reason not to use him. (Facing an opponent of this level, Izumi Hatsumi can’t get enough energy at all, and will be late or simply not come)

It is in line with expectations that Kaitou will replace "Nioh Komada" as the new fighter of the Nogi Group.

"Looking forward to meeting you next time, Uncle Haitou."

Ishigami felt that day was not too far away.

The president of Nogi Group is not a person who can endure loneliness, he is an ambitious man.

Ishigami's eyes are shining

"That old man's purpose is definitely..."

Ishigami, who kept thinking about how Manniu would gain a place in the coming changes, finally came to the square in the East District.


It's already past nine o'clock. There aren't many people here. They should all be doing errands.

So Ishigami just took a quick glance and saw the nasty guy who called him to a place like this.

After all, that pink hair is quite conspicuous, and it’s hard not to notice it.

It was none other than Chika Fujiwara who was so distracted by Chairman Shirogane's singing that she left early today!

The girl had taken off her school uniform and was now wearing an elegant green top paired with a long white skirt. Under the cold moonlight, it looks quite pure and pleasant.

She also wore a large black bow on her long pink shawl hair.

But the most pleasing thing is that you can still see fatigue in her face and eyes, and her complexion is not very good. The whole person is surrounded by an aura of pity, and every move attracts everyone's attention.

"What a stupid senior."

Ishigami shook his head helplessly

"You're dressed so well at night, and you're still here."

"It's not very peaceful here at night."

A weak girl here is equivalent to a pack of wolves watching. The wolves haven't swarmed her yet, but they haven't distributed the benefits and reached a consensus.

"Bad people who are driven by greed don't care whether your grandfather is the deputy prime minister or not."

"I only care about whether you are a good target."

Ishigami stared angrily at the few guys with evil intentions with his murderous eyes, and snorted coldly like thunder.


"He'll be killed!"


The few people who were suddenly covered by the overwhelming murderous intent seemed to see a huge beast full of blood, with sharp fangs and sharp mouth, exuding a frightening aura, about to choose and devour them. They were so frightened that they turned around and ran away, not daring to stay where they were anymore, wishing that their parents would give them a leg.

Rolling and crawling

After hearing the sounds of those people running away crazily, Fujiwara Chika raised her head from the phone screen. When she saw the young man wearing a black mask in the distance, she hesitated to identify him.

Chika Fujiwara smiled brightly and stepped forward.

But facing the smiling senior Qianhua, Ishigami took off her black bow-tie hairpin with ease, and then put his hat on her little head unceremoniously, regardless of her struggle.

Facing Qianhua’s aggrieved little eyes

Ishigami said nothing, then took out a new mask from his pocket, opened the package, and tied the string of the black mask of the same style to the girl's exquisite ears.

Feeling the warmth of the boy's fingers brushing against her ears, Chika Fujiwara touched her somewhat hot earlobes and lowered her head.

Looking at Chika Fujiwara, who had just been sentenced to death, Ishigami breathed a sigh of relief. He wanted to use a reproachful tone, but then he remembered that this girl had been persecuted particularly badly today.

The soft-hearted Ishigami finally tapped the girl's head three times through his hat, and then said helplessly.

"Senior Qianhua, do you still remember where this place is?"

Chika Fujiwara, who was holding her head in her hands, sounded a little dissatisfied, and she muttered in a low voice.

"What's wrong? Really, can it still get better?"

"It's obvious that I'm already like this, but you still don't give me any mercy."

"On the stinky rock, a domestic violence man, a bad man"

Fujiwara Chika, who quickly vented her dissatisfaction like a machine gun, said

"Kabukicho Ichiban Street, what's wrong?"

"So you know, Qianhua-senpai."

Ishigami held his forehead

"We are students of Shuchiin and members of the student union."

"If others in the school find out, they won't know what to say about us."

He deliberately exaggerated the severity of the punishment. This senior is really too nervous.

"The punishment of criticism may be the lowest if it is notified to the whole school, and expulsion may not be necessary."

"Ah, so serious."

Fujiwara Chika's breath was suffocated. She only thought about dressing up cutely before going out, but she didn't expect to miss this.

She tapped her head lightly with her right hand and said embarrassedly

"Sorry, Yuu-kun."

"I forgot."

But Chika Fujiwara quickly adjusted. She put her hands behind her back and looked at Ishigami with her head sideways.

"As long as it's not discovered, it'll be fine."

"And we are not afraid of slanting shadows."

"We are here to do business."

"Right, Yuu-kun."

Ishigami knew Chika-senpai's character, and it was quite difficult to get her to admit that she was wrong about something.

So don't argue with her

That's wasted effort

Besides, this kid is half sick

Ishigami decided to be patient with Senka Qianhua for the time being. He did not answer what the senior said just now.

He took off his coat and put it on the girl who looked very thinly dressed.

But I really don’t cherish myself at all.

"Senior, it's getting late."

"Put on another coat. You're not very comfortable today."

Ishikami looked at what looked like a coat to him, but couldn't help but laugh when Chika-senpai looked like a lab coat.

"Senior, I'd better help you put it on."

"It doesn't feel good wearing it."

"Raise your left hand first."

"Ah, yes, senior sister is awesome."

"Then the right hand."

"So good."

Chika Fujiwara put on his coat with the help of Ishigami.

Ishigami's clothes are a bit big for girls. Chika Fujiwara, for example, couldn't put her hands out of her sleeves even if she straightened her arms.

But it's also fun

Fujiwara Chika waved her two empty sleeves with great interest, making a whirring sound from her mouth as if she was dubbing

Played by myself for a while

She just raised her head and looked at the boy next to her, pouted and asked

"Yu-kun, I'm not a child."

"Why do you always talk to me like a child?"

Ishigami smiled

"Because Chika-senpai is just a child to me."

He added in his heart

"He is a very cute but very troublesome kid."

I really cried to death because I didn’t get perfect attendance last month. . 1,500 yuan was gone, half of the royalties were gone, and my mentality was really shattered.

I've been angry all day, and I feel like I won't be able to sleep tonight. I’m really convinced, I’m a 6-year-old.

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