I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 113 Chika Fujiwara: Oh Kawaii Kudo

Streets full of strange things and busy traffic

"My name is Saburo Odajima, and I'm just an ordinary middle-level manager you see everywhere."

It was a very thin-looking middle-aged and elderly man walking silently on the road holding a briefcase, his highly myopic glasses reflecting an indifferent light.

"If anything different"

"My hobby is visiting ramen shops."

“I’ve been shopping a lot over the years.”

“I didn’t expect that it would become the “Four Heavenly Kings of Ramen in Tokyo”.

He pushed up his glasses, and his whole person exuded an inexplicable aura.

"Only in this field, I will not lose to anyone."

“Through ramen, I met many ramen lovers like me.”

"Today's destination is a nearby store."

Saburo Odajima looked at the dilapidated shop with "Tianlong" written on the broken flag and nodded with satisfaction. He understood that it was this kind of unknown ramen shop buried in the deep alley that had the value of exploring the shop. The shiny shop fronts were all ready-made Hex technology. (Seasoning packets have no soul)


Saburo Odajima smelled the smell of ramen in the air and raised the corners of his mouth slightly. He came to his seat and sat down, then crossed his hands in front of him to cover half of his face, which looked very deep.

Saburo Odajima looked at the wooden menu on the wall. Generally speaking, the item at the top of the menu is the best-selling item in this store.

“What I want to order is, of course, the most popular tonkotsu ramen.”

"That is impossible."

Saburo Odajima snorted coldly.

“As a ramen expert, I can’t be that superficial.”

"The inconspicuous soy sauce tonkotsu ramen hanging quietly in the corner is the best solution for this store."

"Soy sauce tonkotsu ramen, lighter."

"And the noodles should be harder."

The clear words and confident tone clearly revealed Odajima Saburo's inner pride as the Four Heavenly Kings of Ramen.


After hearing what the customer said, the originally calm shopkeeper finally reacted. Only then did he raise his head and start to look at the guest.

Facing the shopkeeper's scrutinizing gaze, Saburo Odajima looked straight at him without showing any timidity.

They both looked at each other to confirm

I met my opponent today!

The temperature in the air instantly became hot, and the fighting spirit that reached its peak was burning.

This is a battle between a skilled master and a seasoned gourmet.

A ramen war is about to begin!

But the anxious atmosphere on the field was ruined by the voices outside that sounded like quite young men and women.

Ishigami and Fujiwara Chika were standing outside the door of this ramen shop. The main reason they came here at night was that Chika-senpai wanted to eat the ramen from this shop.

During the day, Ishigami tortured Fujiwara Chikaji too hard. Feeling sorry for himself, he proposed to her that he could fulfill a small wish of Senior Sister Qianhua.

Chika-senpai is indeed Chika-senpai

As unexpected as ever

Performance is very stable

This is why Ishigami and she appear here, he said helplessly to the girl wearing his coat

"Senior Qianhua, you want me to treat you to dinner as compensation, and the location is up to you."

There was still half a sentence he didn't say.

"Should you think about changing to another store?"

Because it looks quite dilapidated, which is quite incompatible with the bustling and feasting outside.

It is isolated from the world and looks quite inconspicuous. It’s not that I’m bad or look down upon, Ishigami, Naoya, and Ryo have all spent their time squatting on the curb together eating barbecue from a roadside stall.

It was just the first time I went out to eat with Senior Qianhua, so there was no need to be so chilled.

It's his treat

So Ishigami said in a tactful tone

"Don't look at me like this. I actually have a lot of pocket money, so you don't have to save money for me."

“Occasionally have a kaiseki meal or omkasa (no menu, serving the freshest ingredients of the season).”

“If you don’t want to be fancy, let’s be down-to-earth and have a Wagyu BBQ or Wagyu Sukiyaki meal which is affordable.”

When Chika Fujiwara heard what Ishigami said, crystal clear water flowed from her mouth involuntarily. But she noticed it immediately and wiped it off with her sleeve.

"Hey, that's my coat."

Ishigami's mouth twitched as he watched the girl's movements but still didn't say anything. He was waiting for her reply.

"Youjun, you are really a bad guy."

"You know how to seduce me."

"I almost got carried away."

Fujiwara Chika wiped away her saliva with a serious face, trying hard to look like a senior. But her two empty sleeves can only reflect the girl's smallness and cuteness, without any sense of majesty.

She said it in a tone that seemed preachy but actually had no persuasiveness.

"Yu-kun, you can't look down on ramen."

Ramen is Fujiwara Chika's favorite food. Over the years, she has been visiting different ramen restaurants by herself. Although I have only been here once, this "Tenryu Noodle House" is at least in the top three in Fujiwara Chika's heart.

It’s a treasure noodle shop!

Youjun is the first person she has shared this secret with in these years. You know, even my sister, Moeha, and Chika didn't tell them which ramen restaurants were particularly delicious.

Hearing the disgust in Ishigami's tone, Chika Fujiwara was very angry.

He is ungrateful!

"Although the environment is not very good."

"But the tonkotsu ramen here is very delicious, really special. The soup base and tonkotsu are different from other ramen restaurants."

She turned around, pushed Shishang and walked inside

"Oh, it's really delicious anyway. You won't be disappointed. You'll know after you eat it."

Chika Fujiwara helped Ishigami open the door, and she directly felt the fragrance filling the air.

There was a lovely intoxicated look on her little face

"Wow, it smells so good."

Chika Fujiwara said in a soft and happy tone

"Right, Yuu-kun."

"Well, it's not bad."

Ishigami also smelled this charming fragrance, and the originally silent expectation in his heart slowly rose.

He observed that the space inside was not large, unlike the dilapidated appearance outside, but it was very clean inside.

The environment is much better than imagined.

The seats are around the ramen chef's table, and there are many seasonings and other small items placed on the table.

I don’t know that because of this time, there are not many customers inside but only one person.

He's an old man wearing glasses

Shi Shang's nose sniffed, the scent was indeed quite attractive.

"If it is indeed what Senior Qianhua said, then you can give it a try."

Ishigami was pulled by Chika-senpai to sit on the bar, and they were looking at the wooden menu on the wall.

While Ishigami was observing the environment in the store, Saburo Odajima, who was the only customer in the ramen store just a moment ago, was also observing him and Chika Fujiwara.

He was actually a little dissatisfied because this was a ramen shop.

Is such a sacred place the place where young couples like you should go on a date?

will be tainted.

Odajima Saburo raised his eyebrows angrily, he couldn't help but tease in his heart

"What a perfect pair of young guests. Are you confusing this with a cake shop or a coffee shop that is suitable for romance?"

The shopkeeper saw two more customers coming in and noticed their ages.

So he just asked indifferently

"What to order?"

Fujiwara Chika, who was in a good mood, sat on the chair without stopping, shaking her legs while looking at the menu on the wall.

She asked Ishigami first

"Yu-kun, what do you want to eat?"

Ishigami thought for a moment that he usually didn't eat enough ramen. Since Chika-senpai looked like she knew very well, at least he wouldn't step into any trap if he followed her.

So he answered

"Senior Qianhua, just be the same as you."

"Same as me."

Fujiwara Chika murmured


She pondered for a moment and soon had the answer.

Chika Fujiwara put her index finger to her mouth, and the smile on her face made the girl's eyes turn into a curved shape.

Like a cute little fox

"A lot."

"I want two soy sauce tonkotsu ramen, lighter."

"How can this be!"

I originally wanted to watch this young couple making a joke, but I laughed at the answer of both of them asking for the best-selling tonkotsu ramen.

But Saburo Odajima heard words that he shouldn't have said from the little girl's mouth.

"The little girl who got a boyfriend at a young age actually said the best solution for this store!"

In shock, he felt that his self-esteem had been challenged, and cold sweat fell from his head.

"Is it a coincidence?"

"No, how could a girl bring her boyfriend to this store at this hour?"

"Then she is the same as me?"

Saburo Koshimada's forehead was covered with beads of sweat, and he stared at Chika Fujiwara as if he wanted to see something.

"How hard should the noodles be?"

The store manager continued to ask

This time Chika Fujiwara didn’t think, she just blurted out with a smile.

"The super hard kind."


Saburo Koshima almost choked after taking a sip of water.

"It's super hard, why would you choose such a child's play hardness?"

"Sure enough, it's just a little girl's movie."

A contemptuous smile appeared on his lips

"I think too highly of you."

After announcing the ramen she wanted to eat, Chika Fujiwara smiled and leaned her body against the stone next to her.

"What's wrong, Qianhua-senpai?"

Ishigami, who was originally observing the ramen chef's ramen movements, sensed the girl's behavior and directly supported Chika-senpai's shoulders.

"Yu-kun, can you tie your hair?"

Chika Fujiwara asked with a smile.

Ishigami withdrew his gaze, looked at her beautiful pink hair, and nodded.

Then he said very humbly

"If it's just a simple knitting technique, I can do it."

But in fact, Ishigami actually has a lot of research on tying hair? After all, generally speaking, just changing your hairstyle is like changing your person. You can play with different tricks, such as the idea of ​​​​little love with twin tails.

"Ah ha, that's no problem."

After hearing Ishigami's answer, Fujiwara Chika played with her hair with her fingers, looking forward to it.

"Youjun, I just want you to help me tie the simplest single ponytail."

"Because I'm going to eat ramen later, and it's especially inconvenient if my hair hangs down."

"Single ponytail."

After receiving the girl's request, Ishigami nodded, and then took the black headband from Chika-senpai's hand.

The girl sat obediently next to Ishigami. In order to make her more comfortable, Ishigami held her body with his other hand.

Ishigami first put his fingers into the girl's hair to act as a comb. Brush it up and down at a certain frequency to straighten out the hair that is as naughty as Senior Qianhua's.

"Senior Chika's hair is of very good quality."

The girl's hair is as soft as her temperament and feels particularly good to the touch. Enjoy the silky smoothness, and Ishigami can still smell the sweet fragrance of Senpai Qianhua and can't help but feel relaxed and happy.

Hearing the boy's praise in my ear

Chika Fujiwara smiled

"Hey hey hey."

First, let the girl return her body's center of gravity from the stone to herself, and then free up her other hand.

Ishigami gathered his loose hair together and layered it up, tying it up with a black hair tie.

"It's done, Chika-senpai."

Ishigami used his mobile phone as a mirror to show the girl

Fujiwara Chika looked at herself on the phone screen and covered her small mouth with both hands.

"Liar, is this me?"

Ishigami smiled at the surprised Chika-senpai

"Yes, this is Senior Qianhua."

The reason Chika Fujiwara let out a small exclamation was because Ishigami changed the single ponytail that Chika Fujiwara wanted into the same hairstyle as Shinomiya-senpai.

The girl touched her hair

"This is Kaguya-san's hairstyle."

Suddenly Chika Fujiwara thought of some fun idea, and her innocent smile immediately became very serious.

Then she touched her chin with one hand, looked at the stone with the eyes of an ant, and said in a cold tone

“Oh kawaii quodo.”

Ishigami was stunned.

Chika Fujiwara, who had a serious face at first, saw Ishigami's expression and couldn't hold back the laughter.

"Youjun, what's that expression on your face?"

"It's funny. Am I exaggerating?"

Ishigami looked at Senior Qianhua Qianhua, who was laughing so hard that he almost lost his breath. He wanted to say something, but finally a thousand words merged into a sigh.

"As expected, girls are very good at acting."

Fujiwara Chika, who was still smiling just now, suddenly turned into the cold Kaguya-like appearance of Shinomiya-senpai, and her aura shocked Ishigami.

If you don't care about the figures of the two seniors, just rely on senior Qianhua's acting skills. I can't say they are exactly the same, I can only say they are completely consistent.

It completely satisfied Ishigami's imagination of Shinomiya-senpai's appearance when she said these words, and the disdain she showed was enough to make people humble themselves to the dust.

As expected of being friends who have known Shinomiya-senpai for many years. The fact that Chika-senpai is so similar to her is closely related to the fact that she has been paying attention to Shinomiya-senpai's every move.

"Okay, stop laughing."

Ishigami was dissatisfied when he saw the girl's wanton and uncontrollable appearance. He gently knocked on the head of Senior Qianhua.

"Okay, okay, I understand."

Fujiwara Chika wiped the tears from laughing at the corner of her eyes, and then said righteously

"Ishigami-kun, don't bully Fujiwara-san too much."

"Bullying girls is not a gentleman's behavior."

Ishigami took a deep breath, his tone was a little forced

This senior is too naughty!

"Qianhua-senpai, are you completely addicted to playing like Shinomiya-senpai?"

How could the same move be useful to Ishigami!

"Luanluanluo, I hate Oni Yu-kun."

On the side, Saburo Odajima drank plain water but felt like he was drinking alcohol.

Bitter wine enters the throat and causes pain in the heart

He is 46 years old and unmarried.

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