Although Ishigami's "Gu Gu Gu" system is usually useless when it is not shipped, it can only serve as a mascot.

But if you encounter some special circumstances, then don't worry, it will be more exciting.

The "fishing" picket team was dispatched directly.

The system will automatically identify any bugs, and then Ai will automatically kill the virus.

When the two tigers appeared in the consciousness space of Ten Ghost Snake King Ma, they simultaneously covered Ishigami's actions, so there was no problem.

After all, it was just an ordinary use of special mental skills to whisper.

But the problem lies in the consciousness space where the master and disciple communicate. Time stands still for everything in the outside world!

This is true all over the world

Your time-stopping object can include anyone in the world.

But only Ishigami, who is covering the system, cannot do it.

Originally advocating fair competition, is it a bit too much for you to stop time and discuss strategies with foreign players?

The Ten Ghosts, Snakes and Two Tigers thought they were seamless across the sky and sea, but in the eyes of the system, their actions were fair and square.

This is a very serious bug behavior!

In fact, just when Erhu's special mental fluctuations covered the stone, the "Gu Gu Gu" system's built-in killing function was quietly activated.

"Ding, suicide mode starts working." (Adaptive antivirus is referred to as suicide)

Just when the system was sharpening its skills and preparing to turn the person with the bug into an idiot, and turn the "ghost" into a real "dead ghost", he suddenly found that something was wrong with his system, and all the red alerts were flashing on the panel. Ishigami immediately stopped.

He looked at the work records on the panel and realized that such a thing had been discovered.

He was very curious about a special life form like Erhu. Ishigami heard from the words of Ten Ghost Snake King Ma that this guy had been dead for more than ten years and could still survive as a missing person in a person's consciousness space.

It would be a pity if it was wiped out by the system. This is a very precious research and observation object.

Moreover, it was also the first time for Ishigami to know that the system that had always advocated "fishing" actually actively worked on it, which was quite novel.

Shinomiya-senpai's usual teachings by words and deeds are very good. He used the spirit of watching the chess without saying a word to act as a loyal audience and "eavesdrop". No, how can it be called eavesdropping on something that is fair and aboveboard?

They didn't avoid me, they faced me directly.

So Ishigami was forced to listen patiently to the conversation between the master and apprentice, but he didn't expect to get a lot of interesting information.

For example, the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse came from the place called the "Central" area. Ishigami had never heard of or received such information before.

This is just one of them

But there is a saying, Erhu is much more knowledgeable and good at talking than the Ten Ghost Snake King Ma who only knows how to roar.

Ishigami was embarrassed by the guy's praise, "What kind of harmless face hides a great terror.", "There is a devil living in his body", as the person involved, he only felt in his heart.

I'm not

I didn't, don't lie.

I'm just an ordinary first-year student at Shuchiin. Maybe I'm a little handsome and I'm more popular with girls.

But speaking nicely is one thing.

If a bearded old man really wanted to hold his shoulders, Ishigami would definitely not be happy with it.

Facing the two tigers who were getting closer and closer, Ishigami, who didn't want to expose himself, turned on the "suicide mode" of the system, fearing that he would miss and completely obliterate this uncle.

He also controlled the power of the system to about 1%, but even with this unimpressive power, he still managed to eat the arm of Erhu, the master of "Wowang Style".

What surprised Ishigami the most was that the Erhu's arm that the system had eaten moved directly to the "Little Heart" workbench.


"Ten Ghosts, Snakes and Two Tigers Fragments +10"

He saw the words on the panel

"Whether to start parsing."

Of course, choose "Yes"

After Ishigami chose the "Yes" option, the Erhu fragments turned into golden streams of light and flew into the workbench.

And the words on the "Little Heart" panel also changed to

"Wowang Liu" (broken)


This word is still dark gold!

See the words golden legend

You must know that the master-level "Jeet Kune Do" is only a silver skill, but this thing of unknown origin has a dark gold skill even if it is broken.

That man named Ten Ghosts, Snakes and Two Tigers is a treasure!

Shi Shang's eyes suddenly turned green, and his eyes were greedier than those of a hungry wolf.

What else is there to study and observe?

Wouldn't it be nice to just eat Erhu and get the full version of "Wowang Liu"?

By then it will probably be the most orthodox "golden legend".

But just when Shi Shang was driving the system, he wanted to swallow Erhu completely.

That bastard Erhu actually disappeared, disappeared in front of him? !

After rounding off, Ishigami felt that he had missed 100 million. . .

There was once an opportunity placed in front of me, but I didn't cherish it.

With the disappearance of the two tigers, the consciousness space of the Ten Ghosts, Snake King and Horse was also shattered.

Ishigami's consciousness also returned to reality

That's why he saw the confident Ouma being able to say

"No, your master just persuaded Lonely."

But Ten Ghost Snake King Ma probably didn't hear it, after all, the guy's menacing fists didn't stop at all.

His proud and arrogant tone completely overwhelmed Shi Shang's voice.

"I'm stronger than anyone else!"


When he saw the ferocious look on the Ten Ghost Snake King's horse's face, it went from trotting to running, and was about to hit Shi Shang's face with its fists of terrifying muscles.

Chika Fujiwara, who was hiding not far away and holding Ishigami's clothes, looked so frightened that her heart was in her throat. In her eyes, the man who exuded a vicious aura of murderous intent was equated with a "murderer".

There was just a trace of biting murderous intent floating in the air, and it felt like a burning pain from being cut by a knife.

This man was definitely cruel in his methods. He had to brutally kill many people before he had the momentum to emerge from a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

And what kind of pressure the "Yu-kun" standing in the eye of the storm was under, Fujiwara Chika couldn't help but regret.

It would all be her fault, if not for her willfulness.

There was no way Yu would accompany her out tonight, and then she wouldn't meet this murderous man.

To be forced into such a fundamentally unfair battle!

In Chika Fujiwara's mind, she felt that the battle itself was unfair. Just from the difference in height and physique, she knew that the two were not in the same weight class.

There is also an age gap, which cannot be easily bridged. Martial arts is a very hard-working thing. Spending time practicing is completely different from fishing.

This is a difference in technique.

Moreover, the fangs that the ramen shop owner took out were reflecting a faint cold light. It was not that he didn't miss it.

That's a guy who can even eat man-eating monsters to extinction.


"Youjun, why did you agree to that guy's provocation?"

"He'll be killed!"

Chika Fujiwara, who felt that her Yu-kun had no chance of winning, was almost dying of panic.

"Call the police, you have to call the police."

She hurriedly took out her mobile phone and almost dropped it to the ground when she couldn't hold it firmly.

It's like grabbing a life-saving straw

"Uncle Kojima's call" (Director of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department)

"Where is Uncle Kojima's phone number?"

Just as Fujiwara Chika thought correctly, the Ten Demon Snake Ouma did not hold back his punch.

He looked crazy

"Everyone who looks down on me should die."

In order to teach this damn brat a profound lesson, this is his best move

Erhu style-King Kong type-Iron crushing

Although the muscles in Ten Ghost Snake King's arms don't seem to be fully tightened, this is just an illusion. In fact, every muscle has been adjusted in place.

Every cell in his body is silent, just for the ultimate bloom.

The Ten Ghost Snake King Horse was waiting to come into contact with the kid's face, instantly hardening his arm muscles and blasting out to destroy everything he came into contact with.

This is Erhu Ryu-King Kong Type-Iron Shatter

The most direct blow in "Erhu Style"!

The power of this punch contains more than 20 years of experience. Ten Ghost Snake King Horse has tried to break a three-meter-high rock into pieces.

"Don't blame me, kid"

"It's your bad luck today!"

Ten Ghost Snake King Ma looked at Ishigami who looked indifferent and did not dodge.

"Are you scared out of your wits?"

Er Hu's eyesight on people is really bad.

"Game over, General"

The wind blown by the fierce fist blows around like a sickle and blows up the dust on the ground.

Even the moon in the sky couldn't bear to see this scene.

Let the dark clouds cover it up

The bright moonlight is no longer

Night falls

People can't help but sigh

"Moon, where have you been?"

What followed was an outrageously heavy sound of flesh colliding.

Shen Zhong is as heavy as the knock of ancient twilight

Straight to the soul


This bang opened a big hole in Fujiwara Chika's chest. She collapsed and knelt down as if her strength had been drained, and the tears in her eyes kept flowing down.


Her cell phone dropped to the ground unconsciously, but Chika Fujiwara had no intention of picking it up.

With empty eyes, she was still mumbling something.

The only sounds in the darkness were the sound of crazy laughter and the girl's sobs.

"This punch is perfect, it feels so good."

"Ha ha ha ha."

The Ten Ghost Snake King Ma still had a proud smile on his face, and the touch of his fist actually hit the kid.

But soon the smile on his face froze, because Ten Ghost Snake King Ma couldn't retract his fist at all.

His face became very ugly

The boy's soft voice was so dazzling in the ears of Ten Ghost Snake King Ma

"Senior Qianhua, don't cry."

"I've always treated you so well in vain."

"Look at how you don't have any confidence in me at the critical moment."

There was a sneer in the darkness, seeming to be laughing at someone's overestimation.

"And the fist of such a soft-footed shrimp wants to hurt me. It's simply unreasonable."

The moon was finally willing to come out of the darkness and shine its light on Shi Shang.

"How can this be!?"

The scene that Ten Demon Snake Ouma saw through the moonlight made him wonder whether it was a dream or reality.

Compared to Ouma's tall and strong body, although Ishigami's height has changed a lot due to the breathing exercises, the difference in body size between the two is as huge as an insect and a big tree. But this tiny insect is now shaking the entire towering tree with an astonishing momentum.

Because Ishigami, who had an indifferent face, only used three fingers to receive the punch that Juuki Snake Ouma felt most comfortable with in his history.

Now there is still a trace of heat remaining on Shi Shang's fingers, which are smoking.

But even these three fingers made Ten Ghost Snake King Ma unable to move and fell into forced stiffness.

This scene was beyond his cognition, making him unable to understand or accept it.

His fists and cannons, which were unable to break boulders in the past, were actually taken down in such a childish manner.

How can this be!

But if Ouma observes the surrounding environment, he will find that there are actually two deep footprints left on the ground near the stone.

The fist was packed with astonishing destructive power, and the power contained in it was transferred from the stone to the ground.


Chika Fujiwara, who was covering her mouth, heard a familiar voice, and her empty eyes finally regained their light.

"Yeah, I'm here."

The moonlight in the sky shone on Shi Shang's body, and he responded with a smile.

Facing his gaze, Chika Fujiwara, who was thinking a lot, felt that the moonlight on her body was hot.


Ishigami was looking at each other with Senior Qianhua when he suddenly saw a black shadow in his peripheral vision.


He immediately released the fingers that restrained the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse, and then bent down to avoid the sharp leg knife.

With a face that was so gloomy that it could drip water, Ten Demon Snake Ouma showed his body's amazing flexibility. He quickly raised his right leg and kicked it upwards.

The target was aimed directly at Ishigami's head, who didn't take him seriously.

Ishigami, who had narrowly avoided it again and again, wiped the non-existent sweat on his head and said in a frivolous tone.

"It was so dangerous, it almost hit me."

Then he said angrily to Senior Qianhua like a wronged child.

"Senior Qianhua, do you think a sneak attack is really excessive?"

"You damn brat!"

"How much do you have to look down on people!"

This bastard kid was flirting with his little girlfriend without even looking serious.

When he raised his head again, the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse, whose eyes were already red, roared angrily.

His current state was very strange. The moonlight seemed to be out of focus on him, and his originally bronze skin turned blue-purple.

Ten Ghost Snake Ouma felt the burning pain in his body spread all over his body, as if what was flowing in his veins was not blood but molten iron.

"Ah la la, I seem to have gone too far."

The corners of Ishigami's mouth rose slightly, and he heard what seemed to be the gasping of a bloody beast in his ears, and he touched his head in embarrassment.

But there was no trace of remorse in this tone.

He shook his hand

"Don't care, don't care"

"You hit yours."

"I said mine"

"It's okay, you are weak anyway."

"I can barely cope with it."

"Besides, I'm not like a wild beast that uses all his strength to hunt rabbits."

"Anyway, this is enough for you."

The Ten Ghost Snake King Ma, who was gritting his teeth and with veins popping out on his forehead, just stepped forward, and the ground cracked under the load.

Before the cement floor broke, the hateful-looking Ten Turtle Snake King Horse rushed towards the stone as fast as a cannonball.

But soon, he flew backwards at an even faster speed.

When the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse hit the wall hard, he had already lost consciousness under the effect of the terrifying force.

Even the strange mode he entered before exited immediately.

Ishigami unclenched his fist and looked down at the unconscious Ten Ghost Snake King Ma with a cold gaze.

"That's outrageous."

"The world is big"

"The frog in the well..."

Damn, I’m actually not slowing down the progress. It's just for the sake of the plot. The pace may be slower but there's more foreshadowing. The predecessor of Erhu-ryu is the "Wou-ryu", the top school in Kenwan Asura. It doesn't make much sense for the system to keep trying to catch fish. I think it might be better to use another way of thinking. (Besides, some readers have not read Quan Yuan, so I will introduce the characters in it as if they were new characters, which may be a bit verbose.)

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