I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 121 Justice is executed!

"It hurts."

On the dimly lit road, the girl's slightly panicked voice came.

A vehicle in the distance with flashing blue and red lights has just gone away. If you hear it turning back, it will be an "alarm call" at the speed of light.

However, this idea is impossible to establish because Ishigami and Fujiwara Chika just came down from there.

So now no one can support the girl

Looking at Fujiwara Chika, who had become quite proficient in squatting down with her head in her hands, and the words she habitually blurted out.

Ishigami smiled helplessly and said nothing. He just put down the hand he had just raised.

"Ah, it doesn't seem to hurt?"

Fujiwara Chika, who was squatting on the ground with her eyes closed, was a little confused when she still felt the pain of the familiar hand knife hitting her head.

She opened her eyes slightly and carefully raised her head to look at "Yu-kun" who was holding her arms with both hands next to her. Chika Fujiwara's hands did not forget to protect her head.

Those pitiful eyes looked so humble.

"Nonsense, I didn't hit you."

"Why are you in pain?"

Ishigami pulled Fujiwara Chika up from the ground angrily and sighed.

"Senior Qianhua, now you can predict my actions, right?"

Isn't that right? Now Chika Fujiwara will instinctively want to protect her head whenever she sees Ishigami raising his hand.

It has formed a conditioned reflex, and even if I say it, I feel pitiful.

In the mind of Chika Fujiwara

The action of "Ishigami raising his hand" is equivalent to "wanting to hit Qianhua on the head".

Moreover, she was already feeling guilty, and her feeling became even stronger when she saw Ishigami raising his hand.

I just saw his arm moving up slightly, and I had already taken defensive measures in advance.

"If you don't tell me, how would I know?"

Chika Fujiwara whispered softly


"It's nothing, Yuu-kun."

Noticing that Ishigami's gaze swept over Chika Fujiwara, she still chose to follow her heart, with a hint of flattery in the silly smile on her face.

"What's that?"

Ishigami spread his hands to Fujiwara Chika

"I just want to help you put your body where it belongs."

"Otherwise, I always feel that there is something wrong with it."

Fujiwara Chika saw a dark bow lying on Ishigami's palm, which was exactly the one that should have been lying in her pocket before.

But I seem to have dropped it somewhere and can’t find it.

Now I am so happy to have lost it!

She took the bow from his hand and tied it in her pink flowing hair.

"Oh, thank you. Yu-kun"

"It's just a bow tie, just throw it away, it's nothing."

She said it didn't matter, but she was still very happy to get the bow again.

For Chika Fujiwara, who loves bows, every bow is unique.

If she loses one, she will be sad for a long time.

It's just a little bit unpleasant

Chika Fujiwara glared at Ishigami

"That's very rude, Yuu-kun!"

"It's said that a bow tie is a person's true identity. How can there be such a thing?"

"I just like her a little bit, it's not as outrageous as you said."

It seems that Chika Fujiwara is no longer Chika Fujiwara without Ribbon.


"How dare you say that."

Ishigami glanced at Chika Fujiwara, who had neatly put on her bow, and the expression on her face instantly changed.

You have no idea how many bows there are in your jewelry table.

But there was no point in arguing with her about this kind of thing, Ishigami still chose the most efficient approach.

With just one sentence, Chika Fujiwara, who was strong on the outside but was weak on the inside, lost her confidence.

"Yes, yes, I am really grateful to Chihua-sama tonight. Not only did he take my little one to eat delicious food, but he also allowed me to experience the feeling of riding in a Tokyo "police car" for the first time."

"And let them take us home."

"Is this the daughter of a political family? She's so wild."

"I think the person with the most powerful background in the student union is not Shinomiya-senpai but you, Chika-senpai."

This man is killing

In fact, when Chika Fujiwara heard this, the cold sweat on her head was already flowing down.


"Stop talking, I already know I was wrong."

Ishigami turned a blind eye to the information conveyed by Fujiwara Chika's eyes and continued.

"And, and."

"If the brave Lord Qianhua hadn't come forward tonight, I would have been treated as a gangster who had evil intentions against you."

"I was almost frightened by so many guns being pointed at me. So I am really, really grateful to Mr. Qianhua who came forward."


Fujiwara Chika looked painful and covered her ears. This was a nightmare.

In fact, their way back was not very peaceful, and various things happened.

This is why she feels so guilty

None of this had to happen.

Chika Fujiwara was looking for Uncle Kojima's (Director of Tokyo Metropolitan Police) phone number when she suddenly remembered what her grandfather said to her.

"Qianhua, remember this. If you encounter any danger, just press the "SOS" signal on your phone."

Then Chika Fujiwara pressed down without hesitation, but she didn't expect that the rescue would come too quickly.

Not to mention "police cars", there were even three police helicopters.

When the searchlights of the three helicopters shone on Ishigami and Fujiwara Chika, she realized that something was serious.

Chika Fujiwara and everyone are stupid

"I never heard my grandfather say that so many people would come."

In fact, not only Fujiwara Chika, but also the three sisters' cell phone distress signals were directly connected to the Metropolitan Police Department's rapid response force. After all, the Fujiwara family's status was quite special.

Her grandfather is the former prime minister and has retired, but many of his disciples have controlled many real power departments. Her uncle is the current minister of foreign affairs. Many people who have held this position eventually became neon prime minister.

Fujiwara Chika's uncle had no children, so he took great care of the three sisters as if they were his own.

This led to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department attaching great importance to the protection of the female relatives of the Fujiwara family.

Upon receiving a distress signal from Chika Fujiwara,

The famous ace of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department was dispatched directly.

"44th Riot Control Unit"

This unit has a notorious reputation

Use violence and direct force to intervene and suppress (slaughter) all dissenters.

He is an expert who specializes in handling a series of urgent emergencies.

The most important thing is that the captain of this force is the most terrifying monster ever raised by the Metropolitan Police Department, and the strongest person in the entire Neon Metropolitan Police Department system.

The man who was dubbed the "Executioner" frightened countless criminals - Aguya Kiyaki.

Class is the "Police Department"

With such a high-profile gesture, passers-by who didn't know why they thought they were trying to arrest some internationally important wanted criminal.

In the early years, Aguya performed very well in the army. Almost all major cases were solved by Aguya. Therefore, people in the Metropolitan Police Department worshiped and respected Aguya very much. Aguya is also the embodiment of justice in the hearts of everyone. As long as he is around, there is no way for sin to escape.

But in recent years, this guy has completely turned into a killing machine, ranging from robbers to wanted criminals who only have one word "die" in his hands.

Agu Qingqiu will use lynching to execute anyone he thinks is evil.

He has only one goal and that is

"A world where evil does not exist"

Speaking of which, this guy's justice is a bit similar to Iino's, both have an overwhelming sense of justice.

There was no room for sand in her eyes, but what was different about Iino was that Ishigami was guiding her correctly.

But Agu Qingqiu's justice grew wildly.

Ishigami knew a lot of information about the man. This was because this guy was working for the public while also doing private work.

Yes, Agu Gu Qingqiu is also an insider.

Agu Qingqiu is a neon policeman and a boxing fighter.

Boxing record: 39 wins and 0 losses in 39 fights.

Assets acquired by the company: 191.115 billion yen

What is even more enviable is that his girlfriend is not only young and beautiful, but also a truly rich woman.

Shunka Hiyama is the president of "Wakao Life Insurance", one of Neon's three major insurance giants. Behind the other two insurance giants are the Shinomiya family and the Shijo family respectively.

"Killing Machine", "Executioner", etc. are all nicknames of Agu Qingqiu. It is quite dangerous to be targeted by him.

Agu Qingqiu, who "enforces justice", likes to often break into criminals' dens alone.

Then torture them to death one by one.

Then put them together neatly

In order to satisfy his sick "sense of justice"

Ishigami had almost become the target of Agu Qingqiu's "execution of justice" before.

Ishigami didn't know what SOS signal Fujiwara Chika pressed, and Fujiwara Chika didn't know what her SOS signal would trigger.

That was a rather burly man who suddenly appeared in front of Ishigami and Fujiwara Chika, and he blocked their way alone.

"Confirm the mission target, Fujiwara Chika"

"The vital signs are all normal."

Ishigami was seen supporting Chika Fujiwara, whose eyes were red and in a state of embarrassment, by Seiaki Agu who was wearing a standard explosion-proof mobile suit.

He immediately concluded that Ishigami was violating the girl's wishes.

It's a crime!

How could this make Aguya Qingqiu turn a blind eye to the fact that his eyes can’t tolerate even a little bit of sand?

"Justice executed!"

Under the helmet, Agu Gu Qingqiu frowned and raised his left hand in front of him as a shield like a giant shield, and then formed a fist with his right hand as if he was clenching a baton ready to strike at any time.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, which was terrifying.


Ishigami's hostility towards that guy came out of nowhere, but the killing intent was definitely aimed at him.

"Are all the uncles today so aggressive?"

"You won't even say a few words, but you're going to start a fight."

But to be honest, Shi Shang's condition is not very good at the moment.

Because the move that just defeated Ten Ghost Snake King Horse with one blow is called "Breaking Sky", which uses twisting force to strongly compress the air on the body surface, instantly converting the air pressure energy into air jet dynamic energy, which produces a powerful impact directly It can knock people out.

This is the move that can exert the greatest attack power in Ishigami's current form. It is very powerful, but it is just a crude imitation.

The force-generating technique of "twisting force" is much more advanced than that of "rotating force", and it is even more difficult to control.

Ishigami had no teacher, he just recreated it from memory. It was imitated by Wu Bei's "Green Fox Style - Broken Prison". At that time, Shi Shang suffered a lot from being beaten by this thing. There was no good piece of meat on his body, and his whole body was covered with dark-green, twisted muscle scars.

Such overbearing force, when blasted out, part of it acted on Shi Shang's arm muscles, tearing part of his muscles.

If you look carefully, Ishigami's left arm is actually trembling slightly and in a semi-conscious state.

The opponent this time is not easy to beat.

Ishigami could feel the pressure as heavy as a mountain from the man in front of him. It might be a bit difficult to deal with him in his daily state.

This uncle is much stronger than Ten Ghost Snake King Horse, and he is not on the same level.

"But men can't say no."

After Ishigami sighed and helped Fujiwara Chika to a safe place, he was about to have a few blows with Agu Qingqiu.


When Ishigami saw the man across from him making a cut sound, he canceled his previous action.

He folded his arms and acted as a spectator, and even the murderous intention exerted on the stone disappeared.

Soon nearly half of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department's police reinforcements arrived, and three helicopters hovered in the sky and focused their searchlights on Ishigami.

Not only that, it's like it came out of thin air from the ground. The Tokyo policemen, armed with live ammunition, swarmed up and pointed their guns at Ishigami.

There are red laser spots on vital parts of his body, which are beam aiming.

Snipers from a distance are already in place

During that battle, Shi Shang thought he had made some unforgivable mistake.

He had no choice but to raise his hands and gave up resistance.

Shi Shang's physical strength is not strong enough to withstand the baptism of the torrent of steel.

It's just that he can't understand

What did he do?

Could it be that bullying Qianhua-senpai too many times constitutes a crime?

Damn, it’s really illegal to bully an idiot! ?

Ishigami looked helpless

Fortunately, Chika Fujiwara suddenly remembered something and realized that she had called these people out.

She immediately stopped in front of Ishigami

Only then did it become clear that it was just a misunderstanding.

When I saw the man take off his helmet, it turned out to be Agu Qingqiu.

Then, Ishigami and Fujiwara Chika were honored to get into the police car for the first time and were sent back here.

Ishigami looked away from the familiar European-style small villa in the distance. He had been there last time.

That's the home of Senior Sister Qianhua.

It's not easy, being a knight escorting the princess all the way home.

Sir Knight, it's really a blessing that we didn't die on the way.

Ishigami felt that this night was really ridiculously busy. I came out just to relax, but I didn't expect to feel even more tired.

His left arm was in a semi-disabled and unconscious state, and the psychological trauma was immeasurable.

The source of all the commotion tonight is Fujiwara Chika, who looks very embarrassed now.

He is truly a devil-level destroyer.

Ishigami rubbed Fujiwara Chika’s head

Open your mouth to say something,

Finally sighed

say goodbye

"See you tomorrow, Senior Qianhua."

Just turned around and left

His heart is very tired, very tired

Today’s outcome is

defeat on stone

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